Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DBMS9108.ZIP
Filename : TECHTIP2.AUG

Output of file : TECHTIP2.AUG contained in archive : DBMS9108.ZIP
* Program.: RTROUND.PRG
* Author..: John D. Hrivnak
* Date....: February 21, 1991
* Notice..: Property of Checker Industries Corporation
* Notes...: FoxPro 1.01


PARAMETERS dnumber, nlength, decpos
* dnumber = input numerical value
* nlength = maximum total length of number display field
* decpos = minimum number of decimal positions to display

PRIVATE numstr, places, tens, newdec, newno, setdeci, decmin
* numstr = string equivalent of input numerical value
* places = number of significant decimal positions in input number
* tens = number of significant digits non-decimal
* newdec = final decimal positions adjusted for final display
* newno = temp rounded dnumber in display shrink calc
* setdeci = SET DECIMALS external setting
* decmin = min. decimal positions to round to when number squeeze

* calc number of actual sig decimals (BETWEEN test is actually <> 0)
places = 0
DO WHILE BETWEEN(MOD(ABS(dnumber) * 10 ** (places + 1), 10),
0.000001, 9.999999)
places = places + 1

* calc number of actual sig digits non-decimal
tens = 0
DO WHILE ABS((dnumber / (10 ** tens))) >= 1.0
tens = tens + 1
* save one place for zero if value less than one
IF tens = 0
tens = 1

* assure decimals padded with zeroes out
* to desired number of positions
newdec = MAX(places, decpos)

IF newdec > places && must pad out dec places for
&& ROUND fcn to work right
setdeci = SYS(2001, "DECIMALS") && remember current setting
SET DECIMALS TO newdec && needed for decimal padding
&& calc via VAL()
newno = VAL(STR(dnumber, tens+newdec+IIF(newdec>0,1,0)+
IIF(SIGN(dnumber)=-1,1,0), newdec))
newno = dnumber

* put together string representation of numerical value
numstr = LTRIM(STR(newno, tens+newdec+
IIF(newdec>0,1,0)+IIF(SIGN(newno)=-1,1,0), newdec))

* if string doesn't fit in display field, round off as much
* as necessary or possible
decmin = MIN(places, decpos)
DO WHILE LEN(numstr) > nlength .AND. newdec > decmin
newdec = newdec - 1
newno = ROUND(newno, newdec)
numstr = LTRIM(STR(newno, tens+newdec+
IIF(newdec>0,1,0)+IIF(SIGN(newno)=-1,1,0), newdec))

IF LEN(numstr) <= nlength
numstr = PADL(numstr, nlength) && if length OK, right justify
numstr = REPLICATE("*", nlength) && asterisks show undisplayable

RETURN numstr

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DBMS9108.ZIP
Filename : TECHTIP2.AUG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: