Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJSEP91.ZIP
Filename : ONE_HASH.LST

Output of file : ONE_HASH.LST contained in archive : DDJSEP91.ZIP
by Bruce Schneier


** md5.c -- the source code for MD5 routines **
** RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm **
** Created: 2/17/90 RLR **
** Revised: 1/91 SRD,AJ,BSK,JT Reference C Version **
** Revised (for MD5): RLR 4/27/91 **
** Copyright (C) 1990, RSA Data Security, Inc. All rights reserved. **
** License to copy and use this software is granted provided that **
** it is identified as the "RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message- **
** Digest Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing this **
** software or this function. **
** License is also granted to make and use derivative works **
** provided that such works are identified as "derived from the RSA **
** Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all **
** material mentioning or referencing the derived work. **
** RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning **
** either the merchantability of this software or the suitability **
** of this software for any particular purpose. It is provided "as **
** is" without express or implied warranty of any kind. **
** These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this **
** documentation and/or software. **

#include "md5.h"

/* forward declaration */
static void Transform ();

static unsigned char PADDING[64] = {
0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00

/* F, G, H and I are basic MD5 functions */
#define F(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | ((~x) & (z)))
#define G(x, y, z) (((x) & (z)) | ((y) & (~z)))
#define H(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))
#define I(x, y, z) ((y) ^ ((x) | (~z)))

/* ROTATE_LEFT rotates x left n bits */
#define ROTATE_LEFT(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32-(n))))

/* FF, GG, HH, and II transformations for rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4 */
/* Rotation is separate from addition to prevent recomputation */
#define FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) \
{(a) += F ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (UINT4)(ac); \
(a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \
(a) += (b); \
#define GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) \
{(a) += G ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (UINT4)(ac); \
(a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \
(a) += (b); \
#define HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) \
{(a) += H ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (UINT4)(ac); \
(a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \
(a) += (b); \
#define II(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) \
{(a) += I ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (UINT4)(ac); \
(a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \
(a) += (b); \

/* The routine MD5Init initializes the message-digest context
mdContext. All fields are set to zero® */
void MD5Init (mdContext)
MD5_CTX *mdContext;
mdContext->i[0] = mdContext->i[1] = (UINT4)0;

/* Load magic initialization constants.
mdContext->buf[0] = (UINT4)0x67452301;
mdContext->buf[1] = (UINT4)0xefcdab89;
mdContext->buf[2] = (UINT4)0x98badcfe;
mdContext->buf[3] = (UINT4)0x10325476;

/* The routine MD5Update updates the message-digest context to
account for the presence of each of the characters inBuf[0..inLen-1]
in the message whose digest is being computed® */
void MD5Update (mdContext, inBuf, inLen)
MD5_CTX *mdContext;
unsigned char *inBuf;
unsigned int inLen;
UINT4 in[16];
int mdi;
unsigned int i, ii;

/* compute number of bytes mod 64 */
mdi = (int)((mdContext->i[0] >> 3) & 0x3F);

/* update number of bits */
if ((mdContext->i[0] + ((UINT4)inLen << 3)) < mdContext->i[0])
mdContext->i[0] += ((UINT4)inLen << 3);
mdContext->i[1] += ((UINT4)inLen >> 29);

while (inLen--) {
/* add new character to buffer, increment mdi */
mdContext->in[mdi++] = *inBuf++;

/* transform if necessary */
if (mdi == 0x40) {
for (i = 0, ii = 0; i < 16; i++, ii += 4)
in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |
(((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+2]) << 16) |
(((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+1]) << 8) |
Transform (mdContext->buf, in);
mdi = 0;

/* The routine MD5Final terminates the message-digest computation and
ends with the desired message digest in mdContext->digest[0...15]. */
void MD5Final (mdContext)
MD5_CTX *mdContext;
UINT4 in[16];
int mdi;
unsigned int i, ii;
unsigned int padLen;

/* save number of bits */
in[14] = mdContext->i[0];
in[15] = mdContext->i[1];

/* compute number of bytes mod 64 */
mdi = (int)((mdContext->i[0] >> 3) & 0x3F);

/* pad out to 56 mod 64 */
padLen = (mdi < 56) ? (56 - mdi) : (120 - mdi);
MD5Update (mdContext, PADDING, padLen);

/* append length in bits and transform */
for (i = 0, ii = 0; i < 14; i++, ii += 4)
in[i] = (((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+3]) << 24) |
(((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+2]) << 16) |
(((UINT4)mdContext->in[ii+1]) << 8) |
Transform (mdContext->buf, in);

/* store buffer in digest */
for (i = 0, ii = 0; i < 4; i++, ii += 4) {
mdContext->digest[ii] = (unsigned char)(mdContext->buf[i] & 0xFF);
mdContext->digest[ii+1] =
(unsigned char)((mdContext->buf[i] >> 8) & 0xFF);
mdContext->digest[ii+2] =
(unsigned char)((mdContext->buf[i] >> 16) & 0xFF);
mdContext->digest[ii+3] =
(unsigned char)((mdContext->buf[i] >> 24) & 0xFF);

/* Basic MD5 step. Transforms buf based on in® */
static void Transform (buf, in)
UINT4 *buf;
UINT4 *in;
UINT4 a = buf[0], b = buf[1], c = buf[2], d = buf[3];

/* Round 1 */
#define S11 7
#define S12 12
#define S13 17
#define S14 22
FF ( a, b, c, d, in[ 0], S11, 0xd76aa478); /* 1 */
FF ( d, a, b, c, in[ 1], S12, 0xe8c7b756); /* 2 */
FF ( c, d, a, b, in[ 2], S13, 0x242070db); /* 3 */
FF ( b, c, d, a, in[ 3], S14, 0xc1bdceee); /* 4 */
FF ( a, b, c, d, in[ 4], S11, 0xf57c0faf); /* 5 */
FF ( d, a, b, c, in[ 5], S12, 0x4787c62a); /* 6 */
FF ( c, d, a, b, in[ 6], S13, 0xa8304613); /* 7 */
FF ( b, c, d, a, in[ 7], S14, 0xfd469501); /* 8 */
FF ( a, b, c, d, in[ 8], S11, 0x698098d8); /* 9 */
FF ( d, a, b, c, in[ 9], S12, 0x8b44f7af); /* 10 */
FF ( c, d, a, b, in[10], S13, 0xffff5bb1); /* 11 */
FF ( b, c, d, a, in[11], S14, 0x895cd7be); /* 12 */
FF ( a, b, c, d, in[12], S11, 0x6b901122); /* 13 */
FF ( d, a, b, c, in[13], S12, 0xfd987193); /* 14 */
FF ( c, d, a, b, in[14], S13, 0xa679438e); /* 15 */
FF ( b, c, d, a, in[15], S14, 0x49b40821); /* 16 */

/* Round 2 */
#define S21 5
#define S22 9
#define S23 14
#define S24 20
GG ( a, b, c, d, in[ 1], S21, 0xf61e2562); /* 17 */
GG ( d, a, b, c, in[ 6], S22, 0xc040b340); /* 18 */
GG ( c, d, a, b, in[11], S23, 0x265e5a51); /* 19 */
GG ( b, c, d, a, in[ 0], S24, 0xe9b6c7aa); /* 20 */
GG ( a, b, c, d, in[ 5], S21, 0xd62f105d); /* 21 */
GG ( d, a, b, c, in[10], S22, 0x2441453); /* 22 */
GG ( c, d, a, b, in[15], S23, 0xd8a1e681); /* 23 */
GG ( b, c, d, a, in[ 4], S24, 0xe7d3fbc8); /* 24 */
GG ( a, b, c, d, in[ 9], S21, 0x21e1cde6); /* 25 */
GG ( d, a, b, c, in[14], S22, 0xc33707d6); /* 26 */
GG ( c, d, a, b, in[ 3], S23, 0xf4d50d87); /* 27 */
GG ( b, c, d, a, in[ 8], S24, 0x455a14ed); /* 28 */
GG ( a, b, c, d, in[13], S21, 0xa9e3e905); /* 29 */

GG ( d, a, b, c, in[ 2], S22, 0xfcefa3f8); /* 30 */
GG ( c, d, a, b, in[ 7], S23, 0x676f02d9); /* 31 */
GG ( b, c, d, a, in[12], S24, 0x8d2a4c8a); /* 32 */

/* Round 3 */
#define S31 4
#define S32 11
#define S33 16
#define S34 23
HH ( a, b, c, d, in[ 5], S31, 0xfffa3942); /* 33 */
HH ( d, a, b, c, in[ 8], S32, 0x8771f681); /* 34 */
HH ( c, d, a, b, in[11], S33, 0x6d9d6122); /* 35 */
HH ( b, c, d, a, in[14], S34, 0xfde5380c); /* 36 */
HH ( a, b, c, d, in[ 1], S31, 0xa4beea44); /* 37 */
HH ( d, a, b, c, in[ 4], S32, 0x4bdecfa9); /* 38 */
HH ( c, d, a, b, in[ 7], S33, 0xf6bb4b60); /* 39 */
HH ( b, c, d, a, in[10], S34, 0xbebfbc70); /* 40 */
HH ( a, b, c, d, in[13], S31, 0x289b7ec6); /* 41 */
HH ( d, a, b, c, in[ 0], S32, 0xeaa127fa); /* 42 */
HH ( c, d, a, b, in[ 3], S33, 0xd4ef3085); /* 43 */
HH ( b, c, d, a, in[ 6], S34, 0x4881d05); /* 44 */
HH ( a, b, c, d, in[ 9], S31, 0xd9d4d039); /* 45 */
HH ( d, a, b, c, in[12], S32, 0xe6db99e5); /* 46 */
HH ( c, d, a, b, in[15], S33, 0x1fa27cf8); /* 47 */
HH ( b, c, d, a, in[ 2], S34, 0xc4ac5665); /* 48 */

/* Round 4 */
#define S41 6
#define S42 10
#define S43 15
#define S44 21
II ( a, b, c, d, in[ 0], S41, 0xf4292244); /* 49 */
II ( d, a, b, c, in[ 7], S42, 0x432aff97); /* 50 */
II ( c, d, a, b, in[14], S43, 0xab9423a7); /* 51 */
II ( b, c, d, a, in[ 5], S44, 0xfc93a039); /* 52 */
II ( a, b, c, d, in[12], S41, 0x655b59c3); /* 53 */
II ( d, a, b, c, in[ 3], S42, 0x8f0ccc92); /* 54 */
II ( c, d, a, b, in[10], S43, 0xffeff47d); /* 55 */
II ( b, c, d, a, in[ 1], S44, 0x85845dd1); /* 56 */
II ( a, b, c, d, in[ 8], S41, 0x6fa87e4f); /* 57 */
II ( d, a, b, c, in[15], S42, 0xfe2ce6e0); /* 58 */
II ( c, d, a, b, in[ 6], S43, 0xa3014314); /* 59 */
II ( b, c, d, a, in[13], S44, 0x4e0811a1); /* 60 */
II ( a, b, c, d, in[ 4], S41, 0xf7537e82); /* 61 */
II ( d, a, b, c, in[11], S42, 0xbd3af235); /* 62 */
II ( c, d, a, b, in[ 2], S43, 0x2ad7d2bb); /* 63 */
II ( b, c, d, a, in[ 9], S44, 0xeb86d391); /* 64 */

buf[0] += a;
buf[1] += b;
buf[2] += c;
buf[3] += d;

** End of md5.c **


** md5.h -- header file for implementation of MD5 **
** RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm **
** Created: 2/17/90 RLR **
** Revised: 12/27/90 SRD,AJ,BSK,JT Reference C version **
** Revised (for MD5): RLR 4/27/91 **
/* typedef a 32-bit type */
typedef unsigned long int UINT4;

/* Data structure for MD5 (Message-Digest) computation */
typedef struct {
UINT4 i[2]; /* number of _bits_ handled mod 2^64 */
UINT4 buf[4]; /* scratch buffer */
unsigned char in[64]; /* input buffer */
unsigned char digest[16]; /* actual digest after MD5Final call */
} MD5_CTX;

void MD5Init ();
void MD5Update ();
void MD5Final ();

** End of md5.h **

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJSEP91.ZIP
Filename : ONE_HASH.LST

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: