Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : MAR93.ZIP
Filename : FLIC.ASC

Output of file : FLIC.ASC contained in archive : MAR93.ZIP
by Jim Kent


/* readflic.c -- Routines to read and decompress a flic. Assumes Intel byte
* ordering, but otherwise should be fairly portable. Calls machine-specific
* stuff in pcclone.c. This file starts with the low-level decompression
* routines: first for colors, then for pixels. It then goes to higher-level
* exported flic_xxxx routines as prototyped in readflic.h.
* Copyright (c) 1992 Jim Kent. This file may be freely used, modified,
* copied and distributed. This file was first published as part of
* an article for Dr. Dobb's Journal March 1993 issue. */

#include "types.h"
#include "pcclone.h"
#include "flic.h"
#include "readflic.h"

typedef void ColorOut(Screen *s, int start, Color far *colors, int count);
/* This is the type of output parameter to our decode_color below.
* Not coincidently screen_put_color is of this type. */
static void decode_color(Uchar huge *data
, Flic *flic, Screen *s, ColorOut *output)
/* Decode color map. Put results into output. Two color compressions
* are identical except that RGB values are 0-63 or 0-255. Passing in
* an output that does appropriate shifting on way to real pallete lets
* us use the same code for both COLOR_64 and COLOR_256 compression. */
int start = 0;
Uchar far *cbuf = (Uchar far *)data;
Short far *wp = (Short far *)cbuf;
Short ops;
int count;

ops = *wp;
cbuf += sizeof(*wp);
while (--ops >= 0)
start += *cbuf++;
if ((count = *cbuf++) == 0)
count = 256;
(*output)(s, start, (Color far *)cbuf, count);
cbuf += 3*count;
start += count;
static void decode_color_256(Uchar huge *data, Flic *flic, Screen *s)
/* Decode COLOR_256 chunk. */
decode_color(data, flic, s, screen_put_colors);
static void decode_color_64(Uchar huge *data, Flic *flic, Screen *s)
/* Decode COLOR_64 chunk. */
decode_color(data, flic, s, screen_put_colors_64);
static void decode_byte_run(Uchar huge *data, Flic *flic, Screen *s)
/* Byte-run-length decompression. */
int x,y;
int width = flic->head.width;
int height = flic->head.height;
Char psize;
Char huge *cpt = data;
int end;

y = flic->yoff;
end = flic->xoff + width;
while (--height >= 0)
x = flic->xoff;
cpt += 1; /* skip over obsolete opcount byte */
psize = 0;
while ((x+=psize) < end)
psize = *cpt++;
if (psize >= 0)
screen_repeat_one(s, x, y, *cpt++, psize);
psize = -psize;
screen_copy_seg(s, x, y, (Pixel far *)cpt, psize);
cpt += psize;
static void decode_delta_fli(Uchar huge *data, Flic *flic, Screen *s)
/* Fli style delta decompression. */
int xorg = flic->xoff;
int yorg = flic->yoff;
Short huge *wpt = (Short huge *)data;
Uchar huge *cpt = (Uchar huge *)(wpt + 2);
int x,y;
Short lines;
Uchar opcount;
Char psize;

y = yorg + *wpt++;
lines = *wpt;
while (--lines >= 0)
x = xorg;
opcount = *cpt++;
while (opcount > 0)
x += *cpt++;
psize = *cpt++;
if (psize < 0)
psize = -psize;
screen_repeat_one(s, x, y, *cpt++, psize);
x += psize;
screen_copy_seg(s, x, y, (Pixel far *)cpt, psize);
cpt += psize;
x += psize;
opcount -= 1;
static void decode_delta_flc(Uchar huge *data, Flic *flic, Screen *s)
/* Flc-style delta decompression. Data is word-oriented. Much control info
* (how far to skip, how many words to copy) are still byte-oriented. */
int xorg = flic->xoff;
int yorg = flic->yoff;
int width = flic->head.width;
int x,y;
Short lp_count;
Short opcount;
int psize;
union {Short huge *w; Uchar huge *ub; Char huge *b; Pixels2 huge *p2;} wpt;
int lastx;
lastx = xorg + width - 1;
wpt.ub = data;
lp_count = *wpt.w++;
y = yorg;
goto LPACK;
SKIPLINES: /* Advance over some lines. */
y -= opcount;
LPACK: /* do next line */
if ((opcount = *wpt.w++) >= 0)
goto DO_SS2OPS;
if( ((Ushort)opcount) & 0x4000) /* skip lines */
screen_put_dot(s,(Uchar)opcount,lastx,y); /* eol dot with low byte */
if((opcount = *wpt.w++) == 0)
if (--lp_count > 0)
goto LPACK;
goto OUT;
x = xorg;
PPACK: /* do next packet */
x += *wpt.ub++;
psize = *wpt.b++;
if ((psize += psize) >= 0)
screen_copy_seg(s, x, y, (Pixel far *)wpt.ub, psize);
x += psize;
wpt.ub += psize;
if (--opcount != 0)
goto PPACK;
if (--lp_count > 0)
goto LPACK;
psize = -psize;
screen_repeat_two(s, x, y, *wpt.p2++, psize>>1);
x += psize;
if (--opcount != 0)
goto PPACK;
if (--lp_count > 0)
goto LPACK;
static void decode_black(Uchar huge *data, Flic *flic, Screen *s)
/* Decode a BLACK chunk. Set frame to solid color 0 one line at a time. */
Pixels2 black;
int i;
int height = flic->head.height;
int width = flic->head.width;
int x = flic->xoff;
int y = flic->yoff;

black.pixels[0] = black.pixels[1] = 0;
for (i=0; i {
screen_repeat_two(s, x, y+i, black, width/2);
if (width & 1) /* if odd set last pixel */
screen_put_dot(s, x+width-1, y+i, 0);
static void decode_literal(Uchar huge *data, Flic *flic, Screen *s)
/* Decode a LITERAL chunk. Copy data to screen one line at a time. */
int i;
int height = flic->head.height;
int width = flic->head.width;
int x = flic->xoff;
int y = flic->yoff;

for (i=0; i {
screen_copy_seg(s, x, y+i, (Pixel far *)data, width);
data += width;
ErrCode flic_open(Flic *flic, char *name)
/* Open flic file. Read header, verify it's a flic. Seek to first frame. */
ErrCode err;
ClearStruct(flic); /* Start at a known state. */
if ((err = file_open_to_read(&flic->handle, name)) >= Success)
if ((err = file_read_block(flic->handle, &flic->head, sizeof(flic->head)))
>= Success)
flic->name = name; /* Save name for future use. */
if (flic->head.type == FLC_TYPE)
/* Seek frame 1. */
return Success;
if (flic->head.type == FLI_TYPE)
/* Do some conversion work here. */
flic->head.oframe1 = sizeof(flic->head);
flic->head.speed = flic->head.speed * 1000L / 70L;
return Success;
err = ErrBadFlic;
flic_close(flic); /* Close down and scrub partially opened flic. */
return err;
void flic_close(Flic *flic)
/* Close flic file and scrub flic. */
ClearStruct(flic); /* Discourage use after close. */
static ErrCode decode_frame(Flic *flic
, FrameHead *frame, Uchar huge *data, Screen *s)
/* Decode a frame that is in memory already into screen. Here we
* loop through each chunk calling appropriate chunk decoder. */
int i;
ChunkHead huge *chunk;
for (i=0; ichunks; ++i)
chunk = (ChunkHead huge *)data;
data += chunk->size;
switch (chunk->type)
case COLOR_256:
decode_color_256((Uchar huge *)(chunk+1), flic, s);
decode_delta_flc((Uchar huge *)(chunk+1), flic, s);

case COLOR_64:
decode_color_64((Uchar huge *)(chunk+1), flic, s);
decode_delta_fli((Uchar huge *)(chunk+1), flic, s);
case BLACK:
decode_black((Uchar huge *)(chunk+1), flic, s);
case BYTE_RUN:
decode_byte_run((Uchar huge *)(chunk+1), flic, s);
decode_literal((Uchar huge *)(chunk+1), flic, s);
return Success;
ErrCode flic_next_frame(Flic *flic, Screen *screen)
/* Advance to next frame of flic. */
FrameHead head;
ErrCode err;
BigBlock bb;
long size;
if ((err = file_read_block(flic->handle, &head, sizeof(head))) >= Success)
if (head.type == FRAME_TYPE)
size = head.size - sizeof(head); /* Don't include head. */
if (size > 0)
if ((err = big_alloc(&bb, size)) >= Success)
if ((err = file_read_big_block(flic->handle, &bb, size))
>= Success)
err = decode_frame(flic, &head, bb.hpt, screen);
err = ErrBadFrame;
return err;
static Ulong calc_end_time(Ulong millis, Clock *clock)
/* Little helper subroutine to find out when to start on next frame. */
return clock_ticks(clock) + millis * clock->speed / 1000l;
static ErrCode wait_til(Ulong end_time, Machine *machine)
/* This waits until key is hit or end_time arrives. Return Success if timed
* out, ErrCancel if key hit. Insures keyboard poll at least once. */
if (key_ready(&machine->key))
return ErrCancel;
while (clock_ticks(&machine->clock) < end_time);
return Success;
ErrCode flic_play_once(Flic *flic, Machine *machine)
/* Play a flic through once. */
ErrCode err;
int i;
Ulong end_time;
for (i=0; ihead.frames; ++i)
end_time = calc_end_time(flic->head.speed, &machine->clock);
if ((err = flic_next_frame(flic, &machine->screen)) < Success)
if ((err = wait_til(end_time, machine)) < Success)
return err;
static ErrCode fill_in_frame2(Flic *flic)
/* This determines where second frame of flic is (useful for a loop). */
FrameHead head;
ErrCode err;
lseek(flic->handle, flic->head.oframe1, SEEK_SET);
if ((err = file_read_block(flic->handle, &head, sizeof(head))) < Success)
return err;
flic->head.oframe2 = flic->head.oframe1 + head.size;
return Success;
ErrCode flic_play_loop(Flic *flic, Machine *machine)
/* Play a flic until key is pressed. */
int i;
Ulong end_time;
ErrCode err;

