Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DBMS9104.ZIP

Output of file : LEIFXTRA.LST contained in archive : DBMS9104.ZIP
Various code snippets demonstrating the use
and abuse of the much maligned CODE BLOCKS!
Greg Lief -- for DBMS Magazine
Compile instructions: clipper cbtest /n/w/a

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

#define TEST // to compile test program

// test program begins here
#ifdef TEST

main stub to call the other guys
function main
local x
for x := 1 to 13
qout("test #" + ltrim(str(x)))
eval( &("{ | | test" + ltrim(str(x)) + "() }") )
return nil


// test program ends -- examples begin

basic evaluation of a code block
function test1
local myblock := { | | mvar }, mvar := 500, x
x := eval(myblock)
? x // output: 500
return inkey(0)

evaluation of a code block with QOUT() call
function test2
local myblock := { | | qout(mvar) }, mvar := 500
eval(myblock) // output: 500
return inkey(0)

evaluation of a code block with multiple expressions
and assignment of rightmost expression to variable
function test3
local myblock := { | | qout(var1), qqout(var2), 500 }
local var1 := "Mister ", var2 := "Grump", x
x := eval(myblock) // output: "Mister Grump"
? x // output: 500
return inkey(0)

code block that increments a variable
function test4
local myblock := { | | x++ }, x := 1, y
for y := 1 to 100
? x // output: 101
return inkey(0)

code block that calls a UDF - no parameters
function test5
local myblock := { | | BlueFunc() }
eval(myblock) // calls BlueFunc() which displays a message
return nil

static function bluefunc
? "here we are in a BlueFunc() - will we ever escape?"
return nil

code block with parameters
function test6
local myblock := { | a, b, c | max(a, max(b, c)) }
? eval(myblock, 20, 100, 30) // output: 100
return inkey(0)

code block that calls a UDF with a parameter
function test7
local myblock := { | x | BlueFunc2(x) }
eval(myblock, 20) // calls BlueFunc2() and will wait 20 seconds
return nil

static function bluefunc2(delay)
? "we're in a BlueFunc() for " + ltrim(str(delay)) + " seconds"
return nil

code block with less parameters than arguments
and assignment (of NIL) to a variable
function test8
local myblock := { | a, b, c | qout(a, b, c) }, x
eval(myblock, 1, 2, 3) // output: 1 2 3
x := eval(myblock, 1, 2) // output: 1 2 NIL
? x // output: NIL
return inkey(0)

AEVAL() to determine max, min, and sum of array elements
Also increments and displays all array elements
function test9
local myarray := { 75, 100, 2, 200, .25, -25, 40, 52 }, ;
nmax, nmin, nsum := 0
nmax := nmin := myarray[1]
? "Current array elements"
aeval(myarray, { | a, b | nmax := max(nmax, a), nmin := min(nmin, a),;
nsum += a, qout("Element #", ltrim(str(b)), a) } )
devpos(row() + 1, 0)
? "Maximum value:", nmax // 200
? "Minimum value:", nmin // -25
? "Total amount: ", nsum // 444.25
devpos(row() + 1, 0)
aeval(myarray, { | a, b | myarray[b]++ } )
? "Array elements after incrementing"
aeval(myarray, { | a, b | qout("Element #", ltrim(str(b)), a) } )
return inkey(0)

DBEVAL() example to determine total and maximum balance
function test10
// create test database on-the-fly
local ntotal := 0, nmax := 0, x
dbcreate("test", { { "BALANCE", "N", 2, 0 } } )
use test
for x := 1 to 40
append blank
fieldput(1, recno())
DBEval( { | | ntotal += test->balance, nmax := max(nmax, test->balance) } )
? "Total: ", ntotal
? "Maximum:", nmax
ferase("test.dbf") // stop me before I kill again
return inkey(0)

case-insensitive ASCAN()
function test11
local myarray := { "gReG", "Justin", "Jennifer", "Traci", "Don" }
local mvar := "jEnNiFeR", ele
? "searching for " + mvar
ele := ascan(myarray, { | a | if(valtype(a) == "C", ;
upper(a) = upper(mvar), .F.) } )
? "located at element #" + ltrim(str(ele)), "(" + myarray[ele] + ")"
return inkey(0)

descending ASORT()
function test12
local myarray := { "GREG", "JUSTIN", "JENNIFER", "TRACI", "DON" }
asort(myarray,,, { | x, y | x > y } )
aeval(myarray, { | a | qout(a) } )
return inkey(0)

directory sorted by file date then name
function test13
local files_ := directory("*.*")
asort(files_,,, { | x, y | if( x[3] = y[3], x[1] < y[1], ;
x[3] < y[3] ) } )
// note optional parameters to limit AEVAL() to first
// 20 elements of array -- so we don't scroll off the screen
aeval(files_, { | a | qout(padr(a[1], 14), a[3]) }, 1, 20)
return inkey(0)

Other Miscellaneous Examples of Code Blocks

STRUCT() -- demonstration of using FIELDBLOCK() to
retrieve field values
Syntax: STRUCT()
function struct(dbf_file)
local struct, x
if dbf_file == NIL
qout("Syntax: struct ")
elseif ! file(dbf_file) .and. ! file(dbf_file + ".dbf")
qout("Could not open " + dbf_file)
use (dbf_file)
struct := dbstruct()
qout("Field Name Type Len Dec Contents of First Record")
for x := 1 to len(struct)
qout(padr(struct[x, 1], 10), padr(struct[x, 2], 4), ;
str(struct[x, 3], 3), str(struct[x, 4], 3), ;
eval(fieldblock(struct[x, 1])) )
you could also cram that into one AEVAL() like so:

aeval(dbstruct(), { | a | qout(padr(a[1], 10), padr(a[2], 4), ;
str(a[3], 3), str(a[4], 3), eval(fieldblock(a[1]))) } )
return nil


Example of scatter/gather using FIELDBLOCK()

#define mNAME scatter_[1]
#define mTITLE scatter_[2]
#define mDATE scatter_[3]
#define mKEYWORDS scatter_[4]
#define mFILENAME scatter_[5]
#define mCODEFILE scatter_[6]
#define mREAD scatter_[7]
#define mCOMMENTS scatter_[8]

function fbtest(mode)
memvar getlist
local scatter_ := {}, oldcurs, marker
local fieldnames_ := { 'NAME', 'TITLE', 'DATE', 'KEYWORDS', ;
if ! file('test.dbf')
dbcreate('test', { { "NAME", "C", 20, 0 } , ;
{ "TITLE", "C", 50, 0 } , ;
{ "DATE", "D", 8, 0 } , ;
{ "KEYWORDS", "C", 50, 0 } , ;
{ "FILENAME", "C", 12, 0 } , ;
{ "CODEFILE", "C", 12, 0 } , ;
{ "READ", "L", 1, 0 } , ;
{ "COMMENTS", "C", 50, 0 } } )
use test
/* if file is empty, switch to Add mode */
if lastrec() = 0
mode := "A"
/* display static text */
@ 9, 33 say [NAME]
@ 10, 32 say [TITLE]
@ 11, 33 say [DATE]
@ 12, 29 say [KEYWORDS]
@ 13, 29 say [FILENAME]
@ 14, 29 say [CODEFILE]
@ 15, 33 say [READ]
@ 16, 29 say [COMMENTS]

// use the phantom record to grab initial values if adding
if mode = 'A'
marker := recno()
go bottom
/* initialize memory variables using FIELDBLOCK() */
aeval(fieldnames_, { | a | aadd(scatter_, eval(fieldblock(a))) } )
// go GET 'em
@ 9, 39 get mNAME picture 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
@ 10, 39 get mTITLE picture '@S35'
@ 11, 39 get mDATE picture 'XXXXX'
@ 12, 39 get mKEYWORDS picture '@S35'
@ 13, 39 get mFILENAME picture 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'
@ 14, 39 get mCODEFILE picture 'XXXXXXXXXXXX'
@ 15, 39 get mREAD picture 'Y'
@ 16, 39 get mCOMMENTS picture '@S35'
oldcurs := setcursor(if(mode = 'V', 0, 1))
if mode != 'V'
clear gets
// do the replaces if they didn't escape out
if lastkey() != K_ESC
if mode = 'A'
append blank
/* assign memvar values to fields using FIELDBLOCK() */
aeval(fieldnames_, { | a, x | eval(fieldblock(a), scatter_[x]) } )
// if in add mode, must reset record pointer
if mode = 'A'
go marker
return nil


demonstration of FIELDWBLOCK()
function fwbtest
dbcreate("customer", { { "LNAME", "C", 10, 0 } })
dbcreate("vendor", { { "LNAME", "C", 10, 0 } })
use customer new
append blank
customer->lname := "CUSTOMER1"
use vendor new
append blank
vendor->lname := "VENDOR1"
? eval(fieldwblock("LNAME", select("customer"))) // CUSTOMER1
? eval(fieldwblock("LNAME", select("vendor"))) // VENDOR1
? eval(fieldwblock("LNAME", select("vendor")), "Grumpfish")
? vendor->lname // Grumpfish
close data
ferase("customer.dbf") // stop me before I kill again
ferase("vendor.dbf") // too late! I killed again!!
return nil


INKEY() wait state
Author: Greg Lief
Copyright (c) 1990 Greg Lief
Excerpted from the Grumpfish Library
function ginkey(waittime)
local key := inkey(waittime), cblock
cblock := setkey(key)
if cblock != NIL // there is a code block for this keypress
eval(cblock, procname(1), procline(1), 'ginkey')
return key


Demonstration of SETKEY(), including saving, resetting,
and restoring F1 hot key, and an INKEY() wait state

function hotkeytest
local key, bblock
setkey(K_F1, { | | hotkey1() } )
? "Press F1 now to enter first hot key procedure"
key := inkey(0)
if (bblock := setkey(key)) != NIL
return nil
static function hotkey1()
local old_f1 := setkey(K_F1, { | | hotkey2() } )
? "Now in first hot key function"
wait "Press F1 to jump to second hot key function"
setkey(K_F1, old_f1) // restore F1 hot key
? "Returning to main function"
return nil
static function hotkey2()
local old_f1 := setkey(K_F1, NIL ) // turn off F1 hot key
? "Now in second hot key function"
setkey(K_F1, old_f1) // restore F1 hot key
? "Returning to first hot key function"
return nil


Generic memo-editing function
Excerpted from Grumpfish Library
Syntax: MEMEDIT(, , , , )

is a character string representing the name of the
memo field or variable to be editing. This must be surrounded
by quotes, unless you want to edit a STATIC or LOCAL variable
(in which case you should omit the quotes.)

, , , are numerics representing
the box coordinates.

// begin preprocessor directives

#command DEFAULT TO => ;
:= IF( == NIL, , )

// end preprocessor directives

function memedit(cfield, ntop, nleft, nbottom, nright)
local oldcolor := setcolor("+w/r"), oldscrn, ret_val := .t., ;
memo, oldexact := set(_SET_EXACT, .T.), oldcurs := setcursor(3)
default ntop to 5
default nleft to 10
default nbottom to 19
default nright to 69
oldscrn := savescreen(ntop, nleft, nbottom, nright)
@ ntop, nleft, nbottom, nright box B_DOUBLE + chr(32)
@ nbottom, nleft + INT(nright - nleft) / 2 - 8 SAY '^W save, Esc exit'
scroll(ntop + 1, nleft + 1, nbottom - 1, nright - 1, 0)
if we are editing a field, FIELDBLOCK() will not return NIL.
if we are editing a PUBLIC or PRIVATE variable, MEMVARBLOCK() will
not return NIL. Thus, if they both return NIL, we know that we
are editing a STATIC or LOCAL variable.
if (memo := fieldblock(cfield)) = NIL .and. (memo := memvarblock(cfield)) = NIL
memo := cfield
memo := eval(memo) // retrieve the starting value from the code block
memo := memoedit(memo, ntop + 1, nleft + 1, nbottom - 1, nright - 1, ;
.t., 'editfunc', , 3)
if lastkey() != K_ESC
do case

/* we edited a field */
case fieldblock(cfield) != NIL
if rlock()
eval( fieldblock(cfield) , memo)
err_msg("Could not lock record - edits not saved")
ret_val := .f.

/* we edited a private or public variable */
case memvarblock(cfield) != NIL
eval( memvarblock(cfield) , memo)

/* we edited a local or static variable */
cfield := memo
ret_val := .f.
restscreen(ntop, nleft, nbottom, nright, oldscrn)
set(_SET_EXACT, oldexact)
return ret_val

* end function MemEdit()

EditFunc() -- alters "ABORT Y/N" msg if Esc is hit during
the Memoedit above (only if changes have been made)
Note that this function cannot be declared STATIC. This
is because MEMOEDIT() uses macro substitution to run an
attached UDF, and STATIC functions do not have entries
in the symbol table (and thus cannot be macro substituted).
function EscFunc(stat, line, col)
local buffer
if lastkey() = K_ESC .and. stat = 2
buffer := savescreen(0, 60, 0, 75)
@ 0,60 say 'MEMO NOT UPDATED'
tone(440, 1)
tone(440, 1)
restscreen(0, 60, 0, 75, buffer)

* end function EditFunc()

Demonstration of passing LOCAL variables to another function
via a code block. This example enables changing the value
of a LOCAL variable inside a hot key function via passing the
variable by reference.

function cbvartest
local mvalue := space(7), oldaltv, x
memvar getlist
if ! file("lookup.dbf")
dbcreate("lookup", { { "LNAME", "C", 7, 0 } } )
use lookup
for x := 1 to 9
append blank
/* note use of unnamed array -- it works just fine this way */
replace lookup->lname with { "BOOTH", "DONNAY", "FORCIER", ;
use lookup
oldaltv := setkey( K_ALT_V, {| | View_Vals(@mvalue)} )
@ 4, 28 say "Enter last name:" get mvalue
@ 5, 23 say '(press Alt-V for available authors)'
static function view_vals(v)
local browse, column, key, marker := recno(), ;
oldscrn := savescreen(8, 35, 20, 44, 2), ;
oldcolor := setcolor("+W/RB"), oldcursor := setcursor(0), ;
oldblock := setkey( K_ALT_V, NIL ) // turn off ALT-V
@ 8, 35, 20, 44 box B_SINGLE + chr(32)
browse := TBrowseDB(9, 36, 19, 43)
browse:headSep := "Í"
browse:colorSpec := '+W/RB, +W/N'
column := TBColumnNew( "Author", FieldBlock("lname") )
go top
do while .t.
do while ! browse:stabilize() .and. (key := inkey()) = 0
if browse:stable
key := inkey(0)
do case
case key == K_UP
case key == K_DOWN
case key == K_CTRL_PGUP
case key == K_CTRL_PGDN
case key == K_PGUP .or. key == K_HOME
case key == K_PGDN .or. key == K_END
case key == K_ESC .or. key == K_ENTER
if lastkey() != K_ESC
because we passed the variable BY REFERENCE in the code block,
any changes we make here are being made to the actual variable,
and that is the key to this whole mess working the way it does!
v := eval(fieldblock('lname'))
go marker
restscreen(8, 35, 20, 44, oldscrn)
setkey(K_ALT_V, oldblock) // reset Alt-V for next time
return nil

* eof: cbtest.prg

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : DBMS9104.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: