Category : A Collection of Games for DOS and Windows
Archive   : PARTY.ZIP
Filename : SWINTRO.DOC
This condensed version of CREATIVE PARTIES FOR KIDS (Version
1.0) is being distributed via shareware, the unique "try before
you buy" method of shopping. Browse through the following
chapters and learn some great ways to delight your children at
their next birthday party! To receive the complete version of
this disk, which is packed with winning ideas and recipes and
includes easy, step-by-step cake sculpting instructions and a
color photocopy of six different sculpted cakes, return to the
Main Menu and select HOW TO REGISTER/ORDER FORM. Simply press
[P] to print the registration form, complete it and mail it with
your payment.
Copyright 1992 by Lauri Wilkens
Carson City, Nevada
Feel free to copy and share this disk as long as all files
remain intact and unchanged.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Parents with two to three children
will host 36 to 54 birthday parties! YIPES!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * *
2-4 PM
June 5th, 2PM - Doorbell Rings. Standing in the doorway is one
of Mike's friends, Jacob, wearing a huge smile and carrying a
brightly wrapped present in his hand. "Oh, I'm sorry, honey,
you've got the wrong day. Mike's birthday party is tomorrow."
(The sound of a child crying always gets me.)
June 6th. The table is spread with an assortment of goodies
you've labored over for hours. Multi-colored streamers hang from
the ceiling creating a festive atmosphere. All systems are go!
2PM - Doorbell Rings. Mike's twelve invited guests stream
through the door.
2:15 - The food is gone. Only the curried raisin chutney remains
(okay, it was long shot). The dining room is a shambles with
crepe paper littering the floor. All thirteen kids are huddled
around the TV, playing Nintendo.
Your child anxiously waits 365 days for his or her birthday
to arrive. Naturally, you want it to be special. It's easy to
envision the little darling surrounded by his or her special
friends happily celebrating their big day!
I have to admit, though, the thought of giving my first at-
home birthday party had me shakin' in my boots! So many kids!
So little time! What would I do with them? Maybe I should just
let McDonald's handle it again this year?
Actually, a restaurant hosted party can be the answer for
many a weary parent. You don't have to clean up beforehand, no
preparation of any kind is needed. Their staff entertains the
kids, feeds 'em, keeps them in line - and the kids seem to have
fun. Even the per child price is comparable to home
preparations. So why not?
Well . . . there comes a time when every kid in town is
having their party at Pizza Pedro's or Burgers 'R Us. The
parties start running together like endless reruns of your once
favorite TV show; first they're exciting, then, after so many
repetitions, they become dry, boring . . . the same.
Your precious little cupcake deserves something more.
Something special. Something only you can provide . . .
M - E - M - O - R - I - E - S !
Yes, an at-home birthday party! Of course! Why didn't you
think of it before? You'll have balloons and streamers, clowns
and magicians, Pin the Tail on the Donkey, musical chairs . . .
It'll be great, just like when you were a kid!
But wait. Once you got into the "grades", weren't clowns
just a wee bit lame? I mean, how many balloon hats could one kid
wear? And how long and hard could one kid pretend to smile? But
the magicians . . . yeah, they were spectacular, weren't they?
Course they always did that same dumb disappearing card trick.
Everyone knew how he bent the card behind his hand . . .
Well, thank goodness for the games! Those were always great
fun! Except for musical chairs. Just call it dumb luck that you
were always the first one out. Then you had to stand around
trying not to feel bad while the others kept playing and laughing
until they, too, were eliminated. Some fun.
Ah, but Pin the Tail on the Donkey . . . there was a game!
You get to be blindfolded and spun around and around till you're
so dizzy you almost get sick. What a riot! Personally, I
could've done without all the teasing that came when I inevitably
pinned the tail in the Donkey's eye. Really . . . like they
could do better?
Yippie! Home parties. Maybe a restaurant isn't such a bad
idea . . .
No, don't give up yet. With a little planning and looking
at things from your child's point of view, it can be . . . dare I
say it? A . . . . . . . MASTERPIECE!
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: