Category : Linux Files
Archive   : UPC12BS1.ZIP
Filename : PWSERR.C

Output of file : PWSERR.C contained in archive : UPC12BS1.ZIP
/* p w s e r r . c */
/* */
/* Report error message from Windows sockets error list */

/* Changes Copyright (c) 1989-1993 by Kendra Electronic */
/* Wonderworks. */
/* */
/* All rights reserved except those explicitly granted by */
/* the UUPC/extended license agreement. */

/* RCS Information */

* $Id: pwserr.c 1.3 1993/10/03 20:37:34 ahd Exp $
* Revision history:
* $Log: pwserr.c $
* Revision 1.3 1993/10/03 20:37:34 ahd
* Correct FAR pointer references
* Revision 1.2 1993/10/02 23:45:16 ahd
* Delete unneeded function
* Revision 1.1 1993/10/02 23:12:35 dmwatt
* Initial revision

/* System include files */


#include "winsock.h" // So we search local directories

/* UUPC/extended include files */

#include "lib.h" // Cause we always include it!

/* Local function prototypes */

const char *LookupWSError(int err);

/* Local variables */

typedef struct wserr {
int errno;
const char UUFAR *str;

static WSERR wsErrors[] = {
{ WSABASEERR, "[0] No Error" },
{ WSAEINTR, "[10004] Interrupted system call" },
{ WSAEBADF, "[10009] Bad file number" },
{ WSAEACCES, "[10013] Permission denied" },
{ WSAEFAULT, "[10014] Bad address" },
{ WSAEINVAL, "[10022] Invalid argument" },
{ WSAEMFILE, "[10024] Too many open files" },
{ WSAEWOULDBLOCK, "[10035] Operation would block" },
{ WSAEINPROGRESS, "[10036] Operation now in progress" },
{ WSAEALREADY, "[10037] Operation already in progress" },
{ WSAENOTSOCK, "[10038] Socket operation on non-socket" },
{ WSAEDESTADDRREQ, "[10039] Destination address required" },
{ WSAEMSGSIZE, "[10040] Message too long" },
{ WSAEPROTOTYPE, "[10041] Protocol wrong type for socket" },
{ WSAENOPROTOOPT, "[10042] Bad protocol option" },
{ WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT, "[10043] Protocol not supported" },
{ WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT, "[10044] Socket type not supported" },
{ WSAEOPNOTSUPP, "[10045] Operation not supported on socket" },
{ WSAEPFNOSUPPORT, "[10046] Protocol family not supported" },
{ WSAEAFNOSUPPORT, "[10047] Address family not supported by protocol family" },
{ WSAEADDRINUSE, "[10048] Address already in use" },
{ WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, "[10049] Can't assign requested address" },
{ WSAENETDOWN, "[10050] Network is down" },
{ WSAENETUNREACH, "[10051] Network is unreachable" },
{ WSAENETRESET, "[10052] Net dropped connection or reset" },
{ WSAECONNABORTED, "[10053] Software caused connection abort" },
{ WSAECONNRESET, "[10054] Connection reset by peer" },
{ WSAENOBUFS, "[10055] No buffer space available" },
{ WSAEISCONN, "[10056] Socket is already connected" },
{ WSAENOTCONN, "[10057] Socket is not connected" },
{ WSAESHUTDOWN, "[10058] Can't send after socket shutdown" },
{ WSAETOOMANYREFS, "[10059] Too many references, can't splice" },
{ WSAETIMEDOUT, "[10060] Connection timed out" },
{ WSAECONNREFUSED, "[10061] Connection refused" },
{ WSAELOOP, "[10062] Too many levels of symbolic links" },
{ WSAENAMETOOLONG, "[10063] File name too long" },
{ WSAEHOSTDOWN, "[10064] Host is down" },
{ WSAEHOSTUNREACH, "[10065] No Route to Host" },
{ WSAENOTEMPTY, "[10066] Directory not empty" },
{ WSAEPROCLIM, "[10067] Too many processes" },
{ WSAEUSERS, "[10068] Too many users" },
{ WSAEDQUOT, "[10069] Disc Quota Exceeded" },
{ WSAESTALE, "[10070] Stale NFS file handle" },
{ WSAEREMOTE, "[10071] Too many levels of remote in path" },
{ WSASYSNOTREADY, "[10091] Network SubSystem is unavailable" },
{ WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED, "[10092] WINSOCK DLL Version out of range" },
{ WSANOTINITIALISED, "[10093] Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed" },
{ WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND, "[11001] Host not found" },
{ WSATRY_AGAIN, "[11002] Non-Authoritative Host not found" },
{ WSANO_RECOVERY, "[11003] Non-Recoverable errors: FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP" },
{ WSANO_DATA, "[11004] Valid name, no data record of requested type" },
{ -1, NULL }

/* Copies string corresponding to the error code provided */
/* into buf, maximum length len. Returns length actually */
/* copied to buffer, or zero if error code is unknown. */
/* String resources should be present for each error code */
/* using the value of the code as the string ID (except for */
/* error = 0, which is mapped to WSABASEERR to keep it with */
/* the others). The DLL is free to use any string IDs that */
/* are less than WSABASEERR for its own use. The LibMain */
/* procedure of the DLL is presumed to have saved its */
/* HINSTANCE in the global variable hInst. */

/* UUPC/extended include files */

#include "lib.h"
#include "pwserr.h"

/* p W S e r r */
/* */
/* Perform a perror() with logging */

void pWSErr(const size_t lineno,
const char *fname,
const char *prefix,
int rc)
boolean redirect = ((logfile != stdout) && !isatty(fileno(stdout)));

const char *msg;

msg = LookupWSError(rc);

if (msg == NULL) {
printmsg(0, "Invalid error sent to pWSErr: %d", rc);

/* Display the message with option file location */

printmsg(2,"Windows sockets error %d in %s at line %d ...",
(int) rc, fname, lineno );

#ifdef _Windows
printmsg(0,"%s: %Fs", prefix, msg);
printmsg(0,"%s: %s", prefix, msg);

if ( redirect )
#ifdef _Windows
fprintf(stdout,"%s: %Fs\n", prefix, msg);
fprintf(stdout,"%s: %s\n", prefix, msg);

} /* pWSErr */

/* L o o k u p W S E r r o r */
/* */
/* Look up an error in our list of strings */

const char *LookupWSError(int err)
WSERR *pwsErr = wsErrors;

while (pwsErr->errno != -1 && pwsErr->errno != err)

return pwsErr->str;

} /* LookupWSError */

  3 Responses to “Category : Linux Files
Archive   : UPC12BS1.ZIP
Filename : PWSERR.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: