Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : MAY91.ZIP
Filename : 2N05026A

Output of file : 2N05026A contained in archive : MAY91.ZIP
title Net_CD
page 59, 132
; File: Net_CD.ASM
; Purpose: Workstation client device driver for
; remote CDROM access
; Description: This file contains the device driver
; header and the standard strategy and
; interrupt routines, as well as some
; of the initialization code and
; interfaces to BIOS, DOS, and NetBIOS
; functions.

subttl Structure definitions
page +
; Standard device driver header
rh struc

rh_length db ? ; header size, bytes
rh_unit db ? ; block dev. unit #
rh_command db ? ; device command code
rh_status dw ? ; device command status
rh_reserved db 8 dup (?)
rh ends

; INIT command header extensions
rh0 struc

rh0_rh db size rh dup (?)
rh0_numUnits db ? ; number block units
rh0_brkAddress dd ? ; end of driver address
rh0_bpb dd ? ; BIOS parameter block
rh0_devNumber db ? ; block device number
rh0 ends

subttl 'C' Driver Functions
page +
; Externally linked 'C' function declarations
extrn _UnknownCommand:near
extrn _Initialize:near
extrn _DevOpen:near
extrn _DevClose:near
extrn _IOInput:near
extrn _IOOutput:near

extrn _ReadLong:near
extrn _ReadPrefetch:near
extrn _Seek:near

subttl Segment Declarations
page +
; Segments are declared with _DATA first to allow the
; device driver header to appear at offset 0 within the
; driver at load time. _BSS and CONST are present to
; handle normal MS-C code emissions. _TEXT and INIT are
; declared last to allow for easy discarding of the
; driver Initialize routine.

_DATA segment word PUBLIC 'DATA'
assume ds:DGROUP
_DATA ends

_BSS segment word PUBLIC 'BSS'
assume ds:DGROUP
_BSS ends

CONST segment word PUBLIC 'CONST'
assume ds:DGROUP
CONST ends

_TEXT segment word PUBLIC 'CODE'
assume cs:DGROUP, ds:DGROUP
_TEXT ends

INIT segment word PUBLIC 'INIT'
assume cs:DGROUP, ds:DGROUP
INIT ends

subttl Net_CD Data Segment
page +

_DATA segment


; Public declarations for initialization code
PUBLIC _DevHeader
; Device driver header with CDROM extension fields
_DevHeader label word
dd -1 ; next driver
dw 0c800h ; device attributes
dw DGROUP:DevStrategy
dw DGROUP:DevInterrupt
db 'NET-CD '
dw 0 ; CDROM reserved
db 0 ; CDROM drive letter
db 1 ; number of units

; Local data for function dispatcher
rh_offset dw ? ; Req Hdr pointer
rh_segment dw ?

save_sp dw ? ; old stack save
save_ss dw ? ; area

local_stack dw 256 dup ('s') ; local stack
top_stack dw DGROUP:$ ; me and 'C'

; Driver standard commands jump table
DevCmdTbl label word
dw DGROUP:_Initialize
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_IOInput
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_IOOutput
dw DGROUP:_DevOpen
dw DGROUP:_DevClose
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand

; CDROM extended commands jump table
DevExtCmdTbl label word
dw DGROUP:_ReadLong
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_ReadPrefetch
dw DGROUP:_Seek
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand
dw DGROUP:_UnknownCommand

_DATA ends

subttl Net_CD Text Segment
page +

; Assembly language portion of the Text segment contains
; the standard driver Strategy and Interrupt routines as
; well an interface routine to NetBIOS

_TEXT segment

; Device Strategy routine
; Save request header pointer for subsequent call to
; Interrupt routine.

DevStrategy proc far

mov cs:rh_offset, bx
mov cs:rh_segment, es

DevStrategy endp

; Device Interrupt routine
; DevInterrupt sets up a stack for the 'C' routines
; and validates the command before dispatching it to
; an appropriate handler.

DevInterrupt proc far

; save calling context
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es

; setup addressing for local and 'C'
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax

; switch to local stack
mov save_sp, sp
mov save_ss, ss
mov ss, ax
mov sp, top_stack

; reload request header pointer
mov ax, rh_segment
mov es, ax
mov bx, rh_offset

; prepare for call to handlers
push es
push bx

; process command
mov al, es:[bx].rh_command
xor ah, ah
cmp al, 128 ; CDROM cmd?
jae IntCDROMCmd

cmp al, 15 ; valid cmd?
jb IntStdCmd

IntInvalid: mov ax, 8013h ; set unknown
jmp IntExit

IntCDROMCmd: sub al, 128
cmp al, 8 ; valid CDROM?
ja IntInvalid

shl ax, 1 ; dispatch to
mov si, ax ; handler
call DevExtCmdTbl[si]
jmp IntExit

IntStdCmd: shl ax, 1 ; dispatch to
mov si, ax ; handler
call DevCmdTbl[si]

; set up exit status
IntExit: pop bx
pop es
mov es:[bx].rh_status, ax

; reset calling context
mov ss, save_ss
mov sp, save_sp

pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

DevInterrupt endp

; _NetBIOS : void NetBIOS (NCB far *)
; Call NetBIOS at INT 5C. This function assumes
; NetBIOS has been loaded and makes no checks to
; verify that.

_NetBIOS proc near
push bp
mov bp, sp

; set es:bx to point to NCB and go
push bx
push es
mov bx, [bp+4]
mov ax, [bp+6]
mov es, ax
int 5ch

pop bx
pop es
pop bp
_NetBIOS endp

_TEXT ends

subttl Net_CD INIT Segment
page +

; Driver INIT segment
; Having the Initialize function linked last guarantees
; that it appears last in the _TEXT segment. Since this
; segment comes after the _TEXT segment when Initializes
; tells DOS to discard the data from _Initialize on all
; of this segment will disappear also.

INIT segment

; _DisplayString : void DisplayString (char *)
; Displays a string using DOS function 9. This function
; may only be used during device driver initialization.

PUBLIC _DisplayString
_DisplayString proc near

push bp
mov bp, sp

push di
push si

mov ah, 9 ; display str$
mov dx, [bp+4] ; string ptr.
int 21h

pop si
pop di
pop bp
_DisplayString endp

; _SetEndAddress : void SetEndAddress (struc rh0 far *)
; Set the ending address of the device driver in the
; Initialize request header. The location of
; _Initialize is taken to be the location at which
; discardable data begins, which will effectively
; eliminate the INIT segment also.

PUBLIC _SetEndAddress
_SetEndAddress proc near

push bp
mov bp, sp

; get request header in es:di
push di
mov di, [bp+4]
mov ax, [bp+6]
mov es, ax

; set address in rh0_brkAddress
mov word ptr es:[di].rh0_brkAddress, offset DGROUP:_Initialize
mov word ptr es:[di].rh0_brkAddress+2, cs

pop di
pop bp
_SetEndAddress endp

; Discardable initialization data
PUBLIC _banner, __acrtused
; Device Driver loading banner
_banner db 0dh, 0ah
db 'Net_CD.SYS: Workstation Client'
db ' Software Loaded'
db 0dh, 0ah, '$', 0

; So MSC doesn't complain - set a CRT being used
__acrtused dw 1

INIT ends

end Net_CD

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : MAY91.ZIP
Filename : 2N05026A

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: