Dec 212017
Lotus 1-2-3 add on that provides for very easy color change from within.
File QC104.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Lotus and other Spreadsheets
Lotus 1-2-3 add on that provides for very easy color change from within.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ADN_MGR.DRV 21744 8841 deflated
MHGD_EGT.DRV 1208 1000 deflated
MHKB_2.DRV 1398 1132 deflated
MHKB_3.DRV 1437 1177 deflated
MHTD_CGT.DRV 5441 1092 deflated
MHTD_QC.DRV 1246 1014 deflated
QUICKCOL.ADN 5481 3475 deflated
QUICKCOL.APP 7399 3915 deflated
QUICKCOL.DOC 21191 6618 deflated
READ.ME 1667 824 deflated

Download File QC104.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

Version 1.04 Update Notice

This is version 1.04 of Quick-Colors. I have fixed the bugs found by others,
and improved compatibility between Quick-Colors and TSRs. One significant
feature has been added to version 1.04. With an MHC-compatible graphics
driver, you will be able to select colors for graphs in 1-2-3 and Symphony.
This archive contains one MHC-compatible graphics driver; it is an EGA/VGA
(color/mono) driver for either 1-2-3 or Symphony.

The text display drivers have been updated. If you have installed version
1.03 of Quick-Colors, you MUST replace the old MHC text display drivers with
the 1.04 versions of the drivers. Failure to do so can result in a system
crash! The names of the text display drivers have been changed to reflect the
major update in the drivers. Please delete all old Quick-Colors drivers, along
with any SINGLE.LBR file which you may have created that contains the drivers.

Quick-Colors now supports CGA systems with the MHTD_CGT.DRV driver. You will
find MHTD_CGT.DRV to be 3-4X faster than the Lotus-supplied CGA driver.

Shared-mode EGA drivers are no longer included with Quick-Colors. They are
available to site licensees, and to contributors of $25.00 or more.

The format of the Quick-Colors configuration file has been modified to support
graphics color-changing; therefore, you should delete your old QUICKCOL.CNF or
QCSYM.CNF file. Symphony now uses QUICKCOL.CNF as the name of its
configuration file.

Mark Horvatich
M+H Consulting
P.O. Box 1528
Lisle, IL 60532

CompuServe User ID: 76703,4163

 December 21, 2017  Add comments

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