Category : Various Text files
Archive   : NYPDBLUE.ZIP

Output of file : NYPDGAME.TXT contained in archive : NYPDBLUE.ZIP

Xref: wang
Path: wang!!!!!!psuvax1!!!sepinwal
From: [email protected] (Alan Sepinwall)
Subject: NYPD Blue Drinking Game, Version 1.3
Date: 17 May 1994 21:37:20 GMT
Organization: University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences
Lines: 219
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

Well, for those of you new to the group (or if you've lost your old
copy),I figured I'd repost the latest version of the Drinking Game, which,
as most of you know, just received a bit of publicity in NY Newsday.

Tonight's finale promises to be a doozy, so prepare to be hung over
tomorrow, folks! 🙂

Copyright 1994, Alan Sepinwall
Created by Alan Sepinwall
With help of Paul Sabourin
Patrick Mallon
Steve Wall
Bryan O'Connor
Frank A. Lauro
Dennis Goeckel
James Foust
Lori Karn
Gerald Ross
Geoff Falen
Earl Baker
Dan Gingiss
Don Semmens
Eugene Kushnirksy
Charles Quenneville
Andrea Atkin
Tamar Bihari
Lois Casaleggi
Lori Hylan
Mark Vita
Doug Le

Some basic rules:

-You can play this one of two ways: 1)Everyone drinks whenever any of
these things happens. However, this will probably result in a lot of very
hungover people come Wednesday morning. 2)Everyone picks two characters -
either Kelly or Sipowicz and someone else - and drinks whenever something
from that list comes up. A third option is to be Kelly, someone else, and
Sipowicz, but only drink club soda for Sipowicz. Your call.

-There will also be a list of social drinks at the end, where everyone
*must* drink, regardless. These are things that might be done or said by
any character. There are also a couple that are applicable for either
Sipowicz or Kelly but no one else, and those will have a seperate header.

-Any additions from the previous version will be marked with an asterix

-The rest is pretty self-explanatory. Any questions or suggestions for
additions, send me a line at [email protected]



Asks anyone "Are you okay?"................................Take a drink
Asks Laura if she's okay...................................Two drinks
Bares his butt..............................................Two drinks
Discourages a suspect from asking for a lawyer............One drink
Tells this suspect that he's in the best position he ever will be to
make a deal.........................................Two drinks
Tells suspect, "I've got a problem, and I was wondering if you could
help me with it."...................................Two drinks
Says, "C'mere" to anyone.....................................One drink
Gets a call on his beeper...................................One drink
Works a part-time job as a security guard...................Two drinks
Ends up guarding a beautiful woman.........................Three drinks
Ends up sleeping with her..................................Chug
Uses pizza as a peace offering...............................Two drinks
Sleeps with Janice..........................................One drink
Sleeps with Laura...........................................Two drinks
Verbally threatens a perp...................................One drink
Physically threatens a perp.................................Two drinks
Talks about his drink
Someone else talks about his dad............................two drinks
Someone apologizes and he says "I understand" drink
Someone apologizes and he doesn't accept it................three drinks
He ducks his head in drink

Calls someone an asshole.................One drink for each "asshole"
Does some investigating on his own........................One drink
Tells Kelly, "I'm going back to to talk to - there's
more here than meets the eye."....................Two drinks
Walks into a bar..........................................One drink
Someone offers him a drink................................Two drinks
Backs out of a date with ADA Costas.......................One drink
Makes up with Costas......................................Two drinks
Makes a racial comment....................................One drink
Makes a racial comment to Fancy...........................Two drinks
His son appears..........................................Two drinks
He has trouble looking someone in the eye................One drink
Has a problem with someone who wears a wig................Three drinks
Grabs his crotch..........................................One drink
Physically attacks someone...............................Two drinks
Calls someone a "hump".......................................One drink
Bares his butt.........................chug the whole damn thing and pray
Smiles........................take final drink, as the Armageddon is nigh

When John asks her if she's okay, she replies, "I think so".......One drink
Gets upset with John for prying into her social life............Two drinks
Changes jobs....................................................One drink
Asks John to help her with a problem...........................One drink
Appears in a storyline completely unrelated to John...............Chug

Stammers.................................................One drink
Someone imitates his stammer.............................Two drinks
Starts to flirt with Donna and gets nervous..............One drink
Gets worked up over some mundane issue (the dry cleaning, the X-Mas party,
etc.).............................................One drink
Has an anxiety attack.....................................Two drinks
Leaves his wife..........................................One drink
Goes back to her.........................................Two drinks
Is not used as comic relief..............................Chug

Refers to another cop as "detective"........................One drink
Calls someone by their first name...........................Two drinks
Someone says (either to him or when talking about him) that he'll
make a good detective some day......................One drink
Kelly says it...............................................Two drinks
His father appears..........................................One drink
He calls his father "Poppy".................................Two drinks
Someone comments on the fact that his father looks like he's only
a few years older than him..........................Chug

Someone recites her full name................................One drink
She smiles at Sipowicz......................................One drink
She sleeps with Medavoy.....................................Two drinks
She makes any sort of reference to the NY Rangers...........One drink
Makes a reference to sleeping with a Ranger.................Two drinks
Is hit on by a detective other than Medavoy.................One drink
She wears something other than a sweater.....................Chug

Asks someone to come into his office........................One drink
Chews someone out in his office.............................Two drinks
Is chewed out by Commander Habrill..........................Two drinks
*Is chewed out by anyone else in the department.............Three drinks
We see his family...........................................Two drinks
Complains about how tough it is to be black in they NYPD...One drink
Someone calls him Arthur....................................Chug

Is approached by the mob....................................One drink
Is hit on by a sleazy guy (ie, Richie or Roy Larson)........One drink
Appears nude................................................Two drinks
Makes eye contact with Kelly from across the room...........One drink
Talks about the hit she did.................................One drink
Sleeps with someone other than Kelly........................Two drinks
Is seen in civillian clothes................................Two drinks
Stares at Kelly while he talks with another woman...........One drink

Appears to hate Sipowicz (see early episodes)..............One drink
Goes out with Sipowicz.....................................Two drinks
Tells Sipowicz that she doesn't care about all his bad habits and the
way he used to be..................................Two drinks
Sleeps with Sipowicz.......................................Five drinks
Tells a cop that they're doing something illegal...........One drink
Helps the cops do something unethical......................Two drinks
Does something Laura is too wimpy to do....................One drink

Give their card to a "hurting" person and tell them to "give me a call
if you need to talk"...............................Two drinks
Play good cop, bad cop.....................................One drink
Kelly is the bad cop.......................................Two drinks
*Tell a suspect that another suspect "gave you up"..........One drink
*They're lying when they say the above......................Two drinks

Anyone meets someone and starts a conversation in the drink
Any of the detectives appears in uniform........................two drinks
Any two people have a conversation in the locker drink
One or more of the above is nude................................two drinks
A suspect does not ask for a lawyer.............................two drinks
A detective asks someone, "Do you/did he/did she have enemies?" drink
Anyone other than Sipowicz says "Asshole".....................two drinks

If any of the following terminology is used by anyone:
"reach out".......................................two drinks
"like" used as "suspect" ("We like these X brothers in that
armed robbery...") drink
"make" ("We liked those X brothers in that robbery, but the
case didn't make") drink
"on the job" drink
"lay a loaf"......................................three drinks
"bust your/my/his/her balls" drink
"squeeze your/my/his/her shoes" (used in place of any
busting of balls).........................two drinks

If a guest star: drink
leaves the drink
used to play a superhero in a red costume.......two drinks
gets naked......................................two drinks
is friend or family to a cast member............three drinks
ever appeared on Hill Street Blues..............two drinks
plays their HSB character (i.e., the "I'M BUCK NAKED!!!!!" guy)....chug
Is a cop and loses his job due to a drink

That's basically it for now. Like I said, any suggestions are more than

-Alan Sepinwall
[email protected]


"Ipsa this, you pissy little bitch!"
-Dennis Franz, "NYPD Blue"

  3 Responses to “Category : Various Text files
Archive   : NYPDBLUE.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: