Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : ISSUE-33.ZIP
Filename : SYSTEM.FIG

Output of file : SYSTEM.FIG contained in archive : ISSUE-33.ZIP

RegisterRecord =
record case integer of
1:(AX, BX, CX, DX, BP,SI,DI,DS,ES,Flags: integer);
2:(AL,AH, BL,BH, CL,CH, DL,DH: byte);

game = record
TeamName: string[30];
case sport: (baseball, football) of
baseball: (inning: integer;
runs, hits, errors: integer;
BaseballTactics: (bunt, slide, steal,
badger, eject, homerun));
football: (quarter: integer;
points: integer;
penalties: integer;
FootballTactics: (kill, maim, sack, charge,
trap, bomb, tackle, block));
end; { game }


FUNCTION DiskSpaceFree: integer;
Registers : RegisterRecord;
Tracks, Sectors, BytesPerSector : integer;
with Registers do
fillchar( Registers, sizeof( Registers ), 0 );
AH:= $36; { function number }
DL:= 0; { choose LPT1 }
MSDOS( Registers ); { make service call }
Tracks:= BX;
Sectors:= AX;
BytesPerSector:= CX;
if AX = $FFFF then DiskSpaceFree:= AX
else DiskSpaceFree:= round( Sectors * BytesPerSector/1024.0 * Tracks );
end; { DiskSpaceFree }


FUNCTION PrinterReady: boolean;
Status : byte;
Registers : RegisterRecord;
fillchar( Registers, sizeof( Registers ), 0 );
with Registers do
AH:= $01; { code to reset the printer }
DL:= $00; { printer number, 0 = LPT1 }
Intr( $17,Registers ); { call printer interrupt }
AH:= $02; { code for get the printer status }
DL:= $00; { printer number, 0 = LPT1 }
intr( $17,Registers ); { call printer interrupt }
Status:= AH;
PrinterReady:= not Odd( Status shr 4 ); { test bit 4 }
end; { PrinterReady }


{ Note that there is no check in the procedure below to insure that the text
of the line will not wrap around to the next line; it is assumed that the
line will fit. Note also that the use of the Turbo whereX and whereY
functions assumes that the entire screen is being used. If you wish to use
this procedure with windows, it will be necessary to subtract the first
column number of the window from whereX and the first line number from
whereY in order to calculate the offset. }

string255 = string[255];

PROCEDURE SpeedWrite( Line : string255 );
ScreenSegment = $B800; { for color card, change to $B000 for monochrome }
Offset, i : integer;
Offset:= pred( whereX )*2 + pred( whereY )*160; { calculate mem. location }
for i:= 1 to length( Line ) do
Mem[ ScreenSegment:Offset ]:= ord( Line[i] ); { set character byte }
Offset:= Offset + 2; { skip attribute byte }
gotoXY( whereX + length( Line ), whereY ); { move cursor to end of line }
end; { SpeedWrite }


{ This procedure swaps the colors of the character and the background at the
current cursor position, which effectively toggles reverse video on and off }

PROCEDURE InvertCharacter;
Registers : RegisterRecord;
fillchar( Registers, sizeof( Registers ), 0 );
with Registers do
AH:= 8; { code for read character and attribute at cursor location }
BH:= 0; { video page number, 0 = normally active page }
intr( $10,Registers ); { call video interrupt }
BL:= (AH shr 4) and $07 + (AH and $07) shl 4 + (AH and $08); { do invert }
BH:= 0; { video page number, as above }
AH:= 9; { code for write character and attribute }
CX:= 1; { number of characters to write }
intr( $10,Registers ); { call video interrupt }
end; { InvertCharacter }


{ The following procedure will set the DTA to the memory location
defined by the values Segment and Offset. All subsequent disk
read and write data will be buffered at the new DTA, where you
can look at it and modify it if you like. Remember that the DTA
must be at least as large as the size of one sector. Default DTA
is located at 80h in the program segment prefix. }

PROCEDURE SetDataTransferArea( Segment, Offset : integer );
Registers : RegisterRecord;
fillchar( Registers, sizeof( Registers ), 0 );
with Registers do
AH:= $1A; { function code for set DTA }
DS:= Segment; { segment portion of address }
DX:= Offset; { offset portion of address }
MSDos( Registers ); { make service call }
end; { SetDataTransferArea }


{ The following function returns the disk type of the drive number passed to
it, where fixed disk = F8h, quad density = F9h, SS 9 sector = FCh,
DS 9 sector = FDh, SS 8 sector = FEh, and DS 8 sector = FFh. }

PROCEDURE DiskType( Drive : byte );
Registers : RegisterRecord;
fillchar( Registers, sizeof( Registers ), 0 );
with Registers do
AH:= $1C; { function code for get FAT information }
DL:= Drive; { disk drive number, 0= Default, 1= A, etc. }
MsDos( Registers ); { make service call }
DiskType:= Mem[ DS:BX ];
end; { DiskType }


{ The function below returns the number of the currently logged drive, where
for consistency's sake (0 often refers to the default drive) 1 = A, 2 = B,
and so on. }

FUNCTION CurrentDrive : byte;
Registers : RegisterRecord;
fillchar( Registers, sizeof( Registers ), 0 );
with Registers do
AH:= $19; { function code for get current drive number }
MsDos( Registers ); { make service call }
CurrentDrive:= succ( AL ); { 1 = A, 2 = B, etc. }
end; { CurrentDrive }


{ The following procedure will turn the cursor on or off }

PROCEDURE TurnCursor( State : boolean );
Visible = 0;
Invisible = 1;
StartLine : integer = $06; { start and end lines should be changed }
EndLine : integer = $07; { for monochrome cards }
CursorType : integer = $00;
fillchar( Registers, sizeof( Registers ), 0 );
with Registers do
case State of
false : begin { blanks cursor }
CursorType:= Invisible;
CH:= CursorType shl 5 + StartLine;
CL:= EndLine;
true : begin { sets cursor on }
CursorType:= Visible;
CH:= CursorType shl 5 + StartLine;
CL:= EndLine;
end; { of case statement }
AH:= $01; { code for set cursor }
intr( $10, Registers ); { call video interrupt }
end; { TurnCursor }

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : ISSUE-33.ZIP
Filename : SYSTEM.FIG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: