Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : AIOCT86.ZIP
Filename : SMALLX6.BBS

Output of file : SMALLX6.BBS contained in archive : AIOCT86.ZIP

Morå abouô small-Ø commands

Aô thió point¬ thå small-Ø commandó SAVÅ anä MEMORIZÅ caî bå 
useä tï storå thå contentó oæ STÍ anä thå currenô seô oæ rules¬ 
respectively¬ iî á DOÓ file® Iæ yoõ subsequentlù returî tï 
small-Ø anä uså thå REAÄ anä REMEMBEÒ commands¬ small-Ø woulä bå 
iî thå samå statå iî whicè iô waó left® Thå REAÄ anä REMEMBEÒ 
commandó arå alsï usefuì wheî thå experô systeí haó beeî 
"modularized,¢ anä onlù portionó oæ thå systeí arå processeä aô á 
time® Iî additioî tï MEMORIZÅ anä REMEMBER¬ thå CSAVÅ anä CLOAÄ 
commandó caî bå useä tï storå partiallù compileä rulå fileó foò 
securitù anä quickeò execution.

Thå TRACÅ anä STEÐ commandó arå verù usefuì durinç thå 
debugginç process® Thå TRACÅ commanä causeó small-Ø tï displaù 
eacè truå rulå aó iô ió beinç executed¬ sï yoõ caî follo÷ thå 
exacô patè takeî througè thå rulå system® Thå STEÐ commanä 
causeó small-Ø tï pauså afteò eacè cyclå oæ thå inferencå engine¬ 
anä allo÷ yoõ tï manipulatå datá iî STÍ beforå restartinç it.

Thå small-Ø DOÓ commanä allowó yoõ tï uså youò favoritå texô 
editoò tï creatå anä modifù rulå files¬ whicè caî theî bå loadeä 
usinç thå REMEMBEÒ command.

Morå abouô STÍ commands
Data is stored into STM using the READ and ADD commands. Data is
further manipulated in STM using the BIND, UNBIND, and COMPUTE
commands. The BIND command simply assigns a value to a variable
name, and the UNBIND command removes that assignment and leaves
the variable in STM with no associated value. The COMPUTE com
mand is useful for doing simple calculations, string manipulation
and list operations.
Data is output from STM using the WRITE command. When using the
WRITE command for display output, you can optionally write a new-
line (skip a line on the screen), clear the screen, randomly
position the cursor, and draw boxes on the screen.
The STM command RUN is used in those special situations where
complex calculations or other special manipulation of data needs
to be done. You may execute an external program which would
perform the desired operations, and store the result in an disk
file. This file could then be read into STM using the READ
command, and subsequent rules could be executed based on this
During cycles of the inference engine, as more information is
obtained about the problem being solved, it is sometimes neces
sarù tï modifù thå valuå oò certaintù factoò oæ á rule® Thå STÍ 
commanä MODIFÙ caî bå useä tï seô á rule'ó certaintù factoò tï á 
particulaò value¬ oò tï simplù incremenô oò decremenô thå factoò 
bù á prescribeä value.

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : AIOCT86.ZIP
Filename : SMALLX6.BBS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: