Category : Lotus and other Spreadsheets
Archive   : LTSTIPS1.ZIP
Filename : COLOR.123

Output of file : COLOR.123 contained in archive : LTSTIPS1.ZIP
Reverse to Regular
(PC Magazine Vol 4 No 6 Mar 19, 1985 Spreadsheet Clinic)

The patch for switching the highlighted border with the cell
address from reverse video to regular display is shown below. The two
bytes at addresses 17D and 17E are the attribute bytes used by the 123
program for border display and cell display. 17D is the attribute byte
for the cell, and 17E is for the border. Try changing byte 17D to 02
(black background and green foreground) and byte 17E to 72 (light grey
background and green foreground) for a pleasant 123 screen. Note that
this patch does not work for Version 1.0 of 123.
This patch may have limited appeal for monochrome displays. The
patch switches attributes for the cells and borders, which, while
changing the border from reverse video to regular, puts the rest of the
screen in reverse video. If only the byte at 17E is changed so that
both have a value of 07, things look great, but the cell pointer is
invisible. If you are doing all your work on a color display, it may
be desirable to change your screen colors. Try different values at the
ENTER command (e 17d) during the DEBUG procedure, but have a backup of
the original TD.DRV file on hand in case you make a mess. The patch:

A>debug b:td.drv
-d 17d 17e
xxxx:017D 07 70 (Quit if results right of colon don't match)
-e 17d
xxxx:017D 07.70 70.07
Writing 02E9 bytes

Let There Be Color
(PC Magazine Vol 4 No 14 July 9, 1985 Spreadsheet Clinic)

All it takes to change the colors Lotus uses is a little DEBUG
work on the TD.DRV file in 123 and the LOTUS.SET file in Symphony.
There are the device-driver files that you installed on your disks when
you first configured the program. There are five areas in Lotus
products that use color that you can modify: background, cursor, border,
unprotected cells, and the cursor when it is in an unprotected area.
The chart below lists the addresses of the bytes in the device
drivers that control color and also gives Lotus's default values at
these addresses.
1-2-3 Symphony
-------------- --------------------
Ver1a* Ver1.0 Ver1.01
Address Value Add. Val. Add. Val.
Background 17d 07 985 07 19f9 07
Cursor 17e 30 986 30 19fa 30
Unprotected Cells 17f 1e 987 0a 19fb 0a
Cursor in Unprotected Cells 180 28 988 20 19fc 20

In 123, the cursor and border are always the same color, and in
Symphony the border and unprotected cells are the same. This is why
the chart only has four addresses and byte values.
To change the colors in 123, put your program disk in drive A: and
a disk with DEBUG.COM in drive B:. Proceed as follows:

-d 17d 180 (displays the default values)
-e 17d

This will display the contents at that address and allow you to change
the values. Type a new value for contents at this address to obtain
the desired color. Hit the space bar and the value of the next address
will appear. Type a new value.
Continue until you have typed four values and then hit Enter
followed by "w" and "q", which will take you back to the A>. Now load
123 and see what happens. The procedure is the same with Symphony,
only you do the DEBUG operation on the LOTUS.SET file and use different
Editor's Note: This procedure works fine, though disappointing
that it doesn't affect the colors used in graphics. The value at each
address is composed of two single-digit numbers, not a single two-digit
number. Thus, in 123, the number at address 17d controls not only the
background color but also the color of characters in the control panel.
If you change it to 3F, for example, you will get a light-blue
background and high-intensity whilte characters. The number for the
cursor works the same way. Change the value at address 17e to 1C and
you will get a blue border with high-intensity red cell coordinates.
You get the same colors when you move the cursor to a cell with
characters in it. For those who don't know color numbers, here is a
hex table:

0 Black 8 Gray
1 Blue 9 High-intensity Blue
2 Green A High-intensity Green
3 Light Blue B High-intensity Light Blue
4 Red C High-intensity Red
5 Purple D High-intensity Purple
6 Brown E Yellow
7 White F High-intensity White

You needn't be uneasy about tackling your device driver with
DEBUG. The original files are still on your Lotus utility disk, and
you can always re-install then if you make a mistake. Experiment until
you find the color combination you like best. Be careful when using
the high-intensity colors (especially when in the first position);
certain combinations will create blinking characters, not the kind of
visual effect that will improve your spreadsheets.

Setting 123 and Symphony Colors
By Bill Todd

The July 9, 1985 issue of PC Magazine the Spreadsheet Clinic
column described a procedure for changing the default colors in 123
and Symphony. The information in the article is both inaccurate and
The colors can be changed by modifying the file TD.DRV for 123 or
LOTUS.SET for Symphony using the DOS debug utility. The values to be
changed are listed in the following table.

Description Color
123 Symph.

Background/Cell Text 07 07
Cursor 30 30
Unprotected cells 1E 0A
Cursor in unprotected cells 28 20

Each of the color values in the table above consists of two hex
digits. The first digit selects the background color while the second
digit sets the foreground or text color. The hex color values are
shown in the following table.

Color Normal Bright

Black 0 8
Blue 1 9
Green 2 A
Cyan 3 B
Red 4 C
Magenta 5 D
Yellow 6 E
White 7 F

The PC Magazine article gives specific addresses for the location
of the color values and these addresses are not always correct. To
find the location of the addresses proceed as follows. In this example
I will use the file name and color values for Symphony.
First save a copy of the file to be changed under a different name
or on a different disk. Next, start DEBUG program by typing DEBUG
LOTUS.SET. Next, use the search command to find the four values by
typing S CS:0100 07 30 0A 20. Debug will respond with the location of
the string 07 30 0A 20.
To make the change type E nnnn where nnnn is the address reported
by debug. Debug will display the first value followed by a period.
Type the new value then press the space bar. Debug will display the
next value followed by a period. Enter the new value and repeat the
procedure for the two remaining values.
After typing the last value press ENTER. Then type W followed by
ENTER to write the new file to disk, and Q followed by ENTER to leave

...and if that doesn't do it, try the following .....
- - - - -
(Letters to PC Magazine, Vol 4 No 19 Sept 17, 1985)

The addresses for changing colors with DEBUG work for Symphony
only for a specific combination of drivers. To find the address where
color-control data is stored in your configuration, use DEBUG to search
Symphony's LOTUS.SET file. With LOTUS.SET in drive A: and DEBUG.COM in
drive B:, type: B:DEBUG LOTUS.SET. At the DEBUG prompt, type: RCX.
This will give you the hex ending address of the file - it is the four-
digit number after the characters CX. Write that address down and hit
a blank carriage return to leave the file's contents unchanged.
Now at the DEBUG prompt, type: S 100 XXXX 07 30 0A 20. For XXXX
you substitute the hex address you wrote down. The S is the SEARCH
command, so DEBUG will scan from the beginning of the file (100) to its
end (XXXX) looking for the values you typed in (which are Symphony's
default color values). Finding them, the command will return their
address (say, YYYY), the four digits after the colon. To change the
colors, type: E YYYY.
This will display the contents at that address and allow you to
change colors by entering the new two-digit values you desire. After
entering the first, hit the space bar, and the value at the next
address will appear. Type a new value, then a space, then continue
until you have typed four values and hit carriage return. Next, write
the new values to your file and exit DEBUG with the W and Q commands.
Bear in mind that each two-digit value you change affects two
different colors, background and foreground. You might try 3F 1C 4E 24
for a pleasant effect.

1-2-3 Screen Colors
(PC World October 1985 Star-Dot-Star)

You can change 123's default color settings by using DEBUG.COM to
modify the screen driver, TD.DRV. The tables below provide the offset
addresses and the color values. Each feature has a 2-digit default
value. The first digit controls the background color, the second its
foreground color. Only colors 0 through 7 are allowed for the
Use a copy of TD.DRV and DEBUG.COM. At DEBUG's prompt, type E
followed by the appropriate offset address and press Enter. DEBUG will
display the offset address and its current value. Make sure the current
value matches the default value shown below. If it doesn't, you may
have an incompatible version of 123 and shouldn't attempt these changes.
If the current value matches the default value, type the desired
color value and press Enter. For example, to make the border color and
cursor green, type E17E and press Enter, then 20 and press Enter. You
can repeat the E command to change another feature's color. When you
are through, type W and press Enter followed by Q and Enter. Put the
new TD.DRV file on your 123 disk, and the next time you run 123 it will
display the worksheet using the colors you selected.

Offset Default
Worksheet cells, menus and help screens 17D 07
Border and cursor 17E 30
Unprotected worksheet cells and headings on 17F 0A
help screens
Cursor on help screens and cursor on unprotected 180 28
worksheet cells

0 Black 4 Red 8 Gray C Light red
1 Blue 5 Magenta 9 Light blue D Light magenta
2 Green 6 Brown A Light green E Yellow
3 Cyan 7 White B Light cyan F Bright white

  3 Responses to “Category : Lotus and other Spreadsheets
Archive   : LTSTIPS1.ZIP
Filename : COLOR.123

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: