Dec 082017
Code from the Windows Technical Journal of June 1992.
File 0692.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Files from Magazines
Code from the Windows Technical Journal of June 1992.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
COWBUNGA.ZIP 6988 6586 deflated
CURTAIN.ZIP 3049 2896 deflated
DRAGDROP.ZIP 599 567 deflated
MDIDEMO.ZIP 25013 23804 deflated
PETZOLD.ZIP 16989 15009 deflated
PLAY.ZIP 2232 2069 deflated
POLY.ZIP 32862 32064 deflated
READ.ME 1172 613 deflated
WINTECHN.ZIP 10114 9395 deflated

Download File 0692.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file


Here's the code from the June 1992 issue of Windows Tech Journal. There's
plenty of it!

This time I just sent a bunch of ZIP files:

PETZOLD.ZIP Source files for three screen savers by Charles Petzold.
COWBUNGA.ZIP Multimedia code (in Actor) for playing .WAV files.
POLY.ZIP Turbo Pascal for Windows source code for reusable business
chart objects from Zack Urlocker's "Polymorphism Unbound"
MDIDEMO.ZIP An MDI class in C++. Very cool.
DRAGDROP.ZIP Visual Basic source code for adding Help to the Mythile
project in Rud Merriam's "Drag & Drop" column.
CURTAIN.ZIP Assembly code for writing a virtual device driver (VxD)
for the comm port, from Dave Thielen's "Behind the Curtain"
PLAY.ZIP Visual Basic code (and a Turbo Pascal DLL) for duplicating
GWBASIC's PLAY command in VB.
WINTECHN.ZIP Windows implementation of the BASIC PLAY command and some
fun tunes to tap your toes to. From Jonathan Zuck's WinTech-
nician column.



 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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