Dec 122017
A pop-up window that shows free disk space on all hard disk drives.
File FRE34.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category HD Utilities
A pop-up window that shows free disk space on all hard disk drives.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FRE.COM 35974 25740 deflated
FRE.DOC 3627 1432 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File FRE34.ZIP Here

Contents of the FRE.DOC file

Date: December 12, 1989

Program: Fre.Exe (Version 3.4)

Author: Jeffrey S. Morley - Sysop, The Interconnect BBS

Purpose: This program will display a listing of the free space
left on all available hard drives. I will also show
you the total space for each drive in MEGABYTES, and
the percentage used on each of the drives. The size
of the pop-up window will expand/contract to match
the number of hard drives the program finds in your

Syntax: FRE [U/F]
The U parameter will display the USED space on all

The F parameter will display the FREE space on all
drives. This is the default.

If the percentage left is lower than 10 percent of the
total disk space, the percentage figure will blink in

Fre.Exe has multi-drive systems in mind, and is of
limited value if you only have one hard drive. Lots
of other utilities, including DIR - will tell you the
space available on ONE drive at a time. Fre.Exe will
give you this information for ALL hard drives at once.
Different logical partitions are seen as different drives.

Disclaimers: This program was written with several ASM calls to the
operating system, and may not work on all compatibles.
It does NO disk writing however, and when used under the
supervision of an adult, will not harm you or your PC.

Fre.Exe writes directly to the screen, and therefore can
not be used via remote (modem) connection.

Your rights: You may use and distribute this program absoulutly free
I reserve all rights with the exception of the above.

Kudos: This program was written with QuickBasic 4.5, helped along
big time by Hammerly's fabulous Probas 3.0 Routines.

Advertising: Feel free to call The Interconnect BBS at (703)425-2505.

Changes: Version 3.2 is a minor bug fix to correct a problem where
total disk space was incorrect on very large hard drives
with 2K or less clusters.

Version 3.3 now properly reports the total (and therefore
the percentages as well) space on the drives as a function
of MEGABYTES, and not total bytes divided by one million.
This error on my part was causing some large drives with
very little on them to actually report a negative amount
used. The current version will use 1024 as a "K" if you
are running DOS 3.30 or less, and 1048 as a "K" if you are
running DOS 3.31 or higher. This is due to an apparent
change in the way that DOS calculates drive space in the
later versions. Thanks to Warren Sanasac for catching this!

Version 3.4 goes back to displaying FREE space as a function
of millions of BYTES, with the TOTAL continuing to be figured
in MEGS. This kind of skews the percentages a tad, but is
really more informational in a practical sense.

 December 12, 2017  Add comments

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