Dec 222017
MAHJONGG tile set collection: contains all sets 470-479. Includes Christmas, numbers, food, Dr. Who.

Full Description of File

Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
sets 470-479. Includes Christmas, numbers,
foods, Dr. Who.

File MJTIL47X.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
MAHJONGG tile set collection: contains all sets 470-479. Includes Christmas, numbers, food, Dr. Who.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
APOLLYO.TIL 33600 2082 deflated
ARABIC.TIL 33600 1861 deflated
ARABIC.TXT 1300 640 deflated
CUISINE.TIL 33600 5919 deflated
CUISINE.TXT 2140 1155 deflated
DR-WHO.TIL 33600 5820 deflated
DR-WHO.TXT 2861 1312 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 107 101 deflated
IBMICONS.TIL 33600 1551 deflated
IBMICONS.TXT 729 422 deflated
MINE.TIL 33600 4950 deflated
NEWJONG.TIL 33600 2983 deflated
NEWJONG.TXT 1754 807 deflated
RAINBOW.TIL 33600 4296 deflated
RAINBOW.TXT 450 289 deflated
README.TXT 583 359 deflated
TREKII.TIL 33600 3033 deflated
YULETIDE.DOC 177 153 deflated
YULETIDE.TIL 33600 4413 deflated

Download File MJTIL47X.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
sets 470-479. Includes Christmas, numbers,
foods, Dr. Who.
March 1993

A few notes about the tile sets. These ten sets represent a
"beginning" work with the Tile Maker Utility contained in
Mahjongg. I have thoroughly enjoyed doing these and as you will
see, I delight in the absurd, the unusual and what I like to call
"optical delusions". It gives me great pleasure to sit down at my
keyboard and design these sets. I hope they will be enjoyed by
other fanatics of Mahjongg. Thank you Nels for making this
utility available and for considering these an addition to your
very fine shareware!

Martha A. Graham
Morro Bay, CA

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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