Category : HD Utilities
Archive   : VEMM.ZIP
Filename : VCMGR.LC

Output of file : VCMGR.LC contained in archive : VEMM.ZIP


This code released into public domain with VEMM.EXE,
executable version of this and other subroutines.

For evaluation and documentation purposes only.


#include "vemm.h"
#include "regs.h"


VCMGR Copyright (C) 1987, Marty Ross

This is the VEMM resident manager, using interrupt 0x67
He intercepts and satisfies a subset of LIM/EMS requests.

Functions supported: (function name passed in ah)

bias = 0x3F (this value added to cmd name)

name = (following functions supported)
(in all cases, AH is return status: CHECK IT!)

0 - Internal diagnostic. Prints current array(s).

1 - Get Status. Returns status code in AL.
2 - Get Page Frame Address. Returns PFBA in BX.
3 - Get Unallocated Page Count. Returns DX=total, BX=free
4 - Allocate Pages. Input BX, output DX.
5 - Map Handle Page. Input BX, AL, DX.
6 - Deallocate Pages. Input is DX.
7 - Get EMM Version. Output in AX

12 - Get EMM Handle Count. Output BX.
13 - Get EMM Handle Pages. Input DX, output BX.
14 - Get ALL EMM Handle Pages. Input ES:DI, output BX.

NOTE: In this version, the memory handle '0' is the 'system pool'
where all the free pages are stored. Therefore, the user
will NEVER be handed a memory handle of zero. This is
NOT the case in an AST RAMPAGE(tm) board: it WILL return
the first memoryhandle as zero (so don't count on this
"feature"-- always check the function return code in AH).
Later, we will mask out our system handle from the user.


#define CMD_BIAS 0x3F
#define CMD_NAME(f) (CMD_BIAS+f)

extern union REGS vr ;
extern struct SREGS vsr ;

extern struct vopts vo ;
extern struct vstat vs ;


if (vo.debug && !vo.quiet) {
printf("vcmgr(ax=%04x, bx=%04x, dx=%04x):\n",, vr.x.bx, vr.x.dx);

switch(vr.h.ah) { /* function code is in ah, select on it */

case CMD_NAME(0): /* Print internal map */
if ( vpgmap() ;
else if ( prt_file() ;
else if ( prt_errs() ;
else if ( vpwmap() ;
else if ( vrst() ;
vr.h.ah = (char) 0 ;

case CMD_NAME(1): /* Get Status */
vr.h.ah = vs.stat ;
vs.stat = (char) 0 ; /* Reset also */

case CMD_NAME(2): /* Get PFBA */
vr.x.bx = vs.pfba ;
vr.h.ah = (char) 0 ;

case CMD_NAME(3): /* Get Unallocate Page Count */
vr.x.dx = vs.pages ;
vr.x.bx = vs.vmpgtbl[0][0] ;
vr.h.ah = (char) 0 ;

case CMD_NAME(4): /* Allocate Pages */
vr.h.ah = (char) vcaloc(vr.x.bx, &vr.x.dx) ;

case CMD_NAME(5): /* Map Handle Pages */
vr.h.ah = (char)
vcmap( vr.x.bx,, vr.x.dx ) ;

case CMD_NAME(6): /* Deallocate Pages */
vr.h.ah = (char) vcdaloc(vr.x.dx) ;

case CMD_NAME(7): /* Get EMM Version */ = vs.ver ;
vr.h.ah = (char) 0 ;

case CMD_NAME(12): /* Get EMM Handle Count */
vr.h.ah = (char)
gaehp(0,, vr.x.di, &vr.x.bx) ;

case CMD_NAME(13): /* Get EMM Handle Pages */
vr.h.ah = (char) gehp(vr.x.dx,&vr.x.bx) ;

case CMD_NAME(14): /* Get ALL EMM Handle Pages */
vr.h.ah = (char)
gaehp(1,, vr.x.di, &vr.x.bx) ;

default: /* Unknown Command */
if (vo.debug) {
printf("VEMM: Invalid cmd: %02x.\n",
vr.h.ah) ;
vr.h.ah = (char) 0x84 ;


  3 Responses to “Category : HD Utilities
Archive   : VEMM.ZIP
Filename : VCMGR.LC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: