Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ9210.ZIP
Filename : GRPHPRG.ASC

Output of file : GRPHPRG.ASC contained in archive : DDJ9210.ZIP
by Michael Abrash


/* Texture-map-draw the scan line between two edges. Uses approach of
pre-stepping 1/2 pixel into the source image and rounding to the nearest
source pixel at each step, so that texture maps will appear
reasonably similar at all angles. */
void ScanOutLine(EdgeScan * LeftEdge, EdgeScan * RightEdge)
Fixedpoint SourceX;
Fixedpoint SourceY;
int DestX = LeftEdge->DestX;
int DestXMax = RightEdge->DestX;
Fixedpoint DestWidth;
Fixedpoint SourceStepX, SourceStepY;

/* Nothing to do if fully X clipped */
if ((DestXMax <= ClipMinX) || (DestX >= ClipMaxX)) {

if ((DestXMax - DestX) <= 0) {
return; /* nothing to draw */
SourceX = LeftEdge->SourceX;
SourceY = LeftEdge->SourceY;

/* Width of destination scan line, for scaling. Note: because this is an
integer-based scaling, it can have a total error of as much as nearly
one pixel. For more precise scaling, also maintain a fixed-point DestX
in each edge, and use it for scaling. If this is done, it will also
be necessary to nudge the source start coordinates to the right by an
amount corresponding to the distance from the the real (fixed-point)
DestX and the first pixel (at an integer X) to be drawn) */
DestWidth = INT_TO_FIXED(DestXMax - DestX);

/* Calculate source steps that correspond to each dest X step (across
the scan line) */
SourceStepX = FixedDiv(RightEdge->SourceX - SourceX, DestWidth);
SourceStepY = FixedDiv(RightEdge->SourceY - SourceY, DestWidth);

/* Advance 1/2 step in the stepping direction, to space scanned pixels
evenly between the left and right edges. (There's a slight inaccuracy
in dividing negative numbers by 2 by shifting rather than dividing,
but the inaccuracy is in the least significant bit, and we'll just
live with it.) */
SourceX += SourceStepX >> 1;
SourceY += SourceStepY >> 1;

/* Clip right edge if necssary */
if (DestXMax > ClipMaxX)
DestXMax = ClipMaxX;

/* Clip left edge if necssary */
if (DestX < ClipMinX) {
SourceX += FixedMul(SourceStepX, INT_TO_FIXED(ClipMinX - DestX));
SourceY += FixedMul(SourceStepY, INT_TO_FIXED(ClipMinX - DestX));
DestX = ClipMinX;
/* Scan across the destination scan line, updating the source image
position accordingly */
for (; DestX /* Get the currently mapped pixel out of the image and draw it to
the screen */
WritePixelX(DestX, DestY,
GET_IMAGE_PIXEL(TexMapBits, TexMapWidth,
/* Point to the next source pixel */
SourceX += SourceStepX;
SourceY += SourceStepY;


; Draws all pixels in the specified scan line, with the pixel colors
; taken from the specified texture map. Uses approach of pre-stepping
; 1/2 pixel into the source image and rounding to the nearest source
; pixel at each step, so that texture maps will appear reasonably similar
; at all angles. This routine is specific to 320-pixel-wide planar
; (non-Chain4) 256-color modes, such as mode X, which is a planar
; (non-chain4) 256-color mode with a resolution of 320x240.
; C near-callable as:
; void ScanOutLine(EdgeScan * LeftEdge, EdgeScan * RightEdge);
; Tested with TASM 3.0.

SC_INDEX equ 03c4h ;Sequence Controller Index
MAP_MASK equ 02h ;index in SC of Map Mask register
SCREEN_SEG equ 0a000h ;segment of display memory in mode X
SCREEN_WIDTH equ 80 ;width of screen in bytes from one scan line
; to the next

.model small
extrn _TexMapBits:word, _TexMapWidth:word, _DestY:word
extrn _CurrentPageBase:word, _ClipMinX:word
extrn _ClipMinY:word, _ClipMaxX:word, _ClipMaxY:word

; Describes the current location and stepping, in both the source and
; the destination, of an edge. Mirrors structure in DRAWTEXP.C.
EdgeScan struc
Direction dw ? ;through edge list; 1 for a right edge (forward
; through vertex list), -1 for a left edge (backward
; through vertex list)
RemainingScans dw ? ;height left to scan out in dest
CurrentEnd dw ? ;vertex # of end of current edge
SourceX dd ? ;X location in source for this edge
SourceY dd ? ;Y location in source for this edge
SourceStepX dd ? ;X step in source for Y step in dest of 1
SourceStepY dd ? ;Y step in source for Y step in dest of 1
;variables used for all-integer Bresenham's-type
; X stepping through the dest, needed for precise
; pixel placement to avoid gaps
DestX dw ? ;current X location in dest for this edge
DestXIntStep dw ? ;whole part of dest X step per scan-line Y step
DestXDirection dw ? ;-1 or 1 to indicate which way X steps (left/right)
DestXErrTerm dw ? ;current error term for dest X stepping
DestXAdjUp dw ? ;amount to add to error term per scan line move
DestXAdjDown dw ? ;amount to subtract from error term when the
; error term turns over
EdgeScan ends

Parms struc
dw 2 dup(?) ;return address & pushed BP
LeftEdge dw ? ;pointer to EdgeScan structure for left edge
RightEdge dw ? ;pointer to EdgeScan structure for right edge
Parms ends

;Offsets from BP in stack frame of local variables.
lSourceX equ -4 ;current X coordinate in source image
lSourceY equ -8 ;current Y coordinate in source image
lSourceStepX equ -12 ;X step in source image for X dest step of 1
lSourceStepY equ -16 ;Y step in source image for X dest step of 1
lXAdvanceByOne equ -18 ;used to step source pointer 1 pixel
; incrementally in X
lXBaseAdvance equ -20 ;use to step source pointer minimum number of
; pixels incrementally in X
lYAdvanceByOne equ -22 ;used to step source pointer 1 pixel
; incrementally in Y
lYBaseAdvance equ -24 ;use to step source pointer minimum number of
; pixels incrementally in Y
LOCAL_SIZE equ 24 ;total size of local variables
extrn _FixedMul:near, _FixedDiv:near
align 2
jmp ScanDone
public _ScanOutLine
align 2
_ScanOutLine proc near
push bp ;preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp ;point to our stack frame
sub sp,LOCAL_SIZE ;allocate space for local variables
push si ;preserve caller's register variables
push di
; Nothing to do if destination is fully X clipped.

mov di,[bp].RightEdge
mov si,[di].DestX
cmp si,[_ClipMinX]
jle ToScanDone ;right edge is to left of clip rect, so done
mov bx,[bp].LeftEdge
mov dx,[bx].DestX
cmp dx,[_ClipMaxX]
jge ToScanDone ;left edge is to right of clip rect, so done
sub si,dx ;destination fill width
jle ToScanDone ;null or negative full width, so done

mov ax,word ptr [bx].SourceX ;initial source X coordinate
mov word ptr [bp].lSourceX,ax
mov ax,word ptr [bx].SourceX+2
mov word ptr [bp].lSourceX+2,ax

mov ax,word ptr [bx].SourceY ;initial source Y coordinate
mov word ptr [bp].lSourceY,ax
mov ax,word ptr [bx].SourceY+2
mov word ptr [bp].lSourceY+2,ax
; Calculate source steps that correspond to each 1-pixel destination X step
; (across the destination scan line).
push si ;push dest X width, in fixedpoint form
sub ax,ax
push ax ;push 0 as fractional part of dest X width
mov ax,word ptr [di].SourceX
sub ax,word ptr [bp].lSourceX ;low word of source X width
mov dx,word ptr [di].SourceX+2
sbb dx,word ptr [bp].lSourceX+2 ;high word of source X width
push dx ;push source X width, in fixedpoint form
push ax
call _FixedDiv ;scale source X width to dest X width
add sp,8 ;clear parameters from stack
mov word ptr [bp].lSourceStepX,ax ;remember source X step for
mov word ptr [bp].lSourceStepX+2,dx ; 1-pixel destination X step
mov cx,1 ;assume source X advances non-negative
and dx,dx ;which way does source X advance?
jns SourceXNonNeg ;non-negative
neg cx ;negative
cmp ax,0 ;is the whole step exactly an integer?
jz SourceXNonNeg ;yes
inc dx ;no, truncate to integer in the direction of
; 0, because otherwise we'll end up with a
; whole step of 1-too-large magnitude
mov [bp].lXAdvanceByOne,cx ;amount to add to source pointer to
; move by one in X
mov [bp].lXBaseAdvance,dx ;minimum amount to add to source
; pointer to advance in X each time
; the dest advances one in X
push si ;push dest Y height, in fixedpoint form
sub ax,ax
push ax ;push 0 as fractional part of dest Y height
mov ax,word ptr [di].SourceY
sub ax,word ptr [bp].lSourceY ;low word of source Y height
mov dx,word ptr [di].SourceY+2
sbb dx,word ptr [bp].lSourceY+2 ;high word of source Y height
push dx ;push source Y height, in fixedpoint form
push ax
call _FixedDiv ;scale source Y height to dest X width
add sp,8 ;clear parameters from stack
mov word ptr [bp].lSourceStepY,ax ;remember source Y step for
mov word ptr [bp].lSourceStepY+2,dx ; 1-pixel destination X step
mov cx,[_TexMapWidth] ;assume source Y advances non-negative
and dx,dx ;which way does source Y advance?
jns SourceYNonNeg ;non-negative
neg cx ;negative
cmp ax,0 ;is the whole step exactly an integer?
jz SourceYNonNeg ;yes
inc dx ;no, truncate to integer in the direction of
; 0, because otherwise we'll end up with a
; whole step of 1-too-large magnitude
mov [bp].lYAdvanceByOne,cx ;amount to add to source pointer to
; move by one in Y
mov ax,[_TexMapWidth] ;minimum distance skipped in source
imul dx ; image bitmap when Y steps (ignoring
mov [bp].lYBaseAdvance,ax ; carry from the fractional part)
; Advance 1/2 step in the stepping direction, to space scanned pixels evenly
; between the left and right edges. (There's a slight inaccuracy in dividing
; negative numbers by 2 by shifting rather than dividing, but the inaccuracy
; is in the least significant bit, and we'll just live with it.)
mov ax,word ptr [bp].lSourceStepX
mov dx,word ptr [bp].lSourceStepX+2
sar dx,1
rcr ax,1
add word ptr [bp].lSourceX,ax
adc word ptr [bp].lSourceX+2,dx

mov ax,word ptr [bp].lSourceStepY
mov dx,word ptr [bp].lSourceStepY+2
sar dx,1
rcr ax,1
add word ptr [bp].lSourceY,ax
adc word ptr [bp].lSourceY+2,dx
; Clip right edge if necessary.
mov si,[di].DestX
cmp si,[_ClipMaxX]
jl RightEdgeClipped
mov si,[_ClipMaxX]
; Clip left edge if necssary
mov bx,[bp].LeftEdge
mov di,[bx].DestX
cmp di,[_ClipMinX]
jge LeftEdgeClipped
; Left clipping is necessary; advance the source accordingly
neg di
add di,[_ClipMinX] ;ClipMinX - DestX
;first, advance the source in X
push di ;push ClipMinX - DestX, in fixedpoint form
sub ax,ax
push ax ;push 0 as fractional part of ClipMinX-DestX
push word ptr [bp].lSourceStepX+2
push word ptr [bp].lSourceStepX
call _FixedMul ;total source X stepping in clipped area
add sp,8 ;clear parameters from stack
add word ptr [bp].lSourceX,ax ;step the source X past clipping
adc word ptr [bp].lSourceX+2,dx
;now advance the source in Y
push di ;push ClipMinX - DestX, in fixedpoint form
sub ax,ax
push ax ;push 0 as fractional part of ClipMinX-DestX
push word ptr [bp].lSourceStepY+2
push word ptr [bp].lSourceStepY
call _FixedMul ;total source Y stepping in clipped area
add sp,8 ;clear parameters from stack
add word ptr [bp].lSourceY,ax ;step the source Y past clipping
adc word ptr [bp].lSourceY+2,dx
mov di,[_ClipMinX] ;start X coordinate in dest after clipping
; Calculate actual clipped destination drawing width.
sub si,di
; Scan across the destination scan line, updating the source image position
; accordingly.
; Point to the initial source image pixel, adding 0.5 to both X and Y so that
; we can truncate to integers from now on but effectively get rounding.
add word ptr [bp].lSourceY,8000h ;add 0.5
mov ax,word ptr [bp].lSourceY+2
adc ax,0
mul [_TexMapWidth] ;initial scan line in source image
add word ptr [bp].lSourceX,8000h ;add 0.5
mov bx,word ptr [bp].lSourceX+2 ;offset into source scan line
adc bx,ax ;initial source offset in source image
add bx,[_TexMapBits] ;DS:BX points to the initial image pixel
; Point to initial destination pixel.
mov es,ax
mul [_DestY] ;offset of initial dest scan line
mov cx,di ;initial destination X
shr di,1
shr di,1 ;X/4 = offset of pixel in scan line
add di,ax ;offset of pixel in page
add di,[_CurrentPageBase] ;offset of pixel in display memory
;ES:DI now points to the first destination pixel

and cl,011b ;CL = pixel's plane
mov al,MAP_MASK
mov dx,SC_INDEX
out dx,al ;point the SC Index register to the Map Mask
mov al,11h ;one plane bit in each nibble, so we'll get carry
; automatically when going from plane 3 to plane 0
shl al,cl ;set the bit for the first pixel's plane to 1
; If source X step is negative, change over to working with non-negative
; values.
cmp word ptr [bp].lXAdvanceByOne,0
jge SXStepSet
neg word ptr [bp].lSourceStepX
not word ptr [bp].lSourceX
; If source Y step is negative, change over to working with non-negative
; values.
cmp word ptr [bp].lYAdvanceByOne,0
jge SYStepSet
neg word ptr [bp].lSourceStepY
not word ptr [bp].lSourceY

; At this point:
; AL = initial pixel's plane mask
; BX = pointer to initial image pixel
; SI = # of pixels to fill
; DI = pointer to initial destination pixel
mov dx,SC_INDEX+1 ;point to SC Data; Index points to Map Mask
; Set the Map Mask for this pixel's plane, then draw the pixel.
out dx,al
mov ah,[bx] ;get image pixel
mov es:[di],ah ;set image pixel
; Point to the next source pixel.
add bx,[bp].lXBaseAdvance ;advance the minimum # of pixels in X
mov cx,word ptr [bp].lSourceStepX
add word ptr [bp].lSourceX,cx ;step the source X fractional part
jnc NoExtraXAdvance ;didn't turn over; no extra advance
add bx,[bp].lXAdvanceByOne ;did turn over; advance X one extra
add bx,[bp].lYBaseAdvance ;advance the minimum # of pixels in Y
mov cx,word ptr [bp].lSourceStepY
add word ptr [bp].lSourceY,cx ;step the source Y fractional part
jnc NoExtraYAdvance ;didn't turn over; no extra advance
add bx,[bp].lYAdvanceByOne ;did turn over; advance Y one extra
; Point to the next destination pixel, by cycling to the next plane, and
; advancing to the next address if the plane wraps from 3 to 0.
rol al,1
adc di,0
; Continue if there are any more dest pixels to draw.
dec si
jnz TexScanLoop
pop di ;restore caller's register variables
pop si
mov sp,bp ;deallocate local variables
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_ScanOutLine endp

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ9210.ZIP
Filename : GRPHPRG.ASC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: