Category : HD Utilities
Archive   : SDETECT.ZIP
Filename : SDETECT.ASM

Output of file : SDETECT.ASM contained in archive : SDETECT.ZIP
.model small,c
; The following code assumes small C model (DS=SS).
; Intended usage:
; if ((detect_stacker() != 0)
; && (detect_stacker_drive(driveNumber) != 0)
; printf("Drive %c is a Stacker drive",'A'+driveNumber);
; else
; printf("Drive %c is a not a Stacker drive",'A'+driveNumber);
ST_PTR DD 0 ;pointer to Stacker (0-->not there)

; C declaration: int detect_stacker(void);
; Input: None
; Output:AX=0 --> Stacker not installed
; AX<>0 --> Stacker version*100 (e.g. 1.00 --> 0064H)
; Stacker is detected by making an INT 25H call with invalid
; parameters.

PUBLIC detect_stacker

detect_stacker proc
push bp
push si
push di

sub sp,1024 ;use the stack as a temp buffer
;(in case INT 25 returns something!)

mov ax,0cdcdh ;invalid drive #
mov bx,sp ;DS:BX --> buffer for INT 25H
mov cx,1
xor dx,dx ;read boot sector of invalid drive
mov word ptr [bx],dx ;clear the "return" value
push ds ;(set ES:BP to fix DOS 3 INT 25H bug
pop es ; dealing with invalid drives)
mov bp,bx
int 25H
pop cx ;get rid of flags

xor ax,ax ;default is No stacker
mov bx,sp ;point at result
cmp word ptr [bx],0CDCDH ;Stacker INT 25 fills in some fields.
jnz gotres ;Make sure they all match
cmp word ptr 2[bx],1
jnz gotres
les di,4[bx] ;pointer into Stacker
cmp word ptr es:[di],0A55AH ;must find signature
jnz gotres
mov word ptr st_ptr ,di ;save pointer to show it's found
mov word ptr st_ptr+2,es
mov ax,es:[di+2] ;stacker version * 100
add sp,1024

pop di ;restore regs
pop si
pop bp
detect_stacker endp

; C declaration: int detect_stacker_drive(int driveno);
; Input: driveno: 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, etc.
; Output:AX=0 --> Is not a Stacker drive
; AX=1 --> Is a Stacker drive
; Notes:
; In a multitasking environment (e.g. Windows), or with certain TSRs
; present, this test may fail if a background process accesses a
; Stacker drive at just the right time, modifying the UNIT_OFFS global
; in the Stacker resident driver. Most Stacker utilities call this
; routine until the same result is returned several times in a row,
; in order to circumvent this potential (but rare) problem.
; This function uses the removeable media ioctl call to detect
; Stacker drives. However, under DR DOS 5.0, the get logical
; device call (440EH) is used, since DR DOS does NOT pass these
; calls through to the Stacker device driver.

UNIT_OFFS equ 3EH ;offset with Stacker of

PUBLIC detect_stacker_drive

detect_stacker_drive proc driveno:word
uses di,si

cmp word ptr st_ptr+2,0 ;already found Stacker?
jnz stacker_fnd2
call detect_stacker ;if not, try again
xor ax,ax ;return 0 if not found
cmp ax,word ptr st_ptr+2 ;is it there?
jnz stacker_fnd2 ;
; Here if Stacker IS installed.
mov ah,30h ;see if DOS 3.31 (DR DOS or Compaq)
int 21h ;handle Compaq 3.31 like DR DOS
cmp ax,1F03H
mov ax,4408H ;do an ioctl call (removeable media)
jnz chkDrive
mov ax,440EH ;(get logical device for DOS 3.31)
mov bx,driveno
inc bx ;adjust for default

les di,st_ptr
mov byte ptr es:UNIT_OFFS[di],0FFH ;set unit # in resident driver
int 21h ;make the ioctl call
les di,st_ptr ;see if unit # changed during call
mov bl,byte ptr es:UNIT_OFFS[di]

xor ax,ax
cmp bl,0FFH ;set carry unless BL= 0FFH
adc al,0 ;propagate carry into AL
detect_stacker_drive endp


  3 Responses to “Category : HD Utilities
Archive   : SDETECT.ZIP
Filename : SDETECT.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: