Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ1291.ZIP

Output of file : GRPHPROG.ASC contained in archive : DDJ1291.ZIP
by Michael Abrash


/* Returns 1 if polygon described by passed-in vertex list is monotone with
respect to a vertical line, 0 otherwise. Doesn't matter if polygon is simple
(non-self-intersecting) or not. Tested with Borland C++ 2 in small model. */

#include "polygon.h"

#define SIGNUM(a) ((a>0)?1:((a<0)?-1:0))

int PolygonIsMonotoneVertical(struct PointListHeader * VertexList)
int i, Length, DeltaYSign, PreviousDeltaYSign;
int NumYReversals = 0;
struct Point *VertexPtr = VertexList->PointPtr;

/* Three or fewer points can't make a non-vertical-monotone polygon */
if ((Length=VertexList->Length) < 4) return(1);

/* Scan to the first non-horizontal edge */
PreviousDeltaYSign = SIGNUM(VertexPtr[Length-1].Y - VertexPtr[0].Y);
i = 0;
while ((PreviousDeltaYSign == 0) && (i < (Length-1))) {
PreviousDeltaYSign = SIGNUM(VertexPtr[i].Y - VertexPtr[i+1].Y);

if (i == (Length-1)) return(1); /* polygon is a flat line */

/* Now count Y reversals. Might miss one reversal, at the last vertex, but
because reversal counts must be even, being off by one isn't a problem */
do {
if ((DeltaYSign = SIGNUM(VertexPtr[i].Y - VertexPtr[i+1].Y))
!= 0) {
if (DeltaYSign != PreviousDeltaYSign) {
/* Switched Y direction; not vertical-monotone if
reversed Y direction as many as three times */
if (++NumYReversals > 2) return(0);
PreviousDeltaYSign = DeltaYSign;
} while (i++ < (Length-1));
return(1); /* it's a vertical-monotone polygon */


/* Color-fills a convex polygon. All vertices are offset by (XOffset, YOffset).
"Convex" means "monotone with respect to a vertical line"; that is, every
horizontal line drawn through the polygon at any point would cross exactly two
active edges (neither horizontal lines nor zero-length edges count as active
edges; both are acceptable anywhere in the polygon). Right & left edges may
cross (polygons may be nonsimple). Polygons that are not convex according to
this definition won't be drawn properly. (Yes, "convex" is a lousy name for
this type of polygon, but it's convenient; use "monotone-vertical" if it makes
you happier!)
NOTE: the low-level drawing routine, DrawHorizontalLineList, must be able to
reverse the edges, if necessary to make the correct edge left edge. It must
also expect right edge to be specified in +1 format (the X coordinate is 1 past
highest coordinate to draw). In both respects, this differs from low-level
drawing routines presented in earlier columns; changes are necessary to make it
possible to draw nonsimple monotone-vertical polygons; that in turn makes it
possible to use Jim Kent's test for monotone-vertical polygons.
Returns 1 for success, 0 if memory allocation failed */

#include "polygon.h"

/* Advances the index by one vertex forward through the vertex list,
wrapping at the end of the list */
#define INDEX_FORWARD(Index) \
Index = (Index + 1) % VertexList->Length;

/* Advances the index by one vertex backward through the vertex list,
wrapping at the start of the list */
#define INDEX_BACKWARD(Index) \
Index = (Index - 1 + VertexList->Length) % VertexList->Length;

/* Advances the index by one vertex either forward or backward through
the vertex list, wrapping at either end of the list */
#define INDEX_MOVE(Index,Direction) \
if (Direction > 0) \
Index = (Index + 1) % VertexList->Length; \
else \
Index = (Index - 1 + VertexList->Length) % VertexList->Length;

extern void ScanEdge(int, int, int, int, int, int, struct HLine **);
extern void DrawHorizontalLineList(struct HLineList *, int);

int FillMonotoneVerticalPolygon(struct PointListHeader * VertexList,
int Color, int XOffset, int YOffset)
int i, MinIndex, MaxIndex, MinPoint_Y, MaxPoint_Y;
int NextIndex, CurrentIndex, PreviousIndex;
struct HLineList WorkingHLineList;
struct HLine *EdgePointPtr;
struct Point *VertexPtr;

/* Point to the vertex list */
VertexPtr = VertexList->PointPtr;

/* Scan the list to find the top and bottom of the polygon */
if (VertexList->Length == 0)
return(1); /* reject null polygons */
MaxPoint_Y = MinPoint_Y = VertexPtr[MinIndex = MaxIndex = 0].Y;
for (i = 1; i < VertexList->Length; i++) {
if (VertexPtr[i].Y < MinPoint_Y)
MinPoint_Y = VertexPtr[MinIndex = i].Y; /* new top */
else if (VertexPtr[i].Y > MaxPoint_Y)
MaxPoint_Y = VertexPtr[MaxIndex = i].Y; /* new bottom */

/* Set the # of scan lines in the polygon, skipping the bottom edge */
if ((WorkingHLineList.Length = MaxPoint_Y - MinPoint_Y) <= 0)
return(1); /* there's nothing to draw, so we're done */
WorkingHLineList.YStart = YOffset + MinPoint_Y;

/* Get memory in which to store the line list we generate */
if ((WorkingHLineList.HLinePtr =
(struct HLine *) (malloc(sizeof(struct HLine) *
WorkingHLineList.Length))) == NULL)
return(0); /* couldn't get memory for the line list */

/* Scan the first edge and store the boundary points in the list */
/* Initial pointer for storing scan converted first-edge coords */
EdgePointPtr = WorkingHLineList.HLinePtr;
/* Start from the top of the first edge */
PreviousIndex = CurrentIndex = MinIndex;
/* Scan convert each line in the first edge from top to bottom */
do {
ScanEdge(VertexPtr[PreviousIndex].X + XOffset,
VertexPtr[CurrentIndex].X + XOffset,
VertexPtr[CurrentIndex].Y, 1, 0, &EdgePointPtr);
PreviousIndex = CurrentIndex;
} while (CurrentIndex != MaxIndex);

/* Scan the second edge and store the boundary points in the list */
EdgePointPtr = WorkingHLineList.HLinePtr;
PreviousIndex = CurrentIndex = MinIndex;
/* Scan convert the second edge, top to bottom */
do {
ScanEdge(VertexPtr[PreviousIndex].X + XOffset,
VertexPtr[CurrentIndex].X + XOffset,
VertexPtr[CurrentIndex].Y, 0, 0, &EdgePointPtr);
PreviousIndex = CurrentIndex;
} while (CurrentIndex != MaxIndex);

/* Draw the line list representing the scan converted polygon */
DrawHorizontalLineList(&WorkingHLineList, Color);

/* Release the line list's memory and we're successfully done */


; Draws all pixels in list of horizontal lines passed in, in mode 13h, VGA's
; 320x200 256-color mode. Uses REP STOS to fill each line.
; ******************************************************************
; NOTE: is able to reverse the X coords for a scan line, if necessary to make
; XStart < XEnd. Expects whichever edge is rightmost on any scan line to be in
; +1 format; that is, XEnd is 1 greater than rightmost pixel to draw. if
; XStart == XEnd, nothing is drawn on that scan line.
; ******************************************************************
; C near-callable as:
; void DrawHorizontalLineList(struct HLineList * HLineListPtr, int Color);
; All assembly code tested with TASM 2.0 and MASM 5.0


HLine struc
XStart dw ? ;X coordinate of leftmost pixel in line
XEnd dw ? ;X coordinate of rightmost pixel in line
HLine ends

HLineList struc
Lngth dw ? ;# of horizontal lines
YStart dw ? ;Y coordinate of topmost line
HLinePtr dw ? ;pointer to list of horz lines
HLineList ends

Parms struc
dw 2 dup(?) ;return address & pushed BP
HLineListPtr dw ? ;pointer to HLineList structure
Color dw ? ;color with which to fill
Parms ends
.model small
public _DrawHorizontalLineList
align 2
_DrawHorizontalLineList proc
push bp ;preserve caller's stack frame
mov bp,sp ;point to our stack frame
push si ;preserve caller's register variables
push di
cld ;make string instructions inc pointers

mov es,ax ;point ES to display memory for REP STOS

mov si,[bp+HLineListPtr] ;point to the line list
mov ax,SCREEN_WIDTH ;point to the start of the first scan
mul [si+YStart] ; line in which to draw
mov dx,ax ;ES:DX points to first scan line to draw
mov bx,[si+HLinePtr] ;point to the XStart/XEnd descriptor
; for the first (top) horizontal line
mov si,[si+Lngth] ;# of scan lines to draw
and si,si ;are there any lines to draw?
jz FillDone ;no, so we're done
mov al,byte ptr [bp+Color] ;color with which to fill
mov ah,al ;duplicate color for STOSW
mov di,[bx+XStart] ;left edge of fill on this line
mov cx,[bx+XEnd] ;right edge of fill
cmp di,cx ;is XStart > XEnd?
jle NoSwap ;no, we're all set
xchg di,cx ;yes, so swap edges
sub cx,di ;width of fill on this line
jz LineFillDone ;skip if zero width
add di,dx ;offset of left edge of fill
test di,1 ;does fill start at an odd address?
jz MainFill ;no
stosb ;yes, draw the odd leading byte to
; word-align the rest of the fill
dec cx ;count off the odd leading byte
jz LineFillDone ;done if that was the only byte
shr cx,1 ;# of words in fill
rep stosw ;fill as many words as possible
adc cx,cx ;1 if there's an odd trailing byte to
; do, 0 otherwise
rep stosb ;fill any odd trailing byte
add bx,size HLine ;point to the next line descriptor
add dx,SCREEN_WIDTH ;point to the next scan line
dec si ;count off lines to fill
jnz FillLoop
pop di ;restore caller's register variables
pop si
pop bp ;restore caller's stack frame
_DrawHorizontalLineList endp


/*** Replace this... ***/
extern int FillConvexPolygon(struct PointListHeader *, int, int, int);

/*** ...with this... ***/
extern int FillMonotoneVerticalPolygon(struct PointListHeader *,
int, int, int);
extern int PolygonIsMonotoneVertical(struct PointListHeader *);

/*** Replace this... ***/
/* Pass convex polygons through to fast convex polygon filler */
if (PolygonShape == CONVEX)
return(FillConvexPolygon(VertexList, Color, XOffset, YOffset));

/*** ...with this... ***/
/* Pass convex polygons through to fast convex polygon filler */
if ((PolygonShape == CONVEX) ||
return(FillMonotoneVerticalPolygon(VertexList, Color, XOffset,


/* POLYGON.H: Header file for polygon-filling code */

#define CONVEX 0
#define NONCONVEX 1
#define COMPLEX 2

/* Describes a single point (used for a single vertex) */
struct Point {
int X; /* X coordinate */
int Y; /* Y coordinate */

/* Describes series of points (used to store a list of vertices that describe
a polygon; each vertex is assumed to connect to the two adjacent vertices, and
last vertex is assumed to connect to the first) */
struct PointListHeader {
int Length; /* # of points */
struct Point * PointPtr; /* pointer to list of points */

/* Describes beginning and ending X coordinates of a single horizontal line */
struct HLine {
int XStart; /* X coordinate of leftmost pixel in line */
int XEnd; /* X coordinate of rightmost pixel in line */

/* Describes a Length-long series of horizontal lines, all assumed to be on
contiguous scan lines starting at YStart and proceeding downward (used to
describe scan-converted polygon to low-level hardware-dependent drawing code)*/
struct HLineList {
int Length; /* # of horizontal lines */
int YStart; /* Y coordinate of topmost line */
struct HLine * HLinePtr; /* pointer to list of horz lines */

/* Describes a color as an RGB triple, plus one byte for other info */
struct RGB { unsigned char Red, Green, Blue, Spare; };


/* Mode set routine for VGA 640x400 16-color mode. Tested with
Borland C++ 2, in C compilation mode. */


void Set640x400()
union REGS regset;

/* First, set to standard 640x350 mode (mode 10h) */ = 0x0010;
int86(0x10, ®set, ®set);

/* Modify the sync polarity bits (bits 7 & 6) of the
Miscellaneous Output register (readable at 0x3CC, writable at
0x3C2) to select the 400-scan-line vertical scanning rate */
outp(0x3C2, ((inp(0x3CC) & 0x3F) | 0x40));

/* Now, tweak the registers needed to convert the vertical
timings from 350 to 400 scan lines */
outpw(0x3D4, 0x9C10); /* adjust the Vertical Sync Start register
for 400 scan lines */
outpw(0x3D4, 0x8E11); /* adjust the Vertical Sync End register
for 400 scan lines */
outpw(0x3D4, 0x8F12); /* adjust the Vertical Display End
register for 400 scan lines */
outpw(0x3D4, 0x9615); /* adjust the Vertical Blank Start
register for 400 scan lines */
outpw(0x3D4, 0xB916); /* adjust the Vertical Blank End register
for 400 scan lines */


/* Sample program to exercise VGA 640x400 16-color mode page flipping, by
drawing a horizontal line at the top of page 0 and another at bottom of page 1,
then flipping between them once every 30 frames. Tested with Borland C++ 2,
in C compilation mode. */


#define SCREEN_SEGMENT 0xA000
#define SCREEN_HEIGHT 400
#define INPUT_STATUS_1 0x3DA /* color-mode address of Input Status 1
register */
/* The page start addresses must be even multiples of 256, because page
flipping is performed by changing only the upper start address byte */
#define PAGE_0_START 0

void main(void);
void Wait30Frames(void);
extern void Set640x400(void);

void main()
int i;
unsigned int far *ScreenPtr;
union REGS regset;

Set640x400(); /* set to 640x400 16-color mode */

/* Point to first line of page 0 and draw a horizontal line across screen */
FP_OFF(ScreenPtr) = PAGE_0_START;
for (i=0; i<(SCREEN_WIDTH_IN_BYTES/2); i++) *ScreenPtr++ = 0xFFFF;

/* Point to last line of page 1 and draw a horizontal line across screen */
FP_OFF(ScreenPtr) =
for (i=0; i<(SCREEN_WIDTH_IN_BYTES/2); i++) *ScreenPtr++ = 0xFFFF;

/* Now flip pages once every 30 frames until a key is pressed */
do {

/* Flip to page 1 */
outpw(0x3D4, 0x0C | ((PAGE_1_START >> 8) << 8));


/* Flip to page 0 */
outpw(0x3D4, 0x0C | ((PAGE_0_START >> 8) << 8));
} while (kbhit() == 0);

getch(); /* clear the key press */

/* Return to text mode and exit */ = 0x0003; /* AL = 3 selects 80x25 text mode */
int86(0x10, ®set, ®set);

void Wait30Frames()
int i;

for (i=0; i<30; i++) {
/* Wait until we're not in vertical sync, so we can catch leading edge */
while ((inp(INPUT_STATUS_1) & 0x08) != 0) ;
/* Wait until we are in vertical sync */
while ((inp(INPUT_STATUS_1) & 0x08) == 0) ;

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ1291.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: