Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ9404B.ZIP

Output of file : LISTINST.INC contained in archive : DDJ9404B.ZIP

;Klaus Mueller 1994


ListInst_Init_Order EQU VxDQuery_Init_Order + 10h

ListInst_Device_ID EQU 313eh

Begin_Service_Table ListInst

ListInst_Service ListInst_Get_Instance_Desc_Buffer, LOCAL

;OUTPUT: Carry clear - ESI -> Instance Description Buffer
; Carry set - error creating Description Buffer

End_Service_Table ListInst

;V86 API
;call LISTINST with ax = function

Inst_Map EQU 0

;INPUT: DS:DX - offset to an Inst_Hook_Struc far ptr

Inst_Ownership EQU 1

;INPUT: DS:BX - offset to an Inst_Desc_buf far ptr
; DS:DX - offset to an Inst_Owner struc far ptr

Desc_Buf_Size EQU 2

;INPUT: DS:BX - offset to dword

Inst_Map_Size EQU 3

;INPUT: DS:BX - offset to dword

;Struct for Inst_Ownership call
;Call Inst_Ownership function with buffer in DS:DX

Inst_Ownership_Struc STRUCT

Inst_PG_No dd ?
Owner_VM_Handle dd ?
Owner_VM_Flags dd ?
Owner_VM_ID dd ?

Inst_Ownership_Struc ENDS

Last_Entry EQU -1


CB_PT_Ret31_Off EQU 18h
CB_PT_Deb31_Off EQU 1ch
CB_PT_Ret40_Off EQU 20h

KM_InstData struc

AddInst_Caller dd ?
InstDataStruc { } ;from VMM.INC

KM_InstData ends

;Format of our own Instance Description Buffer.
;The Win386 format differs:Item_Size is Ld_Bt+Algn_Bt

Inst_Desc_Struc STRUC

Inst_Buf_Off dd ?
VM_Lin_Address dd ?
Item_Size dd ?

Inst_Desc_Struc ENDS

Inst_Hook_Struc STRUC

Caller_String db string_len dup (?)
Inst_Lin_Adr dd 0
Inst_Size dd 0

Inst_Hook_Struc ENDS

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ9404B.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: