Dec 232017
Rock and Roll music trivia game.
File ROCKTM.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
Rock and Roll music trivia game.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ORDER.DOC 2996 501 deflated
ROCK.ANS 53037 12547 deflated
ROCK.CFG 251 79 deflated
ROCK.DOC 11083 3340 deflated
ROCK.EXE 117268 60274 deflated
ROCK.HNX 1025 34 deflated
ROCK.HOF 162 71 deflated
ROCK.HPX 1024 36 deflated
ROCK.QU1 10306 3108 deflated
ROCK.QU2 10306 3284 deflated
ROCK.QU3 10306 3262 deflated
ROCK.QU4 10306 3554 deflated
ROCK.QU5 10306 2871 deflated
ROCK.QU6 10306 3135 deflated
TOOLKIT.DOC 2022 763 deflated

Download File ROCKTM.ZIP Here

Contents of the ORDER.DOC file


Name: ____________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City: _________________ State: ___________ Zip: ________

Disk Qty. Cost Total
Size Each
Rock 'N' Roll Trivial Matters | 5.25 | | 19.50 | |
| 3.5 | | 19.50 | |
Baseball Trivial Matters | 5.25 | | 19.50 | |
| 3.5 | | 19.50 | |
Trivia Game Toolkit | 5.25 | | 49.50 | |
| 3.5 | | 49.50 | |
Subtotal | |
Shipping & Handling | 2.00 |
WI res. add 5% sales tax | |
------------------------------------------- ---------
| Method of Payment: |
| ___ Check or Money Order |
| ___ VISA ___ MasterCard |
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| Account Number: ______________________ |
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| Expiration Date: ______________________ |
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| Signature: ___________________________ |

Send completed form along with payment to:

Software Creations, Inc.
P.O. Box 484, Greendale, WI 53129

 December 23, 2017  Add comments

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