Category : Linux Files
Archive   : UPC12BS1.ZIP
Filename : CONFIGUR.C

Output of file : CONFIGUR.C contained in archive : UPC12BS1.ZIP
/* c o n f i g u r . c */
/* */
/* Support routines for UUPC/extended */
/* */
/* Changes Copyright 1990, 1991 (c) Andrew H. Derbyshire */
/* */
/* History: */
/* 21Nov1991 Break out of lib.c ahd */

/* Changes Copyright (c) 1989-1993 by Kendra Electronic */
/* Wonderworks. */
/* */
/* All rights reserved except those explicitly granted by the */
/* UUPC/extended license agreement. */

/* RCS Information */

* $Id: configur.c 1.22 1993/09/29 23:29:56 ahd Exp $
* Revision history:
* $Log: configur.c $
* Revision 1.22 1993/09/29 23:29:56 ahd
* Add xqtrootdir for UUXQT
* Revision 1.21 1993/09/29 04:49:20 ahd
* Move priority variables to modem file
* Revision 1.20 1993/09/24 03:43:27 ahd
* Use positive defaults for unsigned priority values
* Revision 1.19 1993/09/20 04:38:11 ahd
* TCP/IP support from Dave Watt
* 't' protocol support
* OS/2 2.x support
* Revision 1.18 1993/07/31 16:22:16 ahd
* Changes in support of Robert Denny's Windows 3.x support
* Revision 1.17 1993/07/22 23:19:50 ahd
* First pass for Robert Denny's Windows 3.x support changes
* Revision 1.16 1993/07/05 14:45:29 ahd
* Correct message-of-the-day variable name
* Correct WIN32 prefix support
* Revision 1.15 1993/06/16 04:03:25 ahd
* Special case root directories for UUPC/extended variable default
* Revision 1.14 1993/06/15 12:18:06 ahd
* Saved changed directory name for debugging
* Revision 1.13 1993/05/30 15:25:50 ahd
* Multiple driver support
* Revision 1.12 1993/05/29 15:19:59 ahd
* Add systems file, passwd files
* Revision 1.11 1993/05/09 03:49:21 ahd
* Support banner, motd strings
* Support longname, honordebug, senddebug options
* Revision 1.10 1993/04/15 03:17:21 ahd
* Add bounce system option
* Revision 1.9 1993/04/11 00:31:31 dmwatt
* Global edits for year, TEXT, etc.
* Revision 1.8 1993/04/05 04:32:19 ahd
* Set timezone, windows input mode in common routine
* Revision 1.7 1993/04/04 04:57:01 ahd
* Default configuration directory from UUPCSYSRC
* Default system directories from Configuration directory
* Revision 1.6 1993/03/06 22:48:23 ahd
* Don't fall off end of shorter tables
* Revision 1.5 1993/01/23 19:08:09 ahd
* Add Windows/NT to allowed environments
* Revision 1.4 1992/12/01 04:37:03 ahd
* Add SpeedOverMemory
* Revision 1.3 1992/11/22 20:58:55 ahd
* Normalize directories as read
* Use strpool to allocate const strings
* Revision 1.2 1992/11/19 02:56:47 ahd
* drop rcsid
* Revision 1.1 1992/11/16 05:00:26 ahd
* Initial revision


#ifndef __GNUC__

/* UUPC/extended include files */

#include "lib.h"
#include "hlib.h"
#include "timestmp.h"
#include "pushpop.h"

/* Global variables */


boolean bflag[F_LAST]; /* Initialized to zero by compiler */

char **E_internal = NULL;
char *E_aliases = NULL;
char *E_altsignature = NULL;
char *E_anonymous = NULL;
char *E_archivedir = NULL;
char *E_backup = NULL;
char *E_banner = NULL;
char *E_charset = NULL;
char *E_passwd = NULL;
char *E_systems = NULL;
char *E_confdir = NULL;
char *E_domain = NULL;
char *E_editor = NULL;
char *E_fdomain = NULL;
char *E_filesent = NULL;
char *E_homedir = NULL;
char *E_inmodem = NULL;
char *E_localdomain = NULL;
char *E_mailbox = NULL;
char *E_maildir = NULL;
char *E_mailext = NULL;
char *E_mailserv = NULL;
char *E_motd = NULL;
char *E_name = NULL;
char *E_newsdir = NULL;
char *E_newsserv = NULL;
char *E_nodename = NULL;
char *E_organization = NULL;
char *E_pager = NULL;
char *E_postmaster = NULL;
char *E_pubdir = NULL;
char *E_replyto = NULL;
char *E_signature = NULL;
char *E_spooldir = NULL;
char *E_tempdir = NULL;
char *E_uncompress = NULL;
char *E_uuxqtpath = NULL;
char *E_version = NULL;
char *E_cwd = NULL;
char *E_xqtRootDir = NULL;
KEWSHORT E_maxhops = 20; /* ahd */
static char *dummy = NULL;
static char *E_tz = NULL;

/* Local emumerated types */

typedef enum {
ENV_UNKNOWN = 0x0001,
ENV_DOS = 0x0002,
ENV_BIT32 = 0x0004,
ENV_BIT16 = 0x0008,
ENV_OS2 = 0x0010,
ENV_OS2_32BIT = 0x0020,
ENV_OS2_16BIT = 0x0040,
ENV_WIN = 0x0080,
ENV_WIN_32BIT = 0x0100,
ENV_WIN_16BIT = 0x0200

#ifdef WIN32
static ENV_TYPE active_env = ENV_WIN_32BIT | ENV_WIN | ENV_BIT32;
#elif defined(_Windows)
static ENV_TYPE active_env = ENV_WIN_16BIT | ENV_WIN | ENV_BIT16;
#elif defined(__OS2__)
static ENV_TYPE active_env = ENV_OS2_32BIT | ENV_OS2 | ENV_BIT32;
static ENV_TYPE active_env = ENV_DOS | ENV_BIT16;

static boolean getrcnames(char **sysp,char **usrp);

/* The following table controls the configuration files processing */

static CONFIGTABLE envtable[] = {
{"aliases", &E_aliases, B_TOKEN|B_MUA},
{"altsignature", &E_altsignature, B_TOKEN|B_MUA},
{"anonymouslogin", &E_anonymous, B_GLOBAL|B_TOKEN|(B_ALL & ~ B_MAIL)},
{"archivedir", &E_archivedir, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{"backupext", &E_backup, B_TOKEN|B_MUA},
{"banner", &E_banner, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_UUCICO},
{"charset", &E_charset, B_TOKEN|B_GLOBAL|B_SPOOL},
{"confdir", &E_confdir, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{"domain", &E_domain, B_REQUIRED|B_GLOBAL|B_TOKEN|B_ALL},
{"editor", &E_editor, B_STRING|B_MUA|B_NEWS},
{"filesent", &E_filesent, B_TOKEN|B_MUA|B_NEWS},
{"folders", &dummy, B_PATH|B_MUSH },
{"fromdomain", &E_fdomain, B_GLOBAL|B_MAIL|B_NEWS|B_TOKEN},
{"home", &E_homedir, B_PATH|B_REQUIRED|B_ALL},
{"inmodem", &E_inmodem, B_GLOBAL|B_TOKEN|B_UUCICO},
{"internalcommands", (char **) &E_internal, B_GLOBAL|B_LIST|B_ALL},
{"localdomain", &E_localdomain, B_GLOBAL|B_TOKEN|B_MAIL},
{"mailbox", &E_mailbox, B_REQUIRED|B_TOKEN|B_ALL},
{"maildir", &E_maildir, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{"mailext", &E_mailext, B_TOKEN|B_MAIL},
{"mailserv", &E_mailserv, B_REQUIRED|B_GLOBAL|B_TOKEN|B_ALL},
{"maximumhops", (char **) &E_maxhops, B_MTA | B_SHORT | B_GLOBAL},
{"motd", &E_motd, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_UUCICO},
{"mushdir", &dummy, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_MUSH},
{"newsdir", &E_newsdir, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{"newsserv", &E_newsserv, B_GLOBAL|B_TOKEN|B_NEWS},
{"nodename", &E_nodename, B_REQUIRED|B_GLOBAL|B_TOKEN|B_ALL},
{"options", (char **) bflag, B_ALL|B_BOOLEAN},
{"organization", &E_organization, B_STRING|B_MAIL|B_NEWS},
{"pager", &E_pager, B_STRING|B_MUA|B_NEWS},
{"path", &E_uuxqtpath, B_STRING|B_UUXQT|B_GLOBAL},
{"postmaster", &E_postmaster, B_REQUIRED|B_GLOBAL|B_TOKEN|B_MTA},
{"priority", &dummy, B_OBSOLETE },
{"prioritydelta",&dummy, B_OBSOLETE },
{"pubdir", &E_pubdir, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{"replyto", &E_replyto, B_TOKEN|B_MAIL|B_NEWS},
{"rmail", &dummy, B_OBSOLETE },
{"rnews", &dummy, B_OBSOLETE },
{"signature", &E_signature, B_TOKEN|B_MUA|B_NEWS},
{"spooldir", &E_spooldir, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{"systems", &E_systems, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{"passwd", &E_passwd, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{"tempdir", &E_tempdir, B_GLOBAL|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{"tz", &E_tz, B_TOKEN|B_ALL},
{"uncompress", &E_uncompress, B_GLOBAL|B_STRING|B_NEWS },
{"version", &E_version, B_TOKEN|B_INSTALL},
{"xqtrootdir", &E_xqtRootDir, B_UUXQT|B_PATH|B_ALL},
{ nil(char) }
}; /* table */

/* Boolean options shared by all programs */

FLAGTABLE configFlags[] = {
{ "askcc", F_ASKCC, B_LOCAL},
{ "autoedit", F_AUTOEDIT, B_LOCAL},
{ "autoinclude", F_AUTOINCLUDE, B_LOCAL},
{ "autoprint", F_AUTOPRINT, B_LOCAL},
{ "autosign", F_AUTOSIGN, B_LOCAL},
{ "backup", F_BACKUP, B_LOCAL},
{ "doskey", F_DOSKEY, B_LOCAL},
{ "dot", F_DOT, B_LOCAL},
{ "expert", F_EXPERT, B_LOCAL},
{ "forwardsave", F_SAVERESENT, B_LOCAL},
{ "fromsep", F_FROMSEP, B_LOCAL},
{ "pager", F_PAGER, B_LOCAL},
{ "purge", F_PURGE, B_LOCAL},
{ "save", F_SAVE, B_LOCAL},
{ "suppresscopyright",
{ "speedovermemory",
{ "undelete", F_UNDELETE, B_LOCAL},
{ "verbose", F_VERBOSE, B_LOCAL},
{ "windows", F_WINDOWS, B_LOCAL},

{ "bang", F_BANG, B_GLOBAL},
{ "bounce", F_BOUNCE, B_GLOBAL},
{ "directory", F_DIRECT, B_GLOBAL},
{ "escape", F_ESCAPE, B_GLOBAL},
{ "history", F_HISTORY, B_GLOBAL},
{ "honordebug", F_HONORDEBUG, B_GLOBAL},
{ "kanji", F_KANJI, B_GLOBAL},
{ "longname", B_LONGNAME, B_GLOBAL},
{ "monocase", F_ONECASE, B_GLOBAL},
{ "multiqueue", F_MULTI, B_GLOBAL},
{ "multitask", F_MULTITASK, B_GLOBAL},
{ "senddebug", F_SENDDEBUG, B_GLOBAL},
{ "snews", F_SNEWS, B_GLOBAL},
{ "syslog", F_SYSLOG, B_GLOBAL},
{ "symmetricgrades",

{ nil(char) }
} ;

/* p r o c e s s c o n f i g */
/* */
/* Handle a single line of a configuration file */

boolean processconfig(char *buff,
SYSMODE sysmode,
FLAGTABLE *btable)
char *cp;
char *keyword;
ENV_TYPE target_env;

/* break out the keyword from its value */

if ((cp = strchr(buff, '=')) == nil(char))
printmsg(0,"Missing equals sign after keyword \"%s\", ignored",
return TRUE;
*cp++ = '\0';

/* Determine if the keyword should processed in this environment */

keyword = strchr( buff, '.' ); /* Look for environment */

if ( keyword == NULL ) /* No environment? */
keyword = buff; /* Then buffer starts with keyword */
target_env = active_env;
else {

typedef struct _ENVLIST {
char *name;
int value;

static ENVLIST envtable[] = {
{ "dos", ENV_DOS },
{ "16bit", ENV_BIT16 },
{ "32bit", ENV_BIT32 },
{ "32bitos2", ENV_OS2_16BIT},
{ "16bitos2", ENV_OS2_32BIT},
{ "os2", ENV_OS2 },
{ "win32", ENV_WIN_32BIT},
{ "win16", ENV_WIN_16BIT},
{ "32bitwin", ENV_WIN_32BIT},
{ "16bitwin", ENV_WIN_16BIT},
{ "win", ENV_WIN },

short subscript = 0;

*keyword++ = '\0'; /* Terminate environment string */
target_env = ENV_UNKNOWN;

while( envtable[subscript].name != NULL)
if (equal( envtable[subscript].name, buff ))
target_env = envtable[subscript].value;
subscript ++;
} /* while */

if ( target_env == ENV_UNKNOWN )
printmsg(0,"Unknown environment \"%s\", keyword \"%s\" ignored",
buff, keyword );
return FALSE;

} /* else */

/* Scan the table for its value */

for (tptr = table; tptr->sym != nil(char); tptr++)
boolean error = FALSE;
if (equal(keyword, tptr->sym)) {
/* Skip the keyword because of the environment? */
if (!(active_env & target_env) )
printmsg(2,"%s-environment keyword \"%s\" skipped.",
strupr(buff), keyword);
/* Handle obsolete options */
else if (tptr->bits & B_OBSOLETE)
printmsg(2,"Obsolete keyword \"%s\" ignored.", keyword);
/* Handle mis-placed system options */
else if ((tptr->bits & B_GLOBAL) && (sysmode != SYSTEM_CONFIG))
"User specified system keyword \"%s\" ignored.",
/* Handle Boolean options */
else {
if (tptr->bits & B_BOOLEAN)
options(cp, sysmode, btable, (boolean *) tptr->loc);
/* Handle integer values */
else if (tptr->bits & (B_SHORT|B_LONG))
long foo;
cp = strtok(cp,WHITESPACE);
if ( equal(cp,"0"))
foo = 0;
else {
foo = atol(cp);

if ( foo == 0)
"Unable to convert \"%s\" value \"%s\" to integer",
keyword, cp);
error = TRUE;
} /* if */
} /* else */

if (tptr->bits & B_LONG)
*((long *) tptr->loc) = foo;
*((KEWSHORT *) tptr->loc) = (KEWSHORT) foo;
} /* else */
/* Handle lists of tokens */
else if ((tptr->bits & program) && (tptr->bits & (B_LIST | B_CLIST)))
char **list = malloc( (MAXLIST+1) * sizeof (*list));
char *colon;
int words;

checkref( list );

if (tptr->bits & B_CLIST) /* Use colon as delimiter? */
while ( (colon = strchr( cp , ':')) != NULL)
*colon = ' '; /* Make colons spaces ... */

words = getargs(cp, list);
if( words > MAXLIST)

if (words > 0)
if ( *(tptr->loc) )
free( *(tptr->loc) );
list = realloc( list, (words+1) * sizeof(*list));
checkref( list );
*(tptr->loc) = (char *) list;
list[words] = NULL;

while( *list != NULL)
if (strlen(*list))
*list = newstr(*list);
checkref( *list++ );
*list++ = "";
} /* while */
} /* if (words > 0) */
else {
printmsg(0,"No parameters given for keyword \"%s\"",
error = TRUE;
} /* else */
} /* else if */
/* Handle single tokens and strings */
else if (tptr->bits & program)
while( *cp == ' ' ) /* Trim leading whitespace */

if (*cp == '\0')
error = TRUE;
printmsg(0,"No parameter given for keyword \"%s\""
", ignored.",
} /* if */

if (tptr->bits & B_TOKEN) /* One word value? */
cp = strtok(cp,WHITESPACE); /* Yes --> Tokenize */

if (tptr->bits & B_NORMAL) /* Normalize path? */
cp = normalize( cp );

if (tptr->bits & B_MALLOC) /* Allocate normally? */
*(tptr->loc) = strdup(cp); /* Save string */
checkref( *(tptr->loc) ); /* Verify malloc() */
*(tptr->loc) = newstr(cp); /* Save string */

} /* else */
} /* else */

if (!error)
tptr->bits |= B_FOUND;
return TRUE; /* Report we found the keyword */
} /* if (equal(keyword, tptr->sym)) */
} /* for */

/* We didn't find the keyword; report failure to the caller */

return FALSE;

} /* processconfig */

/* g e t c o n f i g */
/* */
/* Process a single configuration file */

boolean getconfig(FILE *fp,
SYSMODE sysmode,
FLAGTABLE *btable)

char buff[BUFSIZ];
char *cp;

while(!(fgets(buff, sizeof buff, fp) == nil(char))) {

/* Ingore comment lines */

if (*buff == '#')
continue; /* comment line */

/* Drop trailing new line */

if (*(cp = buff + strlen(buff) - 1) == '\n')
*cp = '\0';

/* Drop leading blanks on input line */

cp = buff;
while( isspace( *cp ) )
cp ++ ;

/* If line was not blank, process it. */

if ( (*cp != '\0') && !processconfig(cp,sysmode,program,table,btable))
"Unknown keyword \"%s\" in %s configuration file ignored",
buff, sysmode ? "system" : "user");

} /*while*/

return TRUE;

} /*getconfig*/

/* o p t i o n s */
/* */
/* Process a line of boolean option flags. */

void options(char *s, SYSMODE sysmode , FLAGTABLE *flags, boolean *barray)
char *token;

token = strtok(s,WHITESPACE);

while (token != NULL)
size_t subscript;
boolean hit = FALSE;
boolean negate;
negate = equaln(token,"no",2) && (strlen(token) > 2);

for ( subscript=0; (flags[subscript].sym != NULL ) && !hit; subscript++)
if ((flags[subscript].bits & B_GLOBAL) && (sysmode != SYSTEM_CONFIG))
if (negate)
if (equal(&token[2],flags[subscript].sym))
barray[ flags[subscript].position ] = FALSE;
hit = TRUE;
} /* if negate */
else {
if (equal(token,flags[subscript].sym))
barray[ flags[subscript].position ] = TRUE;
hit = TRUE;
} /* else */
} /* for */

if (!hit)
printf("Invalid or system option '%s' specified\n",token);

token = strtok(NULL,WHITESPACE); /* Step to next token on line */

} /* while */
} /* options */

/* c o n f i g u r e */
/* */
/* Define the global parameters of UUPC/extended */

boolean configure( CONFIGBITS program)
char *sysrc, *usrrc;
FILE *fp;
boolean success;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
int subscript = 0;
char *s;


static char *envlist[] = { "EDITOR", "EDITOR",
NULL } ;

typedef struct _DEFAULTS {
char **value;
char *literal;

static DEFAULTS deflist[] = {
{&E_archivedir, "archive" },
{&E_maildir, "mail" },
{&E_newsdir, "news" },
{&E_pubdir, "public" },
{&E_spooldir, "spool" },
{&E_tempdir, "tmp" },
{&E_systems, "systems" },
{&E_passwd, "passwd" },
{&E_tz, "tz" },
{ NULL }
} ;

/* In Windows/NT, set the console input mode to non-linebased */

#ifdef WIN32

/* Determine the active environment */

#if !defined(__TURBOC__) && !defined(BIT32ENV)
if (_osmode != DOS_MODE)
active_env = ENV_OS2 | ENV_BIT16;

if (!getrcnames(&sysrc, &usrrc))
return FALSE;

/* Extract selected variables from our environment */

while( envlist[subscript] != NULL )
s = getenv( envlist[subscript++] );

if (s != NULL )
sprintf(buf,"%s=%s",envlist[subscript], s );
processconfig( buf, SYSTEM_CONFIG, program, envtable, configFlags);
} /* if (sysrc != NULL ) */

subscript++; /* Step to next environment var in list */

/* Determine configuration directory from UUPCSYSRC */

E_confdir = normalize( sysrc ); // Make 'em all slashes

s = strrchr( E_confdir, '/' ); // Get end of path component
if ( s == NULL ) // There WAS one, right?
{ // Er, no, sorry.
printmsg(0,"No path name in UUPCSYSRC: %s", sysrc);

*(s+1) = '\0'; // Terminate for Config Directory
E_confdir = newstr(normalize( E_confdir ));
// Drop trailing slash unless
// root directory and save

/* Process the system configuration file */


if ((fp = FOPEN(sysrc, "r",TEXT_MODE)) == nil(FILE))
printmsg(0, "Cannot open system configuration file \"%s\"", sysrc);
return FALSE;

PushDir( E_confdir );

success = getconfig(fp, SYSTEM_CONFIG, program, envtable, configFlags);

if (!success)
return FALSE;

/* Process the user configuration value */

if (usrrc != nil(char))
usrrc = normalize( usrrc );
if ((fp = FOPEN(usrrc, "r",TEXT_MODE)) == nil(FILE))
printmsg(0, "Cannot open user configuration file \"%s\"", usrrc);
return FALSE;

success = getconfig(fp, USER_CONFIG, program, envtable, configFlags);

if (!success)
return FALSE;


/* Display our copyright */

(program != B_MTA) &&
"Changes and Compilation Copyright (c) 1990-1993 by Kendra Electronic\n"
"Wonderworks. May be freely distributed if original documentation and\n"
"source is included.\n" );

/* Validate that all required parameters were given */

for (tptr = envtable; tptr->sym != nil(char); tptr++)

if ((tptr->bits & (B_REQUIRED | B_FOUND)) == B_REQUIRED)
printmsg(0, "%s configuration parameter \"%s\" must be set.",
(tptr->bits & B_GLOBAL) ? "System" : "User",
success = FALSE;
} /* if */

} /* for */

/* Fill in derived parameters */

subscript = 0;
while( deflist[subscript].value != NULL )
if ( *(deflist[subscript].value) == NULL )
*(deflist[subscript].value) =
newstr( normalize(deflist[subscript].literal ) );

/* Set our time zone */

if ((getenv("TZ") == NULL) && (E_tz != NULL))
sprintf( buf, "TZ=%s", E_tz );
E_tz = newstr( E_tz );
putenv( E_tz );

tzset(); /* Set up time zone information */


return success;

} /*configure*/

/* g e t r c n a m e s */
/* */
/* Return the name of the configuration files */

static boolean getrcnames(char **sysp,char **usrp)
char *debugp = NULL; /* Pointer to debug environment variable */

if ((*sysp = getenv(SYSRCSYM)) == nil(char))
printf("environment variable %s must be specified\n", SYSRCSYM);
return FALSE;

*usrp = getenv(USRRCSYM);

debugp = getenv(SYSDEBUG);

if ( debugp != nil(char)) /* Debug specified in environment? */
debuglevel = atoi(debugp); /* Yes --> preset debuglevel for user */

return TRUE;

} /*getrcnames*/

  3 Responses to “Category : Linux Files
Archive   : UPC12BS1.ZIP
Filename : CONFIGUR.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: