Dec 212017
Quattro Pro Utilities dl’d from Borland. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
1040.WQ! | 48915 | 16583 | deflated |
2WAY_MAC.WQ1 | 3072 | 1398 | deflated |
AMORT.WQ! | 21031 | 8719 | deflated |
ART_VIEW.WQ1 | 3769 | 2034 | deflated |
BEST_FIT.WQ1 | 6151 | 2856 | deflated |
BIORHYTH.WQ1 | 12071 | 3463 | deflated |
BORDERS.WQ1 | 9582 | 3571 | deflated |
DELMAKER.WQ1 | 9966 | 3650 | deflated |
DELREAD.WQ1 | 6707 | 2635 | deflated |
DOLLARS.WQ1 | 5348 | 1991 | deflated |
EP2GEM.COM | 122 | 118 | deflated |
ERRBARS.WQ1 | 16194 | 5749 | deflated |
GPRINT.WQ1 | 2580 | 1152 | deflated |
LINK22.WQ1 | 3347 | 1452 | deflated |
POLYNOM.WQ1 | 21836 | 3861 | deflated |
README | 47499 | 14705 | deflated |
SETCUS.WQ! | 48868 | 25490 | deflated |
SETSHADE.EXE | 37390 | 20189 | deflated |
SS_PRINT.WQ1 | 2378 | 1103 | deflated |
SWAPLOG.EXE | 17106 | 8747 | deflated |
TRANSLAT.WQ1 | 4105 | 2090 | deflated |
VIDEO.RSC | 5669 | 1324 | deflated |
Download File QPROUTIL.ZIP Here
Contents of the README file
This file contains information pertaining to the utilities on
this disk. It will provide a description and functionality
of each utility along with specific instructions for using the
utility. Please read it in its entirety.
* N O T I C E *
These files are provided free of charge by Borland International, Inc.
as a service to our users, and are provided "AS IS." These files are
miscellaneous utilities and examples that may assist in your
understanding and use of Quattro Pro. Borland disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. By
using these files, you acknowledge the above disclaimer and agree that
Borland shall not be liable for any damages from your use of the file,
including but not limited to damages for lost data, lost profits and
special, incidental and consequential damages.
Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
5. LINK22
8. IRS 1040 Form
17. 2WAY_MAC
The SETSHADE.EXE program may be used by HP LaserJet printer users to
change the intensity of the grey shading within Quattro Pro version
1.01 and 2.0. The error message: "Cannot set shading on this version
of Quattro Pro" will be generated if the program is executed within
version 1.0. When SETSHADE is executed, it modifies the contents of
the file KERNEL.BGI. It is highly recommended that a backup copy of
the original file be retained before executing SETSHADE for the first
The default shade percentage for Quattro Pro version 1.01 and 2.0 is
45%. This intensity may be lightened by setting the percentage lower
(ie., from 45% to 25%) or darker by raising the setting (ie., from 45%
to 70%). Small changes in percentage such as 5% will not result in
much observable shading differences. Settings above 60% may make
viewing shaded cell contents difficult.
Execution Steps:
1. The SETSHADE.EXE program should be copied into the Quattro
Pro directory: eg., COPY A:\SETSHADE.EXE C:\QPRO.
2. In the Quattro Pro directory, enter the command:
where "xx" is the percentage of shading that you require.
For example, to set shading at 30%, type: "SETSHADE 30" (without
quotation marks). The screen would read:
The old shade setting and the current setting will then be displayed:
Current is xx%
Set to xx%
The program will adjust the shading only when the print job involves
downloading fonts. This category does not include spreadsheets with
inserted graphs, when black shading is included in the print block
with grey shading, and when a point size greater than 24pts is chosen.
When such features are being used, the grey shading percentage
returns to the default shade (45%). In addition, the screen preview
option will not display the shading changes.
SETSHADE is not necessary with Quattro Pro v3.0 or v4.0. By
selecting /Options | Hardware | Printers | Fonts | Shading Level,
you will be able to define the intensity of the gray shading.
This function is only available in versions 3.0 and 4.0.
================================= END ================================
DELREAD provides a means for importing ASCII delimited files longer
than 256 characters into Quattro Pro. It even allows you to define
the type of delimiters used in your file.
The DELREAD macro is centered around a Main Menu.
Only Commas Import
Comma & Quote Delimited Import
X & Y Delimited Import
Menu Item Description
Only Commas Import Imports a file in which the
fields are separated by
Example: 1,alpha,beta
Comma & Quote Delimited Import Imports a file in which the
fields are separated by
commas, and labels are
enclosed by quotes (").
Example: 1,"alpha","beta"
X & Y Delimited Import Imports a file in which the
fields are separated by the
symbol X (which you define),
and labels are enclosed by the
symbol Y (which you also
Example: 1XYalphaYXYbetaY
Quit Exits the macro.
2. Open the spreadsheet you wish to import data into
using /File | Open.
3. Move to the upper left-hand corner of the block you wish
to have the imported data placed into.
4. Press [Alt-I]
5. The DELREAD menu will appear and you may choose the options
which are appropriate to your situation.
================================= END================================
DELMAKER is a macro that allows you to create a delimited formatfile
from a range of cells within the current spreadsheet. Thedelimited
formats can be Comma & Quote, Comma Only, or x delimited (where xis
any label you specify).
1. Open the macro library DELMAKER.WQ1.
2. Open the file from which you wish to extract data. Make
sure it is the current active window.
3. Press: [Alt-D]
4. At this point, the DELMAKER Menu will appear. Set your
options. (See the descriptions below).
5. Select an output format. (See the description below).
6. DELMAKER will present the prompt "ENTER YOUR RANGE".
Press a key to continue, and then highlight the
block of your spreadsheet to extract.
7. DELMAKER will prompt you to enter the name of the file to
output the data. It will warn you if you are going to
overwrite an existing file. If the file already exists,
you can overwrite it or DELMAKER will prompt you for a new
8. When the DELMAKER Menu returns, select Quit to exit the
macro or repeat the steps outline above to outputadditional
The DELMAKER Menu provides you with the following choices:
Comma and "" Delimited Format
Specified Delimiter Format
Only Commas
Values Are Written As Numbers
Empty Cells Are Written As Empty Labels
The first three menu items prompt you to highlight a range of the
current spreadsheet and enter the name of a file to save the
extracted data to (Specified Delimiter Format asks you for a
delimiter to use also). By default, DELMAKER writes the file to
the current directory. You can have the file created in another
directory by entering the full path name of the file.
Comma & "" Delimited Format saves the file with commas
between each cell (field) in a row (record), and quotes
surrounding the contents of each field.
Specified Delimiter Format asks for a delimiter, and then
saves the file with each cell (field) in a row (record)
delimited by the symbol you entered.
Only Commas saves the file with commas between each cell
(field) in a row (record).
The remaining three menu items (Output Options) provide a means
for customizing the type of delimited output you require.
The Values Are Written As option allows you to specify the
way your values will be saved. Option Numbers will convert
values to General display format before saving it into the
extracted file. Option Labels will retain the cells
formatting (Currency, Scientific, Etc.) but will store all
values as labels to insure the data translates properly into
your own program regardless of the cells display format.
This is set by default to Option Numbers.
NOTE: If you have dates in your spreadsheet, set this
option to Labels. Otherwise, the dates will be saved as
a Julian serial date number. This number may be
meaningless to some applications.
The Empty Cells Are Written As option allows you to specify
how DELMAKER should treat blank cells in your spreadsheet.
Option Empty Labels will write out blank cells as blank
labels. Option Zeros will write out your empty cells as
zero. This is set by default to Option Empty Labels.
Quit exits the macro and returns you to the current
spreadsheet in READY mode.
================================= END================================
The Graph Print macro allows you to automatically print a batchof
named graphs located in the current spreadsheet.
To use Graph Print:
1. Open the macro library file GPRINT.WQ1.
2. Open the file containing the graphs you wish to print,using
/File | Open. Make sure this is the active window.
3. Enter the names assigned to the graphs you wish to printas
labels into a block of cells. Use /Graph | Name | Create
to define the names of the graphs if this has not alreadybeen
4. Select: /Tools | Macro | Execute.
5. Type: GRAPH_PRINT, and press [Enter].
Note: If you wish to assign a hotkey to the macro, use
/Edit | Names | Create and enter a backslash (\)
followed by a letter on the keyboard (e.g., \Gassigns
Alt-G as the hotkey). Designate cell B11 to takethe
name. If a hotkey is assigned to the macro, steps 5and
6 listed above can be skipped and simply press[Alt-G] to
execute the macro.
6. The macro will then ask you to highlight the blockcontaining
the names of the graphs you wish to print. This will bethe
block defined in step 3. Highlight the block, and press
7. Graph Print will then step through the graphs and print tothe
default printer automatically.
================================= END================================
5. LINK22 (LINK22.WQ1)
Since Lotus 1-2-3 v2.2 saves files with the extension WK1, they
are still somewhat compatible with version 2.01 of 1-2-3. SinceQuattro
Pro will load in these spreadsheets, it is possible to convertlinking
formulas created in Lotus v2.2 to Quattro Pro format. WhenQuattro Pro
retrieves a spreadsheet saved from Lotus 2.2, the linked formulawill
appear in Quattro Pro in the following format:
where filename is the worksheet to get the data from, and addressis
the address in the worksheet filename to get data from.
The syntax of the Quattro Pro link formula, using the samearguments
as above, is as follows:
where filename and address are the same as above.
By replacing the << & >> characters in the Lotus 2.2 formula with
the [ & ] in Quattro Pro, we can convert the 1-2-3 formula into a
Quattro Pro link formula. The CONVERT macro will traverse each
cell of the current worksheet, and convert any link formulas that
it finds.
To execute CONVERT:
1. Open the macro library file LINK22.WQ1.
2. Open the .WK1 spreadsheet you wish to convert, using /File
| Open.
3. Select: /Tools | Macro | Execute (or /Worksheet | Macro
| Execute in the 123 compatible menu).
4. Type CONVERT and press [Enter].
NOTE: Screen refreshing is suppressed while CONVERT is executing to
speed execution. Therefore, you won't see the changes take place on
the screen until the macro has finished.
This macro is only necessary for version 1.x of Quattro Pro. All
other versions will directly convert the link syntax of Lotus v2.2
================================= END ================================
EP2GEM.COM is a public domain utility used to initialize the printer
to correct vertical line spacing problems encountered while printing
graphics. It should be loaded prior to running Quattro Pro, typically
through the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Within Quattro Pro, install for the
Epson FX, RX, LX Series printer.
================================= END ================================
SWAPLOG.EXE allows you to change your QUATTRO.BAK file into
QUATTRO.LOG without it immediately flushing the file back to
QUATTRO.BAK when you load Quattro Pro. To use it, place the file
SWAPLOG.EXE in your Quattro Pro directory and type the command SWAPLOG
at the DOS prompt. It will then switch QUATTRO.BAK and QUATTRO.LOG,
and update the backup parameter in QUATTRO.LOG so it will not
immediately go back to QUATTRO.BAK when loading Quattro Pro.
================================= END ================================
8. IRS 1040 Form (1040.WQ!)
This file presents an example of using Quattro Pro's desktop
publishing features to create forms. This example is a replication of
the IRS 1040 form. The form was developed for an HP Laserjet printing
at 300 x 300 dpi. The results will be similar for other printers as
well. The 1040 form was submitted by a Quattro Pro user.
================================= END ================================
The SETCUS utility captures more than 220 configurable default command
settings from one version of Quattro Pro and sets them as the current
defaults in another version. This is especially useful when upgrading
to newer versions and you wish to retain previously defined defaults
(ie. printers, colors, layouts, etc).
To use, retrieve SETCUS.WQ1 in the older version of Quattro Pro. This
file contains a startup macro which will present a menu. Select GET
SETTINGS from the menu to capture and save the default settings.
Next, retrieve SETCUS.WQ1 into your new Quattro Pro and select SET
SETTINGS from the menu. This will apply the previously captured
defaults as your new defaults in the new Quattro Pro.
Not all defaults are savable. The following must be set manually:
o Custom shortcut key assignments
o /Options | Colors | Palettes
o /Style | Font attributes
o /Graph | Text attributes
o /Graph | Customize Series | Colors
o /Options | Display Mode
o /Options | Hardware | Screen | Resolution
o /Options | Mouse Palette
================================= END ================================
BEST_FIT is a macro library that calculates and plots the best
fit (trend) line for a regression analysis. A regression
analysis is used to study the correlation between two variables
to determine if a relationship exists. BEST_FIT will plot your
trend line and independent and dependent variables on an
XY graph.
Ind. Variable The data that affects the dependent variable.
(Ex. Number of sales advertisements mailed.)
Dep. Variable The data that is affected by the independent
variable. (Ex. Sales generated by the
Constant The Y intercept of the regression. This the
point where the line meets the Y axis.
Std Err / Y Est
The estimated deviation of the regression line.
R Squared Measures the validity of the model. Ranges from
0 to 1 with 1 being optimal. It is used as an
index to compare
different models with the same number of
independent variables.
Deg. of Freedom
The parameter that determines the shape of the
X Coefficients The coefficient of the independent variable. It
is the slope of the best fit line.
Std Err of Coef
Gives an error estimate of the
The formula Quattro Pro uses to calculate the best fit line is
_ _
y' = y + b(x - x)
x = The independent variables
x = The average of the independent variables
y = The dependent variables
y'= The Y axis values for the best fit line
y = The average of the dependent variables
b = The slope of the best fit line, computed using
E(x - x)y
B =
(x - x)
1. Retrieve the spreadsheet BEST_FIT.WQ1 which contains the
best fit
2. Open the spreadsheet containing the data for analysis.
3. This macro requires a blank area of your spreadsheet to
display the regression data. This area must be at least
7 columns wide and as many rows as there are points in the
analysis. The upper left cell of this block must be named
R_OUTPUT. Use /Edit | Names | Create to name this cell.
Be sure no data appears in this area as it may be erased.
4. Press [Alt-A] to execute the macro.
5. You will be prompted for the range of your independent and
dependent variables.
6. Quattro Pro will now perform the regression analysis.
================================= END ================================
BORDERS is a macro that lets you print the column letters and row
numbers with any part of a spreadsheet. This can make it easier
to reference cell addresses in the spreadsheet.
1. Use /File | Open to open BORDERS.WQ1.
2. Use /File | Open to open the spreadsheet that you want to
print with column and row headings.
3. Press [Alt-B] to execute BORDERS.
4. Choose Create Borders from the main BORDERS menu.
5. If you want to shade the borders, select Shade Borders.
Choose the level of shading you prefer.
6. Any time you print from this spreadsheet, column and row
headings will be included. Don't include the row and
column headings when selecting the print block or they'll
print twice. You can use any print options or settings
that Quattro Pro offers except top and left headings.
7. When you want to remove borders, press [Alt-B] for BORDERS
menu. Choose Remove Borders.
WARNING: When Remove Borders is chosen, BORDERS
deletes anything in the same row with the
column headings and anything in the same
column with the row headings. If anything
that shouldn't be deleted is in the borders
row or column, remove the borders manually
using /Edit | Erase.
Description of the Macro
BORDERS inserts a row at the bottom of your spreadsheet and puts
the column letters in the row.Then this row is selected as a
top print heading. It also inserts a column to the right of your
data and puts the row numbers in that column. This column is
selected as a left print heading. Because they're print
headings, the row and column titles print with any print block
selected. BORDERS can also shade or remove the borders. If your
spreadsheet already has top or left headings, BORDERS removes
them.BORDERS restores your headings when you remove the
borders from your spreadsheet.
If BORDERS can't find borders in a spreadsheet, it presents a
menu with three options:
Create Borders
Print With Borders
Create Borders:
Places the column letter of each column below the
last line of a spreadsheet. It also places the
row number to the right of all information in the
spreadsheet. These borders are selected as print
headings. Any headings previously defined are
replaced by the borders. BORDERS reinstates your
previously selected headings when Remove Borders
is selected.
Print With Borders:
Creates Borders, Aligns the printer, prints the
print block with borders, sends the printer a form
feed and removes the borders in one step. Print
with Borders can also be executed directly from
the spreadsheet by pressing [ALT-P].
Quit: Quit the macro without creating borders.
If BORDERS finds borders in a spreadsheet it presents a menu with
three options:
Shade Borders
Remove Borders
Shade Borders: Shades the borders after they are created.
Selecting Shade Borders presents a menu that
contains the following three choices:
Grey shades the borders with grey shading. Black
shades the borders with black shading. (Note:
black shading slows printing on HP LaserJet and
compatible printers). Selecting None removes
shading from the borders.
Remove Borders:
Removes borders created by the BORDERS macro and
restores any headings set before the macro was
Quit: Quits the macro without making any further changes
to the spreadsheet borders.
================================= END ================================
The file POLYNOM.WQ1 is used to compute polynomial functions. It
displays a graph of a polynomial function when you enter the
parameters. The polynomial is of the form:
y = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 + ex^4 + fx^5
You enter the parameters a, b, c, d, e, and f.If all terms of
degree greater than 1 (c, d, e, f) are zero, the function is
linear. The graph will display a line. If all terms of degree
greater than 2 (d, e, f) are zero, the function is quadratic.
The graph will display the form of a quadratic.
The range of x values for which the equation is plotted can also
be defined. By setting the range of x you can display a
particular range of interest for the polynomial that you are
The template plots the polynomial by calculating values of the
polynomial for 100 values of x. The values of x are calculated
in column A from the specified range. Column B contains the
formula for the polynomial 100 times. References to x in the
polynomial are replaced by references to the corresponding row of
column A. For example, cell B28 contains a formula that
corresponds to a+b*A28+c*A28^2+d*A28^3+e*A28^4+f*A28^5. To
examine the spreadsheet choose /Window | Options | Clear,
/Window | Options | Locked Titles | Clear, and
/Window | Options | Row and Column Borders | Display.
In addition to using this template to plot polynomials, you can
use Quattro Pro's graphing features to plot other functions. To
plot other functions, follow these steps:
1. Open a new spreadsheet.
2. Use /Edit | Fill to put a range of values into the block
3. Put the formula representing the new function in cell B1,
using A1 as the variable. For example, to plot sin(x) put
@SIN(A1) in cell B1.
4. Use /Edit | Copy to copy the source block B1..B1 to the
destination block B2..B100.
5. Set the graph type to XY using /Graph | Type | XY.
6. Choose /Graph | Series | 1st Series. Type B1..B100 and
press [Enter].
7. Choose | X-axis Series.Type A1..A100 and press [Enter].
8. Press [F10] to view the graph.
================================= END ================================
This template generates a simple biorhythm chart based upon your
date of birth. The macro will chart your biorhythm over a 19 day
cycle starting from five days previous to the current date
through 14 days into the future.
1. Select /File | Open and open BIORHYTH.WQ1
2. Press [Alt-B] to start the macro.
3. Follow the prompts and enjoy.
This spreadsheet is not intended for serious use or for the
promotion of astrology.
================================= END ================================
The file ERRBARS.WQ1 allows you to plot a set of responses to a
variable (X). It displays the values of X in an XY graph along
with standard error bars.
To use the error bar template:
1. Enter your X-values, means, and standard errors into Table
2. Choose /Graph | Series | X-Axis Series.Use the right and
left arrow keys to block all the columns used by your
data. Do not change the number of rows blocked in the
template (four rows will be blocked). Press [Enter] to
complete the selection of the first series.
3. Choose /Graph | Series | 1st Series. Again use only the
right and left arrow keys to block all the columns of your
data. Press [Enter].
4. Choose /Graph | Series | 2nd Series. Again use only the
right and left arrow keys to block all the columns of your
data. Press [Enter].
5. Choose /Graph | X-axis | High. Enter a value slightly
above your highest X value. Press [Enter].
6. Choose /Graph | X-axis | Low. Enter a value slightly
below your lowest X value. Press [Enter].
7. Press [F10] to view your graph.
Quattro Pro will trace a line between adjacent points on an XY
graph.An error bar is produced by asking Quattro Pro to plot
the mean, one standard error above the mean, one standard error
below the mean, and the mean values consecutively for each error
bar. As Quattro Pro plots these lines, all with the same X-
values, it creates an error bar. It plots the mean values both
first and last in this sequence so that it will also draw lines
connecting the means of the various sets of observations. The
template lays out the data in a particular way to produce an XY
plot with error bars.
The X-values from Table 1 are copied four times into the first
four rows of Table 2 in the template. The rows are aligned so
that each column of the block has four identical numbers. The
template uses formulas in rows 13 through 16 so that if the data
in Table 1 changes, Table 2 will also change.
Below this block of data in Table 2 is another four rows of data:
one row with the means, one row with one standard deviation above
the mean, one row with one standard deviation below the mean, and
a second row with the means, in that order. These rows are
aligned so that the means, high, and low for each set of data are
all in the same column. All these rows are formulas that
reference the means, and standard error from Table 1. Below this
block of data are three blank rows.
The graph type is set as XY. The X-axis series is the first four
rows of Table 2. The first series is the next four rows of
Table 2. This series draws the lines, including the error bars.
The second series is the last row of Table 2 plus three blank
rows. This series puts markers for each of the means.Three
blank rows are required in the second series so that it will have
the same number of values as the X-axis series.
================================= END ================================
When writing a check, you are required to enter a dollar amount
for the check and to write this amount in a text format (e.g.
$1,234.56 = One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Four and 56/100th).
However, when automating the process, it would be easier to enter
only the dollar amount and have the text automatically provided.
The DOLLARS template will convert dollar values ranging from
$0.00 through $9,999,999.99 to a text format. You can adapt this
functionality to other spreadsheet applications.
The key to the success of the DOLLARS template is in the use of a
lookup table and various Quattro Pro @functions to manipulate
values into a string format.
The DOLLARS lookup table consists of five columns. The first
column contains the values 0 through 9, each representing an
offset position within the integer part of the dollar amount
being evaluated. The offset works from right to left of the
value.The second column contains formulas that will return a
value (as a string) that resides at the associated offset within
the dollar amount. If the dollar amount does not contain a value
which relates to a particular position in the table, a blank is
returned. The remaining columns contain the text entries for
each value in the first column of the table in terms of ones,
teens, and tens. The hundred, thousand, and million
denominations will be addressed in intermediate formulas used
elsewhere in the template.
Several intermediate formulas are used to obtain the textual
equivalents of each value within the dollar amount. These
formulas rely on @VLOOKUP and @IF to return the requested text.
First, @VLOOKUP's are used to return the text in the lookup table
that is associated to each value within the dollar amount. The
column containing the necessary text is related to the position
of the value within the dollar amount.By using @IF, the text to
be retrieve from the table is based upon the next value within
the dollar amount. For example, when evaluating the 1 in $513,
the @IF function will determine that a 3 follows the one;
therefore, it is not ten but is a teen value. In the case of the
5 in $513, this is simply a ones text.
To accommodate the hundreds, thousands, and millions dollar
amounts, additional @IF functions are used. To determine a
hundreds value, @IF's are used to monitor the third and sixth
values within the dollar amount. If a value greater than zero is
located in one of these positions, the text "Hundred " is added
to the resulting string. If a value appears in the fourth
position of the dollar amount, "Thousand " is added to the
string. And finally, if a value is found in the seventh position
of the dollar amount, "Millions " is added. In any case, if a
value is not found in a particular position within the dollar
amount, a blank is returned.
In order to address the possibility of a dollar amount consisting
of only cents (e.g. $0.56), if the length of the integer part of
the dollar value is 0, the text "Zero" is added to the resulting
Finally, a complex string addition is performed. This addition
uses the concatenation operator (&) which is used to append text
strings together. This formula, located in cell A17 of the
template, will combine the results of all @VLOOKUP's and @IF's
located in column F. Remember, seven positions are evaluated for
each dollar amount. Any position which does not hold a value
will return a blank (""). This ensures the string addition will
not contain extraneous spaces (thus, the necessity for the
trailing space after each entry in the lookup table).
To use the DOLLARS template, enter a dollar amount into cell B16.
The textual equivalent will appear in cell A17.
================================= END ================================
To create an amortization table for your loan, enter the
principal, annual interest, term of loan (in months), and balloon
payment (if any) in TABLE 1. Your monthly payment will be
calculated in this table.
The amortization table is calculated in Table 2. It shows how
much principal remains before each monthly payment, the portion
of each monthly payment that is applied to interest, and the
portion of each monthly payment that reduces the principal.
The tables use the @PAYMT, @IPAYMT, @PPAYMT functions of Quattro
Pro. In Table 1, The @PAYMT function calculates the monthly
payment from the principal, monthly interest rate, and term (in
months). In Table 2, The @IPAYMT function calculates the monthly
payment applied to interest from the principal, monthly interest,
term (in months), and the payment number. The @PPAYMT uses the
same information to calculate the payment portion applied to the
remaining principal.
The table can handle up to a 30 year loan. If your loan has a
shorter term, the extra entries in the table will appear as
"ERR". The final payment on the loan is noted in column E. To
extend the payment schedule for longer terms:
1. Use /Edit | Fill to generate the payment numbers column 1.
The template uses the payment numbers in the @IPAYMT and
@PPAYMT functions.
2. Enter the longer term in Table 1 so the payments will be
calculated for the appropriate term.
3. Extend the number of payments calculated in the table by
copying the last row of Table 2 as many times as
================================= END ================================
A What-If table computes the result of a formula which is based
upon one or two independent variables. The results of the
formula, based upon the different pairings of the variables, are
placed within a table where they can be cross-referenced with the
variables used to obtain the results. Quattro Pro provides the
facility to compute a 1- or 2-Variable What-If table. However,
if the spreadsheet where the operation is performed consists of a
large number of formulas, the speed of the What-If analysis will
decrease at a measurable rate. This is due to the fact that
Quattro Pro recalculates the entire spreadsheet after each value
generated for the What-If table.
To increase the speed of a What-If analysis, a macro can be used
to perform the operation. Since a What-If analysis simply places
each dependent value into the designated formula and obtains a
result, a macro can use {FOR} loops to perform the same
operation. The key to the improved speed is in the way a macro
can control recalculation while it is executing. The macro
presented in this information sheet will perform a 2-Variable
What-If analysis.
Before using this What-If macro, create a What-If table in your
spreadsheet and assign it the name _table. You must create this
named block in the spreadsheet where the analysis will be
performed. Once this is done, place the formula you wish the
analysis to compute in _criteria (cell B14). Make the
spreadsheet containing the What-if table the current file (use
Shift-F6) and press [Alt-W]. The macro will generate the
2-Variable What-If table.
As a reminder, the benefits of this macro will be found mostly in
spreadsheets that contain a large number of formulas. For most
applications, Quattro Pro's What-If facility will best fit your
needs. For more details on 2-Variable What-If analysis, consult
the Quattro Pro User's Guide.
================================= END ================================
The SS_PRINT library macro will print multiple blocks from
various spreadsheets. The macro utilizes a table, that you
build, to define the spreadsheets and the associated block to
This macro makes two assumptions: the spreadsheets to be printed
are not currently open and the table containing the spreadsheet
and block names has been properly defined.
To use the macro, define a data table, either in the macro
library file or in your file. The table must contain at
least three columns. In the first column, you will enter the
name of the spreadsheet from which to print. This name can
include path designations. If path information is omitted, the
current directory is assumed. The second column must contain a
cell address, block range, or block name that corresponds to the
cells to be printed from the file in the first column. The third
column of the table should be left blank. If an error occurs
while the macro is attempting to open a spreadsheet, "XXX" will
be placed in the third column, alerting you to the failure of
this block to print. Assign the name _table to the data table
using /Edit | Names | Create.
Example Data Table
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
FILE1 A1..B12
A:\FILE3.WK1 B34..M236
NOTE: Make sure to expand _table to include all rows containing
print information.
Once the macro has been entered and the data table has been
created, press [Alt-P] and the macro will print your spreadsheets
to the destination defined on the Print menu. The macro opens,
prints, and closes each spreadsheet in turn.
================================= END ================================
Viewing clipart can be a time consuming process. You must paste
a clipart file into a blank text graph, view it, delete it, and
start the process over for each file. The ART_VIEW macro allows
you to view and/or print clipart without any more effort than
defining the directory and the file extension of the clipart you
wish to evaluate.
Before you can begin using the ClipArt Viewer, you must provide a
directory and file extension for the clipart files. As a
default, these options are set to C:\QPRO\ and CLP. Make sure to
provide the drive AND directory designation when specifying the
directory where the clipart is located. Also, the directory
designation must end with a backslash (\) and the extension must
not begin with a period (e.g., .CLP). This information is
entered in the cells named _dir and _ext (cells B1 and B2
respectively). Press [Alt-V] to start the viewer.
As each image is presented in the Graph Annotator, press the
Spacebar to continue to the next file. Pressing [P] while a
clipart image is displayed in the Annotator will print that image
to the default graphics printer and will display the next clipart
image. If you do not wish to view all the images, simply press
[Q] to stop viewing.
The ART_VIEW macro uses Quattro Pro's File Manager to obtain a
listing of all clipart files in the directory you specify. These
files are then entered into the Graph Annotator where they can be
viewed. The viewing procedure will continue until all the
clipart files within the specified directory have been displayed.
================================= END ================================
The TRANSLAT translate macro is specifically designed to
translate WK1 format files into WQ1 format files. However, it
has been built to allow different translating. For the most
part, all you need to do is define the _from and _to file
extension and run the macro. Little, if any, modification to the
macro itself is necessary for defining different format
Before using the macro, you must define the source drive and
directory for the files to be translated (_from_dir), the
extension of the files to be translated (_from), the destination
drive and directory for the translated files (_to_dir), and the
file extension to which the original files will be translated
When defining the source and destination drives and directories,
make sure to provide both the drive and directory designation.
Also, the directory designation must end with a backslash (\).
The source and destination drives and directories do not have to
be the same. It may be easier to place the translated files in a
different directory so the originals can be archived or deleted
as necessary.
To define the extension for the files to be translated and the
format to which you want them translated, see the table above.
Do not include a leading period when defining these extensions in
the macro.
After you have defined the directories and file extensions, press
[Alt-T]. The macro uses Quattro Pro's File Manager to create a
list of all files in the source directory with the file extension
defined in _from. These files are opened in turn and saved with
the new file extension (defined in _to). This saving process
loads the appropriate translator and generates the desired file
================================= END ================================
The VIDEO.RSC file included on this disk contains extended screen
display drivers for Quattro Pro v2.x and v3.x. These drivers
provide additional support for video cards to achieve extended
screen displays (i.e., 132 columns). All of the text modes which
were previously available remain accessible with the new modes.
Additional drivers include:
- Boca VGA
- IBM PS/2 (Model 35 & 40 ONLY!)
- Oak Technologies "CHIPSET" Driver
- Trident SVGA 1024
Extended display modes are not supported in v1.x.
* N O T I C E *
This file is NOT an official Borland International, Inc.
VIDEO.RSC file and is provided "AS IS." Borland International,
Inc. specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed or
implied, including but not limited to any warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Use of
this file is at your own risk. By using this file, you
acknowledge the above disclaimer and agree that Borland
International, Inc. shall not be liable for any damages from
your use of the file, including but not limited to damages for
lost data, lost profits and special, incidental and
consequential damages.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
occurrence of this is when a MONOCHROME or CGA monitor is
attached to a VIDEO CARD which is capable of driving much more
powerful, variable frequency, color displays (eg. a MultiSync
| |
| One way to do this is to copy VIDEO.RSC to another name in |
| the same directory and then edit the original. This is done |
| by: |
| |
| CD\QPRO <-- change to the Quattro Pro |
| directory (or whatever directory |
| name you have used) |
| COPY VIDEO.RSC VID.RSC <-- create a new copy of VIDEO.RSC |
| called "VID.RSC" |
To install the video driver provided on this diskette:
1) place the utilities disk into drive A:
2) change to the drive and directory where Quattro Pro is
installed. This is done by typing:
C: <-- change to your QPRO drive
CD\QPRO <-- change to the Quattro Pro directory
(or whatever directory name you have used)
3) copy the files on drive A: to your QPRO directory. This is
done by typing:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
If you wish to restore the original VIDEO.RSC and a backup
VIDEO.RSC file is not available, you can recopy the original file
from your original Quattro Pro diskette.
In v3.0, the VIDEO.RSC file is inside the compressed file called
CHR2.ZIP on the sixth 5.25" Quattro Pro diskette (if you have
3.5", it is on the third diskette).
In v2.0 the VIDEO.RSC file is inside the compressed file called
SORT.ZIP on the sixth 5.25" Quattro Pro diskette (if you have
3.5", it is on the third diskette).
To restore VIDEO.RSC from your original disk, insert the
appropriate disk into drive A: and type:
CD\QPRO <-- change to the Quattro Pro
UNZIP /o A:CHR2.ZIP VIDEO.RSC <-- Unzip and copy the
If you use drive B: instead of A:, replace A: with B: in the
above commands. If your directory is not called "QPRO", insert
your directory name in place of \QPRO in the above examples.
Quattro Pro v4.0 incorporates these extended screen display
drivers directly within the program. Therefore, VIDEO.RSC is
not necessary if you are using version 4.0.
================================= END ================================
This file contains information pertaining to the utilities on
this disk. It will provide a description and functionality
of each utility along with specific instructions for using the
utility. Please read it in its entirety.
* N O T I C E *
These files are provided free of charge by Borland International, Inc.
as a service to our users, and are provided "AS IS." These files are
miscellaneous utilities and examples that may assist in your
understanding and use of Quattro Pro. Borland disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. By
using these files, you acknowledge the above disclaimer and agree that
Borland shall not be liable for any damages from your use of the file,
including but not limited to damages for lost data, lost profits and
special, incidental and consequential damages.
Copyright (c) 1992 Borland International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
5. LINK22
8. IRS 1040 Form
17. 2WAY_MAC
The SETSHADE.EXE program may be used by HP LaserJet printer users to
change the intensity of the grey shading within Quattro Pro version
1.01 and 2.0. The error message: "Cannot set shading on this version
of Quattro Pro" will be generated if the program is executed within
version 1.0. When SETSHADE is executed, it modifies the contents of
the file KERNEL.BGI. It is highly recommended that a backup copy of
the original file be retained before executing SETSHADE for the first
The default shade percentage for Quattro Pro version 1.01 and 2.0 is
45%. This intensity may be lightened by setting the percentage lower
(ie., from 45% to 25%) or darker by raising the setting (ie., from 45%
to 70%). Small changes in percentage such as 5% will not result in
much observable shading differences. Settings above 60% may make
viewing shaded cell contents difficult.
Execution Steps:
1. The SETSHADE.EXE program should be copied into the Quattro
Pro directory: eg., COPY A:\SETSHADE.EXE C:\QPRO.
2. In the Quattro Pro directory, enter the command:
where "xx" is the percentage of shading that you require.
For example, to set shading at 30%, type: "SETSHADE 30" (without
quotation marks). The screen would read:
The old shade setting and the current setting will then be displayed:
Current is xx%
Set to xx%
The program will adjust the shading only when the print job involves
downloading fonts. This category does not include spreadsheets with
inserted graphs, when black shading is included in the print block
with grey shading, and when a point size greater than 24pts is chosen.
When such features are being used, the grey shading percentage
returns to the default shade (45%). In addition, the screen preview
option will not display the shading changes.
SETSHADE is not necessary with Quattro Pro v3.0 or v4.0. By
selecting /Options | Hardware | Printers | Fonts | Shading Level,
you will be able to define the intensity of the gray shading.
This function is only available in versions 3.0 and 4.0.
================================= END ================================
DELREAD provides a means for importing ASCII delimited files longer
than 256 characters into Quattro Pro. It even allows you to define
the type of delimiters used in your file.
The DELREAD macro is centered around a Main Menu.
Only Commas Import
Comma & Quote Delimited Import
X & Y Delimited Import
Menu Item Description
Only Commas Import Imports a file in which the
fields are separated by
Example: 1,alpha,beta
Comma & Quote Delimited Import Imports a file in which the
fields are separated by
commas, and labels are
enclosed by quotes (").
Example: 1,"alpha","beta"
X & Y Delimited Import Imports a file in which the
fields are separated by the
symbol X (which you define),
and labels are enclosed by the
symbol Y (which you also
Example: 1XYalphaYXYbetaY
Quit Exits the macro.
2. Open the spreadsheet you wish to import data into
using /File | Open.
3. Move to the upper left-hand corner of the block you wish
to have the imported data placed into.
4. Press [Alt-I]
5. The DELREAD menu will appear and you may choose the options
which are appropriate to your situation.
================================= END================================
DELMAKER is a macro that allows you to create a delimited formatfile
from a range of cells within the current spreadsheet. Thedelimited
formats can be Comma & Quote, Comma Only, or x delimited (where xis
any label you specify).
1. Open the macro library DELMAKER.WQ1.
2. Open the file from which you wish to extract data. Make
sure it is the current active window.
3. Press: [Alt-D]
4. At this point, the DELMAKER Menu will appear. Set your
options. (See the descriptions below).
5. Select an output format. (See the description below).
6. DELMAKER will present the prompt "ENTER YOUR RANGE".
Press a key to continue, and then highlight the
block of your spreadsheet to extract.
7. DELMAKER will prompt you to enter the name of the file to
output the data. It will warn you if you are going to
overwrite an existing file. If the file already exists,
you can overwrite it or DELMAKER will prompt you for a new
8. When the DELMAKER Menu returns, select Quit to exit the
macro or repeat the steps outline above to outputadditional
The DELMAKER Menu provides you with the following choices:
Comma and "" Delimited Format
Specified Delimiter Format
Only Commas
Values Are Written As Numbers
Empty Cells Are Written As Empty Labels
The first three menu items prompt you to highlight a range of the
current spreadsheet and enter the name of a file to save the
extracted data to (Specified Delimiter Format asks you for a
delimiter to use also). By default, DELMAKER writes the file to
the current directory. You can have the file created in another
directory by entering the full path name of the file.
Comma & "" Delimited Format saves the file with commas
between each cell (field) in a row (record), and quotes
surrounding the contents of each field.
Specified Delimiter Format asks for a delimiter, and then
saves the file with each cell (field) in a row (record)
delimited by the symbol you entered.
Only Commas saves the file with commas between each cell
(field) in a row (record).
The remaining three menu items (Output Options) provide a means
for customizing the type of delimited output you require.
The Values Are Written As option allows you to specify the
way your values will be saved. Option Numbers will convert
values to General display format before saving it into the
extracted file. Option Labels will retain the cells
formatting (Currency, Scientific, Etc.) but will store all
values as labels to insure the data translates properly into
your own program regardless of the cells display format.
This is set by default to Option Numbers.
NOTE: If you have dates in your spreadsheet, set this
option to Labels. Otherwise, the dates will be saved as
a Julian serial date number. This number may be
meaningless to some applications.
The Empty Cells Are Written As option allows you to specify
how DELMAKER should treat blank cells in your spreadsheet.
Option Empty Labels will write out blank cells as blank
labels. Option Zeros will write out your empty cells as
zero. This is set by default to Option Empty Labels.
Quit exits the macro and returns you to the current
spreadsheet in READY mode.
================================= END================================
The Graph Print macro allows you to automatically print a batchof
named graphs located in the current spreadsheet.
To use Graph Print:
1. Open the macro library file GPRINT.WQ1.
2. Open the file containing the graphs you wish to print,using
/File | Open. Make sure this is the active window.
3. Enter the names assigned to the graphs you wish to printas
labels into a block of cells. Use /Graph | Name | Create
to define the names of the graphs if this has not alreadybeen
4. Select: /Tools | Macro | Execute.
5. Type: GRAPH_PRINT, and press [Enter].
Note: If you wish to assign a hotkey to the macro, use
/Edit | Names | Create and enter a backslash (\)
followed by a letter on the keyboard (e.g., \Gassigns
Alt-G as the hotkey). Designate cell B11 to takethe
name. If a hotkey is assigned to the macro, steps 5and
6 listed above can be skipped and simply press[Alt-G] to
execute the macro.
6. The macro will then ask you to highlight the blockcontaining
the names of the graphs you wish to print. This will bethe
block defined in step 3. Highlight the block, and press
7. Graph Print will then step through the graphs and print tothe
default printer automatically.
================================= END================================
5. LINK22 (LINK22.WQ1)
Since Lotus 1-2-3 v2.2 saves files with the extension WK1, they
are still somewhat compatible with version 2.01 of 1-2-3. SinceQuattro
Pro will load in these spreadsheets, it is possible to convertlinking
formulas created in Lotus v2.2 to Quattro Pro format. WhenQuattro Pro
retrieves a spreadsheet saved from Lotus 2.2, the linked formulawill
appear in Quattro Pro in the following format:
where filename is the worksheet to get the data from, and addressis
the address in the worksheet filename to get data from.
The syntax of the Quattro Pro link formula, using the samearguments
as above, is as follows:
where filename and address are the same as above.
By replacing the << & >> characters in the Lotus 2.2 formula with
the [ & ] in Quattro Pro, we can convert the 1-2-3 formula into a
Quattro Pro link formula. The CONVERT macro will traverse each
cell of the current worksheet, and convert any link formulas that
it finds.
To execute CONVERT:
1. Open the macro library file LINK22.WQ1.
2. Open the .WK1 spreadsheet you wish to convert, using /File
| Open.
3. Select: /Tools | Macro | Execute (or /Worksheet | Macro
| Execute in the 123 compatible menu).
4. Type CONVERT and press [Enter].
NOTE: Screen refreshing is suppressed while CONVERT is executing to
speed execution. Therefore, you won't see the changes take place on
the screen until the macro has finished.
This macro is only necessary for version 1.x of Quattro Pro. All
other versions will directly convert the link syntax of Lotus v2.2
================================= END ================================
EP2GEM.COM is a public domain utility used to initialize the printer
to correct vertical line spacing problems encountered while printing
graphics. It should be loaded prior to running Quattro Pro, typically
through the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Within Quattro Pro, install for the
Epson FX, RX, LX Series printer.
================================= END ================================
SWAPLOG.EXE allows you to change your QUATTRO.BAK file into
QUATTRO.LOG without it immediately flushing the file back to
QUATTRO.BAK when you load Quattro Pro. To use it, place the file
SWAPLOG.EXE in your Quattro Pro directory and type the command SWAPLOG
at the DOS prompt. It will then switch QUATTRO.BAK and QUATTRO.LOG,
and update the backup parameter in QUATTRO.LOG so it will not
immediately go back to QUATTRO.BAK when loading Quattro Pro.
================================= END ================================
8. IRS 1040 Form (1040.WQ!)
This file presents an example of using Quattro Pro's desktop
publishing features to create forms. This example is a replication of
the IRS 1040 form. The form was developed for an HP Laserjet printing
at 300 x 300 dpi. The results will be similar for other printers as
well. The 1040 form was submitted by a Quattro Pro user.
================================= END ================================
The SETCUS utility captures more than 220 configurable default command
settings from one version of Quattro Pro and sets them as the current
defaults in another version. This is especially useful when upgrading
to newer versions and you wish to retain previously defined defaults
(ie. printers, colors, layouts, etc).
To use, retrieve SETCUS.WQ1 in the older version of Quattro Pro. This
file contains a startup macro which will present a menu. Select GET
SETTINGS from the menu to capture and save the default settings.
Next, retrieve SETCUS.WQ1 into your new Quattro Pro and select SET
SETTINGS from the menu. This will apply the previously captured
defaults as your new defaults in the new Quattro Pro.
Not all defaults are savable. The following must be set manually:
o Custom shortcut key assignments
o /Options | Colors | Palettes
o /Style | Font attributes
o /Graph | Text attributes
o /Graph | Customize Series | Colors
o /Options | Display Mode
o /Options | Hardware | Screen | Resolution
o /Options | Mouse Palette
================================= END ================================
BEST_FIT is a macro library that calculates and plots the best
fit (trend) line for a regression analysis. A regression
analysis is used to study the correlation between two variables
to determine if a relationship exists. BEST_FIT will plot your
trend line and independent and dependent variables on an
XY graph.
Ind. Variable The data that affects the dependent variable.
(Ex. Number of sales advertisements mailed.)
Dep. Variable The data that is affected by the independent
variable. (Ex. Sales generated by the
Constant The Y intercept of the regression. This the
point where the line meets the Y axis.
Std Err / Y Est
The estimated deviation of the regression line.
R Squared Measures the validity of the model. Ranges from
0 to 1 with 1 being optimal. It is used as an
index to compare
different models with the same number of
independent variables.
Deg. of Freedom
The parameter that determines the shape of the
X Coefficients The coefficient of the independent variable. It
is the slope of the best fit line.
Std Err of Coef
Gives an error estimate of the
The formula Quattro Pro uses to calculate the best fit line is
_ _
y' = y + b(x - x)
x = The independent variables
x = The average of the independent variables
y = The dependent variables
y'= The Y axis values for the best fit line
y = The average of the dependent variables
b = The slope of the best fit line, computed using
E(x - x)y
B =
(x - x)
1. Retrieve the spreadsheet BEST_FIT.WQ1 which contains the
best fit
2. Open the spreadsheet containing the data for analysis.
3. This macro requires a blank area of your spreadsheet to
display the regression data. This area must be at least
7 columns wide and as many rows as there are points in the
analysis. The upper left cell of this block must be named
R_OUTPUT. Use /Edit | Names | Create to name this cell.
Be sure no data appears in this area as it may be erased.
4. Press [Alt-A] to execute the macro.
5. You will be prompted for the range of your independent and
dependent variables.
6. Quattro Pro will now perform the regression analysis.
================================= END ================================
BORDERS is a macro that lets you print the column letters and row
numbers with any part of a spreadsheet. This can make it easier
to reference cell addresses in the spreadsheet.
1. Use /File | Open to open BORDERS.WQ1.
2. Use /File | Open to open the spreadsheet that you want to
print with column and row headings.
3. Press [Alt-B] to execute BORDERS.
4. Choose Create Borders from the main BORDERS menu.
5. If you want to shade the borders, select Shade Borders.
Choose the level of shading you prefer.
6. Any time you print from this spreadsheet, column and row
headings will be included. Don't include the row and
column headings when selecting the print block or they'll
print twice. You can use any print options or settings
that Quattro Pro offers except top and left headings.
7. When you want to remove borders, press [Alt-B] for BORDERS
menu. Choose Remove Borders.
WARNING: When Remove Borders is chosen, BORDERS
deletes anything in the same row with the
column headings and anything in the same
column with the row headings. If anything
that shouldn't be deleted is in the borders
row or column, remove the borders manually
using /Edit | Erase.
Description of the Macro
BORDERS inserts a row at the bottom of your spreadsheet and puts
the column letters in the row.Then this row is selected as a
top print heading. It also inserts a column to the right of your
data and puts the row numbers in that column. This column is
selected as a left print heading. Because they're print
headings, the row and column titles print with any print block
selected. BORDERS can also shade or remove the borders. If your
spreadsheet already has top or left headings, BORDERS removes
them.BORDERS restores your headings when you remove the
borders from your spreadsheet.
If BORDERS can't find borders in a spreadsheet, it presents a
menu with three options:
Create Borders
Print With Borders
Create Borders:
Places the column letter of each column below the
last line of a spreadsheet. It also places the
row number to the right of all information in the
spreadsheet. These borders are selected as print
headings. Any headings previously defined are
replaced by the borders. BORDERS reinstates your
previously selected headings when Remove Borders
is selected.
Print With Borders:
Creates Borders, Aligns the printer, prints the
print block with borders, sends the printer a form
feed and removes the borders in one step. Print
with Borders can also be executed directly from
the spreadsheet by pressing [ALT-P].
Quit: Quit the macro without creating borders.
If BORDERS finds borders in a spreadsheet it presents a menu with
three options:
Shade Borders
Remove Borders
Shade Borders: Shades the borders after they are created.
Selecting Shade Borders presents a menu that
contains the following three choices:
Grey shades the borders with grey shading. Black
shades the borders with black shading. (Note:
black shading slows printing on HP LaserJet and
compatible printers). Selecting None removes
shading from the borders.
Remove Borders:
Removes borders created by the BORDERS macro and
restores any headings set before the macro was
Quit: Quits the macro without making any further changes
to the spreadsheet borders.
================================= END ================================
The file POLYNOM.WQ1 is used to compute polynomial functions. It
displays a graph of a polynomial function when you enter the
parameters. The polynomial is of the form:
y = a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3 + ex^4 + fx^5
You enter the parameters a, b, c, d, e, and f.If all terms of
degree greater than 1 (c, d, e, f) are zero, the function is
linear. The graph will display a line. If all terms of degree
greater than 2 (d, e, f) are zero, the function is quadratic.
The graph will display the form of a quadratic.
The range of x values for which the equation is plotted can also
be defined. By setting the range of x you can display a
particular range of interest for the polynomial that you are
The template plots the polynomial by calculating values of the
polynomial for 100 values of x. The values of x are calculated
in column A from the specified range. Column B contains the
formula for the polynomial 100 times. References to x in the
polynomial are replaced by references to the corresponding row of
column A. For example, cell B28 contains a formula that
corresponds to a+b*A28+c*A28^2+d*A28^3+e*A28^4+f*A28^5. To
examine the spreadsheet choose /Window | Options | Clear,
/Window | Options | Locked Titles | Clear, and
/Window | Options | Row and Column Borders | Display.
In addition to using this template to plot polynomials, you can
use Quattro Pro's graphing features to plot other functions. To
plot other functions, follow these steps:
1. Open a new spreadsheet.
2. Use /Edit | Fill to put a range of values into the block
3. Put the formula representing the new function in cell B1,
using A1 as the variable. For example, to plot sin(x) put
@SIN(A1) in cell B1.
4. Use /Edit | Copy to copy the source block B1..B1 to the
destination block B2..B100.
5. Set the graph type to XY using /Graph | Type | XY.
6. Choose /Graph | Series | 1st Series. Type B1..B100 and
press [Enter].
7. Choose | X-axis Series.Type A1..A100 and press [Enter].
8. Press [F10] to view the graph.
================================= END ================================
This template generates a simple biorhythm chart based upon your
date of birth. The macro will chart your biorhythm over a 19 day
cycle starting from five days previous to the current date
through 14 days into the future.
1. Select /File | Open and open BIORHYTH.WQ1
2. Press [Alt-B] to start the macro.
3. Follow the prompts and enjoy.
This spreadsheet is not intended for serious use or for the
promotion of astrology.
================================= END ================================
The file ERRBARS.WQ1 allows you to plot a set of responses to a
variable (X). It displays the values of X in an XY graph along
with standard error bars.
To use the error bar template:
1. Enter your X-values, means, and standard errors into Table
2. Choose /Graph | Series | X-Axis Series.Use the right and
left arrow keys to block all the columns used by your
data. Do not change the number of rows blocked in the
template (four rows will be blocked). Press [Enter] to
complete the selection of the first series.
3. Choose /Graph | Series | 1st Series. Again use only the
right and left arrow keys to block all the columns of your
data. Press [Enter].
4. Choose /Graph | Series | 2nd Series. Again use only the
right and left arrow keys to block all the columns of your
data. Press [Enter].
5. Choose /Graph | X-axis | High. Enter a value slightly
above your highest X value. Press [Enter].
6. Choose /Graph | X-axis | Low. Enter a value slightly
below your lowest X value. Press [Enter].
7. Press [F10] to view your graph.
Quattro Pro will trace a line between adjacent points on an XY
graph.An error bar is produced by asking Quattro Pro to plot
the mean, one standard error above the mean, one standard error
below the mean, and the mean values consecutively for each error
bar. As Quattro Pro plots these lines, all with the same X-
values, it creates an error bar. It plots the mean values both
first and last in this sequence so that it will also draw lines
connecting the means of the various sets of observations. The
template lays out the data in a particular way to produce an XY
plot with error bars.
The X-values from Table 1 are copied four times into the first
four rows of Table 2 in the template. The rows are aligned so
that each column of the block has four identical numbers. The
template uses formulas in rows 13 through 16 so that if the data
in Table 1 changes, Table 2 will also change.
Below this block of data in Table 2 is another four rows of data:
one row with the means, one row with one standard deviation above
the mean, one row with one standard deviation below the mean, and
a second row with the means, in that order. These rows are
aligned so that the means, high, and low for each set of data are
all in the same column. All these rows are formulas that
reference the means, and standard error from Table 1. Below this
block of data are three blank rows.
The graph type is set as XY. The X-axis series is the first four
rows of Table 2. The first series is the next four rows of
Table 2. This series draws the lines, including the error bars.
The second series is the last row of Table 2 plus three blank
rows. This series puts markers for each of the means.Three
blank rows are required in the second series so that it will have
the same number of values as the X-axis series.
================================= END ================================
When writing a check, you are required to enter a dollar amount
for the check and to write this amount in a text format (e.g.
$1,234.56 = One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Four and 56/100th).
However, when automating the process, it would be easier to enter
only the dollar amount and have the text automatically provided.
The DOLLARS template will convert dollar values ranging from
$0.00 through $9,999,999.99 to a text format. You can adapt this
functionality to other spreadsheet applications.
The key to the success of the DOLLARS template is in the use of a
lookup table and various Quattro Pro @functions to manipulate
values into a string format.
The DOLLARS lookup table consists of five columns. The first
column contains the values 0 through 9, each representing an
offset position within the integer part of the dollar amount
being evaluated. The offset works from right to left of the
value.The second column contains formulas that will return a
value (as a string) that resides at the associated offset within
the dollar amount. If the dollar amount does not contain a value
which relates to a particular position in the table, a blank is
returned. The remaining columns contain the text entries for
each value in the first column of the table in terms of ones,
teens, and tens. The hundred, thousand, and million
denominations will be addressed in intermediate formulas used
elsewhere in the template.
Several intermediate formulas are used to obtain the textual
equivalents of each value within the dollar amount. These
formulas rely on @VLOOKUP and @IF to return the requested text.
First, @VLOOKUP's are used to return the text in the lookup table
that is associated to each value within the dollar amount. The
column containing the necessary text is related to the position
of the value within the dollar amount.By using @IF, the text to
be retrieve from the table is based upon the next value within
the dollar amount. For example, when evaluating the 1 in $513,
the @IF function will determine that a 3 follows the one;
therefore, it is not ten but is a teen value. In the case of the
5 in $513, this is simply a ones text.
To accommodate the hundreds, thousands, and millions dollar
amounts, additional @IF functions are used. To determine a
hundreds value, @IF's are used to monitor the third and sixth
values within the dollar amount. If a value greater than zero is
located in one of these positions, the text "Hundred " is added
to the resulting string. If a value appears in the fourth
position of the dollar amount, "Thousand " is added to the
string. And finally, if a value is found in the seventh position
of the dollar amount, "Millions " is added. In any case, if a
value is not found in a particular position within the dollar
amount, a blank is returned.
In order to address the possibility of a dollar amount consisting
of only cents (e.g. $0.56), if the length of the integer part of
the dollar value is 0, the text "Zero" is added to the resulting
Finally, a complex string addition is performed. This addition
uses the concatenation operator (&) which is used to append text
strings together. This formula, located in cell A17 of the
template, will combine the results of all @VLOOKUP's and @IF's
located in column F. Remember, seven positions are evaluated for
each dollar amount. Any position which does not hold a value
will return a blank (""). This ensures the string addition will
not contain extraneous spaces (thus, the necessity for the
trailing space after each entry in the lookup table).
To use the DOLLARS template, enter a dollar amount into cell B16.
The textual equivalent will appear in cell A17.
================================= END ================================
To create an amortization table for your loan, enter the
principal, annual interest, term of loan (in months), and balloon
payment (if any) in TABLE 1. Your monthly payment will be
calculated in this table.
The amortization table is calculated in Table 2. It shows how
much principal remains before each monthly payment, the portion
of each monthly payment that is applied to interest, and the
portion of each monthly payment that reduces the principal.
The tables use the @PAYMT, @IPAYMT, @PPAYMT functions of Quattro
Pro. In Table 1, The @PAYMT function calculates the monthly
payment from the principal, monthly interest rate, and term (in
months). In Table 2, The @IPAYMT function calculates the monthly
payment applied to interest from the principal, monthly interest,
term (in months), and the payment number. The @PPAYMT uses the
same information to calculate the payment portion applied to the
remaining principal.
The table can handle up to a 30 year loan. If your loan has a
shorter term, the extra entries in the table will appear as
"ERR". The final payment on the loan is noted in column E. To
extend the payment schedule for longer terms:
1. Use /Edit | Fill to generate the payment numbers column 1.
The template uses the payment numbers in the @IPAYMT and
@PPAYMT functions.
2. Enter the longer term in Table 1 so the payments will be
calculated for the appropriate term.
3. Extend the number of payments calculated in the table by
copying the last row of Table 2 as many times as
================================= END ================================
A What-If table computes the result of a formula which is based
upon one or two independent variables. The results of the
formula, based upon the different pairings of the variables, are
placed within a table where they can be cross-referenced with the
variables used to obtain the results. Quattro Pro provides the
facility to compute a 1- or 2-Variable What-If table. However,
if the spreadsheet where the operation is performed consists of a
large number of formulas, the speed of the What-If analysis will
decrease at a measurable rate. This is due to the fact that
Quattro Pro recalculates the entire spreadsheet after each value
generated for the What-If table.
To increase the speed of a What-If analysis, a macro can be used
to perform the operation. Since a What-If analysis simply places
each dependent value into the designated formula and obtains a
result, a macro can use {FOR} loops to perform the same
operation. The key to the improved speed is in the way a macro
can control recalculation while it is executing. The macro
presented in this information sheet will perform a 2-Variable
What-If analysis.
Before using this What-If macro, create a What-If table in your
spreadsheet and assign it the name _table. You must create this
named block in the spreadsheet where the analysis will be
performed. Once this is done, place the formula you wish the
analysis to compute in _criteria (cell B14). Make the
spreadsheet containing the What-if table the current file (use
Shift-F6) and press [Alt-W]. The macro will generate the
2-Variable What-If table.
As a reminder, the benefits of this macro will be found mostly in
spreadsheets that contain a large number of formulas. For most
applications, Quattro Pro's What-If facility will best fit your
needs. For more details on 2-Variable What-If analysis, consult
the Quattro Pro User's Guide.
================================= END ================================
The SS_PRINT library macro will print multiple blocks from
various spreadsheets. The macro utilizes a table, that you
build, to define the spreadsheets and the associated block to
This macro makes two assumptions: the spreadsheets to be printed
are not currently open and the table containing the spreadsheet
and block names has been properly defined.
To use the macro, define a data table, either in the macro
library file or in your file. The table must contain at
least three columns. In the first column, you will enter the
name of the spreadsheet from which to print. This name can
include path designations. If path information is omitted, the
current directory is assumed. The second column must contain a
cell address, block range, or block name that corresponds to the
cells to be printed from the file in the first column. The third
column of the table should be left blank. If an error occurs
while the macro is attempting to open a spreadsheet, "XXX" will
be placed in the third column, alerting you to the failure of
this block to print. Assign the name _table to the data table
using /Edit | Names | Create.
Example Data Table
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
FILE1 A1..B12
A:\FILE3.WK1 B34..M236
NOTE: Make sure to expand _table to include all rows containing
print information.
Once the macro has been entered and the data table has been
created, press [Alt-P] and the macro will print your spreadsheets
to the destination defined on the Print menu. The macro opens,
prints, and closes each spreadsheet in turn.
================================= END ================================
Viewing clipart can be a time consuming process. You must paste
a clipart file into a blank text graph, view it, delete it, and
start the process over for each file. The ART_VIEW macro allows
you to view and/or print clipart without any more effort than
defining the directory and the file extension of the clipart you
wish to evaluate.
Before you can begin using the ClipArt Viewer, you must provide a
directory and file extension for the clipart files. As a
default, these options are set to C:\QPRO\ and CLP. Make sure to
provide the drive AND directory designation when specifying the
directory where the clipart is located. Also, the directory
designation must end with a backslash (\) and the extension must
not begin with a period (e.g., .CLP). This information is
entered in the cells named _dir and _ext (cells B1 and B2
respectively). Press [Alt-V] to start the viewer.
As each image is presented in the Graph Annotator, press the
Spacebar to continue to the next file. Pressing [P] while a
clipart image is displayed in the Annotator will print that image
to the default graphics printer and will display the next clipart
image. If you do not wish to view all the images, simply press
[Q] to stop viewing.
The ART_VIEW macro uses Quattro Pro's File Manager to obtain a
listing of all clipart files in the directory you specify. These
files are then entered into the Graph Annotator where they can be
viewed. The viewing procedure will continue until all the
clipart files within the specified directory have been displayed.
================================= END ================================
The TRANSLAT translate macro is specifically designed to
translate WK1 format files into WQ1 format files. However, it
has been built to allow different translating. For the most
part, all you need to do is define the _from and _to file
extension and run the macro. Little, if any, modification to the
macro itself is necessary for defining different format
Before using the macro, you must define the source drive and
directory for the files to be translated (_from_dir), the
extension of the files to be translated (_from), the destination
drive and directory for the translated files (_to_dir), and the
file extension to which the original files will be translated
When defining the source and destination drives and directories,
make sure to provide both the drive and directory designation.
Also, the directory designation must end with a backslash (\).
The source and destination drives and directories do not have to
be the same. It may be easier to place the translated files in a
different directory so the originals can be archived or deleted
as necessary.
To define the extension for the files to be translated and the
format to which you want them translated, see the table above.
Do not include a leading period when defining these extensions in
the macro.
After you have defined the directories and file extensions, press
[Alt-T]. The macro uses Quattro Pro's File Manager to create a
list of all files in the source directory with the file extension
defined in _from. These files are opened in turn and saved with
the new file extension (defined in _to). This saving process
loads the appropriate translator and generates the desired file
================================= END ================================
The VIDEO.RSC file included on this disk contains extended screen
display drivers for Quattro Pro v2.x and v3.x. These drivers
provide additional support for video cards to achieve extended
screen displays (i.e., 132 columns). All of the text modes which
were previously available remain accessible with the new modes.
Additional drivers include:
- Boca VGA
- IBM PS/2 (Model 35 & 40 ONLY!)
- Oak Technologies "CHIPSET" Driver
- Trident SVGA 1024
Extended display modes are not supported in v1.x.
* N O T I C E *
This file is NOT an official Borland International, Inc.
VIDEO.RSC file and is provided "AS IS." Borland International,
Inc. specifically disclaims all warranties, expressed or
implied, including but not limited to any warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Use of
this file is at your own risk. By using this file, you
acknowledge the above disclaimer and agree that Borland
International, Inc. shall not be liable for any damages from
your use of the file, including but not limited to damages for
lost data, lost profits and special, incidental and
consequential damages.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
occurrence of this is when a MONOCHROME or CGA monitor is
attached to a VIDEO CARD which is capable of driving much more
powerful, variable frequency, color displays (eg. a MultiSync
| |
| One way to do this is to copy VIDEO.RSC to another name in |
| the same directory and then edit the original. This is done |
| by: |
| |
| CD\QPRO <-- change to the Quattro Pro |
| directory (or whatever directory |
| name you have used) |
| COPY VIDEO.RSC VID.RSC <-- create a new copy of VIDEO.RSC |
| called "VID.RSC" |
To install the video driver provided on this diskette:
1) place the utilities disk into drive A:
2) change to the drive and directory where Quattro Pro is
installed. This is done by typing:
C: <-- change to your QPRO drive
CD\QPRO <-- change to the Quattro Pro directory
(or whatever directory name you have used)
3) copy the files on drive A: to your QPRO directory. This is
done by typing:
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
If you wish to restore the original VIDEO.RSC and a backup
VIDEO.RSC file is not available, you can recopy the original file
from your original Quattro Pro diskette.
In v3.0, the VIDEO.RSC file is inside the compressed file called
CHR2.ZIP on the sixth 5.25" Quattro Pro diskette (if you have
3.5", it is on the third diskette).
In v2.0 the VIDEO.RSC file is inside the compressed file called
SORT.ZIP on the sixth 5.25" Quattro Pro diskette (if you have
3.5", it is on the third diskette).
To restore VIDEO.RSC from your original disk, insert the
appropriate disk into drive A: and type:
CD\QPRO <-- change to the Quattro Pro
UNZIP /o A:CHR2.ZIP VIDEO.RSC <-- Unzip and copy the
If you use drive B: instead of A:, replace A: with B: in the
above commands. If your directory is not called "QPRO", insert
your directory name in place of \QPRO in the above examples.
Quattro Pro v4.0 incorporates these extended screen display
drivers directly within the program. Therefore, VIDEO.RSC is
not necessary if you are using version 4.0.
================================= END ================================
December 21, 2017
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