if (flic->head.oframe2 == 0)
/* Seek to first frame. */
lseek(flic->handle, flic->head.oframe1, SEEK_SET);
/* Save time to move on. */
end_time = calc_end_time(flic->head.speed, &machine->clock);
/* Display first frame. */
if ((err = flic_next_frame(flic, &machine->screen)) < Success)
return err;
for (;;)
/* Seek to second frame */
lseek(flic->handle, flic->head.oframe2, SEEK_SET);
/* Loop from 2nd frame thru ring frame*/
for (i=0; ihead.frames; ++i)
if (wait_til(end_time, machine) < Success)
return Success; /* Time out is a success here. */
if ((err = flic_next_frame(flic, &machine->screen)) < Success)
return err;
end_time = calc_end_time(flic->head.speed, &machine->clock);
static char *err_strings[] =
"Unspecified error",
"Not enough memory",
"Not a flic file",
"Bad frame in flic",
"Couldn't open display",
"Couldn't open keyboard",
"User canceled action",
char *flic_err_string(ErrCode err)
/* Return a string that describes an error. */
if (err >= Success)
return "Success"; /* Shouldn't happen really... */
if (err == ErrOpen || err == ErrRead)
return strerror(errno); /* Get Disk IO error from DOS. */
err = -err;
err -= 1;
if (err > ArrayEls(err_strings))
return "Unknown error";
return err_strings[err];


/* Readflic.h -- Prototypes and other structural info for readflic program.
* Copyright (c) 1992 Jim Kent. This file may be freely used, modified,
* copied and distributed. This file was first published as part of
* an article for Dr. Dobb's Journal March 1993 issue. */

/* Some handy macros I use in lots of programs: */
#define ArrayEls(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))
/* Count up number of elements in an array */
#define ClearMem(buf,size) memset(buf, 0, size)
/* Clear a block of memory. */
#define ClearStruct(pt) ClearMem(pt, sizeof(*(pt)))
/* Clear a structure (pass in pointer) */
/* Data structures peculiar to readflic program: */
typedef struct
FlicHead head; /* Flic file header. */
int handle; /* File handle. */
int frame; /* Current frame in flic. */
char *name; /* Name from flic_open. */
int xoff,yoff; /* Offset to display flic at. */
} Flic;
/* Prototypes peculiar to readflic program: */
ErrCode flic_open(Flic *flic, char *name);
/* Open flic file. Read header and verify it's a flic. */
void flic_close(Flic *flic);
/* Close flic file and scrub flic. */
ErrCode flic_play_once(Flic *flic, Machine *machine);
/* Play a flic through once. */
ErrCode flic_play_loop(Flic *flic, Machine *machine);
/* Play a flic until key is pressed. */
ErrCode flic_next_frame(Flic *flic, Screen *screen);
/* Advance to next frame of flic. */
/* Various error codes flic reader can get. */
#define ErrNoMemory -2 /* Not enough memory. */
#define ErrBadFlic -3 /* File isn't a flic. */
#define ErrBadFrame -4 /* Bad frame in flic. */
#define ErrOpen -5 /* Couldn't open file. Check errno. */
#define ErrRead -6 /* Couldn't read file. Check errno. */
#define ErrDisplay -7 /* Couldn't open display. */
#define ErrClock -8 /* Couldn't open clock. */
#define ErrKey -9 /* Couldn't open keyboard. */
#define ErrCancel -10 /* User cancelled. */

Figure 1


file header
optional prefix chunk
first frame (run-length compressed)
second frame (delta compressed)
nth frame (delta compressed)
ring frame (delta between nth frame and first)


Flic chunk (includes header and rest of file)
prefix chunk (in .FLC files only)
settings chunk (Animator Pro private area)
position chunk (Offset of cel into screen)
frame 1 chunk
postage stamp (icon of first frame, .FLC only)
color data (256 colors)
pixel data (normally run length encoded)
frame 2 chunk
color data (only colors that change)
pixel data (delta encoded)
ring frame chunk
color data (only colors that change)
pixel data (delta encoded)

Example 1:

2 ; two packets
2,1,r,g,b ; skip 2, change 1
4,3,r,g,b,r,g,b,r,g,b ; skip 4, change 3

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : MAR93.ZIP
Filename : FLIC.ASC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: