Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ0988.ZIP

Output of file : GROSBERG.LIS contained in archive : DDJ0988.ZIP
John A. Grosbery

Listing One

package float_unit is
type class is new float;
units_error : exception;

function "*" (left,right : class) return class;
-- This function is to overload the inherited
-- multiply function. Multiplying two dimensioned
-- numbers does not produce a number with the same
-- units, so this is an invalid operation. It will
-- raise the units_error exception.

-- The following multiplication functions provide for
-- multiplying a non-dimensional number (float or
-- integer) times a dimensional number (class). There
-- are two of each (one with float first, one with
-- class first) to make the multiplication functions
-- commutative.

function "*" (left : float; right : class) return class;
function "*" (left : class; right : float) return class;

function "*" (left : integer; right : class) return
function "*" (left : class; right : integer) return

function "/" (left,right : class) return class;
-- This function is to overload the inherited
-- divide function. Dividing two dimensioned numbers
-- does not produce a number with the same units, so
-- this is an invalid operation. It will raise the
-- units_error exception.

function "/" (left, right : class) return float;
-- This function divides two items of type class and
-- returns the result as type float. Dividing a
-- dimensioned number by another of the same
-- dimensioned produces a non-dimensional number.

-- The next two divide functions allow dividing a
-- dimensioned number by a non-dimensioned floating point
-- or integer number. Doing so produces a result with
-- the same dimensions as the dimensioned number.

function "/" (left : class; right : float) return class;
function "/" (left : class; right : integer) return

function "**" (left:class; right:integer) return class;
-- This function is to overload the inherited
-- exponentiation function. Exponentiating
-- dimensioned numbers does not produce a
-- number with the same units, so this is an
-- invalid operation. It will raise the
-- units_error exception.

function image ( the_object :in class ) return string;
-- This function will take the_object of type
-- class and convert it to a string type. The
-- name "image" was chosen because the purpose of
-- this function is similar to that of Ada's "image"
-- attribute. This function and the following
-- decouple the units package from any input/output
-- device or package.

function value (the_string :in string) return class;
-- This function will take a string which is a valid
-- representation of an object of the type class and
-- convert it to the type class. If the_string
-- contains an invalid value, the constraint_error
-- exception will be raised. The name "value" was
-- used because the purpose of this function is
-- similar to Ada's "value" attribute.

end float_unit;

with text_io;

package body float_unit is
function "*" (left,right : class) return class is
-- This function is to hide the inherited multiply
-- function. Multiplying two dimensioned numbers does
-- not produce a number with the same units, so
-- this is an invalid operation. If this function
-- is invoked, it will raise the units_error exception.

-- Whole function invalid; force exception:

raise units_error;
return left * right;

-- Above return needed to satisfy compiler, but
-- it will never be executed.
end "*";

function "*" (left : float; right : class) return class
return class(left * float(right));
end "*";

function "*" (left : class; right : float) return class
return class( float(left) * right );
end "*";

function "*" (left : integer; right : class) return
return class( float(left) * right );
end "*";

function "*" (left : class; right : integer) return
return class( left * float(right) );
end "*";

function "/" (left,right : class) return class
-- Whole function invalid; force exception:

raise units_error;
return class( float(left) / float(right));

-- Above return needed to satisfy compiler, but
-- it will never be executed.
end "/";

function "/" (left, right : class) return float
return float(left) / float(right);
end "/";

function "/" (left : class; right : float) return class
return class( float(left) / right);
end "/";

function "/" (left : class; right : integer) return class
return class( float(left) / float(right) );
end "/";

function "**" (left:class; right:integer) return class
raise units_error;
return class( float(left) ** right);
end "**";

package fio is new text_io.float_io(class);
-- Fio will be needed by image and value, below.

function image ( the_object :in class ) return string
buffer : string(1..14);
fio.put(buffer, the_object);
return buffer;
end image;

function value (the_string :in string) return class
buffer : class;
last : positive;
fio.get(the_string, buffer, last);
return buffer;
end value;

end float_unit;

Listing Two

with float_unit;

type class_a is digits<>;
type class_b is digits <>;
package product_unit is

type class is new float_unit.class;

function "*"(left : class_a;
right : class_b) return class;

function "*"(left : class_b;
right : class_a) return class;

function "/"(left : class;
right : class_a) return class_b;

function "/"(left : class;
right : class_b) return class_a;

end product_unit;

package body product_unit is

function "*"(left : class_a;
right : class_b) return class
return class(float(left) * float(right));
end "*";

function "*"(left : class_b;
right : class_a) return class
return class(float(left) * float(right));
end "*";

function "/"(left : class;
right : class_a) return class_b
return class_b(float(left) / float(right));
end "/";

function "/"(left : class;
right : class_b) return class_a
return class_a(float(left) / float(right));
end "/";

end product_unit;

Listing Three

with float_unit;

type numerator_class is digits <>;
type denominator_class is digits <>;
package quotient_unit is

type class is new float_unit.class;

function "/"(left : numerator_class;
right : denominator_class
) return class;

function "*"(left : class;
right : denominator_class
) return numerator_class;

function "*"(left : denominator_class;
right : class
) return numerator_class;

end quotient_unit;

package body quotient_unit is

function "/"(left : numerator_class;

right : denominator_class) return class
return class(float(left) / float(right));
end "/";

function "*"(left : class;
right : denominator_class
) return numerator_class
return numerator_class(float(left) * float(right));
end "*";

function "*"(left : denominator_class;
right : class
) return numerator_class
return numerator_class(float(left) * float(right));
end "*";

end quotient_unit;

Example 1: Using the form for a package construct

package float_unit is
type class is new float;

function"*"(left : float;
right: class
) return class;

function "/" (left: class;
right: float
) return class;

-- etc...
end float_unit;

Example 2: Creating objects of the hour glass

with hour; use hour;
procedure time_card is
-- Create the objects:
hours_worked : hour.class;
job_1 : hour.class;
job_2 : hour.class;

-- Give them each a value:
job_1 := 8.0;
job_2 := 5.5;
hours_worked := job_1 + job_2;

end time_card;

Example 3: Using the hour class and a new mile class to create
the mile_per_hour class

with float_unit;
package mile is new unit;

with float_unit;
with hour;
with mile;

package mile_per_hour is
type class is new float_unit.class;

function "/"(left : mile.class;
right: hour.class
) return class;

end mile_per_hour;

Example 4: Installing the specification and the body for the
packages listed in Example 2 and 3

with hour;
with mile;
with quotient_unit;

package mile_per_hour is new quotient_unit(
numerator_class => mile.class,
denominator_class => hour.class);

Example 5: Creating new composite units by applying an existing
generic package as many times as necessary. In this case, a
package for cubic feet is created from miles/hour.

with unit;
package foot is new unit;

with foot;
with product_unit;
package square_foot is new product_unit(
class_a => foot,
class_b => foot);

with foot;
with square_foot;
with product_unit;
package cubic_foot is new product_unit(
class_a => foot,
class_b => square_foot);

Example 6: Converting routines to couple a package with other

with float_unit;
with hour;
with mile;
with mile_per_second;

package mile_per_hour is
type class is new float_unit.class;

function "/"(left : mile.class;
right : hour.class
) return class;

function convert (mps :
) return class;
end mile_per_hour;

Example 7: Modelling relationships on objects

with mile_per_hour;
with mile_per_second;
package mph_mps_convert is

function relation(mph :
return mile_per_second.class;

function relation(mps :
return mile_per_hour.class;
end mph_mps_convert;

Example 8: Generalizing relationship objects for dimensional unit
applications by creating a class that provides functions to go
both ways. This generalization process is implemented as a
generic package that imports the conversion factor and the two
objects that are to be related.

-- Import one kind of class:
type class_a is digits <>;
-- Import the other kind:
type class_b is digits <>;
-- Import the conversion factor
a_to_b_factor : in float := 1.0;
package class_a_class_b_convert is

function relation (a : class_a
) return class_b;

function relation (b : class_b
) return class_a;

end class_a_class_b_convert;

package body class_a_class_b_convert is

function relation (a : class_a
) return class_b
return class_b(float(a) *
end relation;

function relation (b : class_b
) return class_a;
return class_a(float(b) /
end relation;

end class_a_class_b_convert;

Example 9: Using the relationship objects described in Example 8

with miles_per_hour;
with miles_per_second;
with class_a_class_b_convert;
package mph_mps_convert is
new class_a_class_b_convert(
class_a => miles_per_hour.class,
class_b => miles_per_second.class,
a_to_b_factor => 3600.0);

Example 10: Code fragment showing the use of the mph_mps.convert
object created in Example 9 to convert 60 mile_per_hour into

with miles_per_hour; use miles_per_hour;
with miles_per_second; use miles_per_second;
with mph_mps_convert;
mph : miles_per_hour.class := 60.0;
mps : miles_per_second.class;
mps := mph_mps_convert.relation(mph);

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DDJ0988.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: