Dec 142017
The code from the C Gazette Spring '91 issue Vol 5 No 3.
File CGAZV5N3.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
The code from the C Gazette Spring ’91 issue Vol 5 No 3.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
APPS.C 10191 2871 deflated
ARRAY.C 1668 641 deflated
ARRAY.CPP 691 356 deflated
ARRAY.H 970 411 deflated
ARRAY.HPP 660 351 deflated
ARRTEST.CPP 683 336 deflated
DYNARRAY.CPP 1392 589 deflated
DYNARRAY.HPP 1692 605 deflated
DYNHASH.CPP 10712 3069 deflated
DYNHASH.HPP 3403 1217 deflated
DYNHASH.MKE 206 138 deflated
LEX.C 4006 1307 deflated
LEX.H 1340 440 deflated
MAIN1.CPP 4482 1293 deflated
NEW.CPP 611 272 deflated
NEWLEX.C 4058 1318 deflated
OBJARRAY.CPP 846 382 deflated
OBJECT.HPP 574 293 deflated
OT.C 3747 1451 deflated
OX.C 57288 11406 deflated
OX.H 3829 1335 deflated
PALDEMO.C 10601 2446 deflated
PALDEMO.PAL 148 52 deflated
PALETTE.C 9000 1951 deflated
PALETTE.H 1042 380 deflated
README.1ST 1781 889 deflated
SVC.C 5267 1775 deflated
TESTARRY.C 789 370 deflated
TOPDOWN.C 4846 997 deflated
TOPDOWN2.C 5037 1111 deflated
TOPDOWN3.C 5372 1219 deflated

Download File CGAZV5N3.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.1ST file

The attached files are the source code and related
listings that appear in C Gazette, Vol. 5, No. 3.
(Spring 1991).

Unless otherwise marked all files are copyrighted
by C Gazette. They may be used freely in executable
form. The source may only be used as part of a
larger program if the authorship and publication are
explicitly acknowledged in the source code.

It is our hope that users who support the idea
of a code-intensive publication which makes its code
freely available on BBS's and inexpensively available
on disk will respect these copyrights.

Other than that, have at 'em!

Comments, queries, and request for subscription information
should be directed to:

C Gazette
P.O. Box 70167
Eugene OR 97401-0110

(800) 234-0386
(503) 746-0071 (FAX)

================= File Index =====================
PALETTE.H | Marv Luse demonstration of how to access
PALETTE.C | and modify EGA/VGA palettes.

LEX.H | Allen Holub's code on Lex with several
LEX.C | implementations of top-down parsers.

ARRAY.H | Bruce Eckel's code on dynamic memory
ARRAY.C | allocation under C++.

DYNARRAY.HPP | Tom Provenzano's code to dynamically
DYNARRAY.CPP | resize hash tables in C++.

APPS.C | Thomas Siering's extensive code on
OT.C | analyzing and dumping .obj records.
OX.H |
OX.C |

155,151 bytes of code.

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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