Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : AIOCT86.ZIP
Filename : SMALLX1.BBS

Output of file : SMALLX1.BBS contained in archive : AIOCT86.ZIP

Sophisticated Small-X rule program

Thió ió rulå prograí ió á primitivå implementatioî oæ thå 
famouó ELIZÁ program(á prograí tï simulatå á Rogeriaî 
psychologisô writteî orinallù bù Joesepè Weizenbauí iî 196¶ aô 
M.I.T.)® Thió examplå ió showî aó á morå compleø examplå oæ rulå 
% Primitive Eliza
% Implemented by R. Kaplan
% in Small-X

if not in-memory(dummy) then
write clear
write ELIZA
write new-line
write new-line
write Hello
write new-line
write new-line
write 'You can talk to me by typing. Please enclose all of'
write new-line
write 'your sentences in brackets [ ... ].'
write new-line
write 'To exit, enter [bye].'

write new-line
write new-line
add responded

[control] if not in-memory(dummy) then
reset a
reset b
reset c
reset d
reset e
reset f
reset g
reset y
remove responded
read list #text
}Š[e] if #text in [Hello] then
write [How are you today]
write new-line
write new-line
add responded
reset control

[a] if #text in [I want to talk about ?] then
bind #t !
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- [Tell me more about] + #t
write #t
write new-line
write new-line
add responded
reset control

[b] if #text in [I want to talk about my ?] then
bind #t !
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- [Tell me more about your] + #t
write #t
write new-line
write new-line
add responded
reset control

[c] if #text in [Men are all alike] then
write 'In what way ?'
write new-line
write new-line
add responded
reset control

[d] if #text in [My ? made me come here] then
bind #t !
compute #t <- ...#t
compute #t <- .#t
compute #object <- #t + []
compute #t <- [Are you upset about] + #t
Š compute #t <- #t + [making you come here]
write #t
write new-line
write new-line
add responded
reset control

[f] if #text in [yes] then
write [You seem rather agreeable today]
write new-line
write new-line
add responded
reset control

[g] if #text in [no] then
write [Why not ?]
write new-line
write new-line
add responded
reset control

[h] if in-memory(#object) then
bind #t [Earlier you mentioned]
compute #t <- #t + #object
write #t
write new-line
write [Do you want to talk about this]
write new-line
write new-line
add responded
reset control

[z] if #text in [bye] then halt
[y] if not in-memory(responded) then
write [Could you explain that to me]

write new-line
write new-line
add responded
reset control

  3 Responses to “Category : Files from Magazines
Archive   : AIOCT86.ZIP
Filename : SMALLX1.BBS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: