Category : HD Utilities
Archive   : FIPS12.ZIP
Filename : CHECK.CPP

Output of file : CHECK.CPP contained in archive : FIPS12.ZIP
FIPS - the First nondestructive Interactive Partition Splitting program

Module check.cpp

RCS - Header:
$Header: c:/daten/fips/source/main/RCS/check.cpp 1994/10/13 01:53:19 schaefer Exp schaefer $

Copyright (C) 1993 Arno Schaefer

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Report problems and direct all questions to:

[email protected]

#include "hdstruct.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "fipsspec.h"

void fips_harddrive::check (void)
int i,j,k;
boolean bootable = false;

byte *rootsector = harddrive::rootsector->data;
partition_info *parts = partition_table().partition_info;

int order[4] = {-1,-1,-1,-1};

printx ("\nChecking Rootsector ... ");

if ((*(rootsector+510) != 0x55) || (*(rootsector+511) != 0xaa))
error ("Invalid Rootsector Signature: %02X %02X",*(rootsector+510),*(rootsector+511));

for (i=0;i<4;i++)
if (parts[i].bootable == 0x80)
if (bootable)
if (!global.override_multiple_boot)
error ("More than one bootable Partition");
else bootable = true;
else if (parts[i].bootable != 0)
if (!global.override_bootable_flag)
error ("Invalid bootable-flag: partition %u: %02Xh",i+1,parts[i].bootable);
// must be 0 or 80h

if (parts[i].system)
if ((parts[i].start_sector == 0) || (parts[i].start_sector > geometry.sectors))
error ("Invalid Start Sector: partition %u: %u",i+1,parts[i].start_sector);
if ((parts[i].end_sector == 0) || (parts[i].end_sector > geometry.sectors))
error ("Invalid End Sector: partition %u: %u",i+1,parts[i].end_sector);
if (parts[i].start_head > (geometry.heads - 1))
error ("Invalid Start Head: partition %u: %u",i+1,parts[i].start_head);
if (parts[i].end_head > (geometry.heads - 1))
error ("Invalid End Head: partition %u: %u",i+1,parts[i].end_head);

while (parts[i].start_sector_abs > (parts[i].start_cylinder * geometry.heads * geometry.sectors +
parts[i].start_head * geometry.sectors + parts[i].start_sector - 1))
parts[i].start_cylinder += 1024; // more than 1024 cylinders

if (parts[i].start_sector_abs != (parts[i].start_cylinder * geometry.heads * geometry.sectors +
parts[i].start_head * geometry.sectors + parts[i].start_sector - 1))
error ("Partition Table Corrupt - start: partition %u",i+1);
// physical start sector does not match logical start sector

while ((parts[i].start_sector_abs + parts[i].no_of_sectors_abs - 1) >
(parts[i].end_cylinder * geometry.heads * geometry.sectors +
parts[i].end_head * geometry.sectors + parts[i].end_sector - 1))
parts[i].end_cylinder += 1024; // more than 1024 cylinders

if ((parts[i].start_sector_abs + parts[i].no_of_sectors_abs - 1) !=
(parts[i].end_cylinder * geometry.heads * geometry.sectors +
parts[i].end_head * geometry.sectors + parts[i].end_sector - 1))
error ("Partition Table Corrupt - end: partition %u",i+1);
// physical end sector does not match logical end sector

for (j=0;j<4;j++) // insert partition in ordered table
if (order[j] == -1)
order[j] = i;
else if (parts[i].start_sector_abs < parts[order[j]].start_sector_abs)
for (k=3;k>j;k--) order[k] = order[k-1];
order[j] = i;
else // system = 0
for (j=0;j<16;j++)
if (*(rootsector + 0x1be + 16*i + j))
warning ("Invalid Partition entry: partition %u",i+1);
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
if ((k=order[i]) != -1) // valid partition
if ((parts[k].end_sector != geometry.sectors) || (parts[k].end_head != (geometry.heads - 1)))
warning ("Partition does not end on Cylinder boundary: partition %u",k+1);
if (i != 0) if ((parts[k].start_sector != 1) || (parts[k].start_head != 0))
warning ("Partition does not begin on Cylinder boundary: partition %u",k+1);

if (i<3) if ((j=order[i+1]) != -1) // following valid partition
if ((parts[k].start_sector_abs + parts[k].no_of_sectors_abs) > parts[j].start_sector_abs)
error ("Overlapping Partitions: %u and %u",k+1,j+1);
if ((parts[k].start_sector_abs + parts[k].no_of_sectors_abs) < parts[j].start_sector_abs)
warning ("Free Space between Partitions: %u and %u",k+1,j+1);

for (i=3; i>=0; i--) // if more than 1024 cylinder, adjust geometry
if ((k = order[i]) != -1)
if (parts[k].end_cylinder + 1 > geometry.cylinders)
geometry.cylinders = parts[k].end_cylinder + 1;

printx ("OK\n");

void fips_partition::check (void)
printx ("Checking Bootsector ... ");

byte *bootsector = partition::bootsector->data;

if (*(bootsector) == 0xeb)
if (*(bootsector + 2) != 0x90)
error ("Invalid Jump Instruction in Bootsector: %02X %02X %02X",*(bootsector),*(bootsector+1),*(bootsector+2));
else if (*(bootsector) != 0xe9)
error ("Invalid Jump Instruction in Bootsector: %02X %02X %02X",*(bootsector),*(bootsector+1),*(bootsector+2));

if ((*(bootsector+510) != 0x55) || (*(bootsector+511) != 0xaa))
error ("Invalid Bootsector: %02X %02X",*(bootsector+510),*(bootsector+511));
if (bpb().bytes_per_sector != 512)
error ("Can't handle number of Bytes per Sector: %u",bpb().bytes_per_sector);
switch (bpb().sectors_per_cluster)
case 1:case 2:case 4:case 8:case 16:case 32:case 64:case 128: break;
error ("Number of Sectors per Cluster must be a power of 2: actually it is %u",bpb().sectors_per_cluster);
if (bpb().reserved_sectors != 1)
warning ("Number of reserved sectors should be 1: actually it is %u",bpb().reserved_sectors);
if (bpb().no_of_fats != 2)
error ("Partition must have 2 FATs: actually it is %u",bpb().no_of_fats);
if (bpb().no_of_rootdir_entries % 16)
if (!global.override_rootdir_entries)
error ("Number of Rootdir entries must be multiple of 16: actually it is %u",bpb().no_of_rootdir_entries);
if (bpb().no_of_rootdir_entries == 0)
error ("Number of Rootdir entries must not be zero");
if (bpb().media_descriptor != 0xf8)
if (!global.override_media_descriptor)
error ("Wrong Media Descriptor Byte in Bootsector: %02X",bpb().media_descriptor);
if (bpb().sectors_per_fat > 256)
if (!global.override_large_fat)
error ("FAT too large: %u sectors",bpb().sectors_per_fat);
if (bpb().sectors_per_fat < (info().no_of_clusters + 1) / 256 + 1)
if (!global.override_small_fat)
error ("FAT too small: %u sectors (should be %u)",bpb().sectors_per_fat, (unsigned int) ((info().no_of_clusters + 1) / 256 + 1));
if (bpb().sectors_per_track != drive->geometry.sectors)
warning ("Sectors per track incorrect: %u instead of %u",bpb().sectors_per_track,(int) drive->geometry.sectors);
if (bpb().drive_heads != drive->geometry.heads)
warning ("Number of drive heads incorrect: %u instead of %u",bpb().drive_heads,(int) drive->geometry.heads);
if (bpb().hidden_sectors != partition_info->start_sector_abs)
error ("Number of hidden sectors incorrect: %lu instead of %lu",bpb().hidden_sectors,partition_info->start_sector_abs);

if (info().no_of_clusters <= 4084)
error ("12-bit FAT not supported: number of clusters is %u",(int) info().no_of_clusters);

if (bpb().no_of_sectors)
if (partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs > 0xffff)
error ("Number of sectors (short) must be zero");
if (bpb().no_of_sectors != partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs)
error ("Number of sectors (short) does not match Partition Info:\n%u instead of %lu",bpb().no_of_sectors,partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs);
if (partition_info->system != 4)
warning ("Wrong System Indicator Byte: %u instead of 4",partition_info->system);
if (bpb().no_of_sectors_long != partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs)
error ("Number of Sectors (long) does not match Partition Info:\n%lu instead of %lu",bpb().no_of_sectors_long,partition_info->no_of_sectors_abs);
if (bpb().signature != 0x29)
warning ("Wrong Signature: %02Xh",bpb().signature);
if (bpb().phys_drive_no != drive->number)
warning ("Drive number in bootsector does not match actual drivenumber:\n%02Xh instead of %02Xh"
if (partition_info->system != 6)
warning ("Wrong System Indicator Byte: %u instead of 6",partition_info->system);

printx ("OK\n");

  3 Responses to “Category : HD Utilities
Archive   : FIPS12.ZIP
Filename : CHECK.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: