Dec 172017
File ITCAPR91.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
Inside Turbo C April 1991.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DOGDATA.C 1405 531 deflated
DOGDATA.PRJ 17 17 stored
DOGGIE.C 3509 1280 deflated
DOGGIE.H 1045 338 deflated
MEMFIGA.C 428 252 deflated
MEMFIGB.C 405 250 deflated
MEMTST.C 2266 991 deflated
READ.ME 1200 443 deflated

Download File ITCAPR91.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

APRIL 1991Inside Turbo C

Implementing sets in Turbo C: Part 1
Letter: The unreachable code warning
The BIOS keyboard services
-- There are no listings for these articles --

Using the mem*() functions
MEMFIGA.C - The code shown in Figure A
MEMFIGB.C - The code shown in Figure B
MEMTST.C - The listing for the example program

Using information clustering to simplify your programs
DOGDATA.C - the demonstration program that prints reports
DOGGIE.H - the interface description of the info cluster
DOGGIE.C - the code for the information cluster
DOGDATA.PRJ - the project file for the demonstration program

Tabstops for all listings are set to 4 spaces.

Last updated: 3 April 1991

 December 17, 2017  Add comments

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