Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : ISSUE-44.ZIP
Filename : DUMP.C

Output of file : DUMP.C contained in archive : ISSUE-44.ZIP
/* Micro Cornucopia Issue #44 */
/* DUMP.C - tests screen to printer dump in Herc graphics mode */


void prn_out (unsigned char X)
_DX = 0; /* specify first parallel printer */
_AL = X;
_AH = 0; /* service 0 - byte out */
geninterrupt (0x17); /* printer interrupt */
} /* prn_out */

void prn_setup ()
prn_out (27); prn_out (109); prn_out (0); /* standard mode for Panasonic */
prn_out (27); prn_out ('@');/*reset printer - doesn't affect previous line*/
prn_out (13); /* carriage return */
prn_out (27); prn_out ('A'); prn_out (8); /* set 8/72 LF */
} /* prn_setup */

void get_line (int line_num, unsigned char buffer [348])
int col;

for (col=0; col<348; col++)
buffer [col] = ~peekb (0xb000, 0x2000 * (col % 4) + 90 * (col / 4)
+ line_num); /* get video byte */
} /* get_line */

void setup_gr_line (int width)
prn_out (27);
prn_out (75); /* set 60 dpi */
prn_out (width % 256); /* these two lines set # graphics ... */
prn_out (width / 256); /* ... chars to be sent */
} /* setup_gr_line */

void print_blank (int width)
int i;

setup_gr_line (width);
for (i=0; i prn_out (0); /* print blanks and hold print head position */
} /* print_blank */

void print_line (unsigned char buffer [348])
int i;

print_blank (60);
setup_gr_line (348);
for (i=347; i>=0; i--) /* print line in buffer, backwards */
prn_out (buffer [i]);
prn_out (10); /* line feed */
} /* print_line */

void dump_screen ()
int i;
char line_buf [348]; /* holds a column of video bytes */

prn_setup (); /* ready the printer */
for (i=0; i<90; i++) /* print each of the 90 video columns */
get_line (i, line_buf);
print_line (line_buf);
} /* dump_screen */

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : ISSUE-44.ZIP
Filename : DUMP.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: