Dec 242017
Mass-Store Copy - "Make copies of optical disks while using only one optical drive!" Copies: Bernoulli Box, Erasable Optical, "Super Floppies", WORM disks, or removable/portable hard drives while using only one drive.
File MSCOPY26.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category HD Utilities
Mass-Store Copy – “Make copies of optical disks while using only one optical drive!” Copies: Bernoulli Box, Erasable Optical, “Super Floppies”, WORM disks, or removable/portable hard drives while using only one drive.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
MASSCOPY.DOC 27253 7663 deflated
MASSCOPY.EXE 318676 94766 deflated
MASSCOPY.HLP 44442 13157 deflated
MOUNT.BAT 91 64 deflated
ONE-COPY.BAT 52 51 deflated
README.DOC 1111 499 deflated
REGISTER.DOC 4648 1573 deflated
SITELICE.DOC 17882 5218 deflated
SYSOP.DOC 4516 1852 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated
VENDOR.DOC 4896 1880 deflated

Download File MSCOPY26.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.DOC file

MASS-STORE COPY Ver 2.6 (c) 1991 Informative Technologies
"Make copies of optical disks while using only one optical drive!"

Mass-Store Copy is a practical way to copy optical
disks on a system that has only one optical drive.
You don't have to spend thousands of dollars on a
second optical drive just to make copies of optical disks.
Mass-Store Copy uses the computer's fixed disk to buffer
the information as it is copied from one removable disk to
another. Mass-Store Copy will also copy any DOS compatible
removable disk such as Bernoulli Box disks while needing only
one removable drive.

Type "MASSCOPY" to start Mass-Store Copy.

Information on these files can be obtained from:

David Smith
Informative Technologies Phone (202)-675-4528
1718 M Street NW, Suite 292 FAX (202)-675-4529
Washington, DC 20036 CIS-email #71311,2334

 December 24, 2017  Add comments

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