Dec 082017
AI Magazine Fielles Aug 1988.
File AIAUG88.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
AI Magazine Fielles Aug 1988.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CODEBOX.ASC 19840 4232 deflated
ITER0.DAT 1792 503 deflated
ITER100.DAT 1792 379 deflated
ITER1000.DAT 1792 492 deflated
ITER1100.DAT 1792 503 deflated
ITER1200.DAT 1792 503 deflated
ITER1300.DAT 1792 497 deflated
ITER1400.DAT 1792 495 deflated
ITER1500.DAT 1792 494 deflated
ITER1600.DAT 1792 498 deflated
ITER1700.DAT 1792 503 deflated
ITER1800.DAT 1792 502 deflated
ITER1900.DAT 1792 503 deflated
ITER200.DAT 1792 341 deflated
ITER2000.DAT 1792 502 deflated
ITER300.DAT 1792 405 deflated
ITER400.DAT 1792 404 deflated
ITER500.DAT 1792 426 deflated
ITER600.DAT 1792 486 deflated
ITER700.DAT 1792 486 deflated
ITER800.DAT 1792 483 deflated
ITER900.DAT 1792 483 deflated
KOHONEN.C 16384 5055 deflated
KOHPLOT.C 8832 3138 deflated
OUTSTAR.C 25088 6618 deflated
PROLCODE.ASC 10112 2384 deflated

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 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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