Category : Display Utilities
Archive   : 2MON10.ZIP
Filename : MPRTSC.ASM

Output of file : MPRTSC.ASM contained in archive : 2MON10.ZIP
comment #

Copyright (c) 1992 Thomas G. Hanlin III
MPRTSC.ASM, assembled with MASM 6.0

v1.0, 03/16/92: initial version
have PrtSc copy the color display to the mono display (for dual monitors)


ResLength equ (Install - Main + 100h + 0Fh) shr 4

Sseg segment byte stack 'prog' ; dummy stack segment
Sseg ends

Cseg segment byte public 'prog'
assume cs:Cseg, ds:Cseg, ss:Sseg

org 100h

Main proc far
jmp Install
Main endp

; ---------------------- INT 5 (PrtSc vector) --------------------------------

PrtSc proc far
sti ;
push cx ;
push si ;
push di ;
push ds ;
push es ;
mov cx,0B800h ;
mov ds,cx ;
mov ch,0B0h ;
mov es,cx ;
mov ch,cl ;
mov si,cx ;
mov di,cx ;
mov cx,80*25 ;
cld ;
rep movsw ;
pop es ;
pop ds ;
pop di ;
pop si ;
pop cx ;
iret ; return

OldPrtSc dw ?,?

; ------------------ INT 2Fh (multiplex interrupt) ---------------------------

MuxHandler: cmp ah,0D9h ; is it for us?
je OurMux ; yep, go process it
NormMux: db 0EAh ; *** self-modifying code: JMP FAR PTR xxxx:yyyy
MOFS dw ? ; original INT 2Fh vector
MSEG dw ?

OurMux: or al,al ; status request?
jnz OM1 ; no, skip
dec al ; AL=0FFh to show we're here
iret ; go directly home
OM1: cmp al,1 ; "remove self" request?
jne OM9 ; no, exit
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
cli ; interrupts off
mov ax,cs:OldPrtSc ; restore old INT 5 vector
mov es:[0014h],ax
mov ax,cs:OldPrtSc+2
mov es:[0016h],ax
mov ax,cs:MOFS ; restore old INT 2Fh vector
mov es:[00BCh],ax
mov ax,cs:MSEG
mov es:[00BEh],ax
push cs
pop es ; put current segment in ES
OM9: iret ; return

PrtSc endp

; ------------------ INSTALLATION routine ---------------------------------

Install proc near
mov dx,offset HeaderMsg
mov ah,9
int 21h ; display copyright/header message
mov ax,0D900h ; query status of our handler
int 2Fh ; ...on the multiplex interrupt
mov INSTALLED,al ; save results for later
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov ch,ah
mov cl,ds:[0080h] ; get command line length
or cx,cx ;
jz Inform ; if null, tell 'em about us
mov si,0081h ; ptr to command line
Parse: lodsb ; get a chr
cmp al,"/" ; slash?
je ParseNext ; yes, ignore
cmp al,"-" ; hyphen?
je ParseNext ; yes, ignore
cmp al," " ; space or control?
jbe ParseNext ; yes, ignore
cmp al,"z" ; alpha chr?
ja Inform ; no, bad parm
cmp al,"a" ; alpha chr?
jb Parse1 ; no, skip
xor al,32 ; convert to lowercase
jmp Parse2
Parse1: cmp al,"Z" ; alpha chr?
ja Inform ; no, bad parm
cmp al,"A" ; alpha chr?
jb Inform ; no, bad parm
Parse2: cmp al,"I" ; install tsr?
jne Parse2d ; no
jmp ParseNext
Parse2d: cmp al,"R" ; remove tsr?
jne Inform ; no
jmp ParseNext
ParseNext: loop Parse

SetupDone: cmp PREMOVE,0 ; remove clock?
jne Remover ; yes
cmp PINSTALL,0 ; install clock?
jne Installer ; yes
jmp Inform ; go tell 'em about us

Remover: mov dx,offset NotHereMsg
cmp INSTALLED,0 ; is the tsr installed?
jz Done ; no, done!
mov ax,0D901h ; tell tsr to remove itself
int 2Fh ; (returns tsr seg in ES)
mov ah,49h ; free up our memory
int 21h
mov dx,offset RemoveMsg
Done: mov ah,9
int 21h ; display message
mov ax,4C00h ; terminate with no error code
int 21h

Installer: cmp INSTALLED,0 ; is the tsr installed?
jz InstallOk ; no, go ahead
mov dx,offset AlreadyMsg
jmp Done

InstallOk: mov es,ds:[002Ch]
mov ah,49h ; release our copy of environment
int 21h
xor ax,ax ; point to BIOS data area
mov es,ax
mov cx,ax
cli ; interrupts off
mov ax,es:[0014h] ; get & save the old INT 5 vector
mov cs:OldPrtSc,ax
mov ax,es:[0016h]
mov cs:OldPrtSc+2,ax
mov ax,es:[00BCh] ; get & save the old INT 2Fh vector
mov cs:MOFS,ax
mov ax,es:[00BEh]
mov cs:MSEG,ax
mov es:[0016h],cs ; install new INT 5 handler
mov word ptr es:[0014h],offset cs:PrtSc
mov es:[00BEh],cs ; install new INT 2Fh handler
mov word ptr es:[00BCh],offset cs:MuxHandler
sti ; interrupts on
mov dx,offset InstallMsg
mov ah,9
int 21h ; display installation message
mov dx,ResLength ; size of interrupt handler (parag)
mov ax,3100h ; terminate and stay resident
int 21h

Inform: mov dx,offset InformMsg
mov ah,9
int 21h ; display information message
mov ax,4C00h ; exit with error code
int 21h
Install endp

; --------------- DATA used only by installation routine ------------------

PINSTALL db 0 ; whether to install ourselves
PREMOVE db 0 ; whether to remove ourselves
INSTALLED db 0 ; whether we're already installed

InstallMsg db 13,10,"MPRTSC installed.",13,10,"$"
RemoveMsg db 13,10,"MPRTSC removed.",13,10,"$"

AlreadyMsg db 13,10,"Error: a 2MON utility is already installed.",13,10,"$"
MissMsg db 13,10,"Error: Missing parameter.",13,10,"$"
NotHereMsg db 13,10,"Error: MPRTSC was not installed.",13,10,"$"

HeaderMsg db "Copyright (c) 1992 Thomas G. Hanlin III",13,10
db "MPrtSc 1.0: Copy color display to mono display (for dual-monitor systems)",13,10
db 13,10,"$"

InformMsg db 13,10
db "This utility changes the function of the PrtSc (PrintScrn) key. When it is",13,10
db "installed, pressing PrtSc copies the color display to the mono display.",13,10
db 13,10
db "MPrtSc options:",13,10
db 13,10
db "/I install the TSR",13,10
db "/R remove the TSR",13,10
db "$"

Cseg ends
end Main

  3 Responses to “Category : Display Utilities
Archive   : 2MON10.ZIP
Filename : MPRTSC.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: