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ûÿ2>B…Rc× :3|D01-08-92 01:09a episode guide, ST TNG non©duplex ÿÈ ÿ"‚ÿÿÿÿmÿÿ½ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ^*.>SSŒ‚.88Ae*8*eSSSSSSSSSS**eeeJ}‚fvf]‹88yfž‹ƒeƒoXf‚x§ooo8e8eS.S\JfP8]a1']1“a[d]BG6e^‹V]S8e8eé8*88§8888*?8488]0‚S‚S‚S‚S‚S~vJfPfPfPfP80808080‹aƒ[ƒ[ƒ[ƒ[‚e‚e‚e‚eo]‚Sf‹]ƒ[o][ed‚S‚S‚SvJvJvJvJffPfPfPfP]]]]]]‹a‹a808081808y]f1f1f1f1f1‹a‹a‹a‹aƒ[ƒ[¦ŠoBoBoBXGXGXGXGf6f6f6‚e‚e‚e‚e‚e‚e§‹o]oSoSoSff1‹aoBXGf6o]o]fƒ[‚eNe*iS.JSSSSS88}}S2}}S}2#SSS§77SS£ee§.S¿2Ñee\\w.e77\\\w€wwe¥¥ee®Ce.‰wR)Er…¥¥¥ee®€wwwwI‰€€€eenR\\\wwwÑtin\eEfRmIlR€e|W;7y\r\™e{WlR}\€\a\ceIiIs`ev\…r€riIe77\``risewiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee777777777777\\\\\\\````````````rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtm€;}s€;s\T5D5ûÿ2 ZpÊÁàb¡HP LaserJet IIID (IQ Eng.)HLIIEN.PRSÂdô\  @Ž„×å,\,ð7•X@ÓUSUKÓÐÐ"‚ÿÿÿÿm¬ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ¿ÿÿÿÿÿÿ^0<<Œ\¬˜,HH\˜,8,\\\\\\\\\\\44˜˜˜\´Œ|„”€t”˜DPˆx°Œ”p”Œdx˜Œ´ŒŒ„<\<\d,\`Pd\ ®®É.ÿÿs4ddd,ºÂdþ6X@Ƀ87ûô@þþþþþþþÿþÿÿÿþÿÿþÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ종2h=0,~‡&hô\  PŽrÎÃ3&PþþþþþÿþÿÿÿþÿÿþÿÿÿÿÿÿþþþÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÞ ÿÿ—1ddd,!tº&d 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 † Ô …S ÔÐ ÷3Ø'3Ø'Standard3Ø'3Ø'StandardHLIIEN.PRSÂdô\ T5°°°°÷ ÐÑ#êfô\  PŽÂC~‡&P#ÑÐ °°XX ÐÐ °°XX ÐÐÐX°` ¸ hÀpÈ xÐ (#€%Ø'0*ˆ,à.813è5@8˜:ð ddZd
ÓStar Trek: The Next GenerationÁ`o€%oÁStar Trek: The Next GenerationÑ#Âdô\  @Ž„×åºX@#ÑÑ#&nϾ¦ PìE37ûz9&P#у
Ô M ÔÚy(#X¥dddyÚ¦ÕÙPlease see the README.TXT file for important information on printing this
document. If, on previewing, you find this document to be more than 14
pages in length, you must consult the notes. This note is a WordPerfect
comment box which will not print.ÙÒÆX”D€%Æ҇ÅÌÅRedemption IIÁ`@”;Á45020.5ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃSuspecting Romulan interference, Picard gets Starfleet involved
in the Klingon civil war. When they find a way to break
through the Fleet's sensor network, Data, commanding his own
Ô jJô Ôship, exposes the Romulan intent. Guest: Denise Crosby.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJX ÔÃÃPicard meets the leader of the Tamarian civilization (Paul
Winfield) whose language is incomprehensible. For some
reason, his ship beams the two leaders to the surface of a planet
Ô jJt Ôwhere they are pursued by a fierce and invisible assailant.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅEnsign RoÁ`@”;Á45076.3ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃA new officer (Michelle Forbes), radically aligned,
accompanies Picard on an important mission but seems to have
covert, biased sympathies to one of the affected species. The
Ô jJô ÔCardassians are involved again...ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅSilicon AvatarÁ`@”;Á45122.3ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃA federation colony is threatened by destructive beams of light
from the crystalline entity encountered before by the Enterprise.
A scientist (Ellen Geer), biased against Data, comes aboard to
Ô jJt Ôinvestigate and hunt down the creature.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJØ ÔÃÃA natural force, a quantum filament, damages the Enterprise,
trapping Picard in a turbolift with three children, and forcing
Troi to act as captain. Ensign Ro reappears. Worf delivers
Ô jJô ÔKeiko's baby! And they said the Titanic would never sink...ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe GameÁ`@”;Á45208.2ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃWhile on Risa, Riker picks up an electronic game that causes
physical addiction among its players. Wesley Crusher, a
Starfleet cadet, returns to the Enterprise and makes a new
Ô jJt Ôfriend.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅUnification IÁ`@”;Á45233.1ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃPicard and Data follow Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) on an
unauthorized mission to Romulus using a cloaked Klingon
vessel. Meanwhile, Riker and Geordi sort through scraps of a
Ô jJô ÔVulcan ship while encountering a pirate ship.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅUnification IIÁ`@”;Á45240.0ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃRomulan treachery thwarts Mr. Spock's peace plan when he,
Picard, and Data are captured by Commander Sela (Denise
Crosby). Riker tracks the stolen Vulcan ship to a fat Ferengi
Ô jJt" Ôand then to Golandin Core.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅA Matter of TimeÁ`@”;Á45349.1ƒ
Ô jJØ$ ÔÃÃPicard seeks help from a man of the future (Matt Frewer) to
save a dying planet after their first attempt backfires. The crew
become suspicious of the "historian" when objects begin to
Ô jJô& Ôdisappear.ÄÄÅÌÅÔô&à.»,»,}}Ô ÅÌÅNew GroundÁ`,#€%†Á45376.3ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃWorf's troubled son, Alexander, comes to live aboard the
Enterprise while the crew monitors the first test of a "soliton"
wave that permits warp speed travel without warp coils or
Ô jJô Ônacelles. Troi counsels Worf.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅHero WorshipÁ`,#€%†Á45397.3ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃA boy, the sole survivor of a wrecked spacecraft, adopts Data
as his role model. The Enterprise crew discovers conflicting
evidence that the ship was decimated in the Dark Cluster by a
powerful unknown assailant. Only Timothy knows what
Ô jJ( Ôhappened.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÔÃÃCrew members fall into comas as the Enterprise transports alien
historians on a research mission. Deanna, the first to awaken,
incriminates the most respected of the Ulians but Data and
Ô jJ¨ ÔGeordi find information to vindicate him.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅThe Masterpiece SocietyÁ`,#€%†Á45470.1ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃA stellar core fragment threatens a genetically engineered
colony. The society is a closed one, synergistically
interconnected amongst them©selves and their environment.
Many view the Enterprise's arrival as an intrusion. Troi falls
Ô jJÜ Ôfor the leader.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJ@ ÔÃÃMass amnesia strikes the Enterprise crew while they become
engaged in a baffling battle with the Lysians. Dr. Crusher
searches for a cure as the bridge crew jostles for leadership and
reacquaints themselves with each other. MacDuff: Erich
Ô jJ ÔAnderson.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅPower PlayÁ`,#€%†Á45571.2ƒ
Ô jJt ÔÃÃWhile investigating an old Federation distress signal, the Away
Team of Riker, Data, and Troi, crashes on a moon. After
being rescued by O'Brien, all, except for Riker, begin acting
mutinous. They take control of the Enterprise from TenªÔ jJD ÔForward, holding hostages.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJ¨ ÔÃÃWorf is seriously injured. Rather than use mechanical aid and
rely on his friends, he asks Riker to help him perform the
Klingon suicide ritual. Meanwhile, a spinal injury specialist
suggests a new, untested treatment that promises a full
Ô jJx! Ôrecovery.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅThe OutcastÁ`,#€%†Á45614.6ƒ
Ô jJÜ# ÔÃÃWhen attempting a rescue of two people lost in "null space,"
Riker falls for an androgenous person from a planet devoid of
gender distinctions and where it's a crime to express a sexual
preference. Worf assists. Geordi sure looks funny with a
Ô jJ¬& Ôbeard!ÄÄÅ€Å
Ô8`'à.»,»,}}¨'45»,»,}}8Ô ÅÌÅThe LossÁ`@”;Á44356.9ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃTroi struggles with losing her empathic abilities as the
Enterprise is swept through space by an invisible and unknown
force. The crew can't see at first what is moving the ship
Ô jJô Ôbecause it consists of truly two dimensional creatures.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅData's DayÁ`@”;Á44390.1ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃData tries to comprehend the complex emotions between
O'Brien (Colm Meaney) and his bride, Keiko. He expresses
his thoughts in a detailed narrative log entry to Starfleet
research's Dr. Maddox. A Vulcan ambassador, T'Pel, is killed
Ô jJ( Ôin a transporter accident.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅThe WoundedÁ`@”;Á44429.6ƒ
ÔÃÃThe captain of a renegade Federation vessel, Benjamin
Maxwell, seeks revenge against a former enemy, the
Cardassians. It is an enemy that Chief O'Brien (who once
Ô jJ¨ Ôserved with Maxwell) is all too familiar with.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅDevil's DueÁ`@”;Á44474.5ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃData arbitrates a 1000 year old contract between a planet and a
self-proclaimed demon (Marta DuBois). Ardra has terrorized
its people and caused the Enterprise to vanish. Picard steals
Ô jJ( Ôher power and wards off her advances.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃAfter the ship passes through a worm hole in space, Data lies
about it. Except for a few odd clues, it seems the crew lost
Ô jJô Ôseveral hours of time.ÄÄÅÅ

Ô …S€ ÔÅÌÅFirst ContactÁ` ”:Á44503.0ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJX ÔÃÃA disguised but wounded Riker is stranded on a first mission to
a developing world, Malcor. His escape is aided by a sexually
adventurous nurse but impeded by Minister for Internal
Ô jJt ÔSecurity Krola. Lanel: Bebe Neuwirth.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅGalaxy's ChildÁ`@”;Á44614.6ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃGeordi's dream woman arrives, the warp engine designer Dr.
Leah Brahms but she's quite different from what he expects;
meanwhile, the Enterprise must free an unborn alien from its
Ô jJô Ôdead mother. Ensign Pavlik: Jana Marie Hupp.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅNight TerrorsÁ`@”;Á44631.2ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃTrapped in a rift in space, the crew suffers hallucinations and
paranoia. Data is not effected. Deanna, affected differently,
tries to penetrate the mystery through the mind of a survivor,
Ô jJt" ÔAndrus Hagan, of a ship©wide suicide.ÄÄÅÌÅ

IÅÌÅdentity CrisisÁ`@”;Á44664.5ƒ
Ô jJØ$ ÔÃÃGeordi and a former shipmate, Cmdr. Susan Leijten (Maryann
Plunkett), battle a parasite that threatens to turn them into
aliens. The final form of the alien is not possible to see but
Ô jJô& ÔGeordi programs the holodeck (again) to solve the problem.ÄÄÅÌÅÔô&à.»,»,}}Ô Å€ÅTime's ArrowÁ`,#€%†Á45959.1ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃData's head turns up among artifacts of an alien visitation to
19th©century San Francisco. Cautiously, Picard permits him to
investigate the origin of a temporal disturbance, when Data is
suddenly thrown back in time. He is surprised to meet
Ô jJ¨ ÔGuinan...ÄÄÅ€Å

End of Fifth Season
Ô8 à.»,»,}}¨'k?7»,»,}}8Ô ÅÌÅCaptain's HolidayÁ`@”;Á43745.2ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃTroi suggests the captain take some time off after a particularly
difficult negotiating session. While he begrudgingly looks
forward to some relaxation on Risa he becomes swept up with
Ô jJô ÔMs. Vash in the search for a weapon stolen from the future.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅTin ManÁ`@”;Á43779.3ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃThe Enterprise races two Romulan ships to reach a newly
discovered life-form at Beta Stromgren. Troi is familiar with
the mission specialist, Tam Elbrun, a powerful but anti-social
Ô jJt Ôpsychic.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅHollow PursuitsÁ`@”;Á43807.4ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃA shy lieutenant Reginald Barclay (Dwight Schultz) retreats
into fantasies created and actualized by the ship's holodecks.
Meanwhile, he meanders through the solution to the
Ô jJô ÔEnterprise's failing systems, frustrating the rest of the crew.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe Most ToysÁ`@”;Á43872.2ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃIt seems that Data is killed in a shuttle blast but, in fact, he is
kidnapped by a collector of rare objects, Kivas Fajo. The crew
cannot believe it. Geordi sets out to determine exactly what
Ô jJt Ôhappened when the Enterprise learns of a herring.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJØ ÔÃÃVulcan ambassador Sarek (Mark Lenard) becomes
temperamental and loses emotional control while travelling with
his wife Perrin (Joanna Miles) on the Enterprise. He has a rare
disease, Bendii Syndrome, that strikes Vulcans over 200 years
Ô jJ¨ Ôof age. Damn!ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅMÀ)Ànage À!À TroiÁ`@”;Á43930.7ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃPreviously spurned by Troi's mother (Majel Barrett), Ferengi
DaiMon Tog kidnaps her, Deanna, and Riker. Wesley Crusher
misses his shuttle to Starfleet for his entrance exam but in
doing so finds Riker's distress call and earns rank of full
Ô jJÜ Ôensign.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJ@ ÔÃÃAn amnesiac humanoid brings healing and danger to the
Enterprise. As his memory returns and his cells inexplicably
mutate, he begins to feel that he is on a quest. It becomes
clear when members of his race, the Zalkonians, plan his death
Ô jJ Ôpenalty.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅThe Best of Both Worlds (1/2)Á`@”;Á43989.1ƒ
Ô jJt" ÔÃÃRiker deals with an ambitious rival, Cmdr. Shelby (Elizabeth
Dennehy), while the Enterprise investigates the massive
destruction of an outer rim world. When Picard is abducted by
Ô jJ$ Ôthe Borg, Riker must painfully assume the role of captain.ÄÄÅÌÅ

End of Third Season
Ôô&à.»,»,}}Ô Å€ÅChain of Command, Part IÁ`,#€%†Á46357.4ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃSo as to infiltrate a Cardassian base, Picard is relieved of his
command of the Enterprise. A new captain (Ronny Cox),
alienating and angering the crew, uses theatrical tactics while
negotiating for a peaceful settlement of war©like encroachments.
ÅÌÅChain of Command, Part IIÁ`,#€%†Á46360.8ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃPicard is drugged and tortured for information about the
Federation's defences at Minos Korva. Captain Jellico relieves
Riker of duty and has the Enterprise crew place mines around
Ô jJt ÔCardassian ships to thwart their incursion of disputed territory.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅShip in a BottleÁ`,#€%†Á46424.1ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃAs the Enterprise investigates the birth of a star, Moriarty
reappears; in fact, he steps out of the holodeck to reality.
He's angry at Picard's lethargy, creates an elaborate illusion
Ô jJô Ôensnaring Data and Barclay, and tries to control the ship.ÄÄ
Ô …S€
Ô jJX ÔÃÃDuring an investigation of a murder, Geordi studies visual logs
of the victim. Just as Klingons are implicated, they show up
with a woman who becomes the key suspect. Geordi and
Aquiel develop a relationship. He finally gets a real girlfriend!
ŀÅFace of the EnemyÁ`,#€%†Á46519.1ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃTroi is kidnapped by Romulans to act as a fall©back in a
defection attempt. She is surgically altered to look Romulan
and must act the part even during an exchange with the
Federation. She assumes command and attacks the Enterprise.
Ô …S€ ÔŀÅTapestryÁ`õ"€%…Á46550.0ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJX ÔÃÃAfter Picard is mortally wounded during a surprise attack, foe
Q, in the afterlife, offers him the chance to change his destiny.
He cannot resist mending his ways. We finally see the famous
Nosikan bar brawl in which Picard is stabbed in the heart.
Å4ÅBirthright, Part IÁ`,#€%†Á46578.4ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃA layover on Deep Space Nine marks the beginning of
adventures for Worf and Data, as each sets out on a quest to
find his father. Dr. Bashir (Siddig El Fadil) and Geordi
experiment with a field generator from the Gamma quadrant.
L'Kor: Richard Herd.
Ô …S4 ÔÅ4ÅBirthright, Part IIÁ`õ"€%…Á46579.2ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJ ! ÔÃÃWorf is imprisoned in a Romulan camp where Klingons and
Romulans appear to coexist in peaceÀÀÀÀa situation that he
finds unbearable. He begins to teach the young Klingons about
their heritage while he falls for a hybrid. We see them
ÅÌÅStarship MineÁ`,#€%†Á46682.4ƒ
Ô jJ@& ÔÃÃPicard is trapped abroad the Enterprise with a group of
intergalactic thieves after the rest of the crew evacuates the ship
because of a dangerous cleaning process. He attempts to thwart
Ô jJ\( Ôtheir plans but they escape with a volatile substance.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô8è)à.»,»,}}Ì'¡¥m»,»,}}8Ô ÅÅEvolutionÁ`@”;Á43125.8ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃThe Enterprise systems and computer fail during Dr. Stubbs'
investigation of a binary star system and it seems child prodigy
Ô jJ@ ÔWesley Crusher is again responsible.ÄÄÅÅ

Ô …SÌ ÔŀÅThe Ensigns of CommandÁ` ”:Á43133.3ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJ¤ ÔÃÃThe Shelliack, an exacting species, wish to colonize a planet of
theirs where no humans are thought to be due to radiation
levels. The residents, numbering 15000 and having lived on
the planet for 90 years, do not intend to leave. Data convinces
Ô jJt Ôthem.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅThe SurvivorsÁ`@”;Á43152.4ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃAn entire planet's surface is decimated by an incredible force
save for a single acre, a house, and the Uxbridges. Despite
repeated warnings to leave, a vessel returns, challenges the
Ô jJô ÔEnterprise, and destroys the last two inhabitants.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅWho Watches the WatchersÁ`@”;Á43173.5ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃA camouflaged outpost studying proto-Vulcan Mintakan culture
suffers a generator failure. One of the staff, Dr. Palmer,
stumbles out of the station threatening to expose the outpost and
Ô jJt Ôthe rescuing Enterprise crew.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe BondingÁ`@”;Á43198.7ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃShip's archaeologist Aster is killed during a routine
investigation of a planet. Worf, who lead the team, feels
responsible for her orphaned son, Jeremy. The boy is
Ô jJô Ôbefriended by a being able to alter its appearance.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅBooby TrapÁ`@”;Á43205.6ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃThe Enterprise becomes entangled in a 1000 year old trap
within a shattered planet. Left over from an ancient war, the
radioactive field drains energy from the ship. Geordi
constructs a warp engine technologist, Dr. Brahms (Susan
Ô jJ( ÔGibney), to re-adjust the engines.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅThe EnemyÁ`@”;Á43349.2ƒ
Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃWhen investigating a distress signal in Federation space, the
Away Team discovers a crashed vessel. The planet surface is
swept by electrical storms. A Romulan survivor is found but
Ô jJ¨ ÔGeordi does not return. Rescue is thwarted by a warship.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅThe PriceÁ`@”;Á43385.6ƒ
Ô jJ ! ÔÃÃTroi falls for handsome delegate Devinoni Ral who uses
underhanded tactics, his psychic abilities, in negotiations for a
wormhole. Geordi and Data travel into the wormhole,
traversing thousands of lightyears in seconds, to ensure it is
Ô jJÜ# Ôstable.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅThe Vengeance FactorÁ`@”;Á43421.9ƒ
Ô jJ@& ÔÃÃA group of raiders, the Gatherers, are implicated in an attack.
The crew of the Enterprise encourage the Gatherers to settle
their differences with their home race, the Acamarians. An
Ô jJ\( Ôassistant of the chief negotiator has a hidden objective.ÄÄÅÌÅÔ\(à.»,»,}}Ô ÅÌÅDescent, Part IIÁ`,#€%†Á47025.4ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃPicard, Troi, and Geordi are held hostage by Data and his evil
brother Lore. Hugh (Jonathon Del Arco) reappears. Riker and
Worf suspect he caused Data's about©face but learn interesting
Ô jJô Ônew information about the Borg collective.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô …S€ ÔÅÌÅLiaisonsÁ`õ"€%…Á47100.0ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJX ÔÃÃThe crew hosts Iyaaran ambassadors: one is assigned to Troi;
the other seeks to provoke an undiplomatic Worf. Meanwhile,
Picard, en route to Iyar, is rescued by a woman (Barbara
Ô jJt ÔWilliams) who immediately falls in love with him.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJØ ÔÃÃGeordi, attached to an experimental interfacing probe, defies
Picard's commands and risks his life in what appears to be a
futile attempt to rescue his mother (Madge Sinclair) from a
stranded ship. The craft is reported missing more than three
Ô jJ¨ Ôhundred lightyears away.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅGambit, Part IÁ`,#€%†Á47135.2ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃWhile investigating the apparent death of Picard, Riker is
kidnapped and taken to a mercenary ship that's been looting
archaeological sites for Romulan artifactsÀÀÀÀonly to discover
Ô jJ( ÔPicard among the crew. Baran: Richard Lynch.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Gambit, Part IIÁ`,#€%†Á47160.1ƒ
Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃRiker befriends Baran, Baran orders Riker to make friends with
Picard, Picard gets to know the Romulan, Data and Worf
decide to stay friends. Meanwhile the Enterprise meets the
Ô jJ¨ Ômercenary ship at Vulcan.ÄÄ

Ô jJ  ÔÃÃData's dream program begins to produce nightmares that
dangerously affect his behaviourÀÀÀÀbut that may hold clues to
Ô jJt Ôunusual occurrences aboard the ship. Freud: Bernard Kates.ÄÄ

Dark PageÁ`,#€%†Á47254.1ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃTroi's mother, Lwaxana, suffers a breakdown while the
Enterprise hosts a delegation of telepathic aliens. When
Deanna tries to probe her subconscious, she discovers a dark,
Ô jJô Ôthirty©year©old secret. Mr. Troi: Amick Byram.ÄÄ

Ô jJX ÔÃÃPicard and Dr. Crusher discover their true feelings toward each
other via a telepathic link when they become imprisoned
together during a diplomatic mission. Informants relay their
Ô jJt" Ôposition to the Enterprise crew. Mauric: Robin Gammell.ÄÄ

Force of NatureÁ`,#€%†Á47310.2ƒ
Ô jJØ$ ÔÃÃWhile searching for a missing ship, the Enterprise encounters
an alien brother and sister who insist that warp©drive engines
are destroying their region of outer space. Rifts appear
Ô jJô& Ôensnaring the ship. Data attempts to train his cat Spot.ÄÄ
Ô8¨'à.»,»,}})Ýܧ»,»,}}8Ô Å€ÅThe DauphinÁ`@”;Á42568.8ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃWhen the Enterprise is assigned to escort a young woman
(Jaime Hubbard) to assume rule of Daled Four, her
overprotective guardian (Paddi Edwards) tries to keep a
lovestruck Wesley at bay. The woman hides a secret in her
Ô jJ¨ Ôhumanoid form.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJ  ÔÃÃProbes from an ancient world destroy the computers of a
Starfleet vessel. When a computer virus renders the Enterprise
vulnerable to Romulan attack in the Neutral Zone, Picard and
Ô jJ( Ôthe Away Team beam down to the site of a lost civilization.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe RoyaleÁ`@”;Á42625.4ƒ
ÔÃÃA metal scrap from a U.S. Air Force craft leads the Away
Team to a lavish hotel/casino on an unmapped world. Once
there they find they cannot leave unless they act out the roles in
Ô jJ¨ Ôa bad mystery novel plot line.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅTime SquaredÁ`@”;Á42679.2ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃPicard encounters his double in a duplicate shuttlecraft found
hurtling through space in the Endicor system. The Enterprise
crews attempts to resolve the mystery as Picard grows
Ô jJ( Ôincreasingly agitated about leaving the ship.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅThe Icarus FactorÁ`@”;Á42686.4ƒ
Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃRiker's estranged father, Kyle (Mitchell Ryan), briefs him for
command of a ship (his first offer). They settle their
differences in anbo©jyustu. A cultural observance, the 10th
anniversary of his age of ascension, troubles Worf. Guest:
Ô jJ\ ÔJohn Tesh.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅPen PalsÁ`@”;Á42695.3ƒ
Ô jJÀ ÔÃÃData learns the world of his pen pal, a little alien girl Sarjenka,
may be destroyed in a geological upheaval. Wesley is given
his first command assignment and it involves directing staff his
Ô jJÜ Ôsenior.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅQ WhoÁ`@”;Á42761.3ƒ
Ô jJ@ ÔÃÃAfter Picard refuses to let him join the crew, Q hurls the
Enterprise into battle with powerful cyborgs. Ensign Sonya
Gomez makes her first appearance. The Borg attempt to
Ô jJ\ Ôassimilate the ship's technology.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅSamaritan SnareÁ`@”;Á42779.1ƒ
Ô jJÀ! ÔÃÃWhile Picard received a parthenogenetic implant, Riker
negotiates with Pakled aliens who have taken Geordi hostage.
Meanwhile, Ensign Crusher begins Starfleet entrance exams.
Ô jJÜ# ÔEnsign Gomez reappears. The script would be a riot to read...ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅUp The Long LadderÁ`@”;Á42823.2ƒ
Ô jJ@& ÔÃÃA distress call from an old-fashioned small Earth colony, the
Bringloidi, leads to another colony, the Mariposians, composed
entirely of clones. Worf collapses on the bridge from Klingon
Ô jJ\( Ômeasles.ÄÄÅÌÅÔ\(à.»,»,}}Ô ÅÌÅJourney's EndÁ`,#€%†Á47751.2ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃWesley, on a break from Starfleet Academy, becomes involved
in a dispute over the relocation of Native Americans from a
planet annexed by the Cardassians. The crew and Beverly feel
Ô jJô Ôrebuffed. Picard butters up an admiral.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô …S€ ÔÅÌÅFirst BornÁ`õ"€%…Á47760.0ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJX ÔÃÃWhen Worf's son declares he does not want to become a
Klingon warrior, a mysterious family friend (James Sloyan)
appears to persuade him. Yet another attempt is made to
Ô jJt Ôassassinate Worf.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJØ ÔÃÃFerengi DaiMon Bok (Lee Arenberg) beams back to Federation
space with a vengeance. After "discovering" Picard's unknown
son, Jason (Ken Olandt), Bok threatens to kill the young man in
order to avenge the death of his own son at the hands of Picard
Ô jJ¨ Ôin an old battle.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJ  ÔÃÃWhile investigating unexplained malfunctions on the ship, Data,
Worf, and Troi discover the Enterprise isn't just making
independent decisions, but is sheltering a "child" of its own.
Ô jJ( ÔThe ship tears around the galaxy, feeding on white dwarf stars.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅPreemptive StrikeÁ`,#€%†Á47941.7ƒ
Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃRo Laren returns to the Enterprise, only to have her loyalties
tested when sent undercover to trap the Maquis, a group
attacking the Cardassians, her mortal enemies. She is to lure
them to fire on a false target however begins to sympathize
Ô jJ\ Ôwith them.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅAll Good ThingsÁ`,#€%†Á47988.1ƒ
Ô jJÀ ÔÃÃPicard travels through time, forwards and backwards, trying to
prevent himself from destroying humanity, all life on earth, for
that matter. Q seems to be taunting him, the Continuum still
Ô jJÜ Ôjudging him, but is, in fact, trying to help him.ÄÄÅÌÅ

End of Seventh Season, End of SeriesÔ8hà.»,»,}})ß»,»,}}8Ô Angel OneÁ`@”;Á41636.9ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃAs a virus ravages the crew, Riker negotiates for the freedom
of male fugitives on a world dominated by women. The
survivors of a Federation freighter accident oppose the
matriarchy. Beata: Karen Montogomery. Ariel: Patricha
Ô jJ¨ ÔMcPherson.ÄÄ

Ô …S4 ÔÅÌÅSymbiosisÁ` ”:Á41650.0ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃPicard uncovers a deception when he comes between two
peoplesÀÀÀÀthe Ornarans, hit by plague, and the Brekkians
holding the cure, a drug Felicium. The Enterprise crew
Ô jJ( Ôdiscover also that they are unable to interfere.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅôÅWe'll Always Have ParisÁ`@”;Á41697.9ƒ
ÔÃÃThe Away Team races to repair a rip in the fabric of time as
scientist Paul Manheim's experiments runs amok producing
more and more severe hiccups in time, loops.ÅôÅ An old love
(Michelle Phillips) haunts Picard finally learning why he stood
Ô jJ\
Ôher up.ÄÄ

ŀÅThe BattleÁ`@”;Á41723.9ƒ
Ô jJÀ ÔÃÃA vengeful Ferengi captain, DaiMon Bok (Frank Corsentino),
returns Picard's long-lost ship, the Stargazer, after installing a
mind-altering device. Picard experiences a headache (believe it
or not) and then progressively more real hallucinations.
Ô jJ ÔKazago: Douglas Warhit.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJô ÔÃÃSpurred by reports of misdeeds in Starfleet's top echelon,
Picard heads for Earth to uncover the truth. It's Data, while
talking to himself for the first time, that is able to give
substance to Picard's suspicion. Cmdr. Remick's back,
Ô jJÄ Ôunfortunately.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅThe Arsenal of FreedomÁ`@”;Á41798.2ƒ
Ô jJ( ÔÃÃWhile probing a ship's disappearance at Minos, the crew battles
a barrage of sophisticated weapons. It turns out that it is only a
demonstration of the weapon system's capabilities, but the
Ô jJD ÔAway Team must determine how to shut it off.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe Neutral ZoneÁ`@”;Á41986.0ƒ
Ô jJ¨ ÔÃÃReports indicate that several starbases along the
Federation/Romulan neutral zone have been destroyed. As
Picard negotiates with hostile Romulans, three people frozen
Ô jJÄ Ôsince the 20th century try to comprehend the 24th.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅThe Big GoodbyeÁ`@”;Á41997.7ƒ
Ô jJ(# ÔÃÃAs insect-like aliens await a formal greeting, Picard, Data,
Crusher (Gates McFadden), and historian Whalen are trapped
in a holodeck version of 1941 San Francisco when the system
malfunctions. Picard's first Dixon Hill program run, featuring
Ô jJø% ÔCyrus Redblock. Leach: Harvey Jason. Peabody award.ÄÄÅ€Å

End of First SeasonÔ„'à.»,»,}}Ô Ô8à.»,»,}}\(L»,»,}}8Ô ÅÌÅEncounter at Farpoint Part 1Á`@”;Á41153.7ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃOn the way to the new Farpoint starbase on Deneb IV, the
Enterprise meets a mysterious and strange alien who, upon
referring to himself as a member of the Q Continuum, tries the
Ô jJô Ôcrew for all humanity's crimes. Riker becomes first officer.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô …S€ ÔÅÌÅEncounter at Farpoint Part 2Á` ”:Á41153.8ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJX ÔÃÃThe Enterprise continues to do exactly what it would do in any
other situation despite Q watching their every move and
threatening to condemn them in his tribunal. They have hours
Ô jJt Ôto solve the riddle of the Farpoint Station.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe Naked NowÁ`@”;Á41209.2ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃA virus that struck the old Enterprise, has mutated, and affects
another ship, the USS Tsiolkovsky, killing all the crew. Then
Geordi, Wesley, and Tasha start acting strangely... Libatious,
Ô jJô Ôin fact. We discover that Data is fully functional.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅCode of HonorÁ`ä”:Á41235.25ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃA vaccine is desperately required from planet Ligon II. The
Enterprise is sent to negotiate a sample and relations with the
people but they seem more interested in Lt. Tasha Yar (Denise
Crosby). She is a woman of extreme respect and power.
Ô jJ( ÔYareena: Karole Selmon.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃAn investigation of the colony world where Data was found
turns up spare body parts that are an unexpected prototype, and
dead ringer, of Data (Brent Spiner). The former inhabitants
Ô jJ¨ Ôwere destroyed by a crystal creature that Lore contacts.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅLonely Among UsÁ`@”;Á41249.3ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃTransporting adversaries to a conference at Parliament, the
Enterprise enters an energy cloud that affects the ship and crew
and kills the assistant engineer Singh (Kavi Raz). Data plays
Ô jJ( Ôdetective after learning about Sherlock Holmes.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃTo learn the origin of a mysterious ghost-like ship, Picard
(Patrick Stewart) must get help from a planet where Wesley
(Wil Wheaton) faces a death sentence. Wesley seems to have
broken a trivial rule; nevertheless, it is a law imposed by the
Ô jJ\ Ôgod of this peaceful, open people. Liator: Jay Louden.ÄÄ

ŀÅWhere No One Has Gone BeforeÁ`@”;Á41263.1ƒ
Ô jJÀ! ÔÃÃKosinski's (Stanley Kamel) propulsion test backfires sending
the Enterprise hurtling out of the galaxy to a place where
thoughts become real. Wesley realizes it's not the scientist but
his assistant, a Traveler (Eric Menyuk), that moves the ship.
Ô jJ$ ÔWesley becomes an acting ensign.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJô& ÔÃÃDeanna is to be married by a genetic bond to a young doctor,
Wyatt Miller (Rob Knepper). He has had visions of a woman
all his life but surprisingly it is not Deanna. Lwaxana Troi
(Majel Barrett) is present to impose her beliefs. Mr. Homn
Ô jJÄ) Ôgets baked!ÄÄÅ€ÅÔÄ)à.»,»,}}Ô NotesÔ8à.»,»,}}x*†NN»,»,}}8Ô ˆÐ ÷3Ø'3Ø'StandardHLIIEN.PRSÂdô\ 3Ø'3Ø'LetterheadHLIIEN.PRSÂdô\ ,D5XXXX÷ ЇŀÅCause and EffectÁ`@”;Á45652.1ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃThe crew experience deja vu and hear voices while exploring
the Typhon Expansion. Crusher and Worf are particularly
affected. When the Enterprise encounters a temporal rift, an
old vessel emerges on a collision course and completely
Ô jJ¨ Ôdestroys the ship. Captain Bateman: Kelsey Grammer.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅThe First DutyÁ`@”;Á45703.9ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃWesley narrowly escapes death during practise manoeuvres for
the Academy graduation ceremony. One of the five cadets
unfortunately is killed initiating a Starfleet investigation.
Picard, asked to speak at the ceremonies, takes time to visit
Ô jJÜ ÔBoothby (Ray Walston).ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅCost of LivingÁ`@”;Á45733.6ƒ
Ô jJ@ ÔÃÃWhen Lwaxana Troi comes abroad the Enterprise for her
wedding to a stoic, proper man, she gives her two cents worth
recommending to Worf how to raise Alexander. Meanwhile,
Geordi and Data race to find out why independent ship
Ô jJ Ôsubsystems are failing.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅThe Perfect MateÁ`@”;Á45761.3ƒ
Ô jJt ÔÃÃPicard falls for a metamorph (Famke Janssen) who is the preªarranged bride©to©be in a symbolic wedding between two
waring worlds. Riker, of course, has a lump in his pants, Data
is impervious, and the rest of the male crew go ga©ga for this
Ô jJD Ôperfect woman.ÄÄÅ€Å

Å4ÅImaginary FriendÁ`@”;Á45852.1ƒ
Ô jJ¨ ÔÃÃLonely little Clara's (Noley Thornton) friend comes to life and
is spotted by some of the crew. Later, Isabella (Shay Astar)
threatens to destroy the Enterprise crew. The ship, while
exploring a nebula around a neutron star, becomes hindered by
web©like fields of energy.
ÅÌÅI, BorgÁ`@”;Á45854.2ƒ
Ô jJÜ ÔÃÃA single borg survivor is found in a wreck. Picard and others
wish to kill it and cover their tracks in case the collective
returns but Crusher insists on rescuing the adolescent. As the
Ô jJø Ôborg learns loneliness, Geordi and Guinan get attached to him.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô …S„ ÔŀÅThe Next PhaseÁ` ”:Á45892.4ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJ\ ÔÃÃThe Romulans are experimenting with new methods of cloaking
when a botched transport traps Geordi and Ro between worlds.
They can see each other but cannot communicate with or be
seen by the Enterprise crew, who assume they have died in an
Ô jJ," Ôaccident.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅThe Inner LightÁ`@”;Á45944.1ƒ
Ô jJ$ ÔÃÃThe Enterprise encounters an old probe while surveying
magnetic waves. Picard is knocked unconscious and
transported into another man's life on another planet. Soon he
starts to wonder if Picard and the Enterprise wasn't all a dream
Ô jJ`' Ôor a past life.ÄÄÅ€Å
ÅØÅÅØÅÔ(à.»,»,}}Ô ÅÌÅThe Nth DegreeÁ`,#€%†Á44704.2ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃThe Enterprise is sent to repair a distant communications
antenna, the Argus Array. An unexpected encounter with an
alien probe endows Lt. Reginald "Broccoli" Barclay (Dwight
Ô jJô ÔSchultz) with superhuman intelligence.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJX ÔÃÃQ creates a Sherwood Forest fantasy to reunite Picard with old
flame Vash (Jennifer Hetrick). She is the archaeologist he first
met while on vacation one year previous. And Q finds her
Ô jJt Ôparticularly interesting... Worf wears tights.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅThe DrumheadÁ`,#€%†Á44769.2ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃAfter discovering a traitorous Klingon on exchange, an
investigative team charges a medical crewman with a warp
engine explosion. Picard attempts to defend his innocence and
stop the improper but zealous proceedings of Admiral Norah
Ô jJ¨ ÔSatie (Jean Simmons).ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅHalf a LifeÁ`,#€%†Á44805.3ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃTroi's mother falls for a scientist, Dr. Timicin (David Ogden
Stiers), who must commit ritual suicide because he has reached
60 years of age. Not only must he deny Lwaxana but he must
abandon his helium-fusion enhancement research into his
Ô jJÜ Ôplanet's dying sun.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅThe HostÁ`,#€%†Á44821.3ƒ
Ô jJ@ ÔÃÃDr. Crusher falls for a parasitic alien, Odan (Franc Luz), who
exists in a host body. When it takes over William Riker's to
continue treaty negotiations, Beverly cannot overcome the
Ô jJ\ Ôchange in physical appearance.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe Mind's EyeÁ`,#€%†Á44885.5ƒ
Ô jJÀ ÔÃÃWhile journeying to Risa, Romulan captors kidnap Geordi and
brainwash him to assassinate Klingon Ambassador Kell. He is
guided by emissions coming from within the Enterprise. Worf
Ô jJÜ Ôand Data attempt to stop him in time.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÅIn TheoryÁ`,#€%†Á44932.3ƒ
Ô jJ@ ÔÃÃWhile the Enterprise investigates and avoids dark matter
(cool!), a lieutenant, Jenna D'Sora, on the rebound pursues a
Ô jJ¨ Ôromance with willing Data. He's fully functional, you know.ÄÄÅÅ

Ô jJ ! ÔÃÃA threatened Klingon civil war strains Worf's loyalty to
Starfleet. Picard completes his final task as arbiter, to install
Gowron (Robert O'Reilly), but a contest arises as to who will
rule the high council. Kurn, Worf's brother, reappears. Sela
Ô jJÜ# Ôsure looks familiar.ÄÄÅ€Å

End of Fourth SeasonÔ8h%à.»,»,}}ì(62»,»,}}8Ô ÅÌÅTime's Arrow Part IIÁ`@”;Á46001.3ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃThe Away Team, investigating a plague, is reunited with Data
in 19th-century San Francisco. Samuel Clemens attempts to
thwart their efforts at disrupting the energy-robbing aliens. In
Ô jJô Ôa confrontation, Data is destroyed and Guinan is injured.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅRealm of FearÁ`@”;Á46041.1ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃLieutenant Reginald Barclay has a paralyzing neurosis of the
transporters. When he thinks he sees something while
transporting during the rescue of crew from a damaged research
vessel, he seeks Troi's help to cure his terror. But his visions
Ô jJ( Ôpersist.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅMan of the PeopleÁ`@”;Á46071.6ƒ
ÔÃÃA Lumerian ambassador uses Troi for his evil thoughts and
negative emotions. Picard tries to stop him in the middle of
important negotiations but is deflected. Later, after aging 60
Ô jJ¨ Ôyears, Troi dies and the Lumerian seeks a new receptacle.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJ  ÔÃÃThe Away Team searches a wrecked ship on a derelict Dyson
sphere and discovers Montgomery Scott alive and aged 75
years. When the Enterprise becomes trapped inside, he is able
Ô jJ( Ôhelp Geordi despite being out©of©date.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃA subspace aberration manifests in a cargo bay as various crew
members suffer sleep disorders and periods of unconsciousness.
When they recount the same nightmare, it is realized they are
Ô jJ¨ Ôbeing abducted from the ship for study. Data reads his poetry.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅTrue QÁ`@”;Á46192.3ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃA student (Olivia d'Abo) chosen to serve on the Enterprise
attracts Q's attention with her burgeoning mental powers. As
she makes friends with Dr. Crusher and falls for Riker, she has
Ô jJ( Ôa difficult time resisting Q and using her abilities.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃA molecular mishap turns Picard, Guinan, Ro, and Keiko into
children. Despite having their mental faculties intact, they do
not hold the respect of their subordinates and must surrender
Ô jJ¨ Ôtheir duties, just as the Enterprise is commandeered by Ferengi.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅA Fistful of DatasÁ`@”;Á46271.5ƒ
Ô jJ ! ÔÃÃWorf, Alexander, and Troi play sheriffs and a gunslinger in the
Wild West while Geordi and Data begin experiments with the
main computer. When the Holodeck goes awry and entraps
them, they must follow the program to completion and face
Ô jJÜ# Ôdown a ringer for Data.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅThe Quality of LifeÁ`@”;Á46307.2ƒ
Ô jJ@& ÔÃÃPicard is to evaluate the new technology used at a mining
station when it suffers a number of setbacks. Prototype robots
are employed to do repairs but Data, acting oddly, takes them
Ô jJ\( Ôout of service and claims that they have rights.ÄÄÅÌÅÅØÅÅØÅÔ\( à.»,»,}}Ô ÅÌÅThe Best of Both Worlds (2/2)Á`,#€%†Á44001.4ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃThe Borg use Picard's knowledge to plot a strategy against
Earth. The crippled Enterprise races to catch the Borg ship but
finds a wake of destruction. Riker must use unorthodox
Ô jJô Ôstrategy while Data infiltrates the Borg consciousness.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJX ÔÃÃPicard has a strained reunion with older brother (Jeremy Kemp)
when he returns to his home town; while Worf's adoptive
parents (Theodore Bikel, Georgia Brown) are hurt by his
distant manner. Marie Picard: Samantha Eggar. Wes meets
Ô jJ( Ôdad.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÔÃÃA summons from his aging creator, Dr. Noonian Soong,
unexpectedly reunites Data with his evil prototype, Lore. Data
endangers a boy seeking immediate treatment for a highly
Ô jJ¨ Ôcontagious disease. Data is to receive his "emotion" chip.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅSuddenly HumanÁ`,#€%†Á44143.7ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃThe Enterprise discovers a Taralian freighter after receiving a
distress signal. Picard finds evidence of abuse to a human
orphan (Chad Allen) living with the 4 other aliens. Picard
Ô jJ( Ôassumes a father-figure role to help the boy adjust.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅRemember MeÁ`,#€%†Á44161.2ƒ
Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃWesley's experiment with warp bubbles in the containment
system causes Dr. Crusher to experience the disappearances of
crew members and friends. The Traveler reappears to assist
Ô jJ¨ ÔWesley.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJ  ÔÃÃTwo Federation people are held hostage on the late Tasha Yar's
home world. Tasha's sister, Ishara, leads the rescue mission.
While uniting with Data and befriending some of the Enterprise
Ô jJ( Ôcrew, others do not trust her so readily.ŨÅÄÄ

Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃWhile Picard mediates a Klingon power struggle after the death
of K'mpec, Worf copes with his old love K'Ehleyr (Susie
Plakson) and their son, Alexander (Brian Bonsall). Worf's past
Ô jJ¨ Ôdiscommendation comes to the fore yet again.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅFuture ImperfectÁ`,#€%†Á44286.5ƒ
Ô jJ ! ÔÃÃWhile celebrating his birthday, Riker checks emissions on a
remote planet. He awakens in sick bay, learns 16 years have
passed, he is captain, and has a son. Picard is an admiral and
Ô jJ(# Ôthey are amid Romulan-Federation treaty negotiations.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅFinal MissionÁ`,#€%†Á44307.3ƒ
Ô jJŒ% ÔÃÃWhile escorting Wesley Crusher on his last mission aboard the
Enterprise, Picard is severely injured and near death unless
Wesley can find water on a dangerous desert planet.
Ô jJ¨' ÔMeanwhile, the Enterprise is towing a radioactive barge.ÄÄÅÌÅÔ8¨' à.»,»,}}) n m8»,»,}}8Ô ÅÌÅLessonsÁ`@”;Á46693.1ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃPicard falls in love with the new head of the ship's Stellar
Sciences department (Wendy Hughes) and learns she is a
concert pianist. When he sends her on a dangerous mission
Ô jJô Ôfighting a violent plasma fire storm on an outpost, she is lost.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Å4ÅThe ChaseÁ`@”;Á46731.5ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃPicard's archeology professor (Norman Lloyd) surprise©visits
Picard on the Enterprise and entices him on a change©of©aªlifetime mission. They race the Cardassians, Klingons, and
Romulans to solve a 4©billion©year©old genetic puzzle.
Humanoid: Salome Jens.
Ô …S´ ÔÅÌÅFrame of MindÁ` ”:Á46740.0ÃÃ*Äă
ÔÃÃAn amnesiac Riker cannot determine whether he is acting as an
insane patient in a play aboard the Enterprise or whether he is
actually a patient in an alien mental hospital. His only clue is a
Ô jJ¨ Ôfigure that appears in both visions. Dr. Syrus: David Selburg.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJ  ÔÃÃDr. Crusher risks her career to prove a pioneering Ferengi
scientist was murdered. She believes his new shielding
technology may have been coveted by others. When fired and
Ô jJ( Ôrelieved of her duties, she is able to fully investigate the death.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅRightful HeirÁ`@”;Á46852.2ƒ
Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃLegendary Klingon warrior Kahless (Kevin Conway) returns to
challenge Worf and threaten the stability of the High Council.
Needless to say, Gowron doesn't take too lightly to the
religious teachings of this long©dead figure. Koroth: Alan
Ô jJ\ ÔOppenheimer.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅSecond ChancesÁ`@”;Á46915.2ƒ
Ô jJÀ ÔÃÃDuring a visit to a former mission site on a distant planet,
Riker encounters his doubleÀÀÀÀthe result of a transporter
mishapÀÀÀÀand learns that the man is still in love with Troi.
Directed by LeVar Burton; guest star Mae Jemison (the first
Ô jJ Ôblack woman into space) as a transporter officer.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJô ÔÃÃReturning in a Runabout after three days, Picard, Troi, Data,
and La Forge find the Enterprise and a Romulan Warbird
motionless, stuck in timeÀÀÀÀand in mid©battle.
Romulan/Alien: Michael Bofshever. Directed by Adam
Ô jJÄ ÔNimoy. Guest: Patricia Tallman.ÄÄÅ€Å

Ô jJ(# ÔÃÃWhile investigating a Federation©outpost massacre, the
Enterprise encounters the Borg, whose individual identities and
viciousness trigger a startling change in DataÀÀÀÀhe gets angry.
He leaves with a borg to reunite with Lore. Physicist Stephen
Ô jJø% ÔHawking has a cameo. Some location filming used.ÄÄÅ€Å

End of Sixth SeasonÔ„'
à.»,»,}}Ô ÅÌÅThe DefectorÁ`,#€%†Á43462.5ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃA Romulan with information about a secret offensive seeks
political asylum. Apparently a fleet of vengeful Romulan
warbirds will attack the Federation in 48 hours. He leads them
Ô jJô Ôinto the Neutral Zone.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe HuntedÁ`,#€%†Á43489.2ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃAngoisia, a planet of mentally cultivated people, wishes to join
the Federation, just as a highly-trained convict, Roga Danar,
escapes from a maximum security penal colony on Lunar Five.
Ô jJt ÔRambo of the 25th century.ÄÄÅÌÅ

TŀÅhe High GroundÁ`,#€%†Á43510.7ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃDoctor Crusher is abducted on Rutia 4 by a terrorist
organization seeking political recognition, autonomy, and
medical expertise. Wesley stays on the Enterprise and is able
to track their movements despite their use of dimensional shift
Ô jJ¨ Ôtransport.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÅDeja QÁ`,#€%†Á43539.1ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃPicard's nemesis, Q, claiming to have lost his powers, appears
on the Enterprise while it attempts to prevent an asteroid from
Ô jJt Ôstriking the planet Bre'el Four. Guest: Corbin Bernsen.ÄÄÅÅ

ÅÌÅA Matter of PerspectiveÁ`,#€%†Á43610.4ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃA Tanugan widow accuses Riker of seducing her and killing
her husband, a respected scientist. As Riker is put on trial, the
scenes are reenacted in the Holodeck. Geordi is a surprise
Ô jJô Ôwitness and technical consultant.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅYesterday's EnterpriseÁ`,#€%†Á43625.2ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃAn Enterprise, the 1701-C, a ghost from its own past, breaks
through a time rift, altering the course of history, inciting a
Klingon war. Captain Rachel Garrett decides to return to
Ô jJt ÔNarendra Three. Guest: Denise Crosby.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe OffspringÁ`,#€%†Á43657.0ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃIn an unauthorized experiment, Data builds another android,
Lal (Hallie Todd), which chooses to take the form of a human
female. Adm. Haftel (Nicholas Coster) wants to remove Data's
Ô jJô Ôcreation from the Enterprise. Ballard: Judyann Elder.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅSins of the FatherÁ`,#€%†Á43685.2ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃAs part of an exchange, a Klingon officer, Worf's long-lost
brother Kurn, assumes the first officer's position. He tells
Worf their late father is accused of treason at Khitomer which
Ô jJt" Ôthe eldest son, Worf, chooses to defend.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJØ$ ÔÃÃPicard is abducted and held with three other beings in an
unknown chamber. Meanwhile, an oddly-acting duplicate
imposter is placed on the Enterprise. He hits on Dr. Crusher
Ô jJô& Ôand starts a sing-along in Ten-Forward.ÄÄÅÌÅÔ8ô&
¤p»,»,}}8Ô ParallelsÁ`@”;Á47391.2ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃWorf finds he is the only one who notices reality changingÀÀÀÀ
and his sanity ebbingÀÀÀÀafter returning from a Klingon
competition. He is helplessly moving from alternate realities,
one where Wesley is still on the Enterprise, another in which
Ô jJ¨ Ôhe is married.ÄÄ

Ô jJ  ÔÃÃData meets a woman (Fionnula Flanagan) who claims to be
Juliana SoongÀÀÀÀNoonian Soong's ex©wife and, in a sense,
Data's mother. As they work together, Data learns a great deal
about his past, that Lore wasn't his only sibling... Pran:
Ô jJÜ ÔWilliam Lithgow.ÄÄ

Ô …Sh
ÔThe PegasusÁ` ”:Á47420.0ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJ@ ÔÃÃRiker's loyalties are divided when his former commanding
officer (Terry O'Quinn) risks the Enterprise on a dangerous
mission to salvage his former ship and an "experiment" that, it
seems, the Romulans are very interested in. Captain Picard
Ô jJ ÔDay observed.ÄÄ

Ô jJt ÔÃÃOn a mission to a planet losing its atmosphere, Worf
encounters his adoptive brother (Paul Sorvino)ÀÀÀÀwho violates
the Prime Directive in a desperate attempt to save the
inhabitants. They are beamed onto the holodeck but it begins
Ô jJD Ôto fail.ÄÄ

Ô …SÐ ÔSub RosaÁ` ”:Á47450.0ÃÃ*Äă
Ô jJ¨ ÔÃÃAfter Dr. Crusher attends her grandmother's funeral, strange
happenings lead her to believe she's inherited the family ghost
(Duncan Regehr). When she suddenly resigns, Picard attempts
Ô jJÄ Ôto discover what is the matter. Jealous, perhaps?ÄÄ

Lower DecksÁ`@”;Á47566.7ƒ
Ô jJ( ÔÃÃFour junior officers find themselves tested beyond their
expectations when a secret mission takes the place of their
promotion evaluation. Ensign Cito, involved in the daredevil
stunt at Starfleet, is sent into Cardassian space. Lavelle: Dan
Ô jJø ÔGauthier.ÄÄ

Thine Own SelfÁ`@”;Á47611.2ƒ
Ô jJ\ ÔÃÃData finds himself stranded on a planet with a pre©industrial
societyÀÀÀÀwith no memory of who he is or how he got there.
The inhabitants try to kill him when they develop a plague.
Ô jJx! ÔMeanwhile, Troi takes the Bridge Officer's test.ÄÄ

Ô jJÜ# ÔÃÃAfter the Enterprise encounters a mysterious comet, actually an
alien archive, Data exhibits multiple personalitiesÀÀÀÀand the
ship is transformed into an ancient city. It looks like Data has
Ô jJø% Ôa condom stuck on his forehead.ÄÄ

Eye of the BeholderÁ`@”;Á47623.2ƒ
Ô jJ\( ÔÃÃWhile experiencing empathic visions after an officer's
mysterious suicide, Troi becomes romantically involved with
Worf. They begin an investigation of the team that built the
warp drive nacelles eight years previous. Pierce: Mark
Ô jJ,+ ÔRolston.ÄÄÔ,+ à.»,»,}}Ô ÅÌÅManhuntÁ`,#€%†Á42859.2ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃOn her way to a conference at Pacifica, Troi's mother boards
the Enterprise and flirts with Picard. Actually, her hormones
are running wild. He avoids her in a Dixon Hill holodeck
Ô jJô Ôprogram. So then she hits on Riker. Guest: Mick Fleetwood.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe EmissaryÁ`,#€%†Á42901.3ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃWorf's old love Ambassador K'Ehleyr, a human-Klingon
hybrid, arrives to deal with a shipload of Klingons in cryogenic
sleep. She turns down his proposal for marriage, if you can
Ô jJt Ôcall it that...ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅPeak PerformanceÁ`,#€%†Á42923.4ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃThe Ferengi ambush the Enterprise and another vessel during a
battle simulation. Riker, on the test vessel, employs a unique
strategy to handle them with ease. Data learns Strategema with
Ô jJô ÔZakdorn Sirna Kolrami. Guest: David L. Lander.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅShades of GrayÁ`,#€%†Á42976.1ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃPulaski probes Riker's brain to save him from an organism in
his nervous system. While unconscious, he experiences vivid
memories, from the erotic to the very sad. In turn the
endorphins produced from negative emotions combat the
Ô jJ( Ôdisease. Yuk.ÄÄÅ€Å

End of Second Season
ÅØÅÅØÅÔ8Œ à.»,»,}}à+ á Á§»,»,}}8Ô Ô à.»,»,}}Ô ÅÌÅThe ChildÁ`,#€%†Á42073.1ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃNewly arrived Dr. Katherine Pulaski deals with the plasma
plague and Troi's mysterious pregnancy; Guinan counsels
Wesley. Geordi is now Chief Engineer. Dr. Crusher left for
Ô jJô ÔHead of Starfleet Medical. Data plays dad.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅWhere Silence Has LeaseÁ`,#€%†Á42193.6ƒ
Ô jJX ÔÃÃA being that refers to itself as Nagilum (Earl Boen), conducting
an experiment, traps the Enterprise in a region void of energy
and matter, save a deserted spacecraft. Only when Picard and
Ô jJt ÔRiker threaten to destroy the Enterprise do they break free.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅElementary, Dear DataÁ`,#€%†Á42286.3ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃWhen the crew gets a few days off, Geordi (Levar Burton)
plans a diversion for himself and Data on the holodeckÀÀÀÀthey
play Watson and Holmes in a Victorian England recreation
complete with Data donning a deerstalker. Things run amok
Ô jJ¨ Ôwith Moriarty (Daniel Davis).ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅThe Outrageous OkanaÁ`,#€%†Á42402.7ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃThe crew hosts the captain of a disabled ship, a charming rogue
(William O. Campbell) who's accused of philandering and
stealing the Jewel of Thesia; meanwhile, Data consults a comic
Ô jJ( Ô(Joe Piscapo) as he tries to understand humour.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅThe Schizoid ManÁ`,#€%†Á42437.5ƒ
Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃThe Away Team, led by Data, goes on a mission of mercy to
help the brilliant but dying scientist Ira Graves (W. Morgan
Sheppard) who seeks immortality. When left unattended, he
Ô jJ¨ Ôtransfers his knowledge and mind into Data.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅLoud As A WhisperÁ`,#€%†Á42477.2ƒ
Ô jJ  ÔÃÃDeaf war mediator Riva (Howie Seago) is escorted by the
Away Team to the site of a centuries-long conflict. Chaos
ensues when the mediator loses his means of communication.
Ô jJ( ÔWarrior/Adonis: Leo Damian.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅUnnatural SelectionÁ`,#€%†Á42494.8ƒ
Ô jJŒ ÔÃÃPulaski contracts a disease which has rapidly aged and killed a
ship's crew and now threatens research station India. Data,
unaffected, assists her but a cure involves using the transporter,
Ô jJ¨ Ôwhich she has never used.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ÅÌÅA Matter of HonorÁ`,#€%†Á42506.5ƒ
Ô jJ ! ÔÃÃAn exchange program that allows Cmdr. Riker (Jonathan
Frakes) to become the first Federation officer to serve on a
Klingon vessel turns into a dangerous confrontation when
Ô jJ(# ÔCaptain Kargan threatens the Enterprise.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅThe Measure Of A ManÁ`,#€%†Á42523.7ƒ
Ô jJŒ% ÔÃÃOfficer Bruce Maddox, in charge of a new starbase, orders
Data to be disassembled for study. When Data refuses, a Judge
Advocate General (Amanda McBroome) sets up a hearing to
determine whether Data is property or a self-determining
Ô jJ\( Ôspecies.ÄÄÅ€ÅÔ8\( à.»,»,}}Ø ã ã»,»,}}8Ô Colophon
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃThis document contains an episode list for Star Trek: The Next
Generation, presented in stardate order. It is meant to be
compact and convenient, for the coffee table, near the remote
control. I know you will enjoy it.

I'd like to thank Bill Lambdin, Ian Colomby, Jim Shaun Lyon,
Milan Rezac, Carl Chin, and Bradley Grigor for news and
proper character, planet, weird item spellings; James Carcary,
Darren Sager, James Thomas, and Matthew Barnes for proofªreading. A special thanks to Darren for the cover graphic and
correcting several stardates. I thank Bradley Grigor and Paul
Manson for making a Word for Windows version.

The descriptions are almost straight copies of television guide
listings as found in the Globe & Mail's Broadcast Week,
Toronto Star's Starweek, and Telemedia's TV GUIDE. I am
not claiming copyright.

The second digit in the stardate indicates the season. For
example, the third season episode The Offspring has the date
43657.0. The '4' purportedly means 24th century.

Ô jJP ÔAn asterisk (ÃÃ*ÄÄ) denotes a fictitious or estimated stardate. Either
the narration did not include a date, it is unknown, or the
source is outside the show. An invented date positions the
episode in Gene Roddenberry's future history time©line.

A dagger (À'À) marks an episode not yet aired. Often, I have no
plot description nor do I know the stardate.

I copied the entries from my indexed database video tape
catalog to generate this 14©page guide. This is the non©duplex
printer version. A guide for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is
available too!

I generated this revision at 23:59 hours DST on Tuesday 31
May 1994.

Electronic, hard, ASCII, and UUENCODEd copies of this
guide are available. Specify the copy type, media size, and
send $5.00 to cover shipping via snail mail. It is uploaded to
Canada Remote Systems Online, CompuServe, and various
U.S. BBSs. Suggestions, comments, corrections, or requests
are welcome. Send or telephone queries to:

Blake Nancarrow
65 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 203 (new address!)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Earth
Sol/Jup III sector 0,0,1
M6K 1Y3

CompuServe id:Á44Á70511,673
FidoNet id:Á44Á1:229/15
Internet ids:Á44Á[email protected]
Á44Á[email protected]
voice telephone:Á44Á(416) 535©1899
Ô jJì( Ôfax:Á44Á(416) 538©3755ÄÄÔì(
à.»,»,}}Ô ÅÌÅToo Short a SeasonÁ`,#€%†Á41309.5ƒ
Ô jJØ ÔÃÃRequested as negotiator for hostages, an old admiral, Jameson,
hides the tragic outcome of an earlier, similar situation. To
meet his old adversary Karnas under the original terms and
Ô jJô Ôconditions he takes a drug that reverses his aging.ÄÄÅÌÅ

Ô jJX ÔÃÃAfter tricking Data into evacuating the crew, a band of
computer-dependent aliens, the Bynars, hijack the Enterprise to
help backup the data on their computer system. To keep Riker
and Picard occupied but on the ship, the aliens enhance the
Ô jJ( Ôholodeck. One Zero: Alexandra Johnson.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅThe Last OutpostÁ`,#€%†Á41386.4ƒ
ÔÃÃFirst visual contact with Ferengi made during argument with
DaiMon Taar. Ferengi and Enterprise teams beam down to an
unknown world to discover who or what has sapped power
from both vessels. Riker is challenged by a portal with a
Ô jJ\
Ôriddle. Letek: Armin Shimerman. Mordoc: Jake Dengel.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅComing of AgeÁ`,#€%†Á41416.2ƒ
Ô jJÀ ÔÃÃWhile Wesley takes the Starfleet Academy entrance exam,
Picard submits to a competence evaluation by Starfleet Adm.
Quinn (Ward Costello) and Commander Remick (Robert
Ô jJÜ ÔSchenkkan) zealously searching for a traitor.ÄÄÅÌÅ

ŀÅHome SoilÁ`,#€%†Á41463.9ƒ
Ô jJ@ ÔÃÃOn Velara III, Data and Geordi (LeVar Burton) discover a
microscopic creature responsible for the death of an engineer.
The terraforming efforts are suspended as the beings try to take
control of the Enterprise and its "ugly" inhabitants. Kurt
Ô jJ ÔMandl: Walter Gotell.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅHeart of GloryÁ`,#€%†Á41503.7ƒ
Ô jJt ÔÃÃSurprisingly, Klingons are discovered on a drifting freighter.
Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn) must choose between his Starfleet
career and his warrior heritage when one of the rebellious
Klingon fugitives, Korris, takes control of the ship. K'nera:
Ô jJD ÔDavid Froman.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅWhen the Bough BreaksÁ`,#€%†Á41509.1ƒ
Ô jJ¨ ÔÃÃChildren from the Enterprise are kidnapped by an infertile race
on the planet Aldea which is exposed to high amounts of solar
radiation. Wesley gains control of the planet's computer while
Picard manoeuvres politically. Radue: Jerry Hardin.
Ô jJx! ÔRashella: Brenda Strong.ÄÄÅ€Å

ŀÅHide and QÁ`,#€%†Á41590.5ƒ
Ô jJÜ# ÔÃÃQ (John de Lancie) gives superhuman powers to Riker and tells
him his shipmates' wishes will be granted if he joins with him
and the Q continuum. Riker tries to resist while Q plays more
games, this time French colonial wars, with the Enterprise
Ô jJ¬& Ôcrew.ÄÄÅ€Å

ÅÌÅSkin of EvilÁ`,#€%†Á41601.3ƒ
Ô jJ) ÔÃÃThe senseless loss of Yar shakes the Away Team during an
encounter with the sadistic alien Armus holding Troi (Marina
Sirtis) captive. Picard confronts the creature only to deny it
Ô jJ,+ Ôpassage and the satisfaction of killing others.ÄÄÅÌÅ
à.»,»,}} )
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ÔÃ ÔStardate Order
Ô~ ÔBlake Nancarrow

  3 Responses to “Category : Various Text files
Archive   : STG40610.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: