Dec 072017
MAHJONGG tile set collection: contains all sets 460-469. Includes Texas, Washington DC, cookies, trucks, snack food, tools.

Full Description of File

Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
sets 460-469. Includes Texas, Washington DC,
cookies, trucks, snack food, tools.

File MJTIL46X.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Games and Entertainment
MAHJONGG tile set collection: contains all sets 460-469. Includes Texas, Washington DC, cookies, trucks, snack food, tools.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
COOKIE.DOC 220 177 deflated
COOKIE.TIL 33600 4400 deflated
DCSITES.TIL 33600 6284 deflated
DCSITES.TXT 1920 842 deflated
DOMINO2.DOC 350 251 deflated
DOMINO2.TIL 33600 1109 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 128 112 deflated
HIGHWAY.DOC 248 193 deflated
HIGHWAY.TIL 33600 2632 deflated
JILL.TIL 33600 4992 deflated
JUNKFOOD.DOC 249 195 deflated
JUNKFOOD.TIL 33600 4015 deflated
MENSMAGS.DOC 256 199 deflated
MENSMAGS.TIL 33600 7030 deflated
MONDRIAN.TIL 34400 2437 deflated
RANCH.TIL 35200 11019 deflated
RANCH.TXT 4310 2199 deflated
TOOLSET.DOC 166 144 deflated
TOOLSET.TIL 33600 2440 deflated

Download File MJTIL46X.ZIP Here

Contents of the COOKIE.DOC file

Everybody enjoys cookies especially at Christmas time.

All the cookies are eatable but better to play with Nels
Anderson's MAH JONGG. Enjoy.

Don & Polly Hewitt
5835 E. Cherokee Rd. #55
Stockton, Ca 95215

 December 7, 2017  Add comments

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