Dec 132017
Source code from The C Gazette Volume 5 Number 4.
File CGAZV5N4.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
Source code from The C Gazette Volume 5 Number 4.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DEMO.C 18858 3707 deflated
DEMO.DEF 408 254 deflated
DEMO.MKE 425 229 deflated
EXCEPT.C 9311 3077 deflated
FILES.C 7709 2897 deflated
HUFF.H 1464 613 deflated
HUNZIP.C 4755 1544 deflated
HYPHEN.C 25764 7269 deflated
HYPHEN.H 1368 621 deflated
HYPHEN.MAK 692 352 deflated
HZIP.C 11492 3583 deflated
LINEDIT.CPP 986 488 deflated
METAFILE.C 3847 1411 deflated
METAPHON.C 7192 2128 deflated
NUMBER.CPP 911 468 deflated
README.1ST 1871 1011 deflated
SCRLTEXT.C 10910 3375 deflated
STFILE.CPP 1475 705 deflated
STRINGC.CPP 2325 757 deflated
STRINGC.H 1604 691 deflated
STRNGPTR.H 562 279 deflated
TXT2WP51.C 9648 2803 deflated
VIDPRIM.C 12104 3490 deflated
VIDPRIM.H 3203 1163 deflated
WPPREFIX.H 2101 837 deflated
XPRINT.C 8960 2750 deflated

Download File CGAZV5N4.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

The attached files are the source code and related
listings that appear in C Gazette, Vol. 5, No. 4.
(June/July 1991).

Unless otherwise marked, all files are copyrighted
by C Gazette. They may be used freely in executable
form. The source may be used as part of a
larger program only if the authorship and publication are
explicitly acknowledged in the source code.

It is our hope that users who support the idea
of a code-intensive publication making its code
freely available on BBSs and inexpensively available
on disk will respect these copyrights.

Other than that -- have at 'em!

Comments, queries, and requests for subscription information
should be directed to:

C Gazette
P.O. Box 70167
Eugene OR 97401-0110

(800) 234-0386
(503) 746-0071 (FAX)

================= File Index =====================
DEMO.C | Michael Young's program to perform
DEMO.DEF | WYSIWYG printing under Windows 3.0

EXCEPT.C | Allen Holub's article on hyphenation

WPPREFIX.H | Andrew Binstock's utility to convert
TXT2WP51.C | ASCII documents to WordPerfect 5.1 format

LINEDIT.CPP | Bruce Eckel's string class with examples
NUMBER.CPP | designed for the manipulation of substrings

HUFF.H | Anton Kruger's code to perform Huffman
HZIP.C | compression and uncompression.

METAPHON.C | Gary Parker's implementation of Metaphon,
METAFILE.C | a substantially better replacement for Soundex.

VIDPRIM.H | Gerorge Spofford's code to perform 2-D
VIDPRIM.C | scrolling.

FILES.C | John Rex's illustration of how to spool files
XPRINT.C | by accessing from within an
| application.

 December 13, 2017  Add comments

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