Category : Lotus and other Spreadsheets
Archive   : ZMACROS.ZIP
Filename : Z.WKS

Output of file : Z.WKS contained in archive : ZMACROS.ZIP
Ì/ÿÿq Hÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ0ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿ# ÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ$%ò&ò'((
LB)'*ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ-µÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿqq ÿ'{end}Fÿ'Worksheet Z is the Z-macro library. To set up Z-macros in your
ÿ'{down}Cÿ'own worksheet, put the cell pointer where you want them, andÿ'/rnlr~~Eÿ'give the command /File Combine Copy Entire Z. Then, LEAVE THE ÿ'/xg\~Bÿ'CELL POINTER IN THE SAME PLACE, and give the command /Rangeÿ'\Eÿ'Name Create \Z to name the first cell on the left. And run Z.ÿ'\Eÿ'When it's through it gets you [Home]. See worksheet ZSTARTER.ÿ'\ÿ'\Cÿ'Another way to set up Z-macros is to copy, name and run the ÿ'\Fÿ'bootstrap macro from ZSTARTER. That's what runs the first timeÿ '\Eÿ 'you run Z in ZSTARTER - it has the same effect as the keyboardÿ
'instructions above. Check out ZSTARTER before you go on.ÿ '\ÿ '\ÿ ' 2ÿ 'The definitions below of macros A through Wÿ
'let you run up to 24 Z-macros at a time fromÿ'\0ÿ'the keyboard. That way you don't have toÿ'\2ÿ'select each one in turn as the macro that Zÿ'\4ÿ'runs when you run Z. And you can even changeÿ'\2ÿ'each of them on the fly: see X and Y below.ÿ'\ÿ'\2ÿ'If your worksheet already contains keyboardÿ'\3ÿ'macros, rename or convert them after you setÿ'\&ÿ'up the Z-macros. See ZSTARTER.ÿ'\ÿ'\5ÿ'Keyboard macros you name after setting up the ÿ'\5ÿ'Z-macros get priority. So you can rename the ÿ'\3ÿ'existing macros back to their previous namesÿ'\1ÿ'(unless they were labeled \X, \Y or \Z) toÿ'\ÿ'avoid converting them. ÿ'\A
ÿ'\0\2ÿ'A runs the Z-macro named on the left in \A\ÿ'\ ÿ'~/xq ÿ'\B
ÿ '\B\
ÿ '\0\2ÿ 'B runs the Z-macro named on the left in \B\ÿ!'\ ÿ!'~/xq ÿ"'\C
ÿ#'\0\2ÿ#'C runs the Z-macro named on the left in \C\ÿ$'\ ÿ$'~/xq ÿ%'\D
ÿ&'\0\2ÿ&'D runs the Z-macro named on the left in \D\ÿ''\ ÿ''~/xq ÿ('\E
ÿ)'\0\2ÿ)'E runs the Z-macro named on the left in \E\ÿ*'\ ÿ*'~/xq ÿ+'\F
ÿ,'\0\2ÿ,'F runs the Z-macro named on the left in \F\ÿ-'\ ÿ-'~/xq ÿ.'\G
ÿ/'\0\2ÿ/'G runs the Z-macro named on the left in \G\ÿ0'\ ÿ0'~/xq ÿ1'\H
ÿ2'\0\2ÿ2'H runs the Z-macro named on the left in \H\ÿ3'\ ÿ3'~/xq ÿ4'\I
ÿ5'\0\2ÿ5'I runs the Z-macro named on the left in \I\ÿ6'\ ÿ6'~/xq ÿ7'\J
ÿ8'\0\2ÿ8'J runs the Z-macro named on the left in \J\ÿ9'\ ÿ9'~/xq ÿ:'\K
ÿ;'\0\2ÿ;'K runs the Z-macro named on the left in \K\ÿ<'\ ÿ<'~/xq ÿ='\L
ÿ>'\0\2ÿ>'L runs the Z-macro named on the left in \L\ÿ?'\ ÿ?'~/xq ÿ@'\M
ÿA'\0\2ÿA'M runs the Z-macro named on the left in \M\ÿB'\ ÿB'~/xq ÿC'\N
ÿD'\0\2ÿD'N runs the Z-macro named on the left in \N\ÿE'\ ÿE'~/xq ÿF'\O
ÿG'\0\2ÿG'O runs the Z-macro named on the left in \O\ÿH'\ ÿH'~/xq ÿI'\P
ÿJ'\0\2ÿJ'P runs the Z-macro named on the left in \P\ÿK'\ ÿK'~/xq ÿL'\Q
ÿM'\0\2ÿM'Q runs the Z-macro named on the left in \Q\ÿN'\ ÿN'~/xq ÿO'\R
ÿP'\0\2ÿP'R runs the Z-macro named on the left in \R\ÿQ'\ ÿQ'~/xq ÿR'\S
ÿS'\0\2ÿS'S runs the Z-macro named on the left in \S\ÿT'\ ÿT'~/xq ÿU'\T
ÿV'\0\2ÿV'T runs the Z-macro named on the left in \T\ÿW'\ ÿW'~/xq ÿX'\U
ÿY'\0\2ÿY'U runs the Z-macro named on the left in \U\ÿZ'\ ÿZ'~/xq ÿ['\V
ÿ\'\0\2ÿ\'V runs the Z-macro named on the left in \V\ÿ]'\ ÿ]'~/xq ÿ^'\W
ÿ_'\0\2ÿ_'W runs the Z-macro named on the left in \W\ÿ`'\ ÿ`'~/xqÿa'\1ÿa'With the cell pointer in the column on theÿb'\3ÿb'left, press [End][Up] for comments on above.ÿc'\ ÿd'\Xÿd'/rnd\X\~ÿd' 4ÿd'X gets (got?) you here and points to the cell
ÿe'\X\ÿe'/rnc\X\~~ÿe' .ÿe'on the left that contains the name of aÿf'\ÿf'{goto}\\\~ÿf' 0ÿf'Z-macro. It's the one you last confirmedÿg'\
ÿg'/xqÿg' 1ÿg'with Y for Z to run - next time YOU run Z.ÿh'\ÿh' .ÿh'If you didn't confirm one for Z yet, itÿi'\ÿi' )ÿi'contains \0\. And Z does nothing.ÿj'\ÿj'  ÿk'\Yÿk'/c~\Y\~ÿk' 2ÿk'To confirm your choice, run Y with the cellÿl'\ÿl'{goto}\{?}\~ÿl' 0ÿl'pointer on its name. To make a differentÿm'\ÿm'/c\Y\~~ÿm' 0ÿm'choice, move the cell pointer down to theÿn'\ÿn'/c\\~\\\~ÿn' 3ÿn'name you want on one of the following pages.ÿo'\ÿo'{goto}\X\~ÿo' 4ÿo'THEN run Y to confirm your choice. (The ONLYÿp'\
ÿp'/xqÿp' .ÿp'place you should run Y is when the cell
ÿq'\Y\ qÿq' %ÿq'pointer is on a Z-macro name).ÿr'\ÿr'  ÿs'\Z
ÿs'/xcÿs' 4ÿs'Y displays "Enter address to go to: \" in the ÿt'\\
ÿt'\0\ÿt' 4ÿt'control panel when you run it. Press [Enter]ÿu'\ ÿu'~/xqÿu' 4ÿu'for Z to run your Z-macro. Or enter a letter
ÿv'\Z\ vÿv' 4ÿv'(A through W) for that macro to run it. Or Y
ÿw'/xrÿw' Fÿw'to cancel Y. But mostly you'd press [Enter]. [PgDn]...ÿx'\ÿx' ÿy'\ÿy' Cÿy'And here are the Z-macro names. They can be any legal rangeÿz'\ÿz' Cÿz'names, but these examples follow the description of reservedÿ{'\ÿ{' Aÿ{'names in ZSTARTER. They're all in the column on the left.ÿ|'\ÿ|' ÿ}'\ÿ}'/rnc\0.~~ ÿ}'\0..@ÿ}'This Z-macro sets up a numbered list of the colors of theÿ~'\1ÿ~'/rnd\0.~{end}{home}{down}{end}{left}{down}ÿ~' Eÿ~'rainbow at the bottom left of the worksheet and points to it. ÿ'\Bÿ'1{down}2{down}3{down}4{down}5{down}6{down}7{end}{up}{right}ÿ' Cÿ'It must be run before any of the other examples that use theÿ€'\Oÿ€'Red{down}Orange{down}Yellow{down}Green{down}Blue{down}Indigo{down}Violetÿ€' Cÿ€'list. Choose it by placing the cell pointer on its name andÿ'\4ÿ'{left}{end}{up}/rnc\0.~{end}{down}{right}~/xrÿ' Eÿ'running Y. Press [Enter] when Y pauses. Then, when Y returnsÿ‚'\ÿ‚' ;ÿ‚'you to your place, you can run Z to run the Z-macro.ÿƒ'\ÿƒ' ÿ„'\ÿ„'{goto}\0.~ ÿ„'\1..Cÿ„'Point to the list of colors created by \0.. and sort them inÿ…'\)ÿ…'/dsd\0.~p\0.~~~{esc}{right}~a~g/xrÿ…' ÿ…'alphabetic order.ÿ†'\ÿ†' ÿ‡'\ÿ‡'{goto}\0.~ ÿ‡'\2..Cÿ‡'Point to the list of colors created by \0.. and sort them byÿˆ'\"ÿˆ'/dsd\0.~p\0.~~~{esc}~d~g/xrÿˆ' !ÿˆ'wavelength (longest last).ÿ‰'\ÿ‰' ÿŠ'\ÿŠ'/xi\Y\~/xg\3~ ÿŠ'\3..#ÿŠ'Toggle between \1.. and \2..ÿ‹'\ÿ‹'/df\Y\~1~~~/xc\1..~/xrÿ‹' Fÿ‹' [PgDn]... ÿŒ'\3ÿŒ'/df\Y\~0~~~/xc\2..~/xrÿŒ' ÿŒ' ÿ'\ÿ'/xm\4.M~ ÿ'\4..Dÿ'Display a 1-2-3 menu offering a choice of the above Z-macros.ÿŽ'\
ÿŽ'/xrÿŽ' ÿ'\ÿ' ÿ'\ÿ' ÿ‘'\ÿ‘' ÿ’'\ÿ’' ÿ“'\ÿ“' ÿ”'\ÿ”' ÿ•'\ÿ•' ÿ–'\ÿ–' ÿ—'\ÿ—' ÿ˜'\ÿ˜' ÿ™'\ÿ™' ÿš'\ÿš' ÿ›'\ÿ›' ÿœ'\ÿœ' ÿ'\ÿ' ÿž'\ÿž' ÿŸ'\ÿŸ' FÿŸ' [PgDn]...ÿ '\ÿ '{goto}\Z~2ÿ 'The macro on the left is the second part ofÿ¡'{down}{down}1ÿ¡'the macro that starts in the first cell ofÿ¢'{down}{down}2ÿ¢'worksheet Z. It's always at the end of theÿ£'/rnlr{end}{down}~/ÿ£'Z-macros but before any menus they call.ÿ¤'{goto}\X~{right}ÿ¥'/rnll{left}{left}4ÿ¥'The empty cells in the column on its left areÿ¦'{end}{down}0ÿ¦'important. Make sure they're still thereÿ§'{right}{right}~4ÿ§'after you've made any changes to worksheet Z.ÿ¨'/rnc\\\~~/c\\~~ÿ©'{goto}\0\~{right}2ÿ©'And double check that the first cell of the
ÿª'/rnll~0ÿª'macro is lined up with the last \ in the ÿ«'{goto}\~{left}.ÿ«'filled labeling column above left. Theÿ¬'{end}{down}2ÿ¬'labels start again next to the menus below.ÿ­'/rnlr{end}{down}~ÿ®'{home}/xqFÿ³' [PgDn]... ÿ´'\4.M ÿ´'Make ÿ´'Alpha ÿ´'Wave ÿ´'Cycle ÿ´'Quitÿµ'\<ÿµ'Draw up a numbered list of the colors of the rainbow.+ÿµ'Sort the colors in alphabetic order..ÿµ'Sort them by wavelength (longest last).1ÿµ'Alternate between the two ways of sorting.<ÿµ'When you want to run another keyboard macro (like X).ÿ¶'\ÿ¶'/xc\0..~ÿ¶'/xc\1..~ÿ¶'/xc\2..~ÿ¶'/xc\3..~
ÿ¶'/xqÿ·'\ÿ·'/xg\4..~ÿ·'/xg\4..~ÿ·'/xg\4..~ÿ·'/xg\4..~ÿ¸'\ÿ¹'\ÿº'\ÿ»'\ ÿ»'LIMIT6ÿ»'This range is always at the end of worksheet Z.ÿ¼'\ ÿ¼'Stackÿ½'\ ÿ½'Stackÿ¾'\ ÿ¾'Stackÿ¿'\ ÿ¿'StackÿÀ'\ ÿÀ'StackÿÁ'\ ÿÁ'StackÿÂ'\ ÿÂ'StackÿÃ'\ ÿÃ'Stack<ÿÃ'(Keep this stack with your Z-macros for compatibilityÿÄ'\ ÿÄ'StackÿÄ' with future versions).ÿÅ'\ ÿÅ'StackÿÆ'\ ÿÆ'StackÿÇ'\ ÿÇ'StackÿÈ'\ ÿÈ'StackÿÉ'\ ÿÉ'StackÿÊ'\ ÿÊ'StackÿË'\ ÿË'Stack3ÿË'This is the last labeled row in worksheet Z. ÿÌ'FLOOR<ÿÌ'This is the last row of worksheet Z. It's unlabeled.

  3 Responses to “Category : Lotus and other Spreadsheets
Archive   : ZMACROS.ZIP
Filename : Z.WKS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: