Dec 312017
Patches to bring Linux kernel 1.0 up to rev level 1.0.9, these patches provide bug fixes, better support for Future Domain SCSI, other minor improvements.

Full Description of File

Official patches to Linux kernel v1.0.
Brings linux 1.0 up to rev level 1.0.9
Includes improved support for Future Domain
SCSI controllers, bug fixes, etc. Patches
released up to April 27, 1994.

File LPAT404.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Linux Files
Patches to bring Linux kernel 1.0 up to rev level 1.0.9, these patches provide bug fixes, better support for Future Domain SCSI, other minor improvements.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FILE_ID.DIZ 200 159 deflated
MANIFEST 570 154 deflated
PATCHES.TAR 122880 33097 deflated
README 595 222 deflated

Download File LPAT404.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

Official patches to Linux kernel v1.0.
Brings linux 1.0 up to rev level 1.0.9
Includes improved support for Future Domain
SCSI controllers, bug fixes, etc. Patches
released up to April 27, 1994.
# These patches are to be applied to linux kernel source 1.0.
# You untar the patch archive in the directory /usr/src. Then run
# this shell script or patch manually.
patch -p0 < patch1 2>&1 | tee patch1.log
patch -p0 < patch2 2>&1 | tee patch2.log
patch -p0 < patch3 2>&1 | tee patch3.log
patch -p0 < patch4 2>&1 | tee patch4.log
patch -p0 < patch5 2>&1 | tee patch5.log
patch -p0 < patch6 2>&1 | tee patch6.log
patch -p0 < patch7 2>&1 | tee patch7.log
patch -p0 < patch8 2>&1 | tee patch8.log
patch -p0 < patch9 2>&1 | tee patch9.log
grep -i fail patch?.log 2>&1 | tee fail.log

 December 31, 2017  Add comments

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