Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJSRC.ZIP
Filename : MICROSFT.C

Output of file : MICROSFT.C contained in archive : DDJSRC.ZIP
/* ----------- microsft.c ------------ */

* Surrogate Turbo C functions
* for Microsoft C users.


/* -------- One of these is your Display Adapter -------- */
#define MDA 1 /* Monochrome Display Adapter */
#define CGA 2 /* Color Graphics Adapter */
#define EGA 3 /* Enhanced Graphics Adapter */
#define VGA 4 /* Video Graphics Array */

#define ADAPTER EGA /* Specifies the Display Adapter */

#define VSEG 0xb000 /* VSEG is the video memory segment */
#define VSEG 0xb800

#define SNOW 1
/* --- assembly language vpeek.asm: manages CGA flicker --- */
void vpoke(unsigned adr, unsigned off, int ch);
int vpeek(unsigned adr, unsigned off);
#define SNOW 0
/* ---- macros for vpeek and vpoke for non-CGA systems ---- */
#define MKFP(s,o) (((long)s<<16)|o)
#define vpoke(a,b,c) (*((int far*)MKFP(a,b))=c)
#define vpeek(a,b) (*((int far*)MKFP(a,b)))

static union REGS rg;

/* --- a structure defined within Turbo C and used by us --- */
struct {
char filler1[4];
char attribute; /* saves the current video attribute */
char filler2[5];
char snow; /* says if the adapter snows */
} _video;

static int wlf,wtp,wrt,wbt; /* current window corners */
static int wx,wy; /* current window cursor */

/* ------- define a video window ---------- */
void window(int lf,int tp,int rt,int bt)
wlf = lf;
wtp = tp;
wrt = rt;
wbt = bt;
_video.snow = (char ) SNOW;

/* ------ makes a video offset from x,y coordinates ----- */
#define vaddr(x,y) (((y)-1)*160+((x)-1)*2)

/* -- makes far pointer to video RAM from x,y coordinates -- */
void far * pascal __vptr(int x, int y)
void far *vp;

FP_SEG(vp) = VSEG;
FP_OFF(vp) = vaddr(x,y);
return vp;

/* ---- writes a block of memory to video ram ----- */
void pascal __vram(int far *vp, int far *bf, int len)
while(len--) {
vpoke(VSEG, FP_OFF(vp), *bf++);

/* ---- gets a block of memory from video ram ----- */
void pascal __getvram(int far *vp, int far *bf, int len)
while(len--) {
*bf++ = vpeek(VSEG, FP_OFF(vp));

/* ----- writes a memory block to a video window ----- */
void puttext(int lf,int tp,int rt,int bt,char *sv)
while (tp < bt+1) {
__vram(__vptr(lf, tp), (int far *) sv, rt+1-lf);
sv += (rt+1-lf)*2;

/* ----- reads a memory block from a video window ------ */
void gettext(int lf,int tp,int rt,int bt,char *sv)
while (tp < bt+1) {
__getvram(__vptr(lf, tp), (int far *) sv, rt+1-lf);
sv += (rt+1-lf)*2;

/* ------ moves a video window (used for scrolling) ------ */
void movetext(int lf, int tp, int rt, int bt, int lf1, int tp1)
int nolines = bt - tp + 1;
int incr = tp - tp1;
int len, i;
unsigned src, dst;

if (tp > tp1) {
src = tp;
dst = tp1;
else {
src = bt;
dst = tp1+nolines-1;
while (nolines--) {
len = rt - lf + 1;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
vpoke(VSEG, vaddr(lf1+i, dst),
vpeek(VSEG,vaddr(lf+i, src)));
src += incr;
dst += incr;

/* ----- position the window cursor ------ */
void gotoxy(int x,int y)
wx = x;
wy = y;
rg.h.ah = 15;
int86(16, &rg, &rg); = 0x0200;
rg.h.dh = wtp + y - 2;
rg.h.dl = wlf + x - 2;
int86(16, &rg, &rg);

/* ----- return the window cursor x coordinate ----- */
int wherex(void)
return wx;

/* ----- return the window cursor y coordinate ----- */
int wherey(void)
return wy;

/* ----- sets the window foreground (text) color ------- */
void textcolor(int cl)
_video.attribute = (_video.attribute & 0xf0) | (cl&0xf);

/* ----- sets the window background color ------- */
void textbackground(int cl)
_video.attribute = (_video.attribute & 0x8f) | ((cl&7)<<4);

void writeline(int, int, char *);

/* ------ our substitution for MSC cprintf -------- */
void wprintf(char *ln, ...)
char dlin [81], *dl = dlin, ch;
int cl[81], *cp = cl;
va_list ap;

va_start(ap, ln);
vsprintf(dlin, ln, ap);

while (*dl) {
ch = (*dl++ & 255);
if (!isprint(ch))
ch = ' ';
*cp++ = ch | (_video.attribute << 8);
(int far *) cl, strlen(dlin));
wx += strlen(dlin);

/* ------ our substitution for MSC putch -------- */
void wputch(c)
if (!isprint(c))
wprintf("%c", c);

/* ------ our substitution for MSC getch -------- */
int wgetch(void)
static unsigned ch = 0xffff;

if ((ch & 0xff) == 0) {
return (ch >> 8) & 0x7f;
ch = _bios_keybrd(_KEYBRD_READ);
return ch & 0x7f;

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJSRC.ZIP
Filename : MICROSFT.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: