Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : CUJ9501.ZIP
Filename : INTTXF.C

Output of file : INTTXF.C contained in archive : CUJ9501.ZIP
/* ***< INTRXF.CEE >*** */

/* Copyright 1994 James A. Kuzdrall

Free license to this software is granted only if the above

copyright credit is included in the source code*/

/* put system headers here */

#include /* usual definitions */

/* use limit if does not exceed range of host machine */

#define MAXINT 32767 /* limit +32767 */

#define MININT -32768 /* limit -32768 */

#define XFER_ERROR -1 /* a non-zero integer */

/***< fputi >*** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *

USE....... Convert host's integer to the 2-byte, 2's complement,

MSB-first standard transfer format. Send the two bytes to the

output stream fp.

RETURNS... Non-zero if error; otherwise, 0

No number sent if error.

ERRORS.... Disk errors of putc().

Overrange for integers beyond transfer range, 32767 to -32768.


int fputi(ip,fp)

int *ip; /* integer to put on stream */

FILE *fp; /* stream (file) pointer */


int absi; /* absolute value to transfer */

unsigned int msb; /* build 2's complement here */

unsigned int lsb;

int err;

/* detect special case, -32768 */

if( MININT != -32767 && *ip == MININT ) {

lsb= 0; /* set 2's complement -32768 */

msb= 0x80;


else {

/* avoid problem with -MININT in 2's comp */

absi= (*ip <= -1 && *ip >= -32767) ? -*ip : *ip;

/* divide magnitude into bytes */

lsb= absi & 0xff; /* mask to one byte */

msb= (absi >> 8) & 0xff;

/* negate bytes in 2's comp if number is negative */

if( *ip <= -1 ) { /* less than -0 */

lsb= (lsb ^ 0xff) +1;

msb= (msb ^ 0xff) + (lsb >> 8); /* add carry, if any */



err= XFER_ERROR; /* preset to error */

/* if in range, send MSB first */

if( *ip <= MAXINT && (*ip >= -32767 || *ip == MININT) &&

putc(msb,fp) != EOF && putc(lsb,fp) != EOF )

err= 0;

return( err );


/***< fgeti >*** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *

USE....... Read a standard format, 2-byte, 2's complement, MSB-

first integer from the stream fp and convert it to the host's

integer format.

RETURNS... Non-zero if error; otherwise, 0

Places answer at pointer if no errors.

ERRORS.... From getc() only; generates no errors of its own.


int fgeti(ip,fp)

int *ip; /* place where answer goes */

FILE *fp; /* file pointer given by fopen() */


unsigned int msb,lsb; /* might be EOF */

int ans;

char neg; /* non-zero (true) if original nr was negative */

int err;

err= XFER_ERROR; /* preset */

/* transmission errors */

if( (msb= getc(fp)) == EOF || (lsb= getc(fp)) == EOF )

goto gixit; /* data error */

msb &= 0xff; /* remove unwanted high bits, if any */

lsb &= 0xff;

/* detect special case, -32768 in non-2's complement host */

if( MININT == -32767 && msb == 0x80 && !lsb )

goto gixit; /* out-of-range error */

err= 0; /* no other errors possible */

/* use 2's comp negate to make negative nrs positive; save sign */

if( (neg= (msb & 0x80)) ) {

lsb= ((lsb & 0xff) ^ 0xff) +1; /* perhaps produces carry bit */

msb= (((msb & 0xff) ^ 0xff) + (lsb >> 8)) & 0xff;


/* cascade bytes to form positive int, then correct the sign */

if( msb & 0x80 ) /* only MININT is still neg */

*ip= MININT;

else { /* for all but MININT */

ans= (msb << 8) + (lsb & 0xff);

*ip= neg ? -ans : ans; /* let host install sign */



return( err );


  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : CUJ9501.ZIP
Filename : INTTXF.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: