Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : CUJ9309.ZIP
Filename : 1109135A

Output of file : 1109135A contained in archive : CUJ9309.ZIP

Name : pgnclip.cpp
Author : Thomas R‚v‚sz

This file implements Sutherland-Hodgman's polygon
clipping algorithm.

Name : ---

Compiler dependency : C++
Machine dependency : None
Environment dependency : None

930303 1.0 Thomas R‚v‚sz Created



* Simple data types

enum bool {false, true}; // boolean

typedef signed long coord; // coordinate

class point // point
point () : x (0), y (0) {}
point (coord x, coord y) : x (x), y (y) {}
int operator == (point&);
int operator != (point&);
coord x, y;

inline point::operator == (point& p)
return (x == p.x && y == p.y);

inline point::operator != (point& p)
return !(*this == p);

inline ostream& operator << (ostream& o, point& p)
return o << '(' << p.x << ',' << p.y << ')';

* Class ClipEdge

class ClipEdge
ClipEdge () {vertex_received = false; next = 0;}
~ClipEdge () {if (next) {delete (next);}}
void add (ClipEdge *);
void vertex (point, point*&);
void close (point*&);
virtual bool visible (point) const = 0;
virtual point clip (point, point) const = 0;
void output (point, point*&) const;
ClipEdge *next;
bool vertex_received;
point first, previous;
bool first_visible, previous_visible;

inline void ClipEdge::add (ClipEdge *edge)
edge->next = next;
next = edge;

void ClipEdge::vertex (point current, point*& outpoint)
bool current_visible = visible (current);

if (!vertex_received) {
vertex_received = true;
first = current;
first_visible = current_visible;
else if (previous_visible ^ current_visible) {
point clipped = clip (previous, current);
output (clipped, outpoint);
if (current_visible) {
output (current, outpoint);
previous = current;
previous_visible = current_visible;

void ClipEdge::close (point*& outpoint)
if (vertex_received) {
if (previous_visible ^ first_visible) {
point clipped = clip (previous, first);
output (clipped, outpoint);
if (next) {
next->close (outpoint);
vertex_received = false;

void ClipEdge::output (point current,
point*& outpoint) const
if (next) {
next->vertex (current, outpoint);
else {
*outpoint++ = current;

* Class LinearEdge

class LinearEdge : public ClipEdge
LinearEdge (point, point);
virtual bool visible (point) const;
virtual point clip (point, point) const;
bool isOnLeft (point) const;
const point start, end;
coord dx, dy;
int sign (double value) const;
coord round (double value) const;

LinearEdge::LinearEdge (point start, point end) :
start (start), end (end)
dx = end.x - start.x;
dy = end.y - start.y;

inline bool LinearEdge::visible (point p) const
return isOnLeft (p);

inline int LinearEdge::sign (double value) const
return (value >= 0 ? 1 : -1);

inline coord LinearEdge::round (double value) const
return (coord) (value + sign (value)/2.0);

inline bool LinearEdge::isOnLeft (point p) const
return (bool) (dx * (p.y - start.y) -
dy * (p.x - start.x) >= 0);

point LinearEdge::clip (point p1, point p2) const
coord dxl = p2.x - p1.x;
coord dyl = p2.y - p1.y;
coord denominator = dx*dyl - dy*dxl;
assert (denominator != 0);
double t = (double) (dxl*(start.y - p1.y) -
dyl*(start.x - p1.x))/
return point (start.x + round (t*dx),
start.y + round (t*dy));

* The test function

void main ()
// Set up the ClipEdge pipeline

point p1 ( 75, 150);
point p2 (150, 75);
point p3 (225, 150);
point p4 (150, 225);

ClipEdge *clip = new LinearEdge (p1, p2);
clip->add (new LinearEdge (p2, p3));
clip->add (new LinearEdge (p3, p4));
clip->add (new LinearEdge (p4, p1));

// Define the input polygon

const int no_of_points = 8;

point indata [no_of_points] = {
point ( 50, 50),
point (200, 50),
point (200, 200),
point (150, 200),
point (150, 100),
point (100, 100),
point (100, 200),
point ( 50, 200)

// Allocate memory for the clipped polygon
// (2*#input points + #clip edges)

point *outpoint = new point [2*no_of_points + 4];
point *base = outpoint;

// Clip the polygon

for (int i = 0; i < no_of_points; i++) {
clip->vertex (indata [i], outpoint);
clip->close (outpoint);

// Display the result

while (base < outpoint) {
cout << *base++ << endl;
cout << endl;

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : CUJ9309.ZIP
Filename : 1109135A

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: