Dec 092017
VGA Clear Screen - replace DOS CLS command with choice of 22 different VGA screen effects.

Full Description of File

VGA Clear Screen Replace
'CLS' with brilliant VGA
color effects that attract
immediate attention.
Enhance your batch files.
Color up your command line.
20 effects that work on
VGA/EGA. [[FreeWare]]

File 1VLS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Display Utilities
VGA Clear Screen – replace DOS CLS command with choice of 22 different VGA screen effects.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CATALOG.COM 31361 10302 deflated
DEMO.BAT 3020 576 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 217 160 deflated
VLS.DOC 7388 2267 deflated
VLS.EXE 87310 49121 deflated

Download File 1VLS.ZIP Here

Contents of the VLS.DOC file

VGA Clear Screen


The ultimate replacement for your old
boring CLS command

Replace the mundane CLS command with exciting, colorful VGA
effects that attract immediate attention. Instead of dull batch files,
yours instantly stand out. When you list a directory, clear the
screen with a cool effect, and relieve some of the boredom associated
with sitting at the computer for hours.

Sure, there are plenty of cute little "CLEAR THE SCREEN" utils
that charge $10.00 and only provide you with one text screen zap.
In fact, I downloaded one yesterday. Ho hum... and the funny thing was
that the author took himself REAL SERIOUSLY. He had the "ShareWare
Idea" text, plus some stuff to make you feel guilty if you did not
register his stuff. And then he had a chapter devoted on "How to
Install this Software". The dang archive only had two files...
TWO FILES. It shouldn't be THAT hard to install!

Well here you go, a FREE utility to clear your screen.
It's rather large, but well worth it. I tried not to install a lot
of drivers and fonts, attempting to reduce the file size. But
anything with VGA graphics will take up MEGA-space.

Oh well.



Usage: VLS pattern [COOL]

VLS picks a random pattern

VLS /? shows a VGA help screen

Pattern can be any one of the screen designs listed below.
COOL creates a random color pattern for each line
as the pixels move
Normally, a color is picked at random, then used
for the screen clearing. COOL makes the colors
change every pixel (try it out on a few and you
will see the difference)
NOTE: Some of the patterns will ignore COOL
because of their unique styles. If
COOL does not change the effect, quit
using it on that pattern.

Patterns include:

1 Moving round
2 Slide up
3 Slide up colorful
4 Exploding ball
5 Round and round
6 Stars
7 Circles
8 Polygons
9 Yarn Ball
10 Slide across
11 Clock
12 Shades pulled
13 Close curtain
14 Double swivel
15 Open diagonal
16 Shooting lines
17 Falling brick
18 Squirmy lines
19 Wiggly line
20 Square explode
21 Wow ! (check this one out first!)
22 Moving curves

Experimentation is the only way to really see the full effect.

Run the enclosed program DEMO.BAT for a quick show of all the
patterns. You may want to create a batch file with your
favorite one, or have several keyboard aliases to play with.

============= MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ===========================================

Typing "VLS" with no arguments causes VLS to pick a random
pattern and use the COOL option.

Also, this should work fine on a EGA system, since I do not
use any actual screen coordinates. Anything lower than
EGA will look like garbage.

Look for version 2.0. I plan to introduce a PLASMA pattern
that moves around the screen (looks fantastic!!!!!)

This program is free. However, see the enclosed CATALOG.COM
file for a great deal on an awesome set of utilities.

Support for this program is available in the following ways:

User ID: 71441,2723
I usually log on every other day and check my mail.

Drop me a line on the MotherBoard II Bulletin Board
David Smith (214) 642-1287

Write to:

David Smith
1104 Mason Dr.
Hurst TX 76053

 December 9, 2017  Add comments

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