Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ8609.ZIP
Filename : ELKINS.SEP

Output of file : ELKINS.SEP contained in archive : DDJ8609.ZIP

These listing are available for downlaoding from co-author Mike
Elkins Fido BBS at (619)722-8724 which operates at 300 and 1200
baud, 8-bits, no partity, 1 stop-bit.

---- LISTING 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Erathosthenes Sieve Prime Number Program in C
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define SIZE 8190
#define SIZEP1 8191
char flags[SIZEP1];
int i, prime, j, count, loops;

loops = 1;
while(loops <= 10) /* Changed to 100 for second benchmark */
count = 0;
i = 0;
while(i <= SIZE)
flags[i] = TRUE;
i = 0;
while(i <= SIZE)
prime = i + i + 3;
j = i + prime;
while(j <= SIZE)
flags[j] = FALSE;
j = j + prime;
printf("%d primes, %d loops\n", count, loops);

----- LISTING 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "DHRYSTONE" Benchmark Program
* Compile: cl dry.c (Microsoft 3.0)
* Defines: Defines are provided for old C compiler's
* which don't have enums, and can't assign structures.
* The time(2) function is library dependant; One is
* provided for CI-C86. Your compiler may be different.
* This is not required for Microsoft 3.0 which supports
* all of the standard calls and will compile asis.
* --------------- ------------ --------------- -----------
* IBM PC PCDOS 3.1 Microsoft C 3.0 333
* IBM PC/AT PCDOS 3.1 Microsoft C 3.0 1041
* $ IBM PC/AT PCDOS 3.0 CI-C86 2.1 684
* $ ATT 3B2/300 UNIX 5.2 cc 806
* $ IBM PC/AT VENIX/86 2.1 cc 1000
* $ Sun2/120 Sun 4.2BSD cc 1219
* The entries with $ supplied by Rick Richardson, who origanally converted
* the program from ADA.
* The rest are provided by Mike's "C" Board 619-722-8724 .
* The following program contains statements of a high-level programming
* language (C) in a distribution considered representative:
* assignments 53%
* control statements 32%
* procedure, function calls 15%
* 100 statements are dynamically executed. The program is balanced with
* respect to the three aspects:
* - statement type
* - operand type (for simple data types)
* - operand access
* operand global, local, parameter, or constant.
* The combination of these three aspects is balanced only approximately.
* The program does not compute anything meaningfull, but it is
* syntactically and semantically correct.

/* Compiler dependent options */
#undef NOENUM /* Define if compiler has no enum's */
#undef NOSTRUCTASSIGN /* Define if compiler can't assign structures */
#undef NOTIME /* Define if no time() function in library */

#define structassign(d, s) memcpy(&(d), &(s), sizeof(d))
#define structassign(d, s) d = s

#ifdef NOENUM
#define Ident1 1
#define Ident2 2
#define Ident3 3
#define Ident4 4
#define Ident5 5
typedef int Enumeration;
typedef enum {Ident1, Ident2, Ident3, Ident4, Ident5} Enumeration;

typedef int OneToThirty;
typedef int OneToFifty;
typedef char CapitalLetter;
typedef char String30[31];
typedef int Array1Dim[51];
typedef int Array2Dim[51][51];

struct Record
struct Record *PtrComp;
Enumeration Discr;
Enumeration EnumComp;
OneToFifty IntComp;
String30 StringComp;

typedef struct Record RecordType;
typedef RecordType * RecordPtr;
typedef int boolean;

#define NULL 0
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

#ifndef REG
#define REG

extern Enumeration Func1();
extern boolean Func2();


* Package 1
int IntGlob;
boolean BoolGlob;
char Char1Glob;
char Char2Glob;
Array1Dim Array1Glob;
Array2Dim Array2Glob;
RecordPtr PtrGlob;
RecordPtr PtrGlobNext;

OneToFifty IntLoc1;
REG OneToFifty IntLoc2;
OneToFifty IntLoc3;
REG char CharLoc;
REG char CharIndex;
REG Enumeration EnumLoc;
String30 String1Loc;
String30 String2Loc;

#define LOOPS 50000
long time();
long starttime;
long benchtime;
long nulltime;
register unsigned int i;
starttime = time(0);
for (i = 0; i < LOOPS; ++i);
nulltime = time(0) - starttime;

PtrGlobNext = (RecordPtr) malloc(sizeof(RecordType));
PtrGlob = (RecordPtr) malloc(sizeof(RecordType));
PtrGlob->PtrComp = PtrGlobNext;
PtrGlob->Discr = Ident1;
PtrGlob->EnumComp = Ident3;
PtrGlob->IntComp = 40;
strcpy(PtrGlob->StringComp, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING");

-- Start Timer --
starttime = time(0);
for (i = 0; i < LOOPS; ++i)

IntLoc1 = 2;
IntLoc2 = 3;
strcpy(String2Loc, "DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING");
EnumLoc = Ident2;
BoolGlob = ! Func2(String1Loc, String2Loc);
while (IntLoc1 < IntLoc2)
IntLoc3 = 5 * IntLoc1 - IntLoc2;
Proc7(IntLoc1, IntLoc2, &IntLoc3);
Proc8(Array1Glob, Array2Glob, IntLoc1, IntLoc3);
for (CharIndex = 'A'; CharIndex <= Char2Glob; ++CharIndex)
if (EnumLoc == Func1(CharIndex, 'C'))
Proc6(Ident1, &EnumLoc);
IntLoc3 = IntLoc2 * IntLoc1;
IntLoc2 = IntLoc3 / IntLoc1;
IntLoc2 = 7 * (IntLoc3 - IntLoc2) - IntLoc1;


-- Stop Timer --
benchtime = time(0) - starttime - nulltime;
printf("Dhrystone time for %ld passes = %ld\n", (long) LOOPS, benchtime);
printf("This machine benchmarks at %ld dhrystones/second\n",
((long) LOOPS) / benchtime);


REG RecordPtr PtrParIn;
#define NextRecord (*(PtrParIn->PtrComp))

structassign(NextRecord, *PtrGlob);
PtrParIn->IntComp = 5;
NextRecord.IntComp = PtrParIn->IntComp;
NextRecord.PtrComp = PtrParIn->PtrComp;
if (NextRecord.Discr == Ident1)
NextRecord.IntComp = 6;
Proc6(PtrParIn->EnumComp, &NextRecord.EnumComp);
NextRecord.PtrComp = PtrGlob->PtrComp;
Proc7(NextRecord.IntComp, 10, &NextRecord.IntComp);
structassign(*PtrParIn, NextRecord);

#undef NextRecord

OneToFifty *IntParIO;
REG OneToFifty IntLoc;
REG Enumeration EnumLoc;

IntLoc = *IntParIO + 10;
if (Char1Glob == 'A')
*IntParIO = IntLoc - IntGlob;
EnumLoc = Ident1;
if (EnumLoc == Ident1)

RecordPtr *PtrParOut;
if (PtrGlob != NULL)
*PtrParOut = PtrGlob->PtrComp;
IntGlob = 100;
Proc7(10, IntGlob, &PtrGlob->IntComp);

REG boolean BoolLoc;

BoolLoc = Char1Glob == 'A';
BoolLoc |= BoolGlob;
Char2Glob = 'B';

Char1Glob = 'A';
BoolGlob = FALSE;

extern boolean Func3();

Proc6(EnumParIn, EnumParOut)
REG Enumeration EnumParIn;
REG Enumeration *EnumParOut;
*EnumParOut = EnumParIn;
if (! Func3(EnumParIn) )
*EnumParOut = Ident4;
switch (EnumParIn)
case Ident1: *EnumParOut = Ident1; break;
case Ident2: if (IntGlob > 100) *EnumParOut = Ident1;
else *EnumParOut = Ident4;
case Ident3: *EnumParOut = Ident2; break;
case Ident4: break;
case Ident5: *EnumParOut = Ident3;

Proc7(IntParI1, IntParI2, IntParOut)
OneToFifty IntParI1;
OneToFifty IntParI2;
OneToFifty *IntParOut;
REG OneToFifty IntLoc;

IntLoc = IntParI1 + 2;
*IntParOut = IntParI2 + IntLoc;

Proc8(Array1Par, Array2Par, IntParI1, IntParI2)
Array1Dim Array1Par;
Array2Dim Array2Par;
OneToFifty IntParI1;
OneToFifty IntParI2;
REG OneToFifty IntLoc;
REG OneToFifty IntIndex;

IntLoc = IntParI1 + 5;
Array1Par[IntLoc] = IntParI2;
Array1Par[IntLoc+1] = Array1Par[IntLoc];
Array1Par[IntLoc+30] = IntLoc;
for (IntIndex = IntLoc; IntIndex <= (IntLoc+1); ++IntIndex)
Array2Par[IntLoc][IntIndex] = IntLoc;
Array2Par[IntLoc+20][IntLoc] = Array1Par[IntLoc];
IntGlob = 5;

Enumeration Func1(CharPar1, CharPar2)
CapitalLetter CharPar1;
CapitalLetter CharPar2;
REG CapitalLetter CharLoc1;
REG CapitalLetter CharLoc2;

CharLoc1 = CharPar1;
CharLoc2 = CharLoc1;
if (CharLoc2 != CharPar2)
return (Ident1);
return (Ident2);

boolean Func2(StrParI1, StrParI2)
String30 StrParI1;
String30 StrParI2;
REG OneToThirty IntLoc;
REG CapitalLetter CharLoc;

IntLoc = 1;
while (IntLoc <= 1)
if (Func1(StrParI1[IntLoc], StrParI2[IntLoc+1]) == Ident1)
CharLoc = 'A';
if (CharLoc >= 'W' && CharLoc <= 'Z')
IntLoc = 7;
if (CharLoc == 'X')

if (strcmp(StrParI1, StrParI2) > 0)
IntLoc += 7;
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);

boolean Func3(EnumParIn)
REG Enumeration EnumParIn;
REG Enumeration EnumLoc;

EnumLoc = EnumParIn;
if (EnumLoc == Ident3) return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);

memcpy(d, s, l)
register char *d;
register char *s;
int l;
while (l--) *d++ = *s++;

* Library function for compilers with no time(2) function in the
* library.
#ifdef NOTIME
long time(p)
long *p;
{ /* CI-C86 time function - don't use around midnight */
long t;
struct regval {unsigned int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es; } regs; = 0x2c00;
sysint21(®s, ®s);
t = ((>>8)*60L + ( & 0xff))*60L + (regs.dx>>8);
if (p) *p = t;
return t;

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ8609.ZIP
Filename : ELKINS.SEP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: