Output of file : POOLMSTR.HLP contained in archive :
( General Help Information. ( (Pool-Meister ÿhas been designed to ÿkeep(track ÿof the four most popular types of(football pools. ÿThe program comes with(a ÿPro and selected College ÿTeam ÿfile.(Upon registration, ÿthe Pro schedule for(the season is included. ( (The ÿfirst ÿtype of pool is ÿthe ÿsimple(won/lost pool. ÿIn this game, ÿÿplayers(select ÿthe team that they feel will win(each particular game. ( (The ÿsecond ÿtype of ÿgame ÿfollows ÿthe(above ÿÿformat ÿwith ÿthe ÿaddition ÿÿof(playing ÿagainst the week's line. ÿÿThe(third type of game allows the players to(make their selections with ÿ"confidence"(points. ÿÿUsing confidence points, ÿthe(players ÿrank their selections based ÿon(the confidence they have for their picks(on each game. ( (For ÿexample, ÿthe game a player has the(least ÿconfidence in would be ranked ÿ1,(the ÿone with the most confidence ÿwould(be ÿranked ÿhighest (14 ÿif ÿplaying ÿ14(games). ÿÿThe fourth game ÿfollows ÿthe(confidence point rules with the addition(of playing against the week's line. ( (To setup parameters under which the pool(will ÿbe played, ÿselect item F5 ÿon the(Main ÿMenu. ÿThe first five items (Line(Play, ÿConfidence Pool, Tie Points, ÿTie(Breaker, ÿPlayer Initials) ÿare selected(by saying Y or N. ( (The ÿnext two setup parameters ÿare ÿfor(printer output. ÿThe first is a ÿnumber(from 1 to 3 corresponding to LPT1, ÿLPT2(or ÿLPT3. ÿÿThe next parameter ÿis ÿthe(number of Lines/Page for printed output.(The ÿfinal parameter is for your name ÿ-(the Pool-Meister. ( (When ÿall changes have been made to ÿthe(default options, pressing F10 ÿwill save(them on a ÿpermanent basis in the set-up(file on the logged drive and directory. ( (The next step is to establish the Player(file. ÿSelect Main Menu item F2 ÿto add(the ÿnames of the players ÿin the ÿpool.(This ÿfile may be modified at any ÿtime,(although players may not ÿbe deleted ÿif(they are ÿplaying ÿin the current week's(pool. ÿMore information is available on(the Player help screen. ( (To make changes to the team file, select(Main Menu item F3, Team Maintenance. To(make changes to ÿthe Game ÿfile, ÿselect(Main ÿMenu item ÿF4, ÿGame ÿMaintenance.(You ÿmay add or delete teams ÿor ÿgames,(change the conference, ÿdivision or team(totals of a ÿteam, ÿor the date, time or(line/score of a game. More ÿinformation(is available in the help screens. ( (To perform the weekly functions, ÿselect(item ÿF1 ÿÿon ÿthe ÿMain ÿMenu. ÿÿThese(include: ÿÿ1) ÿSetting up a weekly ÿgame(file, ÿ2) ÿPrinting forms for players to(enter their picks on, ÿ3) ÿPlayer ÿpicks(entry, 4) ÿWeekly game maintenance (line(and score updates), ÿand 5) Player point(computation and ranking. ÿÿMore help is(available in the Weekly Menu. ( (Pool-Meister ÿloads ÿeach ÿof ÿthe ÿdata(files into RAM. The restrictions on the(number ÿof ÿplayers, ÿÿteams ÿand ÿgames(depends on the amount of memory in ÿyour(machine. ÿÿGenerally, ÿÿ256K should ÿbe(sufficient ÿfor ÿyour processing. ÿÿThe(only ÿsoftware ÿadded restriction ÿis ÿa(limit of 100 games per week maximum. ( ( * User Supported Software * (If you have suggestions, enhancements or([bugs], ÿÿplease include them with ÿyour(registration fee. You are encouraged to(copy and share this program with others,(on the condition that the program is not(distributed ÿin modified form, ÿthat ÿno(fee ÿor consideration is ÿcharged, ÿÿand(that ÿthis ÿnotice ÿis not ÿbypassed ÿor(removed. ( ( Flamingo Software ( Post Office Box 1338 ( Annandale, Virginia 22003-9338 ( Main Menu Help Information. ( (Select the desired option from the ÿMain(Menu ÿÿby ÿÿpressing ÿÿthe ÿÿappropriate(Function Key: ( F1 - Weekly Menu ( F2 - Player Maintenance ( F3 - Team Maintenance ( F4 - Game Maintenance ( F5 - Pool-Meister Set Up ( F9 - General Help Information ( F10 - Exit Pool-Meister ( (Select F9 (General Help Information) for(more details on each option within Pool-(Meister. ( Weekly Help Information. ( (The first ÿstep in weekly ÿprocessing is(to ÿselect the Start Date and Game ÿType(for the week's pool. Press F1 and Pool-(Meister will offer a suggested date ÿand(game ÿtype ÿfor the week's pool. ÿIf ÿa(pool is in process, ÿyou may start a new(pool, ÿÿbut ÿthe weekly file ÿof ÿplayer(picks will be deleted. ( (By pressing F10 ÿon the Weekly Game Set-(Up ÿscreen, ÿÿthose games falling within(the week chosen and ÿwith ÿthe game type(chosen will be selected ÿfor weekly pool(processing. ÿGame ÿLines/Scores may ÿbe(updated ÿÿand ÿÿgeneral ÿTeam ÿand ÿGame(processing ÿmay ÿbe ÿperformed. ÿÿÿGame(Lines/Scores ÿmay ÿalso ÿbe ÿupdated ÿby(pressing F4 from the Weekly Menu. ( (Once ÿall ÿgames have been selected ÿand(Game ÿLines updated (if playing ÿwith ÿa(line), ÿÿÿthe ÿÿnext ÿstep ÿÿin ÿÿweekly(processing ÿis to Print the Weekly ÿGame(Form. ÿÿThis form is used by ÿthe ÿpool(players to select their weekly picks. ( (After ÿpool players have returned ÿtheir(game ÿforms, ÿoption F3 ÿ(Update ÿPlayer(Picks) ÿÿÿis ÿÿused ÿÿto ÿÿenter ÿÿtheir(selections. ÿÿThe ÿPlayer Picks ÿUpdate(screen ÿis formatted like the game ÿform(for ÿÿentering ÿÿeach ÿplayer's ÿÿpicks.(Player ÿpicks may be printed ÿfrom ÿthis(screen ÿfor ÿdistribution prior ÿto ÿthe(weekly games. ( (The next step in weekly processing is to(enter ÿthe ÿgame scores by ÿpressing ÿF4((Update ÿGame Lines/Scores). ÿOnce game(scores have been entered, ÿselect option(F5 (Weekly Point Totals) for determining(the ÿÿweek's ÿwinner(s) ÿÿor ÿleader(s).(Interim results may be calculated ÿusing(option ÿF8. ÿFor example, ÿon Monday if(playing ÿa pro schedule, ÿinterim player(standings may be printed which ÿincludes(picks ÿÿand ÿÿcurrent ÿÿtotals. ÿÿÿUpon(completion ÿÿof ÿÿall ÿÿgames, ÿÿÿplayer(standings may be printed and ÿthe weekly(totals ÿmay ÿbe ÿadded ÿto ÿyear-to-date(totals. ÿÿIf weekly totals are added to(year-to-date ÿtotals, ÿweekly processing(is ÿcompleted ÿand the ÿweekly ÿfile ÿis(erased ÿÿin ÿpreparation ÿfor ÿthe ÿnext(week's ÿprocessing. ÿÿY-T-D totals ÿare(kept for players and teams. ( Weekly Menu Help Information. ( (Select ÿÿthe ÿdesired ÿoption ÿfrom ÿthe(Weekly Menu by pressing the ÿappropriate(Function Key: ( F1 - Weekly Game Set-Up ( F2 - Print Weekly Game Form ( F3 - Update Player Picks ( F4 - Update Game Lines/Score ( F5 - Weekly Point Totals ( F9 - Weekly Help Information ( F10 - Exit to Main Menu ( (Select F9 ÿ(Weekly Help Information) for(more ÿÿdetails ÿon ÿeach ÿoption ÿwithin(Weekly Pool Processing. ( Player Maintenance Help Information. ( (The ÿPlayer Maintenance ÿscreen is ÿused(for ÿÿmaintaining ÿinformation ÿon ÿÿthe(players ÿin the pool. ÿPlayer Initials,(Name ÿ(enter last name first for ÿproper(sorting), Phone No. or Ext. and Room No.(are ÿÿmodifiable ÿthrough ÿthis ÿscreen.(Press F1 ÿto add a new player; ÿPress F2(to update an existing player (Y-T-D pool(totals ÿare ÿalso modifiable ÿfor ÿerror(correction); Press F3 to delete a player((players in the current week's pool ÿmay(not ÿbe deleted); ÿPress F4 ÿto sort the(players by Initials, ÿName, or Games Won(if ÿnot ÿplaying a ÿconfidence ÿpool ÿor(Total ÿPoints ÿif playing ÿa ÿconfidence(pool; ÿPress F5 ÿto print players by the(current sort. The Player Listing ÿÿwill(print ÿeither ÿPlayer Initials ÿor ÿName(based ÿÿupon ÿÿthe selection made on the(Pool-Meister Set-Up ÿscreen. ÿPress F10(to ÿsave ÿany ÿchanges ÿmade ÿor ÿF9 ÿto(maintain ÿthe ÿplayer ÿfile ÿas ÿit ÿwas(before entering this screen. ( Team Maintenance Help Information. ( (The Team Maintenance screen is used ÿfor(maintaining ÿthe ÿteam ÿinformation ÿfor(pool processing. ÿÿTeam Name, Team Type((Pro, College or Other), Team Conference(and Team Division are added through this(screen. ÿÿPress F1 ÿto add a new ÿteam;(Press ÿF2 ÿÿto update an ÿexisting ÿteam((Y-T-D team totals are also modifiable);(Press F3 to delete a team. Teams may be(added ÿat any time; ÿteams ÿmay ÿnot ÿbe(deleted if ÿa game exists for that team.(Press ÿF4 ÿto print team standings based(upon Y-T-D totals. ÿPress F5 ÿto ÿprint(the ÿteams sorted by ÿTeam Type and Team(Name. ÿÿPress F10 ÿto save any ÿchanges(made or F9 ÿto maintain the team file as(it was before entering this screen. ( Game Maintenance Help Information. ( (The ÿGame Maintenance screen is used for(maintaining ÿÿthe ÿgames ÿselected ÿÿfor(weekly pool processing. Press F1 to add(a new game. ÿHome and Visitor Teams are(selected from the Team File by ÿpointing(the high-lighted line at the appropriate(team. ÿTeam Types must be the same and,(of ÿcourse, ÿa ÿteam cannot play against(itself. Game Date, Game Time, ÿLine (if(playing ÿwith a line as determined ÿfrom(the ÿSet-Up screen) ÿand Home & ÿVisitor(Scores may be entered. Games are sorted(by Team Type, Game Date and Game Time. ( (Press ÿF2 ÿÿto update game ÿinformation.(Teams ÿplaying ÿin ÿthe ÿselected ÿgame,(however, ÿmay not be changed. ÿPress F3(to ÿdelete a game. ÿIf the ÿgame ÿfalls(within ÿthe ÿcurrent week's pool ÿand ÿa(pool ÿis in process, ÿa ÿwarning message(will ÿbe displayed suggesting ÿthat ÿthe(game ÿnot be deleted. ÿIf the ÿgame ÿis(deleted, ÿplayer picks for the week will(be updated removing their selection. ( (Press F5 ÿto print the games. Games may(be ÿprinted ÿto ÿthe ÿscreen, ÿÿdisk ÿor(printer (LPT1, LPT2 ÿor LPT3 ÿas defined(in ÿthe Set-Up screen). ÿPress F10 ÿÿto(save ÿany ÿchanges made or F9 ÿto ÿleave(without saving. ( Pool-Meister Set-Up Help Information. ( (The ÿPool-Meister Set-Up screen is ÿused(to ÿset-up ÿparameters under ÿwhich ÿthe(pool ÿwill ÿbe played. ÿThe first ÿitem((Play With ÿA ÿLine) ÿis ÿselected ÿwhen(point ÿÿspreads ÿÿare ÿto ÿbe ÿused ÿÿin(determining ÿÿwhether ÿÿa ÿÿplayer ÿÿhas(selected the winning team. For example,(if ÿthe ÿhome team is favored by ÿ3 ÿ1/2(points ÿand the home team wins by only 3(points, then a player selecting the home(team ÿwould not be awarded the pick ÿfor(that game. ( (The second item (Confidence Pool) allows(the ÿplayers ÿto make ÿtheir ÿselections(with ÿÿ"confidence" ÿÿÿpoints. ÿÿÿUsing(confidence ÿpoints, ÿÿthe ÿplayers ÿrank(their selections based on the confidence(they have for their picks on each ÿgame.(For ÿexample, ÿthe game a player has the(least ÿconfidence in would be ranked ÿ1,(the ÿone with the most confidence ÿwould(be ÿranked ÿhighest (14 ÿif ÿplaying ÿ14(games). The winner in a Confidence Pool(is determined by who has the most points(for ÿthe ÿweek. ÿBy selecting "N" ÿÿfor(Confidence Pool, the pool will be played(as a simple won/lost pool. ( (The third item (Points For Ties) is used(in ÿthose cases where a game ends ÿin ÿa(tie. ÿIn a won/lost pool, the game will(be awarded to a player regardless of the(team selected. ÿIn a Confidence Pool, a(player's ÿÿconfidence ÿpoints ÿwill ÿÿbe(awarded regardless of the team selected.(By selecting "N", ÿgames ending in a tie(will result in a wash for all players. ( (The fourth item (Tie Breaker) is used in(those ÿcases ÿwhere a weekly ÿpool ÿends(with more than one winner. Total points(for ÿthe ÿlast game in the ÿweek ÿ(i.e.,(Monday Night for Pro games) are selected(by each player. ÿThe winner closest ÿto(the Total Points breaks the tie. ( (The fifth item (Use Player Initials) ÿis(used ÿin ÿPool-Meister ÿreporting. ÿÿBy(selecting this item, ÿPlayer's ÿinitials(are ÿÿsubstituted ÿin ÿall ÿPool-Meister(reports where Player Name would normally(appear. ( (The ÿnext two setup parameters ÿare ÿfor(printer output. ÿThe first is a ÿnumber(from 1 to 3 corresponding to LPT1, ÿLPT2(or ÿLPT3. ÿÿThe next parameter ÿis ÿthe(number of Lines/Page for printed output.(The ÿfinal ÿparameter (Pool-Meister) ÿis(used ÿon ÿthe Game Form so players ÿwill(know to whom the form is to be returned.( (When ÿall changes have been made to ÿthe(default options, pressing F10 ÿwill save(them on a ÿpermanent basis in the set-up(file on the logged drive and directory. ( Weekly Game Set-Up Help Information. ( (In ÿorder to begin pool processing for a(week, ÿÿthe Weekly Game Set-Up screen is(accessed. A Start Date for the week and(Game Type (Pro, ÿCollege, ÿOther or All)(are selected. Pressing F10 will display(the ÿWeekly ÿGame ÿscreen ÿwhere ÿÿgames(falling within ÿthe ÿselected parameters(are available for game ÿline update ÿ(if(playing with a line). ( (If ÿa pool is in process, ÿpressing ÿF10(and then ÿsaving ÿon ÿÿthe ÿWeekly ÿGame(screen ÿwill ÿdelete ÿthe current week's(data and begin a ÿnew pool. ÿThe Weekly(Game Set-Up ÿscreen will ÿindicate ÿas a(warning if the current week's processing(is not complete. (Print Weekly Game Form Help Information.( (Once ÿWeekly Game Set-Up processing ÿand(Game ÿLines ÿupdated (if playing with ÿa(line) have been performed, the next step(in ÿweekly ÿpool processing is to ÿprint(the ÿWeekly Game Form. ÿThe Weekly Game(Form ÿis ÿused by the pool ÿplayers ÿfor(entering ÿtheir ÿpicks. ÿThe Game ÿForm(screen requires entry of a date and time(for when the form is to be returned and,(optionally, ÿÿallows up to four lines of(messages to be printed. ( (The Game Form will indicate to whom ÿthe(form ÿÿis ÿto ÿbe ÿreturned ÿ(the ÿPool-(Meister) ÿÿand ÿmay ÿbe printed ÿto ÿthe(screen, disk or printer. ( Update Player Picks Help Information. ( (The ÿUpdate Player Picks screen is ÿused(for ÿentering ÿeach player's picks ÿfrom(their ÿreturned game forms. ÿPicks ÿare(added by pressing F1 ÿafter highlighting(the ÿÿappropriate ÿÿplayer ÿÿfrom ÿÿÿthe(selection screen. ÿPicks may be updated(by pressing F2 ÿand a player's picks for(the week may be deleted by pressing F3. ( (Press ÿÿF4 ÿÿto ÿsort ÿthe ÿplayers ÿÿby(Initials, ÿÿName, ÿor Games Won ÿif ÿnot(playing ÿa ÿconfidence ÿpool ÿor ÿÿTotal(Points if playing a confidence pool. An(asterisk ÿÿat ÿthe ÿend ÿof ÿeach ÿÿline(indicates those players whose picks have(already ÿbeen added. ÿOnce ÿall ÿplayer(picks have been added/updated, ÿpress F5(to ÿÿprint ÿÿthe ÿÿweekly ÿÿpicks ÿÿÿfor(distribution ÿprior to the week's games.(The ÿPlayer Picks ÿlisting ÿÿwill ÿprint(either ÿPlayer ÿInitials ÿor ÿName based(upon ÿÿthe ÿselection made on the ÿPool-(Meister ÿSet-Up ÿscreen. ÿPress F10 ÿto(save any changes made or F9 ÿto maintain(the ÿplayer's weekly picks ÿas they were(before entering this screen. (Update Game Line/Score Help Information.( (The Update ÿGame ÿLine/Score ÿscreen ÿis(used for entering game lines (if playing(a line) ÿand game scores once games have(been ÿcompleted. ÿÿAll games ÿwithin ÿa(week's ÿpool may be updated in ÿsequence(by pressing F1. Individual games may be(updated ÿby ÿpressing ÿF2. ÿÿHome ÿÿand(visitor teams, ÿgame date and game ÿtime(may not be changed. ÿPress F10 ÿto save(any changes made or F9 ÿto maintain ÿthe(game ÿlines/scores ÿas they were ÿbefore(entering this screen. ( Weekly Player Picks Help Information. ( (The ÿWeekly Player Picks screen is ÿused(for ÿentering ÿeach player's picks ÿfrom(their returned game forms. ÿThis screen(is used for adding and updating player's(picks ÿfor ÿthe ÿweek. ÿThe ÿscreen ÿis(structured ÿlike the game form for ÿease(of entry. ( (If ÿplaying ÿa ÿconfidence ÿpool, ÿÿeach(player's ÿÿpicks ÿare ÿentered ÿusing ÿa(number ÿfrom one to the number of ÿgames(in the pool. ÿFor ÿexample, ÿthe game a(player has the least confidence in would(be ÿranked ÿ1, ÿÿthe ÿone with the ÿmost(confidence ÿwould be ÿranked highest (14(if ÿplaying 14 ÿgames). ÿEach number is(placed ÿnext to the team the player ÿhas(selected. ( (If not playing a ÿconfidence pool, ÿeach(player's ÿpicks ÿare entered placing ÿan("X" next ÿto ÿthe ÿteam ÿthe ÿplayer has(selected. ( (If ÿplaying ÿa tie breaker, ÿÿthe ÿtotal(points ÿfor the last game in the week is(entered ÿat ÿthe bottom of ÿthe ÿscreen.(Press F10 to save any changes made or F9(to ÿmaintain ÿthe player's picks as they(were before entering this screen. ( Weekly Point Totals Help Information. ( (Once game ÿscores have been entered, the(Weekly ÿPoint Totals screen is ÿused ÿto(determine ÿÿthe ÿweek's ÿwinner(s) ÿÿÿor(leader(s). ÿÿPress ÿF8 ÿÿto ÿÿcalculate(interim ÿresults, ÿif all games ÿare not(complete, or F10 ÿto calculate the final(pool ÿÿresults. ÿÿThe ÿÿwinner(s) ÿÿÿor(leader(s) will ÿbe ÿdisplayed. ÿÿPlayer(current ÿÿÿtotals ÿÿÿor standings may be(printed to the screen, disk or printer. ( (The weekly totals with option F10 may be(added to year-to-date totals. If weekly(totals are added to year-to-date totals,(weekly ÿprocessing ÿis completed and the(weekly file is erased in preparation for(the next week's processing. Press F9 to(abandon the results if additional player(updates are to be made. ÿOnce a pool is(completed ÿby pressing F10, ÿall ÿplayer(entries ÿare ÿerased ÿand ÿÿyear-to-date(totals are updated. ( Weekly Game Set-Up Help Information. ( (The games listed on the Weekly Game Set-(Up screen are those games falling within(the week and game type selected for this(week's pool. Game ÿLines/Scores may ÿbe(updated ÿÿand ÿÿgeneral ÿTeam ÿand ÿGame(processing may be performed. ( (If all games for the week's pool are not(listed, ÿÿGame ÿFile Maintenance may ÿbe(performed ÿby ÿpressing F1. ÿTeam ÿFile(Maintenance may be performed by pressing(F2. ÿÿThese options are ÿequivalent ÿto(selecting ÿoptions F3 ÿand F4 ÿfrom ÿthe(Pool-Meister Main Menu. ( (Normally, ÿÿonly the game lines would be(updated from this screen by pressing F4;(although, ÿÿscores may also be ÿupdated.(Press ÿF5 ÿto print the weekly game form(to the screen, disk or printer. Be sure(to press F10 when leaving this screen to(complete the ÿset-up ÿprocess for ÿa new(week's pool. ( Select Game Form Week Help Information.( (The ÿSelect ÿGame ÿForm Week ÿscreen ÿis(accessed ÿfrom ÿWeekly Menu ÿoption ÿF2.(Normally, ÿÿthis screen would be used to(print ÿa game form for the current ÿweek(and the parameters displayed will be for(the current week's pool. ÿÿTo ÿprint ÿa(game form ÿwithout starting a new weekly(pool, ÿthe Select Game ÿForm Week screen(can be used. ÿA Start Date for the week(and Game Type (Pro, ÿÿCollege, ÿOther or(All) ÿÿare selected. ÿPressing F10 will(display ÿthe ÿPrint ÿWeekly ÿGame ÿÿForm(screen where games ÿfalling ÿwithin ÿthe(selected parameters are used in printing(the ÿGame ÿForm. ÿÿThe ÿstatus ÿof ÿthe(current ÿweek's pool is not ÿchanged ÿby(modifying the default parameters.
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: http://www.os2museum.com/wp/mtswslnk/