Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ9407B.ZIP
Filename : TEXMAP.ASC
by Jeremy Spiller
Listing One
// *************************************************************************
// Texture mapping, copyright (C) 02/01/1993 by Jeremy Spiller
// This file contains the implementation for the texture mapping algorithm.
// *************************************************************************
unsigned _stklen = 64000U; // --- 64K of stack space ---
// --- Global variables ---
#define max(X,Y) ( ((X) > (Y)) ? (X) : (Y) )
#define min(X,Y) ( ((X) < (Y)) ? (X) : (Y) )
#define SCR_MAX_X 319
#define SCR_MAX_Y 199
int MX = 160, MY = 100;
int MinY, MaxY, MinX [SCR_MAX_Y+1], MaxX [SCR_MAX_Y+1];
char *Map1, *Map2, *Map3, *PhysicalScreen;
// ===== Graphics functions =====
char *Pixel_Pointer, *ScreenBuffer;
// --- Set the (X, Y) position to draw pixels future pixels ---
#define Set_Pixel_Position(X,Y) \
(Pixel_Pointer = ScreenBuffer + 320*(Y) + (X))
// --- Draw a pixel, then move the position to the right ---
#define Plot_Pixel_Accross(Color) \
(*Pixel_Pointer++ = (Color))
// --- Call a bios function to set the screen to graphics mode ---
void ibm_graphics_mode ()
_AH =0x00; // --- Set video mode ---
_AL =0x13; // --- Mode = VGA (320x200) ---
geninterrupt (0x10); // --- Perform mode change ---
// --- Calls a bios function to set the screen to text mode ---
void ibm_text_mode ()
_AH =0x00; // --- Set video mode ---
_AL =0x03; // --- Mode = text ---
geninterrupt (0x10); // --- Perform mode change ---
// ===== MAT3D - Matrix functions for 3D matrix operations. This is a standard
// mathematical matrix, accessed as M [Row][Column] (or M [Y][X])
// where M[0][0] is the first element.
double Column [4];
double &operator [] (int Index)
return Column [Index];
// --- 3D matrix class ---
class MAT3D
MAT_COLUMN Matrix [4];
MAT_COLUMN &operator [] (int Index)
return Matrix [Index];
friend MAT3D operator * (MAT3D &A, MAT3D &B);
// --- Multiply two matrices, returns A*B ---
MAT3D operator * (MAT3D &A, MAT3D &B)
int I, J, K;
MAT3D Temp;
for (I = 0; I < 4; I++)
for (J = 0; J < 4; J++)
double Sum = 0;
for (K = 0; K < 4; K++)
Sum += A [I][K] * B [K][J];
Temp [I][J] = Sum;
return Temp;
// --- Produce an identity matrix ---
MAT3D Identity ()
int X, Y;
MAT3D Temp;
for (Y = 0; Y < 4; Y++)
for (X = 0; X < 4; X++)
if (X == Y)
Temp [Y][X] = 1;
Temp [Y][X] = 0;
return Temp;
// --- Calculate pitch - rotation around the X axis ---
MAT3D RotateX (double Angle)
MAT3D Temp = Identity ();
Temp [1][1] = Temp [2][2] = cos (Angle);
Temp [2][1] = - ( Temp [1][2] = sin (Angle) );
return Temp;
// --- Calculate yaw - rotation around the Y axis ---
MAT3D RotateY (double Angle)
MAT3D Temp = Identity ();
Temp [0][0] = Temp [2][2] = cos (Angle);
Temp [0][2] = - ( Temp [2][0] = sin (Angle) );
return Temp;
// --- Calculate roll - rotation around the Z axis ---
MAT3D RotateZ (double Angle)
MAT3D Temp = Identity ();
Temp [0][0] = Temp [1][1] = cos (Angle);
Temp [1][0] = - ( Temp [0][1] = sin (Angle) );
return Temp;
// --- Calculate pitch, yaw, and roll ---
MAT3D RotateXYZ (double AngleX, double AngleY, double AngleZ)
return RotateZ (AngleZ) * RotateY (AngleY) * RotateX (AngleX);
// --- Calculate Scale - enlarge or shrink model (about origin) ---
MAT3D Scale (double Scale)
MAT3D Temp = Identity ();
Temp [0][0] = Temp [1][1] = Temp [2][2] = Scale;
return Temp;
// --- Calculate Scale for each axis (can cause distortion) ---
MAT3D ScaleXYZ (double SX, double SY, double SZ)
MAT3D Temp = Identity ();
Temp [0][0] = SX;
Temp [1][1] = SY;
Temp [2][2] = SZ;
return Temp;
// --- Translate - move model ---
MAT3D Translate (double X, double Y, double Z)
MAT3D Temp = Identity ();
Temp [0][3] = X;
Temp [1][3] = Y;
Temp [2][3] = Z;
return Temp;
// --- Translate a point through a matrix, returns M * [X, Y, Z, 1]t ---
void Translate_Point (MAT3D &M, double &X, double &Y, double &Z)
double TX = X*M[0][0] + Y*M[0][1] + Z*M[0][2] + M[0][3];
double TY = X*M[1][0] + Y*M[1][1] + Z*M[1][2] + M[1][3];
double TZ = X*M[2][0] + Y*M[2][1] + Z*M[2][2] + M[2][3];
X = TX;
Y = TY;
Z = TZ;
// -- Draw a line clipped on Y axis, and has only one point per scan line. --
void do_line (void Plot(long X,long Y),double X1,double Y1,double X2,double Y2)
double YL = 0, YH = 200, Temp, DeltaX;
if ((Y1 < YL && Y2 < YL) || (Y1 > YH && Y2 > YH))
// --- if Y1 > Y2, swap (X1, Y1) with (X2, Y2) ---
if (Y1 > Y2)
Temp = Y1;
Y1 = Y2;
Y2 = Temp;
Temp = X1;
X1 = X2;
X2 = Temp;
// --- Is this a horizontal line? ---
if (Y2 - Y1 == 0)
Plot (X1, Y1);
Plot (X2, Y2);
DeltaX = (X2 - X1) / (Y2 - Y1);
// --- Clip points ---
if (Y1 < YL)
X1 = X1 + (YL - Y1) * DeltaX;
Y1 = YL;
if (Y2 > YH)
X2 = X2 + (YH - Y2) * DeltaX;
Y2 = YH;
// --- Draw line ---
while (Y1 <= Y2)
Plot (X1, Y1);
X1 += DeltaX;
Y1 += 1;
// --- Find the minimum and maximum bounds of the plane ---
void MinMaxPixel (long X, long Y)
if (Y >= 0 && Y < SCR_MAX_Y)
MinX [Y] = min (MinX [Y], X);
MaxX [Y] = max (MaxX [Y], X);
// --- Fill up the min/max outline ---
void Find_Outline (MAT3D &M, double Xp, double Yp)
double P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y, P3x, P3y, P4x, P4y;
double Z1 = 0, Z2=0, Z3=0, Z4=0;
int CountY;
MaxY = 0;
// --- Initialize array values ---
for (CountY = 0; CountY < SCR_MAX_Y; CountY++)
MinX [CountY] = 32000;
MaxX [CountY] = -32000;
// --- Project four corners ---
P1x = 0; P1y = 0;
P2x = Xp; P2y = 0;
P3x = Xp; P3y = Yp;
P4x = 0; P4y = Yp;
Translate_Point (M, P1x, P1y, Z1);
Translate_Point (M, P2x, P2y, Z2);
Translate_Point (M, P3x, P3y, Z3);
Translate_Point (M, P4x, P4y, Z4);
// --- Projection formula ---
P1x = P1x/fabs(Z1) + MX;
P1y = P1y/fabs(Z1) + MY;
P2x = P2x/fabs(Z2) + MX;
P2y = P2y/fabs(Z2) + MY;
P3x = P3x/fabs(Z3) + MX;
P3y = P3y/fabs(Z3) + MY;
P4x = P4x/fabs(Z4) + MX;
P4y = P4y/fabs(Z4) + MY;
// --- Calculate min and max values of outline ---
do_line (MinMaxPixel, P1x, P1y, P2x, P2y);
do_line (MinMaxPixel, P2x, P2y, P3x, P3y);
do_line (MinMaxPixel, P3x, P3y, P4x, P4y);
do_line (MinMaxPixel, P4x, P4y, P1x, P1y);
// ==== Project a texture map onto the screen. The size of the map is
// [0..Xp] [0..Yp]. It will be transformed through the matrix M,
// translated by the variables MX and MY, and drawn on the screen.
void Project_Plane (MAT3D &M, char *Map, int Xp, int Yp)
int GridX, GridY;
long X, Y, Z, DeltaX, DeltaY, DeltaZ;
int Ypos, Xpos, MaxXpos, LineLength;
Find_Outline (M, Xp, Yp);
// --- Calculate inverse of M * [X, Y, 0, 1]t ---
double Sx1 = M [0][0], Sy1 = M [0][1], T1 = M [0][3];
double Sx2 = M [1][0], Sy2 = M [1][1], T2 = M [1][3];
double Sx3 = M [2][0], Sy3 = M [2][1], T3 = M [2][3];
const long FIXED_POINT = 64;
// --- Calculate X axis (Scale X) ---
long SXx = (T2*Sy3 - T3*Sy2) * FIXED_POINT; // Scale X
long SXy = (T3*Sy1 - T1*Sy3) * FIXED_POINT; // Scale Y
long SXt = (T1*Sy2 - T2*Sy1) * FIXED_POINT; // Translate
// --- Calculate Y axis (Scale Y) ---
long SYx = (T3*Sx2 - T2*Sx3) * FIXED_POINT; // Scale X
long SYy = (T1*Sx3 - T3*Sx1) * FIXED_POINT; // Scale Y
long SYt = (T2*Sx1 - T1*Sx2) * FIXED_POINT; // Translate
// --- Calculate Z axis (Scale Z) ---
long SZx = (Sx3*Sy2 - Sx2*Sy3) * FIXED_POINT; // Scale X
long SZy = (Sx1*Sy3 - Sx3*Sy1) * FIXED_POINT; // Scale Y
long SZt = (Sx2*Sy1 - Sx1*Sy2) * FIXED_POINT; // Translate
for (Ypos = 0; Ypos < SCR_MAX_Y; Ypos += 1)
Xpos = max (0, MinX [Ypos]);
MaxXpos = min (SCR_MAX_X, MaxX [Ypos]);
LineLength = MaxXpos - Xpos + 1;
if (Xpos <= MaxXpos)
X = ((Xpos-MX)*SXx + (Ypos-MY)*SXy + SXt);
DeltaX = SXx;
Y = ((Xpos-MX)*SYx + (Ypos-MY)*SYy + SYt);
DeltaY = SYx;
Z = ((Xpos-MX)*SZx + (Ypos-MY)*SZy + SZt) | 1;
DeltaZ = SZx & ~1; // --- Force Z to stay odd ---
Set_Pixel_Position (Xpos, Ypos);
while (--LineLength >= 0)
GridX = X / Z;
GridY = Y / Z;
X += DeltaX;
Y += DeltaY;
Z += DeltaZ;
Plot_Pixel_Accross (Map [256*GridY + GridX]);
// -- If you are compiling this for a 286 machine, or with a 286 compiler,
// replace the two lines (GridX = X/Z) and (GridY = Y/Z) with the following
// assembly code. This will speed up the process by using a machine
// language divide instruction instead of a subroutine.
// asm mov al, byte ptr Y+3
// asm cbw
// asm mov dx, ax
// asm mov cx, word ptr Z+1
// asm mov ax, word ptr Y+1
// asm idiv cx
// asm mov word ptr GridY, ax;
// asm mov al, byte ptr X+3
// asm cbw
// asm mov dx, ax
// asm mov cx, word ptr Z+1
// asm mov ax, word ptr X+1
// asm idiv cx
// asm mov word ptr GridX, ax
// --- Is the viewer on the visible (or invisible) side of the plane? ---
int Visible (MAT3D &M)
// --- Point1 = M * [0, 0, 0, 1]t ---
double X1 = M [0][3];
double Y1 = M [1][3];
double Z1 = M [2][3];
// --- Point2 = M * [0, 1, 0, 1]t ---
double X2 = M [0][1] + M [0][3];
double Y2 = M [1][1] + M [1][3];
double Z2 = M [2][1] + M [2][3];
// --- Point3 = M * [1, 0, 0, 1]t ---
double X3 = M [0][0] + M [0][3];
double Y3 = M [1][0] + M [1][3];
double Z3 = M [2][0] + M [2][3];
double D = -X1*(Y2*Z3-Y3*Z2) - X2*(Y3*Z1-Y1*Z3) - X3*(Y1*Z2-Y2*Z1);
// --- If the viewer is on the positive side, the plane is visible ---
return D > 0;
// --- Return a matrix that distorts the model ---
MAT3D Distort_Function ()
MAT3D Distort = Identity ();
// Distort [0][0] = 2; // Stretch on X axis
// Distort [1][0] = Distort [0][1] = .4; // Parallelogram
// Distort [3][1] = .005; // Pyramid
return Distort;
// --- rotate a cube ---
main ()
int I;
long Fx, Fy;
// --- Set up memory ---
PhysicalScreen = (char *)MK_FP (0xA000, 0x0000);
ScreenBuffer = new char [320U*200];
Map1 = new char [256U*200];
if (!( Map2 = new char [256U*200] )) Map2 = Map1;
if (!( Map3 = new char [256U*200] )) Map3 = Map1;
if (ScreenBuffer == 0 || Map1 == 0)
cout << "Sorry, not enough memory to run this program!\n";
exit (1);
// --- Draw a picture of crosses (X*Y) ---
for (Fx = 0; Fx < 256; Fx++)
for (Fy = 0; Fy < 199; Fy++)
Map1 [256*Fy + Fx] = (Fx - 128) * (Fy - 100) / 256 + 128;
// --- Draw a picture of circles (X*X + Y*Y) ---
for (Fx = 0; Fx < 256; Fx++)
for (Fy = 0; Fy < 199; Fy++)
long Dx = (Fx - 128);
long Dy = (Fy - 100);
Map2 [256*Fy + Fx] = (Dx*Dx + Dy*Dy) / 128 + 16;
// --- Draw some lines (X) ---
for (Fx = 0; Fx < 256; Fx++)
for (Fy = 0; Fy < 199; Fy++)
Map3 [256*Fy + Fx] = Fx + 17;
// --- Build 6 sides of a cube relative to the origin ---
MAT3D Flip, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6;
Flip = RotateY (180 * 3.141592654 / 180);
Flip = Translate (256, 0, 0) * Flip;
S1 = Translate (0, 0, 0);
S2 = Flip;
S2 = RotateX (-90 * 3.141592654 / 180) * S2;
S3 = Flip;
S3 = Translate (-56, 0, 0) * S3;
S3 = RotateY (90 * 3.141592654 / 180) * S3;
S4 = Flip;
S4 = Translate (0, 0, 200) * S4;
S5 = RotateX (-90 * 3.141592654 / 180);
S5 = Translate (0, 200, 0) * S5;
S6 = RotateY (90 * 3.141592654 / 180);
S6 = Translate (256, 0, 0) * S6;
ibm_graphics_mode ();
for (I = 0; I < 20000; I++)
// --- Move center of cube to origin, rotate cube, move ---
// --- cube back (away from viewer), and scale for screen ---
MAT3D Cube = Translate (-128, -100, -100);
Cube = Distort_Function () * Cube;
Cube = RotateXYZ (I*0.051, I*0.01, I*0.037) * Cube;
Cube = Translate (0, 0, sin (-I*0.0121) * 350 + 350 + 400) * Cube;
Cube = ScaleXYZ (230, 200, 1) * Cube; // --- scale for screen ---
// --- Transform each side of the cube ---
MAT3D Side1 = Cube*S1;
MAT3D Side2 = Cube*S2;
MAT3D Side3 = Cube*S3;
MAT3D Side4 = Cube*S4;
MAT3D Side5 = Cube*S5;
MAT3D Side6 = Cube*S6;
// --- Draw each side of the cube (if visible) ---
memset (ScreenBuffer, 0, 320U*200); // Clear screen buffer
if (Visible (Side1))
Project_Plane (Side1, Map1, 255, 199);
if (Visible (Side2))
Project_Plane (Side2, Map2, 255, 199);
if (Visible (Side3))
Project_Plane (Side3, Map3, 199, 199);
if (Visible (Side4))
Project_Plane (Side4, Map1, 255, 199);
if (Visible (Side5))
Project_Plane (Side5, Map2, 255, 199);
if (Visible (Side6))
Project_Plane (Side6, Map3, 199, 199);
memcpy (PhysicalScreen, ScreenBuffer, 320U*200); // Copy to screen
if (kbhit ()) if (getch () == 27) break; // Break at users request
ibm_text_mode ();
cout << "Texture mapped cube copyright (C) 1993 by Jeremy Spiller.\n";
Figure 5.
NewPoint = Translate(0,0,100)*Scale(2)*RotateX(30 Deg)*Translate(DCX,DCY,DCZ)*OldPoint
T = Translate(0,0,100)*Scale(2)*RotateX(30 Degrees)*Translate(DCX,DCY,DCZ)
Figure 6.
Xscreen = (AX+BY+C)/(GX+HY+I)
Yscreen = (DX+EY+F)/(GX+HY+I)
Figure 7
A = Y1(Z2-Z3)+Y2(Z3-Z1)+Y3(Z1-Z2)
B = Z1(X2-X3)+Z2(X3-X1)+Z3(X1-X2)
C = X1(Y2-Y3)+X2(Y3-Y1)+X3(Y1-Y2)
D = -X1(Y2*Z3-Y3*Z2)-X2(Y3*Z1-Y1*Z3)-X3(Y1*Z2-Y2*Z1)
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: