Dec 232017
Special Days 2.0 - events that happened on this day - great for birthday cards .
File SPEC_DAY.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Special Days 2.0 – events that happened on this day – great for birthday cards .
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FT10.SFP 32336 2885 deflated
LASERSD.BAT 23 23 stored
LASTDAY.ASC 0 0 stored
LB.TNS 662 362 deflated
LBDAY.FIL 6000 4528 deflated
LBKEY.FIL 3000 440 deflated
LBLOC.FIL 26400 5151 deflated
LBWHO.FIL 85041 34185 deflated
LBYR.FIL 2400 1729 deflated
LHDAY.FIL 6000 4623 deflated
LHIST.TNS 737 399 deflated
LHWHAT.FIL 131520 58121 deflated
LHYR.FIL 3000 2147 deflated
LMBEST.FIL 33000 10147 deflated
LMCOST.FIL 3000 1611 deflated
LMPRES.FIL 2976 1296 deflated
LMSONG.FIL 24450 12869 deflated
LS.TNS 614 346 deflated
README.SD 13312 4445 deflated
SD.EXE 168877 81630 deflated
SETINFO.SDR 175 64 deflated
STATE.SDR 2522 860 deflated

Download File SPEC_DAY.ZIP Here

 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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