Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : SOLON1.ZIP

Output of file : KLONDIKE.HLP contained in archive : SOLON1.ZIP

(Use the Arrow keys, Page Up and Down, Home, End and Tab to
move around the help file. Pressing Escape returns to the game.

In this discussion, the term 'top' refers to the card that is
showing in each column closest to the bottom of the screen; it
is on the top of the 'stack' of cards.)

One deck of 52 cards is used. To start the tableau, deal 7 piles of cards
face down except for the top card in each pile. The first pile has 1 card,
the second contains 2 cards, the third 3 and so on so that the seventh pile
contains 7 cards. The remaining cards form the stockpile.

The object is to build all the cards in suit and sequence upon the aces in
the foundation.

Cards in the tableau are built down in sequence, alternating red and black
cards. When all face up cards are removed from a pile, then the next face
down card in that pile can be turned. If a pile is completely emptied, a
king may be moved to it. A card may be moved to the foundation any time it
can be legally played there, but it cannot be moved back to the tableau.

When no more plays are available in the tableau, then the stockpile is
brought into play. Turn the cards over either 1 or 3 at a time. Only the
top card in the stock may be played. The number of runs through the stock
may be limited, to 1 run if drawing 1 card at a time, or to 3 runs if
drawing 3 cards. If one card is being drawn at a time, it is permissable
to 'peek' at the next card in the stock before playing the one showing.


Foundation - Technically, the four aces upon which the rest of the cards are
built. Used here to more generally mean the box at the middle left of the
screen, where the suits are built.

Game - A hand played through to either winning or losing.

Hand - One deal of the cards to the tableau.

Session - All play until Klondike is exited. Klondike displays the total
wins and losses during a session.

Stockpile - Cards left over from dealing a hand. These cards are available
for play in the upper left box. Sometimes referred to as the reserve.

Tableau - The area where most of the play takes place, the columns at the
right side of the screen.


The Klondike screen has four parts: the tableau, stockpile, foundation and
the information areas. Cards are initially dealt to the tableau, and are
then played in the tableau between columns and from the stockpile, and to
the foundation. The game is won when all the cards are built upon their
aces in the foundation. Some valid keys are shown with their functions in
the information area, along with a running tally of wins and losses.

The entire right section is taken up by the tableau. Each column is
numbered, 1 through 7, and each column except for the first may contain a
number on its left side. This is the number of cards face down in that
pile. If there are no cards face down, then there is no number.

At the upper left side is the stockpile. This is where the cards are turned
over from the stock. Directly underneath it, the number of runs through the
stock is displayed.

In the middle left is the foundation. It is initially empty, and is filled
as cards moved to it.

The lower left is the information area. This shows when certain keys are
valid, and their function. Pay close attention to the key, as at
some times it will cancel a move, and at others it ends the game.


Solon Solitaire Klondike is designed to be easy to play. Start the game,
select the draw options and play away. Play is controlled by entering a
'Move from:' and a 'Move to:' key. 'Move from:' can be a column number or
for the stockpile. 'Move to:' must be a column number, for stock
or for foundation. Simply figure out the next move, enter the
corresponding character, and press .

When the stockpile has been run through, it can be turned over for a fresh
run by entering for both the 'Move from:' and 'Move to:' values,
assuming that unlimited runs was chosen as a draw option.

If all cards are moved from a column so that the next card needs to be
turned, that card will be turned automatically, and the number to the left
of the column indicating the number of cards facedown in the pile will be

Should a mistake be made, one of two things will happen: either the move
will be made, in which case it can be undone by entering at 'Move
from:,' or the move will not be valid, in which case an error message will
appear. Just press a key to erase the error message, and re-enter the 'Move
to:' value. When an error occurs like this, the 'Move from:' value will
still be available. To change it, press or .

Besides the column numbers, and , there are several other valid keys.
Except for and , these are shown in the information area
whenever they can be used.

U - Undo the last move. Only one move can be undone.

P - Peek at the next card in the stockpile. This is only used in the
draw 1 version.

A - Auto finish. Towards the end of the game, this option may appear.
When it does, may be entered as the 'Move from:' value, and the
software will finish the game. For this option to appear, all of the
cards in the tableau must be face up, and there can be no more than
one card in the stockpile.

F1 - Help. Brings up the help file.

F5 - End the game, ask the draw option questions before starting a
new game. can end the game, after getting verification, whether
it is used at 'Move from:' or 'Move to:.'

Backspace - Erase the current entry, or go back to 'Move from:' if the
'Move to:' has not yet been entered.

Escape - If used at 'Move from:', it will end the game, and possibly
start a new game using the same draw options. If used at 'Move to:,'
cancels the current, and returns to a blank 'Move from:.'


When the session is first started, two questions regarding the drawing of
cards from the stockpile must be answered. The answers to these questions
will remain in effect throughout the session, or until is used to end
a game. works similarly to , in that it lets the user end a game
and exit Klondike, but if the user chooses to play another game, the draw
options will be asked once again. Following are the two initial draw
options, and a brief explanation of each.

"Draw 1 or 3 from stockpile? (1/3)" - There are two common ways of
playing Klondike. In one, three cards are dealt at a time from the
stockpile, the other method is to draw just one card at a time from
the stock. Press <1> or <3> here to specify the method to be used.

"Unlimited runs through stock? (Y/N)" - It is possible to limit the
number of runs through the stockpile. Many feel that this makes for
a more challenging game, others think that it just makes it that much
more difficult to win. Answering here will limit the number of
runs to 1 run if the draw 1 method is played, or to 3 runs if the draw
3 version is played.


Several messages can appear on the message line. Perhaps the best is
"!!!YOU WON!!!" flashing excitedly. This section will describe the messages
that can appear on this line. There are two types of messages. One is just
informational, and pressing any key will return to the game. The other
kind, which is always followed by '(Y/N),' is actually a question that must
be answered either for yes or for no.

"No cards in stock" - An attempt was made to move a card from the
stockpile after it has been exhausted. This error is detected as soon
as the 'Move from:' column is entered.

"No cards in that column" - An attempt was made to move a card from
a column that is empty. This error is detected as soon as the 'Move
from:' column is entered.

"Runs through stock were limited" - When the session was started, the
question 'Unlimited runs through stock?' was answered , hence the
number of runs through the stockpile were limited to 1 or 3, depending
on the number of cards drawn. Attempting to turn the stockpile over
for another run after the final run results in this message.

"Cannot move that to the foundation" - The card in the stock or column
that is being moved cannot be placed on the foundation yet. The
foundation is built up in sequence and in suit.

"Only Kings can move to open columns" - An attempt was made to move
some card other that a king to an open column.

"Alternate red and black in the columns" - The tableau columns require
building down in sequence, alternating black and red cards.

"Cannot move to there" - This error should never be seen; it indicates
that a move to a full column was attempted. One exception: moving an
ace to a column that started with a king. Move aces the foundation.

"Move ace to foundation first" - Occurs when a move between columns
includes both the ace and king. Move the ace to the foundation.

"Cannot move that to there" - In moving cards between columns, either
the red and black cards were not alternating properly, or the sequence
would be broken if the move was allowed.

"Not enough memory to use help" - Not enough memory is available to
use help. Since this game does not require much memory, most users
will never see this message. If it appears, try exiting other
applications before playing Klondike. The help file, named
KLONDIKE.HLP, can also be printed or read directly from DOS; it is a
plain ASCII file. Please do not change the formatting of the file;
the help feature uses the formatting for clues on how to perform
various functions.

"KLONDIKE.HLP not in current directory" - The help feature uses a file
named KLONDIKE.HLP. It must be in the subdirectory in which Klondike
was started. This error will always cause the help feature to be
turned off for the remainder of the session. To enable help, quit the
game and copy KLONDIKE.HLP into the current subdirectory, then start
the game again.

"Error reading KLONDIKE.HLP" - Some DOS error occurred while the help
file was being read. This may indicate that there is a hardware
problem, and the disk system should be checked. It may also be some
temporary problem. Recopying the original help file to the Solon
Solitaire directory often helps. This error will always cause the
help feature to be turned off for the remainder of the session.

"End this game now? (Y/N)" - Confirms that or , to quit the
game, was pressed on purpose.

"Start another game? (Y/N)" - Asking whether a new game should be
started, this question will appear after a game has been won or quit.
If was used to quit, then the draw option questions will be asked
prior to starting a new game.

"!!!YOU WON!!!" - Congratulations.


Solon Software is dedicated to producing quality software. The Solon
Solitaire game series is the first of a wide variety of fun and/or useful,
as well as easy to use, programs. The success of this company depends on
the support of its users. If you enjoy the games, please send us $10 and
your name and address. We will place your name on our mailing list (this
list will never be given or sold to any other company or individual), and
you will periodically receive notification of other games and software
available. If you send $25, you will receive at least three additional
games immediately, and any other Solon Solitaire games that may be created
for one year after registering. This includes any updates to existing Solon
Solitaire games. If you send more than $25, that would be great; we'll be
able to make our payroll!

If you need help, have suggestions for our games, or ideas for other
products, please let us know. Any registered user can include a phone
number if a return phone call, rather than a letter, is preferred.
Registered users always have priority in support and service.

Send registrations and payment (US Funds) to:

Solon Software
P.O. Box 6117
Boston, MA 02209-6117

Copyright (C) 1992 Solon Software All Rights Reserved

This software is shareware. It may be freely distributed as long as these
files are included with the distribution:
SOLON1.EXE (Solon Solitaire menu program)
SOLON.HLP (Solon Solitaire menu help file)
INTELL.SOL (Intelligence solitaire game)
INTELL.HLP (Intelligence help file)
KLONDIKE.SOL (Klondike solitaire game)
KLONDIKE.HLP (Klondike help file)
LBL.SOL (La Belle Lucie solitaire game)
LBL.HLP (La Belle Lucie help file)
README.COM (Installation and general information program)
README.SOL (Installation and general information)
SHARDIST.LST (List of files for distribution)

No other Solon Solitaire games are distributed as shareware. They cannot
be distributed to any user, company, or bulletin board except by Solon
Software and its employees.

  3 Responses to “Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : SOLON1.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: