Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ8608.ZIP
Filename : LETTER.AUG
;DeSmet function isqrt(source);
; ...source is a long integer (32 bit)...
;Returns square root of source in ax, using Newton's method; see Scanlon's
;8086 book for similar function (Scanlon's is not sufficiently general, and has
;an error)...
;REGISTER USAGE cx:bx ...stores copy of 32-bit source throughout...
; di ...``last''estimate of isqrt(source)...
; si ...current estimate of isqrt(source)...
; dx:ax ...used to divide source by di...
public isqrt_
isqrt_: push bp
mov bp,sp
mov bx, [bp+4] ;Store a copy of source in cx:bx;
mov cx, [bp+6] ;cx:bx preserved till almostdone...
;-----Start block to determine initial estimate; base estimate on most---------
;-----significant non-zero byte of cx:bx---------------------------------------
cmp ch,0 ;Note 46341 covers largest positive
je test_cl ;long that most compilers will pass.
mov di,46341 ;If you use 32-bit unsigned, replace
jmp load_si ;with 65535, and if cx>=FFFEH, jump
;------------ ;out and set result= 65535.
test_cl: cmp cl,0
je text_bh
mov di,2896
jmp load_si
test_bh: cmp bh,0
je its_bl
mov di,181
jmp load_si
its_bl: mov di,8
load_si: mov si,di
;-----End block to determine initial estimate----------------------------------
;-----Begin loop to refine the estimate----------------------------------------
refine: mov dx,cx ;Load dx:ax pair with source in prep
mov ax,bx ;for divide by di=estimate...
div di
;------Block to average quotient and last estimate-------
shr ax,1 ;We can't just add di,ax then
adc di,0 ;shr di,1 because sum of di and ax
shr di,1 ;may exceed 65535...
sub si,di ;Obtain difference betw. old (si)
jz almostdone ;and new estimates; if 0, we're
cmp si,1 ;almost done...Else if diff. is
je almostdone ;1 or -1 we're almost done...
cmp si,-1
je almostdone
mov si,di ;Store current value di in si as
;``old'' estimate for next iteration.
jmp refine
;-----End loop to refine the estimate------------------------------------------
almostdone: mov ax,di ;Check to see if estimate*estimate
mul di ;is less than cx:bx; this step is
sub bx,ax ;for fussbudgets who demand final
sbb cx,dx ;integer sqrt be < real sqrt; ditch
jns done ;it and save approx. 60 clocks...
dec di ;If product >cx:bx, subtract 1...
done: mov ax,di ;DeSmet looks for result in ax...
mov sp,bp
pop bp
/* Test driver for isqrt()... */
long start,i,NumSqrts;
printf(``ENTER start: '');
printf(``ENTER NumSqrts: '');
printf(``isqrt(%D)= %u\n'',start,isqrt(start));
/* Another short driver; this one better for verifying algorithm */
long source;
unsigned result;
printf(``ENTER # for sqrt; negative exits\n'');
while(printf(``ENTER #: ''),scanf(``%D'',&source),source>=OL){
printf(``result= SQRT(%D)= %u\n'',source,result);
printf(``result*result= %D\n'',((long)result)*((long)result));
printf(``(result+1)*(result+1)= %D\n\n'',(result+1L)*(result+1L));
Listing Two: Bit-Shifting Method (Slower)
;DeSmet function 1sqrt(); takes a long (32-bit) integer as an argument, returns
;a short (16-bit) integer square root. Function result returned in ax.
;Modified after 68000 code published in DDJ #109, Nov. 1985, p. 90. Comments
;give roughly analogous 68000 instructions; correspondence with 68000 registers
; D0 = sp:si (initially holds argument)
; D1 = dx:di (Error term)
; D2 = ax (Running estimate)
; D3 = bx (High bracket; may exceed 16 bits on last iteration)
; D4 = cx (Loop counter)
;Note sp is used as a general register, so can't push or pop between
;``mov bp,sp'' and ``mov sp,bp''...also, we must disable DOS's timer
;interrupt, because it manipulates the stack every 55 milliseconds...
public lsqrt_
lsqrt_: push bp
mov bp,sp
;------Now can address stack; 4-byte argument starts at bp+4------------------
cli ;Clear interrupts (lock out)...
mov si,word [bp+4] ;Place argument in sp:si= ``DO''...
mov sp,word [bp+6]
xor di,di ;Zero ``D1'' and ``D2''...
mov dx,di
mov ax,di
mov cx,16 ;Loop counter cx= ``D4''...
sqrt1: shl si,1
rcl sp,1 ;``asl.l #1,D0''...
rcl di,1 ;``roxl.l #1,D1''...
rcl dx,1
shl si,1
rcl sp,1 ;Repeat shift and rotate...
rcl di,1
rcl dx,1
shl ax,1 ;``asl.l #1,D2''...
mov bx,ax ;``move.1 D2,D3''...
shl bx,1 ;``asl.l #1,D3''...
jc is_carry ;Jump out of loop if new ``D3''exceeds
;16 bits (may happen on last
cmp dx,0
jb sqrt2 ;``cmp.l D3,D1''...
ja past1 ;``bls sqrt2''...
cmp di,bx
jbe sqrt2
past1: inc ax ;``addq.1 #1,D2''...
inc bx ;``addq.1 #1,D3''...
sub di,bx ;``sub.1 D3,D1''...
sbb dx,0
sqrt2: loop sqrt1 ;``dbra D4,sqrt1''...
jmp past3 ;Skip 'is_carry' block if we finished
;loop through 16 iterations (no jc,
;``D3'' stayed <17 bits)...
is_carry; cmp dx,0001H ;If we got here, there was a carry
ja past2 ;for shl bx,1 on last iteration of
jb past3 ;loop; compare upper word ``D1''
cmp di,bx ;against upper word ``D3'', which is
jbe past3 ;now 0001H; then compare lower words
;of ``D1'' and ``D3''...
past2: inc ax ;``addq.1 #1,D2''...
past3: sti ;Restore interrupts...
mov sp,bp ;Restore frame, function result
pop bp ;is already in ax....
Listing Three:
* *
* Integer Square Root (32 to 16 bit). *
* *
* (Exact method, not approximate). *
* *
* Call with: *
* DO.L = Unsigned number. *
* *
* Returns: *
* DO.L = SQRT(DO.L) *
* *
* Notes: Result fits in DO.W, but is valid in longword. *
* Takes from 122 to 1272 cycles (including rts). *
* Averages 610 cycles measured over first 65535 roots. *
* Averages 1104 cycles measured over first 500000 roots. *
* *
.globl lsqrt
* Cycles
lsqrt tst.l d0 (4) ; Skip doing zero.
beg.s done (10/8)
cmp.l #$10000,d0 (14) ; If is a longword, use the long routine.
bhs.s glsqrt (10/8)
cmp.w #625,d0 (8) ; Would the short word routine be quicker?
bhi.s gsqrt (10/8) ; No, use general purpose word routine.
* ; Otherwise fall into special routine.
* For speed, we use three exit points.
* This is cheesy, but this is a speed-optimized subroutine!
* *
* Faster Integer Square Root (16 to 8 bit). For small arguments. *
* *
* (Exact method, not approximate). *
* *
* Call with: *
* DO.W = Unsigned number. *
* *
* Returns: *
* DO.W = SQRT(DO.W) *
* *
* Notes: Result fits in DO.B, but is valid in word. *
* Takes from 72 (d0=1) to 504 (d0=625) cycles *
* (including rts). *
* *
* Algorithm supplied by Motorola. *
* *
* Use the theorem that a perfect square is the sum of the first
* sqrt(arg) number of odd integers.
* Cycles
move.w d1,-(sp) (8)
move.w #-1,d1 (8)
qsqrt1 addq.w #2,d1 (4)
sub.w d1,d0 (4)
bpl qsqrt1 (10/8)
asr.w #1,d1 (8)
move.w d1,d0 (4)
move.w (sp)+,d1 (12)
done rts (16)
* *
* Integer Square Root (16 to 8 bit). *
* *
* (Exact method, not approximate). *
* *
* Call with: *
* DO.W = Unsigned number. *
* *
* Returns: *
* DO.L = SQRT(DO.W) *
* *
* Uses: D1-D4 as temporaries -- *
* D1 = Error term; *
* D2 = Running estimate; *
* D3 = High bracket; *
* D4 = Loop counter *
* *
* Notes: Result fits in DO.B, but is valid in word. *
* *
* Takes from 512 to 592 cycles (including rts). *
* *
* Instruction times for branch-type instructions *
* listed as (X/Y) are for (taken/not taken). *
* *
* Cycles
gsqrt movem.w d1-d4,-(sp) (24)
move.w #7,d4 (8) ; Loop count (bits-1 of result).
clr.w d1 (4) ; Error term in D1.
clr.w d2 (4)
sqrt1 add.w d0,d0 (4) ; Get 2 leading bits a time and add
addx.w d1,d1 (4) ; into Error term for interpolation.
add.w d0,d0 (4) ; (Classical method, easy in binary).
addx.w d1,d1 (4)
add.w d2,d2 (4) ; Running estimate * 2.
move.w d2,d3 (4)
add.w d3,d3 (4)
cmp.w d3,d1 (4)
bls.s sqrt2 (10/8) ; New Error term > 2* Running estimate?
addq.w #1,d2 (4) ; Yes, we want a `1' bit then.
addq.w #1,d3 (4) ; Fix up new Error term.
sub.w d3,d1 (4)
sqrt2 dbra d4,sqrt1 (10/14) ; Do all 8 bit-pairs.
move.w d2,d0 (4)
movem.w (sp)+,d1-d4 (28)
rts (16)
* *
* Integer Square Root (32 to 16 bit). *
* *
* (Exact Method, not approximate). *
* *
* Call with: *
* DO.L = Unsigned number. *
* *
* Returns: *
* DO.L = SQRT(DO.L) *
* *
* Uses: D1-D4 as temporaries -- *
* D1 = Error term; *
* D2 = Running estimate; *
* D3 = High bracket; *
* D4 = Loop counter. *
* *
* Notes: Result fits in DO.W, but is valid in longword. *
* *
* Takes from 1080 to 1236 cycles (including rts.) *
* *
* Two of the 16 passes are unrolled from the loop so that *
* quicker instructions may be used where there is no *
* danger of overflow (in the early passes). *
* *
* Instruction times for branch-type instructions *
* listed as (X/Y) are for (taken/not taken). *
* *
* Cycles
glsqrt movem.l d1-d4,-(sp) (40)
moveq #13,d4 (4) ; Loop count (bits-1 of result).
moveq #0,d1 (4) ; Error term in D1.
moveq #0,d2 (4)
lsqrt1 add.l d0,d0 (8) ; Get 2 leading bits a time and add
addx.w d1,d1 (4) ; into Error term for interpolation.
add.l d0,d0 (8) ; (Classical method, easy in binary).
addx.w d1,d1 (4)
add.w d2,d2 (4) ; Running estimate * 2.
move.w d2,d3 (4)
add.w d3,d3 (4)
cmp.w d3,d1 (4)
bls.s lsqrt2 (10/8) ; New Error term > 2* Running estimate?
addq.w #1,d2 (4) ; Yes, we want a `1' bit then.
addq.w #1,d3 (4) ; Fix up new Error term.
sub.w d3,d1 (4)
lsqrt2 dbra d4,lsqrt1 (10/14) ; Do first 14 bit-pairs.
add.l d0,d0 (8) ; Do 15-th bit-pair.
addx.w d1,d1 (4)
add.l d0,d0 (8)
addx.l d1,d1 (8)
add.w d2,d2 (4)
move.l d2,d3 (4)
add.w d3,d3 (4)
cmp.l d3,d1 (6)
bls.s lsqrt3 (10/8)
addq.w #1,d2 (4)
addq.w #1,d3 (4)
sub.l d3,d1 (8)
lsqrt3 add.l d0,d0 (8) ; Do 16-th bit-pair.
addx.l d1,d1 (8)
add.l d0,d0 (8)
addx.l d1,d1 (8)
add.w d2,d2 (4)
move.l d2,d3 (4)
add.l d3,d3 (8)
cmp.l d3,d1 (6)
bls.s lsqrt4 (10/8)
addq.w #1,d2 (4)
lsqrt4 move.w d2,d0 (4)
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d4 (44)
rts (16)
Listing Four:
* *
* Integer Square Root (32 to 16 bit). *
* *
* (Newton-Raphson method). *
* *
* Call with: *
* DO.L = Unsigned number. *
* *
* Returns: *
* DO.L = SQRT(DO.L) *
* *
* Notes: Result fits in DO.W, but is valid in longword. *
* Takes from 338 cycles (1 shift, 1 division) to *
* 1580 cycles (16 shifts, 4 divisions) (including rts). *
* Averages 854 cycles measured over first 65535 roots. *
* Averages 992 cycles measured over first 500000 roots. *
* *
.globl lsqrt
* Cycles
lsqrt movem.l d1-d2,-(sp) (24)
move.l d0,d1 (4) ; Set up for guessing algorithm.
beq.s return (10/8) ; Don't process zero.
moveq #1,d2 (4)
guess cmp.l d2,d1 (6) ; Get a guess that is guaranteed to be
bls.s newton (10/8) ; too high, but not by much, by dividing the
add.l d2,d2 (8) ; argument by two and multiplying a 1 by 2
lsr,l #1,d1 (10) ; until the power of two passes the modified
bra.s guess (10) ; argument, then average these two numbers.
newton add.l d1,d2 (8) ; Average the two guesses.
lsr.l #1,d2 (10)
move.l d0,d1 (4) ; Generate the next approximation(s)
divu d2,d1 (140) ; via the Newton-Raphson method.
bvs.s done (10/8) ; Handle out-of-range input (cheats!)
cmp.w d1,d2 (4) ; Have we converged?
bls.s done (10/8)
swap d1 (4) ; No, kill the remainder so the
clr.w d1 (4) ; next average comes out right.
swap d1 (4)
bra.s newton (10)
done clr.w d0 (4) ; Return a word answer in longword.
swap d0 (4)
move.w d2,d0 (4)
return movem.l (sp)+,d1-d2 (28)
rts (16)
Listing Five:
Program Squareroot;
Squareroot algorithm & testprogram; DDJ March 1986, p.122
Features: - sqrt routine in 68000 machine language;
- long integer loopcount;
const { Iteration count for test loop }
NNR = 6E4; { real, for printing of statistics }
NNS = '60000'; { string, for assignment to long integer }
type long = record
low,high : integer;
var finished : boolean; { flag for loop }
number, limit : long; { loop count, loop limit }
sqrrt, { square root result }
sqrrto, { last displayed square root }
t1,t2 : integer; { parameters for system time }
time1, time2 : real; { start, end time }
procedure lg_clr(var l:long); external;
{ Clears long integer l }
procedure lg_asn_DU(s:string; var l:long); external;
{ Assigns the unsigned decimal string s to the long integer l }
procedure lg_inc1(var l:long); external;
{ Increments long integer l by 1 }
procedure lg_grt(a,b:long; var flag:boolean); external;
{ Compares long integers a and b and assign result to flag }
procedure sqrt(number:long; var result:integer); external;
{ Calculates square root of 'number' and returns it in 'result' }
begin { main }
sqrrto := 100;
lg_clr(number); { number := 0 }
lg_asn_DU(NNS,limit); {limit := NNS }
finished := false;
time(t1,t2); time1 := t2; { get start time }
while not finished do { calculate sqrt(number) }
if sqrrt <> sqrrto
then begin
write ('Number = ',number.high:6,' | ',number.low:6);
writeln(' --- Sqrt = ',sqrrt:4);
sqrrto := sqrrt;
lg_inc1(number); { number := number + 1 }
lg_grt(number,limit,finished); { finished := (number > limit) }
time(t1,t2); time2 := t2; { get end time }
writeln('finished !'); writeln;
writeln('Time: ',(time2-time1)/60,' seconds');
Listing Six:
1 *
2 * Squareroot algorithm; DDJ March 1986, p.122
3 *
4 * 68000 assembly language version
5 *
6 * Features: - equivalent to compiler-generated code;
7 *
8 *
9 * procedure sqrt(number:long; var result:integer);
10 *
11 * Calculates integer square root of 'number' and returns it in 'result';
12 *
13 *
14 * Register usage:
15 * --------------
16 *
17 * D0 : word register A0 : parameter stack pointer
18 * D1 : number A1 : scratch register
19 * D2 : guess1
20 * D3 : guess2
21 * D4 : error
22 *
23 proc sqrt,2 ;2 words of parameters
24 *
25 * Get parameters from stack
26 *
27 move.l (sp)+,a0 ;get return address
28 move.w 2(sp),a1 ;get ^number
29 move.l (a1),d1 ;get number
30 *
31 * bra Q15 ;--- for timing only
32 *
33 beq Q8 ;if number=0, skip
34 *
35 * Set initial values
36 *
37 Q7 moveq #1,d2 ;guess1 := 1
38 move.1 d1,d3 ;guess2 := number
39 *
40 * Do shifts until guess1 ~~~ guess2
41 *
42 Q9 move.l d2,d0 ;guess1 to work register
43 asl.l #1,d0 ;guess1 * 2
44 cmp.l d3,d0 ;compare with guess2
45 bge Q11 ;branch if guess1 * 2 >= guess2
46 asl.l #1,d2 ;guess1 := guess1 * 2
47 asr.l #1,d3 ;guess2 := guess2 / 2
48 bra Q9
49 *
50 * Now do divisions
51 *
52 Q11
53 Q13 add.l d3,d2 ;guess := guess1 + guess2
54 asr.l #1,d2 ;guess1 := (guess1+guess2)/2
55 move.l d1,d0 ;number to work register
56 divs d2,d0 ;number / guess1
57 move.w d0,d3 ;guess2 := number/guess1
58 ext.l d3 ;extend to 32 bits
59 move.l d2,d0 ;guess1 to work register
60 sub.l d3,d0 ;guess1-guess2
61 move.l d0,d4 ;error := guess1-guess2
62 ble Q14 ;if error <= 0
63 bra Q13 ;loop back if error > 0
64 Q14 move.l d2,d0 ;result := guess1
65 bra Q15
66 Q8 moveq #0,d0 ;result := 0
67 *
68 * Set result & return to caller
69 *
70 Q15 movea.w (sp)+,a1 ;get ^result
71 move.w d0,(a1) ;store result
72 *
73 addq.l #2,sp ;drop ^number
74 jmp (a0) ;return to caller
75 *
76 .nolist
Listing Seven:
1 *
2 * Squareroot algorithm; DDJ March 1986, p.122
3 *
4 * 68000 assembly language version
5 *
6 * Features: - hand-optimized machine code;
7 *
8 *
9 * procedure sqrt(number:integer; var result:integer);
10 *
11 * Calculates square root of 'number' and returns it in 'result';
12 *
13 *
14 * Register usage:
15 * --------------
16 *
17 * D0 : work register, error A0 : ^result
18 * D1 : number A1 : ^number
19 * D2 : guess1,result
20 * D3 : guess2
21 * D4 : temporary storage for return address
22 *
23 *
24 .proc sqrt,2 ;2 words of parameters
25 *
26 * Get parameters from stack
27 *
28 moveq #0,d2 ;result := 0 --- remove for timing
29 *
30 move.l (sp)+,d4 ;get return address
31 move.w (sp)+,a0 ;get ^result
32 move.w (sp)+,a1 ;get ^number
33 move.l (a1),d1 ;get number
34 *
35 * bra Q15 ;--- for timing only
36 *
37 beq Q15 ;if number=0, then result=0
38 *
39 * Set initial values
40 *
41 Q7 moveq #1,d2 ;guess1 := 1
42 move.l d1,d3 ;guess2 := number
43 *
44 * Do shifts until guess1 ~ guess2
45 *
46 Q9 asl.l #1,d2 ;guess1 := guess1 * 2
47 cmp.l d3,d2 ;compare with guess2
48 bge Q11 ;branch if guess1 * 2 >= guess2
49 asr.l #1,d3 ;guess2 := guess2 / 2
50 bra Q9
51 *
52 Q11 asr.l #1,d2 ;adjust guess1
53 *
54 * Now do divisions
55 *
56 Q13 add.l d3,d2 ;guess1 := guess1 + guess2
57 asr.l #1,d2 ;guess1 := (guess1+guess2)/2
58 move.l d1,d3 ;guess2 := number
59 divs d2,d3 ;guess2 := number / guess1
60 ext.l d3 ;extend guess2 to 32 bits
61 move.l d2,d0 ;guess1 to work register
62 sub.l d3,d0 ;error := guess1 - guess2
63 bgt Q13 ;loop back if error > 0
64 *
65 * Store result and return to caller
66 *
67 Q15 move.w d2,(a0) ;store result
68 *
69 movea.l d4,a0 ;move return address to adr-reg
70 jmp (a0) ;return to caller
71 *
72 .nolist
Listing Eight:
1 *
2 * Squareroot algorithm; DDJ November 1985, p.88
3 *
4 * 68000 assembly language
5 *
6 * procedure sqrt(number:long; var result:integer);
7 *
8 * Calculates the integer squareroot of 'number' and returns it in 'result'
9 *
10 *
11 * Register usage
12 * --------------
13 *
14 * D0 : number A0 : scratch, for pointers
15 * D1 : error term A1 : scratch, for pointers
16 * D2 : estimate
17 * D3 : corrector term
18 * D4 : loop counter
19 *
20 *
21 .proc sqrt,2 ;2 words of parameters
22 *
23 move.w 6(sp),a0 ;get ^number
24 move.l (a0),d0 ;get number into d0
25 *
26 * bra exit ;--- for timing only
27 *
28 moveq #16-1,d4 ;set loopcount,16*2 = 32 bits
29 moveq #0,d1 ;clear error term
30 moveq #0,d2 ;clear estimate
31 *
32 * Calculate squareroot
33 *
34 sqrtl asl.l #1,d0 ;get 2 leading bits,
35 roxl.l #1,d1 ;one at a time, into
36 asl.l #1,d0 ;the error term
37 roxl.l #1,d1
38 asl.l #1,d2 ;estimate * 2
39 move.l d2,d3
40 asl.l #1,d3 ;corrector = 2 * new estimate
41 cmp.l d3,d1
42 bls sqrt2 ;branch if error term <= corrector
43 addq.l #1,d2 ;otherwise, add low bit to estimate
44 addq.l #1,d3
45 sub.l d3,d1 ;and calculate new error term
46 *
47 sqrt2 dbra d4,sqrtl ;do all 16 bit-pairs
48 *
49 * Set result & return to caller
50 *
51 exit move.l (sp)+,a0 ;get return address
52 move.w (sp)+,a1 ;get ^result
53 move.w d2,(a1) ;store integer result
54 addq.l #2,sp ;drop ^number
55 jmp (a0) ;return to caller
56 *
57 .nolist
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: