Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : CUJ0994.ZIP

Output of file : FARHEAPB.CPP contained in archive : CUJ0994.ZIP
// Listing 4
// farheapb.cpp
// Copyright Singleton Systems Ltd 1994

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "mobject.h"
#include "farheapb.h"

// static pointers to the FarHeapBlock structures
HGLOBAL FarHeapBlock::first_fhb = NULL;
HGLOBAL FarHeapBlock::last_fhb = NULL;

FP_FHB FarHeapBlock::GetHbFromHandle (HGLOBAL h)
FP_FHB p_fhb = (FP_FHB) GlobalLock (h);
ASSERT (p_fhb != NULL);
GlobalUnlock (h);
return p_fhb;

void FAR * FarHeapBlock::operator new
(size_t /* size */)
// We do not need to use the size parameter,
// as we always allocate a fixed size of
// FarHeapBlock::default_size bytes.
HGLOBAL h = GlobalAlloc
// The GMEM_ZEROINIT is not strictly necessary, but
// it seems a good idea to start off with the memory
// in a defined state.

// #define FHB_MEM_TEST

// For test purposes only, force a failure
// if less than 5Mb memory free
#if defined (FHB_MEM_TEST) && defined (_DEBUG)
if (GetFreeSpace (0) < 5000000L)
// Unable to get memory or not enough left to
// handle recovery, so take some error action

// Get current new handler
_PNH handler = _set_new_handler (0);
// and restore it as the action of getting a
// pointer to it unsets it
_set_new_handler (handler);
// Signal the failure back up the chain.
// This should raise an Exception
(* handler) (FarHeapBlock::default_size);
// Fail regardless of value returned by the
// handler
return NULL;

if (h == NULL || GetFreeSpace (0) < 10000L)
// Unable to get memory or not enough left to
// handle recovery, so take some error action

// Get current new handler
_PNH handler = _set_new_handler (0);
// and restore it as the action of getting a
// pointer to it unsets it
_set_new_handler (handler);
// Signal the failure back up the chain.
// This should raise an Exception
(* handler) (FarHeapBlock::default_size);
// Fail regardless of value returned by the
// handler
return NULL;
FP_FHB p_fhb = (FP_FHB) GlobalLock (h);
p_fhb->my_hglobal = h;
p_fhb->fhb_block_size = GlobalSize (h);

// Now chain the block into the list of blocks
if (IsEmpty ())
ASSERT (last_fhb == NULL);
first_fhb = last_fhb = h;
FP_FHB p_last_fhb =
FarHeapBlock::GetHbFromHandle (last_fhb);
p_last_fhb->next_hglobal = h;
p_fhb->previous_hglobal = last_fhb;
p_fhb->next_hglobal = NULL;
last_fhb = h;
return p_fhb;

void FarHeapBlock::operator delete (void FAR * p_fhb)
ASSERT (p_fhb != NULL);
ASSERT (OFFSETOF (p_fhb) == 0);
FP_FHB current_block_pointer = (FP_FHB) p_fhb;

#if defined (_DEBUG)
FP_FHB check = FarHeapBlock::GetHbFromHandle
ASSERT (check == current_block_pointer);

// Reset the pointers in the previous block
if (current_block_pointer->previous_hglobal != NULL)
FP_FHB prev_ptr = GetHbFromHandle
prev_ptr->next_hglobal =
else // This should be the first block in the list
ASSERT (current_block_pointer->my_hglobal ==
FarHeapBlock::first_fhb =

// Reset the pointers in the next block
if (current_block_pointer->next_hglobal != NULL)
FP_FHB next_ptr =
next_ptr->previous_hglobal =
else // This should be the last block in the list
ASSERT (current_block_pointer->my_hglobal ==
FarHeapBlock::last_fhb =

// The block has been unlinked, so return it to
// Windows
GlobalUnlock (current_block_pointer->my_hglobal);
GlobalFree (current_block_pointer->my_hglobal);

FarHeapBlock::FarHeapBlock ()
// fhb_block_size set by new!

// A FarHeapBlock is requested directly from
// Windows. Windows supplies
// a segment with offsets starting at 0.
__segment cur_seg = (__segment) SELECTOROF (this);

// Mark all of the free space in the FarHeapBlock
// as a single, free MemoryObject
free_list = end_free_list =
(VP_MOBJECT) sizeof(FarHeapBlock);

in_use_list = NULL;
end_in_use_list = NULL;
(int) Size () - sizeof(FarHeapBlock));

int FarHeapBlock::GetCount ()
int usage_count = 0;;
HGLOBAL current_block = FarHeapBlock::first_fhb;
while (current_block != NULL)
FP_FHB p_fhb = GetHbFromHandle (current_block);
current_block = p_fhb->next_hglobal;
return usage_count;

FP_FHB FarHeapBlock::GetNext (FHB_POSITION & p)
FP_FHB p_fhb = GetHbFromHandle (p);
p = p_fhb->next_hglobal;
return p_fhb;

// Listing 2
// farheapb.cpp
// Copyright Singleton Systems Ltd 1994

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "mobject.h"
#include "farheapb.h"

// static pointers to the FarHeapBlock structures
HGLOBAL FarHeapBlock::first_fhb = NULL;
HGLOBAL FarHeapBlock::last_fhb = NULL;

FP_FHB FarHeapBlock::GetHbFromHandle (HGLOBAL h)
FP_FHB p_fhb = (FP_FHB) GlobalLock (h);
ASSERT (p_fhb != NULL);
GlobalUnlock (h);
return p_fhb;

void FAR * FarHeapBlock::operator new
(size_t /* size */)
// We do not need to use the size parameter,
// as we always allocate a fixed size of
// FarHeapBlock::default_size bytes.
HGLOBAL h = GlobalAlloc
// The GMEM_ZEROINIT is not strictly necessary, but
// it seems a good idea to start off with the memory
// in a defined state.

// #define FHB_MEM_TEST

// For test purposes only, force a failure
// if less than 5Mb memory free
#if defined (FHB_MEM_TEST) && defined (_DEBUG)
if (GetFreeSpace (0) < 5000000L)
// Unable to get memory or not enough left to
// handle recovery, so take some error action

// Get current new handler
_PNH handler = _set_new_handler (0);
// and restore it as the action of getting a
// pointer to it unsets it
_set_new_handler (handler);
// Signal the failure back up the chain.
// This should raise an Exception
(* handler) (FarHeapBlock::default_size);
// Fail regardless of value returned by the
// handler
return NULL;

if (h == NULL || GetFreeSpace (0) < 10000L)
// Unable to get memory or not enough left to
// handle recovery, so take some error action

// Get current new handler
_PNH handler = _set_new_handler (0);
// and restore it as the action of getting a
// pointer to it unsets it
_set_new_handler (handler);
// Signal the failure back up the chain.
// This should raise an Exception
(* handler) (FarHeapBlock::default_size);
// Fail regardless of value returned by the
// handler
return NULL;
FP_FHB p_fhb = (FP_FHB) GlobalLock (h);
p_fhb->my_hglobal = h;
p_fhb->fhb_block_size = GlobalSize (h);

// Now chain the block into the list of blocks
if (IsEmpty ())
ASSERT (last_fhb == NULL);
first_fhb = last_fhb = h;
FP_FHB p_last_fhb =
FarHeapBlock::GetHbFromHandle (last_fhb);
p_last_fhb->next_hglobal = h;
p_fhb->previous_hglobal = last_fhb;
p_fhb->next_hglobal = NULL;
last_fhb = h;
return p_fhb;

void FarHeapBlock::operator delete (void FAR * p_fhb)
ASSERT (p_fhb != NULL);
ASSERT (OFFSETOF (p_fhb) == 0);
FP_FHB current_block_pointer = (FP_FHB) p_fhb;

#if defined (_DEBUG)
FP_FHB check = FarHeapBlock::GetHbFromHandle
ASSERT (check == current_block_pointer);

// Reset the pointers in the previous block
if (current_block_pointer->previous_hglobal != NULL)
FP_FHB prev_ptr = GetHbFromHandle
prev_ptr->next_hglobal =
else // This should be the first block in the list
ASSERT (current_block_pointer->my_hglobal ==
FarHeapBlock::first_fhb =

// Reset the pointers in the next block
if (current_block_pointer->next_hglobal != NULL)
FP_FHB next_ptr =
next_ptr->previous_hglobal =
else // This should be the last block in the list
ASSERT (current_block_pointer->my_hglobal ==
FarHeapBlock::last_fhb =

// The block has been unlinked, so return it to
// Windows
GlobalUnlock (current_block_pointer->my_hglobal);
GlobalFree (current_block_pointer->my_hglobal);

FarHeapBlock::FarHeapBlock ()
// fhb_block_size set by new!

// A FarHeapBlock is requested directly from
// Windows. Windows supplies
// a segment with offsets starting at 0.
__segment cur_seg = (__segment) SELECTOROF (this);

// Mark all of the free space in the FarHeapBlock
// as a single, free MemoryObject
free_list = end_free_list =
(VP_MOBJECT) sizeof(FarHeapBlock);

in_use_list = NULL;
end_in_use_list = NULL;
(int) Size () - sizeof(FarHeapBlock));

int FarHeapBlock::GetCount ()
int usage_count = 0;;
HGLOBAL current_block = FarHeapBlock::first_fhb;
while (current_block != NULL)
FP_FHB p_fhb = GetHbFromHandle (current_block);
current_block = p_fhb->next_hglobal;
return usage_count;

FP_FHB FarHeapBlock::GetNext (FHB_POSITION & p)
FP_FHB p_fhb = GetHbFromHandle (p);
p = p_fhb->next_hglobal;
return p_fhb;

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : CUJ0994.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: