Dec 252017
C Users Group magazine files for June 1994.
File CUJ0694.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
C Users Group magazine files for June 1994.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ALLISON 0 0 stored
ABORT.C 553 281 deflated
CTRLC.C 854 424 deflated
DDIR.C 2544 998 deflated
HI_LO.BAS 628 354 deflated
HI_LO.C 1981 714 deflated
HI_LO2.C 1463 592 deflated
IGNORE.C 797 478 deflated
MERGE1.C 1596 620 deflated
MERGE2.C 1950 835 deflated
SHELL.C 966 426 deflated
VSORT.C 7171 2113 deflated
FILENAME.TXT 7177 2583 deflated
GAGE 0 0 stored
DIVDIF.C 5083 1521 deflated
GOTWALS 0 0 stored
GOTWALS2 0 0 stored
GOTWAL2.ZIP 92596 91350 deflated
GOTWALS2.ZIP 92596 91350 deflated
DECTOBIN.CPP 1153 511 deflated
DIVREM.CPP 1767 756 deflated
FACT1.CPP 705 364 deflated
LARGEINT.H 2479 798 deflated
LESSTHAN.CPP 995 327 deflated
MULTIPLY.CPP 2319 888 deflated
SQRT.CPP 452 233 deflated
TEST3.CPP 957 481 deflated
TIMES.CPP 626 259 deflated
HEINTZE 0 0 stored
BOOLEAN.H 117 81 deflated
LETTERS 0 0 stored
CHECKSUM.C 1162 532 deflated
PLAUGER 0 0 stored
SPOS.C 306 173 deflated
SPOSEQUA.C 543 245 deflated
SPSMINUS.C 384 206 deflated
SPSOFSET.C 262 159 deflated
STREAMBU.C 2358 750 deflated
STREAMBU.H 3831 1046 deflated
PRINCE 0 0 stored
ARCFUNCS.C 1600 763 deflated
COSHF.C 404 244 deflated
EXPF.C 382 251 deflated
HIDEXPF.C 1056 591 deflated
LOG.C 1466 776 deflated
MATH.H 3074 1041 deflated
POW.C 562 348 deflated
SINHF.C 542 318 deflated
SQRTF.C 1148 633 deflated
TANHF.C 688 394 deflated
TRIGFUNC.C 1634 726 deflated
XMATH.H 1588 741 deflated
PUGH 0 0 stored
NESTLP1.C 294 178 deflated
NESTLP2.C 482 193 deflated
SAKS 0 0 stored
CAT.CPP 657 295 deflated
CAT2.CPP 467 216 deflated
GENQ2.CPP 753 333 deflated
GENQ2.H 607 303 deflated
INTQ1.CPP 774 342 deflated
INTQ1.H 668 302 deflated
INTTST3.CPP 1235 506 deflated
SHOWHEAP.CPP 1380 515 deflated
STR.CPP 989 376 deflated
STR.H 594 271 deflated
STRQ1.H 688 312 deflated
STRTST2.CPP 1045 432 deflated

Download File CUJ0694.ZIP Here

Contents of the FILENAME.TXT file

************************* MASTER CODE ***************************************

The name of the first file in this disk's directory identifies the volume,
issue number and revision of the disk. The format of this filename is:



! = the '!' character
m = C for C Users Journal, W for Windows/DOS Developer's Journal
vv = volume
ii = issue
rrr = revision (001 for initial release, 002 for next update, etc.)

The file UPDATE.DOC contains information about any additions or
corrections to material on the disk since the original magazine

If you have obtained this code from a floppy diskette or from CompuServe, the
headings under the column "FILENAME" represent the names of .ZIP files. All
files listed under the filename are archived in the .ZIP file.

If you have obtained this code from UUNET, the headings under the column
"FILENAME" represent the names of subdirectories. All files listed under the
"filename" are included in a subdirectory of that name.
Keywords: Jun94 C C++ Interpolation Multi-Precision Integer float streambuf

The code listings for the June 1994 issue of The C Users Journal
include source for Philip Gages's Divided-Difference Interpolation
Program, John K. Gotwals' multi-precision integer arithmetic functions,
and Tim Prince's float-precision math library, and a header for the C++
streambuf class.
************************* FILE DESCRIPTION **********************************

The following files are included in the disk:

(Zip archive/
subdirectory name)
plauger P.J. PlaugerStandard C:The Header10

streambu.h - listing 1, The header
spos.c - listing 2, The streampos constructor
spsofset.c - listing 3, The function streampos::offset
spsminus.c - listing 4, The function streampos::operator-
sposequa.c - listing 5, The function streampos::operator==
streambu.c - listing 6, The function streambu.c

saks Dan SaksStepping Up to C++:61
Designing Generic Container
Classes, Part 1

intq1.h - listing 1, Class definitions for a queue of int
using a non-nested cell type
intq1.cpp - listing 2, Member function definitions for a queue
of int using a non-nested type
strq1.h - listing 3, Class definitions for a queue of str
using a non-nested cell type
str.h - listing 4, Class definition for a variable-length
str.cpp - listing 5, member function definitions for a
variable-length string
strtst2.cpp - listing 6, A test program for a queue of str
showheap.cpp - listing 7, A heap monitoring function
genq2.h - listing 8, Class definitions for a queue of void *
using a nested cell type
genq2.cpp - listing 9, Member function definitions for a queue
of void *
inttst3.cpp - listing 10, A test program for a generic queue of
void * used as a queue of int
cat.cpp - listing 11, Corrections to corrections to the string
clas that appeared in Listing 9 of
"Stepping Up to C++:Rewriting and
Reconsidering," CUJ, September, 1993.
cat2.cpp - listing 12, Slightly cleaner versions of the str::cat
function in listing 11.

pughKenneth PughQ&A:Moving from FORTRAN to C75

nestlp1.c- listing 1, An attempt at nested for loops
nestlp2.c - listing 2, Listing 1 rewritten for clarity

allisonChuck AllisonCode Capsules:Control81

hi_lo.bas - listing 1, A BASIC program to play HI-LO
hi_lo.c - listing 2, A C program to play HI-LO
merge1.c - listing 5, C implementation of merge procedure
merge2.c - listing 7, Merges arbitrary number of files
hi_lo2.c - listing 8, Removes extraneous loop controls from
listing 2
ddir.c - listing 9, Recursive directory delete program that
illustrates non-local branching
ignore.c - listing 10, Turns off keyboard interrupt requests
abort.c - listing 11, Intercepts the SIGABRT (abort) signal
ctrlc.c - listing 12, A safe SIGINT handler that counts
keyboard interrupts
shell.c - listing 13, A skeleton for a command interpeter
vsort.c - listing 15, An external sort that uses an exit

gagePhilip GageDivided-Difference23

divdif.c - listing 3, Program to demonstrate divided-difference

gotwalsJohn K. GotwalsMulti-Precision Integer35
Arithmetic Using C++

fact1.cpp - listing 1, Program to demonstrate LargeInt class
largeint.h - listing 2, Definition of the LargeInt class
dectobin.cpp - listing 3, Definition of member functions DecToBin
and get9
lessthan.cpp - listing 4, Overloading of operator<
times.cpp - listing 5, Overloading of operator*
divrem.cpp - listing 6, Definition of function divrem
sqrt.cpp - listing 7, Computing Square Root with Newton's method
test3.cpp - listing 8, The Lucas-Lehmer test
multiply.cpp - listing 9, Assembly-Language multiply routine for
a 80x86

gotwals2John K. GotwalsMulti-Precision Integer
Arithmetic Using C++

Contains complete source code and utilities for multi-precision
library. Most of these files were not listed in the magazine.

princeTim Princefloat-Precision Math Library45

math.h - listing 1, A modified math.h
arcfuncs.c - listing 2, atan2f, atanf, asinf, and acosf
trigfunc.c - listing 3, cosf, sinf, and tanf
hidexpf.c - listing 4, Hidden function _expf
coshf.c - listing 5, coshf, uses hidden function _expf
expf.c - listing 6, expf, uses hidden function _expf
log.c - listing 7, logf and log10f
pow.c - listing 8, powf function
sinhf.c - listing 9, sinhf function
sqrtf.c - listing 10, sqrtf function
tanhf.c - listing 11, tanhf function
xmath.h - not listed, modifies math.h

lettersWe Have Mail113

checksum.c - listing 1, Eliminates special-case checksum

heintzeSiegfried Intuitive Access to Bit Arrays,
HeintzeCUJ, February 1994, p. 67

boolean.h - Not listed,Replaces missing listing from February


If you have questions regarding to the disk, please call or write us.

R&D Publications, Inc.
1601 W. 23rd St. Suite 200
Lawrence, KS 66046
(913) 841-1631

 December 25, 2017  Add comments

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