Category : Lotus and other Spreadsheets
Archive   : ASA55F-1.ZIP
Filename : ORDER.ME
Name:________________________________ Title:_____________________
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Product # Price/ea S&H Total
AS-EASY-AS 5.5 (Spreadsheet) ___ _$69.00_ _$6.00_ _______
DRAFT Choice 2 (CAD) ___ _$69.00 _$6.00_ _______
ProtoCAD 3D (Rendering) ___ _$59.00_ _$6.00_ _______
StarFlic (Animator Player) ___ _$29.00_ _$6.00_ _______
DRAFT Choice PLUS v3.00 ___ _$99.00 _$6.00_ _______
PIVOT (Sideways Printing) ___ _$15.00_ _$6.00_ _______
ALITE /R (Spreadsheet) ___ _$20.00_ _$6.00_ _______
DCLIB1 (Symbol Libraries) ___ _$19.00_ _$6.00_ _______
DCLIB2 (Symbol Libraries) ___ _$19.00_ _$6.00_ _______
XTRAN (File Transfer) ___ _$19.00_ _$6.00_ _______
PRINT-GL (Plotter Util.) ___ _$50.00_ _$6.00_ _______
ODYSSEY 2.0 (COMMUNICATIONS) ___ _$89.00_ _$6.00_ _______
Precision Mapping (CD-ROM) ___ _$79.00_ _$6.00_ _______
* Canadian Orders, Add $2.50 per copy _______
* International Orders, Add $6.50 per copy _______
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Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: